Display data in view from database Laravel - laravel

So i have two tables:
id | time | meals_id | vege
1 | 12:00 | 1 | 0
id | value | meals_id
1 | cheese| 1
2 | beef | 1
where ingredients id is type of ingredients like meat.
I'd like to display data in my order view, but I have no idea how show value of ingredients.
This is my order model
public function ingredients(){
return $this->hasMany(ingredient::class);
ingredient model
public function order(){
return $this->hasMany(order::class);
and orderController
public function show(){
$orders = order::where('vege', 0)->get();
return view('home', ['orders' => $orders]);
Thanks for any advice.

in order model make a relation with ingredients
public function ingredients()
return $this->hasMany('App\Order', 'order_id' ,'id');
you must have a field in ingredients order_id
then you can get order with ingredients
$orders = Orders::with('ingredients')->where('vege',0)->get();
return view('home',compact('orders'));
in home view you can easily
foreach($orders as $order){
foreach($order->ingredients as $i){
echo $i->id;

public function show(){
$orders = order::where('vege', 0)->get();
return view("home",compact('orders'));
home view
foreach($orders as $order){
foreach($order->ingredients as $i){
echo {{ $i->id }};


Get Data through relation in laravel

I'm using this query to get data using relation
return Product::with('attributes')
->whereHas('attributes', function ($query) use ($attribute_id,$attribute_value){
$query->whereIn('attribute_id', $attribute_id);
$query->whereIn('value', $attribute_value);
$attribute_id and $attribute_value are arrays, i'm getting data using this relation but when $attribute_id and $attribute_value are empty then i'm not getting any result but it should return result through product table if there are no attributes.
I have changed it to something like this:
$query->whereIn('attribute_id', $attribute_id);
$query->whereIn('value', $attribute_value);
model relation :
public function attributes()
return $this->hasMany(ProductsAttribute::class, 'product_id ');
id | Title | Price
1 Title 1 5000
2 Product 2 7000
this is related to product_attribute table
id | product_id | attribute_id | attribute_name | value
1 1 5 Color Red
2 1 6 Size XL
3 2 5 Color Green
Is there any other way to make a check in query so that if attributes are not provided then atleast product data should return.
A cleaner way might be to use local scopes. That way, your controllers will look cleaner. It also makes the code easily testable. Here is how I might approach this.
NOTE: Code hasn't been tesed.
In your controller:
return Product::with([
'attributes' => function ($query) use ($attribute_id, $attribute_value) {
return $query->inAttributeId($attribute_id)
In your ProductsAttribute model:
public function scopeInAttributeId($query, $attributeId)
if (empty($attributeId)) {
return $query;
return $query->whereIn('attribute_id', $attributeId);
public function scopeInAttributeValue($query, $attributeValue)
if (empty($attributeValue)) {
return $query;
return $query->whereIn('value', $attributeValue);
As you can see, the scopes modify the query only if there are values in the passed in array. If the passed in array is empty, it returns the original query.

How to query a table based on criteria of another table in Laravel?

In my laravel project I have an inventory and a medicine table which the formats are as the following:
Inventory Table
id | medicine_id | expiry_date
1 | 1 | 13-11-2021
2 | 2 | 01-01-2020
3 | 2 | 23-05-2024
Medicine Table
id | name | category
1 | Hemophine | Syringe
2 | andrenalin | Tablet
3 | aspirin | Capsule
The models are set as below:
Inventory Model
class Inventory extends Model
public $incrementing = false;
public function medicine(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\Medicine', 'medicine_id');
Medicine Model
class Medicine extends Model
public $incrementing = false;
public function inventory(){
return $this->hasMany('App\Inventory', 'medicine_id');
For retrieving all the inventories with a specific category such as Syringe, I tried eager loading, but couldn't figure out the flaws. Here is what I did to get all the inventories with a Syringe category, but it didn't work.
public function index()
$medicines = Inventory::where('medicine_id'->category, "Syringe")->get();
foreach($medicines as $medicine){
echo $medicine->medicine->name ." ".$medicine->expiry_date;
echo "<br>";
Now, Is there anyway to get all the inventory items based on their categories they are in? in this case in "Syringe" category?
Your syntax is a bit wrong, in order to load the medicine for each inventory you need to use with and the where function is where('column', value)
So change it to this:
$medicines = Inventory::with([
'medicine' => function($query) {
$query->where('category', "Syringe");
or even better the other way around:
$medicines = Medicine::with('inventory')->where('category', 'Syringe')->get();

How to combine models and order by model two data in Laravel 5.4

I would like to be able to output leaders in a section by their position in a group. I'm thinking of combining these tables through a pivot table ordered by position from the groups table.
These are the three class I have relationships established
class Leader extends Model
public function groups()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Group');
class Group extends Model
public function leaders()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Leader');
class GroupLeader extends Model
// Maybe some function here?
I would like to be able to get the groups in the controller and pass them individually kinda like this.
$group1 = Leader::where('group', '=', 'group1_name')->orderBy('position', 'asc');
$group2 = Leader::where('group', '=', 'group2_name')->orderBy('position', 'asc');
return view('page.leadership')->with([
'group1' => $group1,
'group2' => $group2,
Then I would pass the variables to include files which would loop through them in order.
Here is my table structure
| id
| first_name
| last_name
| deceased
| id
| group
| title
| position
| id
| group_id
| leader_id
Try it
$groups = Leader::whereIn('group', ['group1_name', 'group2_name'])
->orderBy('position', 'asc')
->groupBy('group', 'id')
->get(['group', 'id']);

conditional relationship for "with()"

I have a table called transactions and another table called cars with the below structure:
| id | date | amount | status | user_added |
| --- | ---- | ------ | ------ | ---------- |
| id | plate | specs | buy_transaction | sell_transaction |
| --- | ----- | ----- | ---------------- | ----------------- |
A car has always a buy_transaction but not always a sell_transaction, situation is that I am trying to get all transactions (that might be car-related or not car-related) and include the CAR related to that transaction weather it is sold or bought, so I need to make the relationship conditional but i couldn't achieve that.
$journal = Transaction::with(
['user'=> function($query) {
$query->select('id', 'name');
])->where('date', '>=', $fromDate)->where('date', '<=', $toDate);
This is the modal class:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Transaction extends Model
public function income()
public function outcome()
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('App\User', 'user_added', 'id');
// *** problem starts here ***
public function car()
if (transaction status == 1) {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Car', 'id', 'sell_transaction');
else if (transaction status == 2) {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Car', 'id', 'buy_transaction');
I need to stick to that query structure because the query command is longer and I am joining and including other tables, I was hoping I could make the car() belongsTo relation conditional somehow.
I followed some similar situations like this but it didn't work for me.
Thank you.
The link you post has the answer
public function soldCar()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Car', 'id', 'sell_transaction');
public function boughtCar()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Car', 'id', 'buy_transaction');
public function scopeCar($query)
return $query->when($this->type === '1',function($q){
return $q->with('soldCar');
->when($this->type === '2',function($q){
return $q->with('boughtCar');
Edit: Also, this looks like a prime example for polymorfic relations as documented here https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/eloquent-relationships#polymorphic-relations

Advanced Filters in laravel

In my case I'm working on search training institutes based on institute name,location and course
I have 3 tables
institutes Table
id | institute_name | phone_number
1 | vepsun | 85214542462
2 | infocampus | 52466475544
Locations table
id | institute_id(fk) | location_name
1 | 1 | Banglore
2 | 1 | delhi
courses table
id | institute_id(fk) | course_name
1 | 1 | php
2 | 1 | delhi
I have created relations between 3 tables tables
Institute Model :
public function locations()
return $this->hasMany(Location::class);
public function courses()
return $this->hasMany(Course::class);
Course Model:
public function institute()
return $this->belongsTo(Institute::class);
Location model:
public function institute()
return $this->belongsTo(Institute::class);
So I have tried below code
public function filter(Request $request)
$institute = (new Institute)->newQuery();
// Search for a user based on their institute.
if ($request->has('institute_name')) {
$institute->where('institute_name', $request->input('institute_name'));
// Search for a user based on their course_name.
if ($request->has('course_name')) {
$institute->whereHas('courses', function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('courses.course_name', $request->input('course_name'));
// Search for a user based on their course_name.
if ($request->has('location_name')) {
$institute->whereHas('locations', function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('locations.location_name', $request->input('location_name'));
return response()->json($institute->get());
From above code i'm able to filter the data but it show only institution table data like below.
"id": 2,
"institute_name": "qspider",
"institute_contact_number": "9903456789",
"institute_email": "qspider#gmail.com",
"status": "1",
but what I need is when I do seach with course_name or instute_name I need to fetch data from institues table,courses and locations table. Can anyone help on this, please?
Eager load the relations in your if statements.
// Search for a user based on their course_name.
if ($request->has('course_name')) {
$institute->whereHas('courses', function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('courses.course_name', $request->input('course_name'));
->with('courses); // <<<<<< add this line
// Search for a user based on their course_name.
if ($request->has('location_name')) {
$institute->whereHas('locations', function ($query) use ($request) {
$query->where('locations.location_name', $request->input('location_name'));
->with('locations'); // <<<<<<< add this line
This will fetch related courses and locations as well.
