How to get variable from spring application.yaml in kotlin - spring-boot

I have in my application.yaml
How do i access this please, I was hoping for a simple one liner.
#Values doesn't seem to work, it only works in my restcontroller. I've created a configurationproperties and a EnableConfigurationProperties, but no one will tell me how to actually get a value from the properties.
class databaseHandler() {
private val url: String? = null
fun dave(){
} ==Null
class appConfig(){
lateinit var url: String
class dave(){
fun dave(){
} ==Lateinit url hasn't been initalized

Figured out the issue, You need to initialise your sub-class as well and also declare it as a spring component e.g.
class DatabaseHelper {
val url= ""
class GitHubController{
lateinit var databaseHelper : DatabaseHelper
fun hello() = "hello $databaseHelper.url"

Assuming application.yml has the following properties:
Add#EnableConfigurationProperties to your binding class i.e.
class appConfig() {
lateinit var url: String
#EnableConfigurationProperties this annotation is used to enable #ConfigurationProperties annotated beans in the Spring application
Please refer:


Is there a way to overide automatically injected beans in Spring boot when writing tests?

I have a class annotated with a spring bean #Repository("clientDatasource") called ClientServiceDatasource which implements an interface called Datasource. I also have a mock implementation of this interface also annotated with a spring bean #Repository("mockDatasource") called MockClientServiceDatasource. I also have a class annotated with the spring bean #Service called ClientService and in in its constructor, I pass in a datasource. I do it like so:
class ClientService (#Qualifier("clientDatasource") private val dataSource: Datasource){}
As you can see that the service will default to the clientDatasource, because of the #Qualifier when the application is running.
However when I run my tests I annotate my test class with #SpringTest . In my understanding this means that it boots up the entire application as if it were normal. So I want to somehow overide that #Qualifier bean thats being used in the client service in my test so that the Client Service would then use the mockedDatasource class.
I'm fairly new to kotlin and spring. So I looked around and found ways to write a testConfig class to configure beans like so :
class TestConfig {
fun mockDatasource(): Datasource {
return MockClientServiceDatasource()
and then using it in the test like so:
class ClientServiceTest {
I also asked chatGPT and it gave me this:
class ClientServiceTest {
lateinit var context: ApplicationContext
fun testWithMockedDatasource() {
// Override the clientDatasource bean definition with the mockDatasource bean
val mockDatasource = context.getBean("mockDatasource",
val mockClientDatasourceDefinition = BeanDefinitionBuilder.genericBeanDefinition(
context.registerBeanDefinition("clientDatasource", mockClientDatasourceDefinition)
// Now the ClientService should use the mockDatasource when it's constructed
val clientService = context.getBean(
// ... do assertions and other test logic here ...
But some of the methods don't work, I guess chatGPT knowledge is outdated.
I also looked through spring docs, but couldn't find anything useful.
Okay, So I took a look at the code previously with the TestConfig class. And I realised by adding the:
annotation to the method inside my TestConfig class, it basically forces that to be the primary repository bean. Like so:
class TestConfiguration {
fun mockDatasource(): Datasource {
return MockClientDataSource()
and in the test I only imported the test and it just worked. I didn't have to autowire anything
This is my test class:
internal class ServiceControllerTest{
lateinit var mockMvc: MockMvc
fun `should return all clients` () {
// when/then
.andDo { print() }
.andExpect {
status { isOk() }
content { contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) }
jsonPath("$[0].first_name") {value("John")}

kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property has not been initialized

This is my main function
object Service {
fun getConfigMappings(client: RedissonClient, request: GetRequest): IndataType {
return obj
I calling it in my main class, and everything works good, I can get the response.
lateinit var client: RedissonClient
val indataObj = Service.getConfigMappings(client, request)
When I want to write a test for it, I got error "kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property client has not been initialized", can anyone help me with that?
class ServiceTest {
lateinit var client: RedissonClient
fun `test1`() {
val request = GetRequest {
val indataObj = Service.getConfigMappings(client, request)
kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property has not been initialized is occured because there is no configuration for AutoWired.
If you want to use AutoWired in the unit test, it needs annotation for configuration.
public class BeanSpringTest {
if you want to use #Autowired, there must have a #Bean somewhere

Kotlin with Spring DI: lateinit property has not been initialized

I don't get Spring-based setter dependency injection in Kotlin to work as it always terminates with the error message "lateinit property api has not been initialized". I could reduce the problem to the following scenario: There is an interface
interface IApi {
fun retrieveContent(): String
which is implemented by
class Api : IApi {
override fun retrieveContent() = "Some Content"
I want to use the implementation in another class where the dependency injection is supposed to take place:
class SomeController {
#Autowired lateinit var api: IApi
fun printReceivedContent() {
However, the application terminates with the above-mentioned error message. My Spring config looks as follows:
open class DIConfig {
open fun getApiInstance(): IApi = Api()
In the main function I load the application context and call the method:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val context = AnnotationConfigApplicationContext()
val controller = SomeController()
What is the problem here?
Spring isn't involved if you just call the constructor yourself like that. Same as in Java,
val controller = context.getBean(
Spring Framework 5.0 adds Kotlin extensions, so you could also write either one of
val controller = context.getBean<SomeController>()
val controller: SomeController = context.getBean()
your api is currently no a bean managed by spring, try annotating it with #Service or #Component
The #Autowired is usually added to the setter of a property. So instead of using it for the property, you should explicitly annotate the setter:
#set:Autowired lateinit var api: IApi

Kotlin spring-boot #ConfigurationProperties

I'm trying to create the following bean AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientProvider. I've that defines endpoint and tablePrefix which I'm trying to inject using #ConfigurationProperties
Following is the code snippet for the same. When I run my spring-boot app it doesn't work.
I've tried doing the same ConfigurationProperties class using a regular java class which does set those properties but when it comes to AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientProvider, the properties are empty. What am I missing here?
open class AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientProvider #Autowired constructor(val dynamoDBConfiguration: DynamoDBConfig){
#Bean open fun getAmazonDBAsync() = AmazonDynamoDBAsyncClientBuilder.standard()
AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(dynamoDBConfiguration.endpoint, dynamoDBConfiguration.prefix))
here is the kotlin bean that I'm trying to autowire with configuration
#ConfigurationProperties(value = "dynamo")
open class DynamoDBConfig(var endpoint: String="", var prefix: String="")
finally heres the regular java bean that does get populated with ConfigurationProperties but when it gets Autowired I see those properties being empty/null
public class DynamoDBConfiguration {
private String endpoint;
private String tablePrefix;
public String getEndpoint() {
return endpoint;
public void setEndpoint(String endpoint) {
this.endpoint = endpoint;
public String getTablePrefix() {
return tablePrefix;
public void setTablePrefix(String tablePrefix) {
this.tablePrefix = tablePrefix;
Have you tried getting rid of the #Component annotation on your ConfigurationProperties class?
Here is what I have done with Kotlin and Spring, hope it helps.
I am trying to leverage the kotlin-spring and kotlin-allopen gradle plugin
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-noarg:$kotlinVersion"
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-allopen:$kotlinVersion"
apply plugin: 'kotlin-spring'
apply plugin: 'kotlin-noarg'
noArg {
They do make spring development with kotlin a lot easier.
data class DynamoDBConfiguration(var endpoint: String, var prefix: String)
I tried your configuration class and it gets populated. I think your mistake is in the way you are trying to create the bean, the function needs to be in a class annotated with #Configuration, this should work:
class Beans {
fun getAmazonDBAsync(config: DynamoDBConfiguration) =
AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration(config.endpoint, config.prefix)
Spring will inject the config for you, as long as you annotate the config with #Component, like you did above.
I had a similar problem and fixed it this way:
I defined the configuration properties class with lateinit vars:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app")
open class ApplicationConfigProperties {
lateinit var publicUrl: String
Then configured a bean in my spring boot application:
open class Application {
#Bean open fun appConfigProperties() = ApplicationConfigProperties()

How to use spring annotations like #Autowired in kotlin?

Is it possible to do something like following in Kotlin?
internal var mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate
internal var solrClient: SolrClient
Recommended approach to do Dependency Injection in Spring is constructor injection:
class YourBean(
private val mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate,
private val solrClient: SolrClient
) {
// code
Prior to Spring 4.3 constructor should be explicitly annotated with Autowired:
class YourBean #Autowired constructor(
private val mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate,
private val solrClient: SolrClient
) {
// code
In rare cases, you might like to use field injection, and you can do it with the help of lateinit:
class YourBean {
private lateinit var mongoTemplate: MongoTemplate
private lateinit var solrClient: SolrClient
Constructor injection checks all dependencies at bean creation time and all injected fields is val, at other hand lateinit injected fields can be only var, and have little runtime overhead. And to test class with constructor, you don't need reflection.
Documentation on lateinit
Documentation on constructors
Developing Spring Boot applications with Kotlin
Yes, java annotations are supported in Kotlin mostly as in Java.
One gotcha is annotations on the primary constructor requires the explicit 'constructor' keyword:
If you need to annotate the primary constructor of a class, you need to add the constructor keyword to the constructor declaration, and add the annotations before it:
class Foo #Inject constructor(dependency: MyDependency) {
// ...
You can also autowire dependencies through the constructor. Remember to annotate your dependencies with #Configuration, #Component, #Service etc
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
class Foo (private val dependency: MyDependency) {
like that
#Component class Girl( #Autowired var outfit: Outfit)
If you want property injection but don't like lateinit var, here is my solution using property delegate:
private lateinit var ctx: ApplicationContext
private class CtxVarConfigurer : ApplicationContextAware {
override fun setApplicationContext(context: ApplicationContext) {
ctx = context
inline fun <reified T : Any> autowired(name: String? = null) = Autowired(, name)
class Autowired<T : Any>(private val javaType: Class<T>, private val name: String?) {
private val value by lazy {
if (name == null) {
} else {
ctx.getBean(name, javaType)
operator fun getValue(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<*>): T = value
Then you can use the much better by delegate syntax:
class MyService {
private val serviceToBeInjected: ServiceA by autowired()
private val ambiguousBean: AmbiguousService by autowired("qualifier")
