Laravel 5.8 scss compiling Expected ":". error - laravel

I am developing a Laravel project running on localhost with php artisan serve, when I run npm run watch command to compile sass code I get the error Expected ":". at the beginning of the app.scss
The error is:
$import url('');
Expected ":".
2 │ $import url('');
│ ^
stdin 3:9 root stylesheet
in C:\Users\user\Documents\myApp\resources\sass\app.scss (line 3, column 9)
the app.scss first 6 lines are:
// Fonts
$import url('');
$import url('');
// Variables
$import 'variables';
I don't see where are missing the ":". I never used ":" in the #import directive
What am I missing? why am I getting this error? How to solve it?
Laravel 5.8.35
Windows 10 pro 17763.737
PHP Version 7.1.29
Composer version 1.8.5

It should be an # in front of the import:
#import url('');
Variables have an $ in front of them and need : after them to give them a value. The compiler thinks you are creating an $import variable in your case, that's why it expects a :.


sass error on "#use '#material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting'" in "node_modues/#material/theme/_theme.scss";

I have never actively used sass, but Google's Material Design is written so that I need sass. But I stumbled upon this error and can't find out what is wrong.
Error: Can't find stylesheet to import.
26 │ #use '#material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
node_modules\#material\theme\_theme.scss 26:1 #forward
node_modules\#material\theme\_index.scss 17:1 #use
Line 26 in _theme.scss looks like this:
#use '#material/feature-targeting/feature-targeting';
This target file is from npm install #material/feature-targeting. Is there something wrong with the file _theme.scss from Google or did I do something wrong? (There is a file node_modules/#material/feature-target/_feature-target.scss. Is perhaps the underscore missing in line 26 in _theme.scss?)
The file I give to sass is this one:
#use "../node_modules/#material/theme" with (
$primary: #fcb8ab,
$secondary: #feeae6,
$on-primary: #442b2d,
$on-secondary: #442b2d,
#use "#material/button/mdc-button";

"SassError: Invalid function name" when using underscore in function's name

I'm trying to use sass-bem-utils with Vuetify. Got an error
SassError: Invalid function name.
563 │ #function _modifies-element($modified-elements...)
../node_modules/sass-bem-utils/dist/_sass-bem-utils.scss 563:1 #import
As I can see this is because Vuetify uses sass instead of node sass. Compiling styles using mixins from sass-bem-utils with node-sass works as it should.
Also I've noticed that removing underscore from function name fixes the problem.
So the question is why dart-sass throws an error when using underscore in function's name and node-sass does not?

Parcel + SASS: Import from node_modules without tilde operator? Or is it something else?

I am using Parcel with SASS, and I am trying to use the material-components-web
(MDC Web).
In the guide of MDC Web they say you should import the modules that come with this package like this inside your stylesheets:
#import "#material/textfield/mdc-text-field";
But when I try this and I run parcel, I get this error message:
Can't find stylesheet to import.
2 │ #import "#material/textfield/mdc-text-field";
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
main.scss 2:9 root stylesheet
Error: Can't find stylesheet to import.
so when I change the line to the following, with the tilde operator
#import "~#material/textfield/mdc-text-field";
it finds the stylesheet to import, but the referenced stylesheet mdc-text-field, that is inside the nodes_modules, tries to load other stylesheets without the tilde operator, so I get an other error like this:
Can't find stylesheet to import.
23 │ #import "#material/animation/variables";
│ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
node_modules\#material\textfield\mdc-text-field.scss 23:9 #import
main.scss 2:9 root stylesheet
Error: Can't find stylesheet to import.
So how can I fix this problem?
Create a .sassrc.js file and add the following lines.
const path = require('path')
const CWD = process.cwd()
module.exports = {
"includePaths": [
path.resolve(CWD, 'node_modules')
You can refer this
I hope this answer helps.

Why I cannot assign my sass variables in my file system?

I am practicing sass in my code editor. When I tried to compile my sass file and built a watcher. I receive:
Jiatongs-MacBook-Pro:6_myLandingPage_starter jiatongli$ sass --watch sass:css
Error: Undefined variable.
background-color: $white
sass/modules/_navbar.sass 3:21 #import
sass/modules/_modules-dir.sass 1:9 #import
sass/app.sass 3:9 root stylesheet
Because I cannoStackOverflow files here on stackoverflow, I link my github repository which is:
It seems like the sass watcher cannot capture my file import and I do
not know where went wrong
Here is the command I used: sass --watch SASS:CSS(the command should not have any error)
After I checked the file, I discovered that there is nothing wrong with my app.sass import nor the typo. Just want to ask where I went wrong?
Try this:
<···· Move variables to top
#import "base/base-dir" |
#import "layout/layout-dir" |
#import "modules/modules-dir" |
#import "variables" ············
#import "mixins.sass"

Incompatible units: 'rem' and 'px' - Bootstrap 4 and Laravel Mix

I just installed a fresh Laravel 5.4, and bootstrap 4 alpha 6. Laravel mix wont compile SASS:
Here is one error:
Module build failed: ModuleBuildError: Module build failed:
$input-height: (($font-size-base * $input-line-height) + ($input-padding-y * 2)) !default;
Incompatible units: 'rem' and 'px'.
in /Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss (line 444, column 34)
at runLoaders (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:192:19)
at /Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:364:11
at /Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:230:18
at context.callback (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:111:13)
at Object.asyncSassJobQueue.push [as callback] (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js:57:13)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:2262:31)
at apply (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:20:25)
at Object.<anonymous> (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:56:12)
at Object.callback (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/sass-loader/node_modules/async/dist/async.js:944:16)
at options.error (/Volumes/HDD/nicolae/Dev/htdocs/test/node_modules/node-sass/lib/index.js:294:32)
# multi ./resources/assets/js/app.js ./resources/assets/sass/app.scss
Someone passed this? And how?
remove the bootstrap entry from package.json and replace it with
"bootstrap": "4.0.0-alpha.6", in resources/assets/sass/app.scss,
comment out the import of variables. change the path of bootstrap to
#import "node_modules/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss";
in resources/assets/js/bootstrap.js, look for require('bootsrap-sass');
and change it to require('bootstrap');
It happened to me too, it's like you said, the override of some variables is the cause of this error.
To fix this just comment this line in resources/assets/sass/_variables:
$font-size-base: 14px;
In the variables if you need are using other variables that laravel provides.
Just change the
$font-size-base: 14px;
$font-size-base: 0.875rem;
and run
npm run dev
I just fixed this on my side, what worked for me was moving the #import "bootstrap.scss.." and other variables to the top of the app.scss file, it seems it was overwritten and that is what caused the issue.
