Jenkins is going to shut down when server is down - windows

I have installed Jenkins as standalone in a server. But due to security policy of the company, server(wherever Jenkins is running) will be shutting down or restarting automatically after 24 hours. So Jenkins instance which is running in command line inside the server is also closing.
So Jenkins is becoming down
Creating a task scheduler to run Jenkins through command line is not helping since i'm running test automation scripts where the chrome browser is not opening if i schedule a task.
Jenkins is executing internally, Console is running for Web services. What it is executing on Web browser is not showing, as it didn't launch browser.


How can I force Selenium tests running on a jenkins slave-node to run in the foreground?

I have a CentOS server running a Jenkins server that has a connection to slave-node running windows server 2016. the Jenkins server has a job that is configured to run a series of Selenium tests on the slave-node.
for the launch method of the slave-node configuration i am using "Launch Agent by connecting it to the master" and I've setup the slave-node create the connection on startup.
the tests can run successfully but when I remote into the windows-slave node via RDP and start the build from the Jenkins server I am unable to see a browser launch and show see the Selenium test interact with the webpage unless I re-lauch the slave-agent within the Remote Desktop connection.
I have tried to running the Jenkins slave-agent as a windows service and also tried starting it with a batch script running at startup but I get the same result.
java -jar agent.jar -jnlpUrl http://{Jenkins Server URL}/computer/{Jenkins Node}/slave-agent.jnlp
is there any way to have the slave-agent run at start-up but also have Desktop interaction when the when I start the Selenium test from a Jenkins build?
Did you try launching the agents using JNLP through windows task scheduler? For trigger you can select multiple options including launch the agent when some one logs into through the RDP session.

Starting jenkins Slave agent using Jnlp using Task Scheduler always starts as headless

I am trying to find solution for the jenkins nodes to automatically connect to master in non headleass mode.
Here is what I have done so far
I have written batch script which calls the powershell script. Powershell script has series of commands to start the jenkins slave agent using jnlp.
This batch script is configured in Task Scheduler to run at the startup. The jenkins slave node is connected to master as soon as node starts up.
But execution of GUI test is not visible in the node when the test starts.
When I manually run this batch script from command line, it works fine i.e non headless mode and I can see the execution of GUI test.
I've read few articles about this kind of setup and none worked.
I also wrote a small piece of powershell script to allow a Windows Service to Interact with Desktop. This script runs after the batch script to start jenkins slave agent.
Task scheduler job is configured to Run as Administrator and I login as administrator to see the execution.
Since this batch script is running via Task scheduler I am guessing its running in a different session.
How do I solve it.
Try to put your script into shell:startup.
On a Windows 10 machine with the Jenkins slave under the user you need, press Windows+R (Run...) and type shell:startup and put your script into opened folder. It will run once the user logged in.
This is how you'll see console and any windows it spawns.

How to force Jenkins to launch webpage/ cmd prompt in client (user's) machine?

The job that I was trying to create in Jenkins would require launching a webpage on the user’s browser once the build is successful (Jenkins is installed on a remote server). For doing this I put the following line in the " Build - Execute Windows batch command" section of the job’s Configure page:
While the build was successful, it did not launch the page. I have a hunch, this line will try to launch the webpage in the remote Jenkins server (it did not launch anything in the slave node though). My question is, how do I force the Jenkins job to launch the webpage in the user’s default browser?
I tried launching client's cmd.exe - this did not work either.
Jenkins master, slave, user's client - everything is on Windows. Jenkins version 1.46.
By "launch in client's machine" you mean the user that is accessing the web interface of Jenkins? No, this won't happen. It can be quite a security risk too.
You can do what you are asking either on the master or the slave. Jenkins does not directly execute anything that is not on master/slave. It is possible to spawn a slave on user's machine, and when the job is run, it will execute the command on the slave.
Or if the user provides his/her computer IP address as a parameter to the job, you could use PsExec to connect to user's computer to execute a command.

Is there a way to open an interactive Command Prompt from a service?

When I try to execute "vstest.console.exe" file in Jenkins CI (service mode), it responses
Error: Could not start test run for unit tests for Windows Store app:
Unit tests for Windows Store apps cannot be run from a service or non
interactive process. Please run unit tests from an interactive
However it will be able to run successful if I execute the same command from a Command prompt.
So I want to ask if there is a way to open Command Prompt from a service such as Jenkins CI.
I have tried with "start ExecuteVSTest.bat /I /K /REALTIME" but the result is still the same.
I couldn't find a way to open Command Prompt from a service. However I am able to resolve the problem between Jenkins CI and "vstest.console.exe".
We just need to deploy Jenkins from the WAR file via Tomcat server instead of installing Jenkins service native package.
Since the Tomcat is running in the console mode so Jenkins CI won't have the same trouble when executing "vstest.console.exe" as when it run in service mode.

Jenkins : Selenium GUI tests are not visible on Windows

When I run my selenium test (mvn test) from jenkins (windows) I see only the console output. I don't see the real browsers getting opened . How can I configure jenkins so that I can see the browsers running the test?
I had the same problem, i got the solution after many attempts.
This solution works ONLY on windows XP
If you are using jenkins as a windows service you need to do the following :
1) In windows service select the service of jenkins
2) Open properties window of the service -> Logon-> enable the checkbox "Allow service to interact with desktop"
After then you should reboot the service jenkins
Hope this help you :)
Actually, I'm working on a an automation tool using Selenium on Windows 10, I've installed Jenkins ver. 2.207 as windows application (EXE file), it's running as windows service and ALL drivers (Chrome, FireFox, IE) are visible during test executions WITHOUT performing a mere configuration on the System or Jenkins
I got the solution. I ran jenkins from command prompt as "java -jar jenkins.war" instead of the windows installer version. Now I can see my browser based tests being executed.
If you are already doing what #Sachin suggests in a comment (i.e. looking at the machine where Jenkins actually runs) and still do not see the browsers, then your problem may be the following:
If you run Jenkins as a service in the background it won't open apps in the foreground. You may either try to run it not as a service in the foreground, or run it as a Local System account and check Allow the service to interact with desktop option. In the latter case you may get into permission problems, though.
Update: To make sure this answer is understood properly by others: Jenkins Windows 'native' installation is not really native. It's a wrapper around Java that runs it as a service.
To interact with desktop GUI, you should launch slave agent via JNLP:
After adding the node in Jenkins (configured as Java Web Start launch), just make a startup batch script on the node machine:
java -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/computer/{Your Jenkins Node}/slave-agent.jnlp
(slave.jar can be downloaded from http://{Your Jenkins Server}:8080/jnlpJars/slave.jar)
See more answers here:
How to run GUI tests on a jenkins windows slave without remote desktop connection?
In the case of Windows 7 you should not install jenkins as windows application (because in this recent version, Microsoft decided to give services their own hidden desktop even you enable the functionality "interact with desktop" in jenkins service), you may have to deploy it from a war file as follows:
1) Download jenkins.war from Jenkins official site
2) Deploy it by the command prompt : java -jar {directoryOfJenkinsFile}/jenkins.war
3) Now you can access jenkins administration on http:// localhost:8080
Hope that helps you !
this is an issue for Jenkins. on Windows it is possible to access logon user's session (screen) under system account. to make the UI testing visible, Jenkins needs to bypass UAC (user access
control) at background. this solution works for me with my own service running as system account.
I also faced the same issue earlier in my local machine (Windows 10).
My test was running perfectly from the NetBeans but when I moved to Jenkins it was only running in console mode. I was unable to view the UI.
So for that, you just need to make your local machine as a Jenkins slave by creating a new slave node in your Jenkins and select that node to execute the Jenkins job.
If jenkins installed by windows installer it is showing only Console out put only. To see browsers download jenkins.war file and run java -jar jenkins.war from command line.
Go through this site:
If you have the following situation,
You are able to login to the remote machine
You don't see the Jenkins agent window
This slave machine is accessed by many users then try the following,
then try the following suggestion.
Login to slave machine
Go to Task manager
Logout all the users
Then login again.
This worked for me.
