reduce a nested vector to another one in Clojure - algorithm

What is an idiomatic way of handling such stuff in Clojure?
I have:
(def data1
[1 [2 3]])
(def data2
[1 [[2 [3 [4]]]
[22 33]]])
I want to get:
[1 2 3]
[[1 2 3 4]
[1 22 33]]
respectively. The nested levels of inner vectors may be of different lengths.
I cannot wrap my head around the nature of such inputs and looking for help. Basically a function should map an input (which is a vector) to an output (vector, also) which, in essence, is a vector of all the "routes" from its head to the innermost elements. This is a vague explanation, will be grateful for a better one.

(defn transform [[f & r]]
(let [rr (apply concat r)]
(if (= (flatten rr) rr)
(vec (cons f rr))
(mapv #(if (vector? %)
(vec (cons f (flatten %)))
[f %])
; Test Cases
(transform [1 [2 3]]) => [1 2 3]
(transform [1 [[2 [3 [4]]] [22 33]]]) => [[1 2 3 4] [1 22 33]]
(transform [1 [[2 [3 [4]]] [22 33] 44]]) => [[1 2 3 4] [1 22 33] [1 44]
(transform [1]) => [1]
(transform [1 [2]]) => [1 2]

(defn transform [v]
(let [[x & [xs]] v]
(loop [r xs
res []]
(empty? r) res
(vector? (first r)) (recur (rest r)
(conj res
(conj [] x)
(flatten (first r)))))
:else (into (conj res x) r)))))
(def data1
[1 [2 3]])
(def data2
[1 [[2 [3 [4]]]
[22 33]]])
(def data3
[1 [[20 25 [30 [40 [50]]]]
[2 3 [4 5 [6 7 [8 9]]]]
[[60] 70 [80 [90 100 [110 120 130 [140 150]]]]]]])
; user=> (transform data1)
; [1 2 3]
; user=> (transform data2)
; [[1 2 3 4] [1 22 33]]
; user=> (transform data3)
; [[1 20 25 30 40 50] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9] [1 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150]]


LeetCode 1: How to translate the question two sum from ReasonML to Clojure? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I did the question "TwoSum" in ReasonML/Ocaml but I have no idea how to code that in Clojure with similar pseudo algorithm. Please comment how to translate this solution to Clojure
(def nums [2 7 11 15])
(def target 9)
(defn two-sum [n xs]
(let [ixs (map vector xs (range (count xs)))]))
module TwoSum: {
let twoSum: (int, Belt.List.t(int)) => list(list(int));
let run: unit => unit;
} = {
let logl = l => l |> Array.of_list |> Js.log;
let concatmap = (xs: list('a), f) => {
List.concat( => f(x), xs));
let twoSum = (n, xs) => {
let ixs =[0, ...range(1, List.length(xs))], xs);
concatmap(ixs, ((i, x)) =>
concatmap(drop(i, ixs), ((j, y)) => x + y == n ? [[i, j]] : [])
let run = () => {
Printf.printf("1. Two Sum :\n");
let res = twoSum(21, [0, 2, 11, 19, 90, 10]);
res |> logl;
You can use for to list all the possible index pairs and the :when option to filter pairs that fulfill the two-sum conditions. This will return a sequence of possible solutions. Then you pick the first solution.
(defn two-sum [numbers target]
(let [inds (range (count numbers))]
(first (for [i inds
j inds
:when (and (not= i j)
(= target (+ (nth numbers i)
(nth numbers j)))) ]
[i j]))))
(two-sum [2 7 11 15] 9)
;; => [0 1]
As a slight variation, I would use a helper function indexed to convert [:a :b :c] into:
[[0 :a]
[1 :b]
[2 :c]]
then we get:
(defn indexed
(mapv vector (range) vals))
(defn two-sum
[vals tgt]
(let [idx-vals (indexed vals)]
(for [[i x] idx-vals ; destructure each pair => local vars i & x
[j y] idx-vals
:when (and (< i j)
(= tgt (+ x y)))]
[i j]))))
and results
(two-sum [2 7 11 15] 666) => nil
(two-sum [2 7 11 15] 9) => [0 1]
(two-sum [0 1 2 7 11 15] 9) => [2 3]
i would go with more functional style:
starting from creating pairs function:
(defn pairs [data]
(->> data
(iterate rest)
(take-while seq)
(mapcat (fn [[x & xs]] (map (partial vector x) xs)))))
user> (pairs [:a :b :c :d])
;;=> ([:a :b] [:a :c] [:a :d] [:b :c] [:b :d] [:c :d])
then you can generate those pairs of index-to-item tuples:
user> (pairs (map-indexed vector [:a :b :c]))
;;=> ([[0 :a] [1 :b]]
;; [[0 :a] [2 :c]]
;; [[1 :b] [2 :c]])
so that you just need to keep the pairs you need:
(defn sum2 [target data]
(->> data
(map-indexed vector)
(keep (fn [[[i x] [j y]]]
(when (== target (+ x y))
[i j])))))
user> (sum2 9 [2 7 11 15])
;;=> ([0 1])
another option is to use list comprehensions for that:
(defn sum2 [target data]
(for [[[i x] & xs] (->> data
(map-indexed vector)
(iterate rest)
(take-while seq))
[j y] xs
:when (== target (+ x y))]
[i j]))
user> (sum2 9 [2 7 11 15])
;;=> ([0 1])

Debugging thread macro -> or ->> in Clojure

I want to understand how works the following code that is designed for the problem: "Given a sequence of integers, find a continuous subsequence which maximizes the sum of its elements"
defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
(->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) ; tails (1)
(mapcat #(reductions conj [] %)) ; inits (2)
(apply max-key #(reduce + %)))) ; max sum
so I'd like to see the output of forms (1), (2) and others. I can set breakpoints in Cursive but yet I don't know how to get these values.
I have tried to define a locale variables, for example
(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
(->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) ; tails
(let [d #(reductions conj [] %)]
d ) ; inits
(apply max-key #(reduce + %)))
(max-subseq-sum [-1, -2, 3, 5, 6, -2, -1, 4, -4, 2, -1])
But i still don't understand how to see d, for example
How to solve this problem?
A simple function that prints and returns its input can be inserted into the chain:
(defn debug [x]
(println x)
(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
(->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll))
(mapcat #(reductions conj [] %))
(apply max-key #(reduce + %))))
(max-subseq-sum [-1, -2, 3, 5, 6, -2, -1, 4, -4, 2, -1])
([-1 -2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1] (-2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-1 4 -4 2 -1) (4 -4 2 -1) (-4 2 -1) (2 -1) (-1))
=> [3 5 6 -2 -1 4]
Or, if you want better tracking and don't mind a bit of bulk, you can use a macro that includes the expression in the printout:
(defmacro debugM [expr]
`(let [x# ~expr] ; Save the result of the expression so it isn't evaluated twice
(println '~expr "\n\t" x#)
(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
(->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll))
(mapcat #(reductions conj [] %))
(apply max-key #(reduce + %))))
(max-subseq-sum [-1, -2, 3, 5, 6, -2, -1, 4, -4, 2, -1])
(take-while seq (iterate rest coll))
([-1 -2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1] (-2 3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (3 5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (5 6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (6 -2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-2 -1 4 -4 2 -1) (-1 4 -4 2 -1) (4 -4 2 -1) (-4 2 -1) (2 -1) (-1))
=> [3 5 6 -2 -1 4]
There is a nice library called debux
(use '[debux.core])
(defn max-subseq-sum [coll]
(dbg (->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) ; tails (1)
(mapcat #(reductions conj [] %)) ; inits (2)
(apply max-key #(reduce + %)))))
(max-subseq-sum [1 2 3])
dbg: (->> (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) (mapcat (fn* [p1__1991#] (re ... =>
| (take-while seq (iterate rest coll)) =>
| ([1 2 3] (2 3) (3))
| (mapcat (fn* [p1__1991#] (reductions conj [] p1__1991#))) =>
| ([] [1] [1 2] [1 2 3] [] [2] [2 3] [] [3])
| (apply max-key (fn* [p1__1992#] (reduce + p1__1992#))) =>
| [1 2 3]
I could do by injecting ((fn [x] (println x) x)).
(->> [1 2 3 4 5]
(filter even?)
((fn [x] (println x) x))
that shows
(2 4)

How do I use a treemap for a 2 dimensional keys?

I want to map a large number of tuples. My map looks something like:
{[1 2] :thing}
Except there may be a few million of them. I have a feeling that a tree-map might be a good thing to test so I'm trying to get it working. I can't seem to get the comparison function right though.
(defn compare
[[x y] [xx yy]]
(and (= x xx) (= y yy)) 0
(and (<= x xx) (<= y yy)) -1
(and (<= x xx) (> y yy)) -1
(and (> x xx) (<= y yy)) 1
(and (> x xx) (> y yy)) 1))
Some trivial inputs seem to work
user=> (compare [1 1] [1 1])
user=> (compare [1 1] [2 2])
user=> (compare [1 2] [2 1])
user=> (compare [2 1] [1 2])
But if I create inputs that cover all combinations, the map should consider them all different.
(def inputs
"All tuples of [0-4, 5-10]."
(range 0 4)
(range 5 10)))
(def input-pairs
"All possible pairs of tuples"
(clojure.math.combinatorics/cartesian-product inputs inputs))
If I test the comparison function, it returns zero only when the two vectors are structurally identical.
user=> (doseq [[a b] input-pairs]
#_=> (when (zero? (compare a b)) (prn a b)))
(0 5) (0 5)
(0 6) (0 6)
(0 7) (0 7)
(0 8) (0 8)
(0 9) (0 9)
(1 5) (1 5)
So I think my compare function is correct. Using it in the treemap, however, gives some strange results:
(def inputs-kvs
"Inputs in the format that the hash-map and sorted-map constructor understand"
(mapcat #(vector % (apply str %))
(range 0 4)
(range 5 10))))
Putting these in a hashmap gives the correct answer
(count (apply assoc (hash-map) inputs-kvs))
=> 20
But putting them in the treemap with the given comparison:
(def structure (sorted-map-by compare))
(count (apply assoc structure inputs-kvs))
=> 4
(apply assoc structure inputs-kvs)
=> {(0 5) "25", (1 6) "36", (2 7) "37", (3 5) "39"}
"25" has been stored in the (0 5) slot. But the compare function doesn't say that (0 5) and (2 5) are the same:
=> (compare [0 5] [2 5])
What am I doing wrong? Can I make this work? Is it even meaningful to project a 2-dimensional space onto a 1-dimensional one?
(To head off a question you may have, yes I've tried a 2-dimensional structure, e.g. (sorted-map 1 (sorted-map 2 :value)), but I'm trying to find alternatives with better performance)
Clojure already comes with it's own compare:
user=> (doc compare)
([x y])
Comparator. Returns a negative number, zero, or a positive number
when x is logically 'less than', 'equal to', or 'greater than'
y. Same as Java x.compareTo(y) except it also works for nil, and
compares numbers and collections in a type-independent manner. x
must implement Comparable
Which behaves the same as OPs own function, but most likely is more efficient:
user=> (compare [1 1] [1 1])
user=> (compare [1 1] [2 2])
user=> (compare [2 1] [1 2])
The behaviour is documented in the Section about Vectors (IPersistentVector) in the Data Structures docs:
Vectors are compared first by length, then each element is compared in order.
So you can just use sorted-map-by compare from core, or since that's the default anyway just sorted-map for your data structure:
user=> (def m (into {} (let [r #(- (rand-int 10) (rand-int 10))] (for [a (range -1 2) b (range -1 2)] [[(r) (r)] (str a b)]))))
user=> (>pprint m)
{[-7 -4] "10",
[-3 5] "01",
[-5 -7] "00",
[5 2] "11",
[-3 1] "-10",
[7 -4] "-11",
[0 -6] "0-1",
[3 1] "-1-1",
[-8 -1] "1-1"}
user=> (>pprint (into (sorted-map-by compare) m))
{[-8 -1] "1-1",
[-7 -4] "10",
[-5 -7] "00",
[-3 1] "-10",
[-3 5] "01",
[0 -6] "0-1",
[3 1] "-1-1",
[5 2] "11",
[7 -4] "-11"}
user=> (>pprint (into (sorted-map) m))
{[-8 -1] "1-1",
[-7 -4] "10",
[-5 -7] "00",
[-3 1] "-10",
[-3 5] "01",
[0 -6] "0-1",
[3 1] "-1-1",
[5 2] "11",
[7 -4] "-11"}
user=> (assert (= (into (sorted-map-by compare) m) (into (sorted-map) m)))
I just added (vec %) to keep the tuples vectors - should not change anything.
As you can see it works here.
Might it be you have a some older REPL stuff laying around - especially since you alias clojure.core/compare ?
; using your compare function
(def inp (mapcat #(vector (vec %) (apply str %))
(clojure.math.combinatorics/cartesian-product (range 0 4) (range 5 10))))
; => ([0 5] "05" [0 6] "06" [0 7] "07" [0 8] "08" ...
(count inp)
; => 40
(apply assoc structure inp)
; => {[0 9] "09", [0 8] "08", [0 7] "07", [0 6] "06", ....
(count (apply assoc structure inp))
; => 20

Update Submatrix in Larger Matrix in Clojure

How can I update a large matrix, represented as nested vectors, by inserting a smaller submatrix at a particular position.
(def submatrix [[1 1] [1 1]])
(def matrix [[0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0]])
(def pos [1 1])
(defn update-matrix
"Returns new matrix with the submatrix inserted at the [x y] pos as
the top left position of the submatrix."
[matrix submatrix pos]
; implementation??
Desired output: (formatted for readability)
[[0 0 0]
[0 1 1]
[0 1 1]]
My progress so far:
I can update a subvector in a vector:
(def v [0 1 2 3 4 5 6])
(def subv ["x" "y" "z"])
(def pos 2)
(concat (take pos v) subv (drop (+ pos (count subv)) v)
; [0 1 "x" "y" "z" 5 6]
But I don't know where to go from here, or what might be most idiomatic.
Getting it right
We can define the required function as
(defn update-submatrix [m sub-m [x y]]
(map (fn [l r] (replace-subvec l r y)) (subvec m x) sub-m)
... where (replace-subvec v s start) replaces the elements of vector v from index start with those of sequence s, as long as s lasts. For example,
(replace-subvec (vec (range 10)) (range 3) 5)
; [0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 8 9]
A clear but slow implementation is
(defn replace-subvec [v s start]
(vec (concat (subvec v 0 start) s (subvec v (+ start (count s))))))
... giving, for the example in the question,
(def submatrix [[1 1] [1 1]])
(def matrix [[0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0]])
(def pos [1 1])
(update-submatrix matrix submatrix pos)
; [[0 0 0] [0 1 1] [0 1 1]]
Speeding it up
The key to speeding up update-submatrix is to speed up replace-subvec.
We can do so in two ways:
run through the altered elements by incrementing through a loop, and
use a transient collection within the function.
This gives us
(defn replace-subvec [v s start]
(loop [v (transient v), s s, i start]
(if (empty? s)
(persistent! v)
(recur (assoc! v i (first s)) (rest s) (inc i)))))
The effect is identical.
You can reduce over a sequence of update coordinates, at each step copying one item from the submatrix into the appropriate place in the larger matrix:
user> (defn update-matrix [matrix submatrix [y x]]
(reduce (fn [m [row col]]
(assoc-in m [(+ row y) (+ col x)]
(get-in submatrix [row col])))
(for [y (range (count submatrix))
x (range (count (first submatrix)))]
[y x])))
user> (update-matrix [[0 0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0]] [[1 1] [1 1]] [1 1])
[[0 0 0] [0 1 1] [0 1 1]]
Here's my 15 min. shot at it:
(defn update-matrix
"Returns new matrix with the submatrix inserted at the [x y] pos as
the top left position of the submatrix."
[matrix submatrix pos]
(let [[x y] pos
height (count submatrix)
width (count (get submatrix 0))]
(loop [i 0 m matrix]
(if (< i height)
(let [item (vec (concat (vec (drop-last width (get matrix x))) (get submatrix i)))]
(recur (+ 1 i) (assoc m (+ i y) item)))
Let me know if that doesn't work.

How to diff/substract two lists in Clojure

1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 L1
1 3 3 4 5 L2
1 1 4 5 6 Res
The diff/subtract is defined as the "set" of elements from L1 minus (∖) L2
L2 is always a subset (⊆) of L1
The elements in L1 and L2 can have duplicates
The elements are primitives (int, string) and all of the same type
(clojure.set/difference) doesn't help here because of (3).
(defn diff [s1 s2]
(fn [[x n]] (repeat n x))
(apply merge-with - (map frequencies [s1 s2]))))
For example, given
(def L1 [1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6])
(def L2 [1 3 3 4 5 ])
(diff L1 L2)
;(1 1 4 5 6)
Here is one way to do it.
1.Find the frequencies for each list
2.Diff the frequencies
3.Repeat each element for the remaining value of frequency.
(defn myminus [s1 s2]
(let [g1 (frequencies s1)
g2 (frequencies s2)
m (merge-with - g1 g2)
r (mapcat #(repeat (second %) (first %)) m)]
If inputs are in order, as they appear to be, then you can do this lazily
(defn sdiff
[[x & rx :as xs] [y & ry :as ys]]
(empty? xs) nil
(empty? ys) xs
:else (case (compare x y)
-1 (cons x (sdiff rx ys))
0 (sdiff rx ry)
+1 (sdiff xs ry)))))
Given example:
(def L1 [1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6])
(def L2 [1 3 3 4 5])
(sdiff L1 L2) ;=> (1 1 4 5 6)
Lazy-sequence of numbers that are not Fibonacci numbers. (Notice we don't require constraint #2 -- the repeated 1's in the Fibonacci numbers do not cause a problem.)
(defn fibs [] (map first (iterate (fn [[c n]] [n (+ c n)]) [0 1])))
(take 20 (sdiff (range) (fibs)))
;=> (4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27)
Since L2 is always a subset of L1 you can group-by on both lists and just emit the key as many times as the difference is between the counts of each grouping.
(def L1 (list 1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6))
(def L2 (list 1 3 3 4 5 ))
(defn diff [l1 l2]
(let [a (group-by identity l1)
b (group-by identity l2)]
(mapcat #(repeat
(count (second %))
(count (get b (key %))))
(key %)) a)))
(diff L1 L2)
;;(1 1 4 5 6)
(defn diff-subtract
"The diff-subtract is defined as the sum of elements from L1 minus L2"
[list1 list2]
(let [l1 (into {} (map #(vector (first %) %) (partition-by identity (sort list1))))
l2 (into {} (map #(vector (first %) %) (partition-by identity (sort list2))))]
(-> (map
#(repeat (- (count (l1 %)) (count (l2 %))) %)
(range 1 (inc (apply max (map first l1)))))
(diff-subtract [1 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 6] [1 3 3 4 5]) => (1 1 4 5 6)
