Effective addressing in Real Mode - accessing array - x86-16

I am working in real mode of x86 and say I need to access a element from the array people; the index of which is in the register BX.
struc person
.name resb 11
.age resb 1
people: times 10 db person_size
The effective addressing in real mode is limited to base + offset. So code like
mov [people + bx * person_size + person.age],byte 20
does not work; however the assembler can do the calculation if no BX register is used -
mov [people + 2 * person_size + person.age],byte 20
I can do multiplication or shift lefts a few times and make it work, but is there a way to do access any element in an array, without assuming that the size of the structure will remain the same in future?
Is there any other way than multiplying like below (cannot do shifts if the structure size changes, code will also change)?
push ax
mov ax, person_size
mul bx
mov bx, ax
pop ax
add bx, person.age
mov [people + bx], byte 20

The effective addressing in real mode is limited to base + offset.
Only on 8086 but not on x86-16 in general.
It's true that in Real Mode you can use Scaled Index addressing like in Fifoernik's answer, but in your program it won't help much since the Scale values are limited to either {1, 2, 4, or 8} and your structure has 12 bytes.
You must do the multiplication yourself especially since you want to leave it open what the size of the structure will be in future.
push ax
mov ax, person_size
mul bx
mov bx, ax
pop ax
add bx, person.age
mov [people + bx], byte 20
What the Real Mode on x86-16 does offer is an extra imul variant that simplifies your calculation:
imul bx, person_size
mov [people + bx + person.age], byte 20
There was no need to add person.age in a separate instruction. The assembler will add people and person.age to become a 16-bit offset.
Your version with the mul bx instruction also modified the DX register. you didn't preserve that one like you did with AX!
For a true 8086 your code was (almost) fine:
push ax
push dx
mov ax, person_size
mul bx
mov bx, ax
pop dx
pop ax
mov [people + bx + person.age], byte 20
One optimization would pad the 12-byte structure to 16 bytes.
struc person
.name resb 11
.age resb 1
.pad resb 4
This replaces multiplication by simple shifting to the left in order to access the elements:
For x86-16 (array index in ebx):
shl ebx, 1
mov [people + ebx * 8 + person.age], byte 20
or for 8086 (array index in bx):
push cx
mov cl, 4
shl bx, cl
pop cx
mov [people + bx + person.age], byte 20
Another solution uses a lookup table to avoid multiplication and padding.
LUT dw 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108 ; 10 elements
shl bx, 1 ; Lookup table holds words
mov bx, [LUT + bx] ; Fetch array element's offset
mov [people + bx + person.age], byte 20


Assembly safes and keys- why it won't work?

So we have like this safes challenge in assembly, you need to create safes and keys that will break them and end the infinite loop.
Here's an example for a safe:
mov ax, [1900]
cmp ax,1234
jne loopy
and a key:
mov ax, 1234
mov [1900],ax
jmp loopy2
So I have a safe and a key, and I don't understand why it doesn't work:
here's my safe:
org 100h
mov dx,5
mov ax, [5768h]
mov bx,7
mov word [180h],2
mul word [180h]
mov [180h],bx
push ax
dec bx
mov cx,dx
mov ax,dx
add bx,ax
loop loopy1
dec bx
pop ax
add ax,bx
mul word [180h]
cmp ax,350
jne mySafe
And here's my key:
org 100h
mov word [5768h],10
jmp loopy
The right answer to break the loop should be 10 and it works when I put in on the safe, somehow with the key it doesn't work and I can't figure out why..
(the "word" is needed for nasm)
The value in dx used as the counter for the loop instruction comes from the first mul instruction.
This multiplication is just doubling the key, so dx is either 0 or 1 (an easy way to see this is to think of the multiplication as a left shift by one or by remembering that the sum of two n-bit numbers has at most n+1 bits)
If dx is zero, the whole loopy1 block does nothing (as dx also sets ax) and the value in ax at the end of the safe is 7*(5 +2k) where k is the key (see the commented code below).
It is then easy to see that 350 = 7*(5+2k) => 2k = 45 has no solution. Therefore no key for which dx is zero can unlock the safe.
A key has dx 0 iif its value is less than 32768 (again, this is easy to see when thinking of the multiplication as a left shift by one).
Corollary: 10 cannot be a solution.
mov dx,5
mov ax, [k] ;ax = k (key)
mov bx,7
mov word [aux],2
mul word [aux] ;dx = 0 ax = 2k
mov [aux],bx ;aux = 7
push ax ;ax = 2k
dec bx ;bx = 6
dec bx ;bx = 5
pop ax ;ax = 2k
add ax,bx ;ax = 5 + 2k
mul word [aux] ;ax = 7*(5 +2k)
cmp ax,350
If there is a key that unlocks the safe then it must be greater or equal to 32768 so that dx is 1 after the first multiplication.
With this condition, the value in ax at the end of the safe can be written as 7*(6 + (2k & 0xffff)) => k & 0x7fff = 22.
Adding the condition stated at the very beginning of this section, the final value for k is 32768 + 22 = 32790 or 0x8016 in hex.
I've leaped quite a few logical steps in manipulating the equation and forming the result but, again, thinking of 2k as a shift may help visualize them.
Corollary: Due to the algebraic structure involved, this is the only solution.
mov dx,5
mov ax, [k] ;ax = k
mov bx,7
mov word [aux],2
mul word [aux] ;dx:ax = 2k
mov [aux],bx ;[aux] = 7
push ax ;dx = 1 ax = 2k & 0xffff
dec bx ;bx = 6
mov cx,dx ;cx = 1
mov ax,dx ;ax = 1
add bx,ax ;bx = 6 + 1
dec cx
jnz loopy1
dec bx ;bx = 6
pop ax ;ax = 2k & 0xffff
add ax,bx ;ax = 6 + (2k & 0xffff)
mul word [aux] ;ax = 7*(6 + (2k & 0xffff))
cmp ax,350
Considering that you have a mov dx, 5 before the first multiplication, did you (or the author of the safe) forget that mul affects dx?
If you wrap the first mul in push dx / pop dx (or just move mov dx, 5 after it), you would get, at the end of the safe, a value in ax equals to 7*(30 +2k) which implies k = 10 indeed.

Why is correct sum of memory integers in register ax but not register eax?

Given this program -- a student's program whom I am helping --
global _start
section .text
mov ebx, people
mov eax, [ebx + 2]
add eax, [ebx + 4]
add eax, [ebx + 6]
add eax, [ebx + 8]
mov ebx, [constant]
div bx
section .data
average dw 0
constant dw 5
people dw 0, 10, 25, 55, 125
While porting this from Visual Studio to a Linux machine to figure out what the problem was, I ran into some questions:
1) Why does gdm display the sum 255 when print $ax issued, but a large number appears when print $eax command issued? Is that because we have added word values instead of longword values?
I did try to add into ax, rather than eax, and got the same results. I got a relocation complaint when I tried to move the initial value into ax. That's why I used eax.
2) Why is the quotient 43 when div bx used, but if div ebx used, I get the wrong answer?
As an aside, I believe I found the original problem, which was an integer overflow. Line 10 -- mov ebx, [constant] -- was originally mov ebx,constant, which did not result in moving 5 into bx.
A few problems
All the data is defined as word but the code treats it as dword.
Prior to the division you need to extent the dividend via DX or EDX.
Although the first value in the array is zero, it's probably better to also include it in the code. If ever the data changes, at least the code will remain valid!
Keep the data 16-bit and program accordingly
mov edx, people
mov ax, [edx]
add ax, [edx + 2]
add ax, [edx + 4]
add ax, [edx + 6]
add ax, [edx + 8]
xor dx, dx
div word ptr [constant] ;Divide DX:AX by 5
constant dw 5
people dw 0, 10, 25, 55, 125
Make the data 32-bit and program accordingly
mov edx, people
mov eax, [edx]
add eax, [edx + 4]
add eax, [edx + 8]
add eax, [edx + 12]
add eax, [edx + 16]
xor edx, edx
div dword ptr [constant] ;Divide EDX:EAX by 5
constant dd 5
people dd 0, 10, 25, 55, 125
See how I've avoided the use of EBX?
The division can use its divider straight from memory.
The EDX register (that anyway takes part in the division) can also equally fine address memory.
Less register clobbering is a good thing!

Why does the following 8086 assembly code only display numbers up to 2559?

What am I trying to do ?
I want to get a 16-bit number from the user and print It on the console.
What Is the problem ?
Well my code works fine If the number entered Is less than 2600 but the moment I enter 2600 It displays "40" and for 2601 "41" and so on. Shouldn't It display numbers up to 65535 ? Because I am storing the value In the bx register which Is 16-bit and which can store at most 65535. Then why only 2559 ?
My code:
.model small
msg db 10,13,'Enter a 16bit number: $'
newline db 10,13,'$'
mov ax, #data
mov ds, ax
mov cl, 10
mov bx, 0
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, msg
int 21h
call get16bitNum
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, newline
int 21h
mov ax, '$'
push ax
mov ax, bx
div cl
cmp al, 0
mov bh, 0
mov bl, ah
push bx
je continue
mov ah, 0
jmp store
pop ax
cmp ax, '$'
je ext
mov bx, ax
mov ah, 02h
mov dx, bx
add dx, 48
int 21h
jmp continue
mov ah, 04ch
int 21h
proc get16bitNum
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
cmp al, 13
je return
mov ah, 0
sub al, 48
mov dx, bx
mov bx, ax
mov ax, dx
mul cl
add bx,ax
jmp aggregate
end main
You don't actually retrieve a 16-bit number!
You keep the desired input in BX, and so you need to multiply the whole of BX by 10. You do this using a word sized multiplication.
proc get16bitNum
mov ah, 01h
int 21h
cmp al, 13
je return
mov ah, 0
sub al, 48 ;AX is 0 to 9
xchg ax, bx ;New digit temporarily in BX
mov cx, 10
mul cx ;Product is in DX:AX, but we won't use DX!
add bx ,ax ;Add new digit
jmp aggregate
You don't display the 16-bit number
The procedure to convert the number into text will definitely need to use the word sized division.
For an excellent explanation on how to do this see this recent post Displaying numbers with DOS. It explains in great detail everything you need to know about converting numbers. It even uses the same technique of pushing some value in the stack (You used a $ character for this) to know where the number ends.
ps. If you find the info in the linked post useful don't hesitate to upvote it. (Of course I hope you find my answer useful too!)
8 bit div produces 8 bit quotient and remainder.
When you divide 2600 by 10 you get an 8 bit quotient, losing higher bits.
You should use 16 bit division.

Jumping to random code when using IDIV

I am relatively new to assembler, but when creating code what works with arrays and calculates the average of each row, I encountered a problem that suggests I don't know how division really works. This is my code:
.model tiny
Org 100h
Jmp Short Start
N Equ 2 ;columns
M Equ 3 ;rows
Matrix DW 2, 2, 3 ; elements
DW 4, 6, 6 ; elements]
Vector DW M Dup (?)
S Equ Type Matrix
Mov Cx, M;20
Lea Di, Vector
Xor Si, Si
Cols: Push Cx
Mov Cx, N
Xor Bx, Bx
Xor Ax, Ax
Add Ax, Matrix[Bx][Si]
Add Bx, S*M
Loop Rows
Add Si, S
Mov [Di], Ax
Add Di, S
Pop Cx
Loop Cols
Xor Bx, Bx
Mov Cx, M
Mov DX, 2
Print: Mov Ax, Vector[Bx]
IDiv Dx; div/idiv error here
Add Bx, S
Loop Print
.exit 0
There are no errors when compiling. Elements are counted correctly, but when division happens the debugger shows the program jumping to apparently random code. Why is this happening and how can I resolve it?
If you use x86 architecture, IDiv with 16-bit operand will also take Dx as a part of the integer to be divided and throw an exception (interrupt) if the quotient is too large to fit in 16bits.
Try something like this:
Mov Di, 2
Print: Mov Ax, Vector[Bx]
Cwd ; sign extend Ax to Dx:Ax
IDiv Di

Assembler (TASM x64) arrays and elements

I have an array of nine names:
.model tiny
vardas1 db "Rokas",0ah,'$'
vardas2 db "Tomas",0ah,'$'
vardas3 db "Matas",0ah,'$'
vardas4 db "Domas",0ah,'$'
vardas5 db "Augis",0ah,'$'
vardas6 db "Vofka",0ah,'$'
vardas7 db "Marka",0ah,'$'
vardas8 db "Auris",0ah,'$'
vardas9 db "Edvis",0ah,'$'
vardai dw offset vardas1, offset vardas2, offset vardas3, offset vardas4, offset vardas5, offset vardas6, offset vardas7, offset vardas8, offset vardas9
org 100h
I need to read a digit from keyboard, and then I need to print that name. For example I will push 5, and console should write "Augis". BTW, second code block aren't all code, just loop that doesn't work
mov dx, offset _comment1 ; Just string name asking user to input digit
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov j, 00h ; Trying to input the digit from keyboard
mov ah, 01h
mov dl, 0ah
int 21h
mov bx, offset vardai ; Add array "names" to bx register
add bx, cx ; Add cx for indexing
mov dx, [bx] ; Add first array element to dx register
add cx, 2 ; Increasing cx by 2, because I'm using data word not data byte
mov ah, 9 ; Try to print it
int 21h
cmp cx, j ; Try to compare cx (index of array) to mine inputed digit "j"
jne paieska
je end
mov ah, 01h
mov dl, 0ah ;NO NEED FOR THIS - INT21/01 DOES NOT USE DL
int 21h
mov bx, offset vardai ; Add array "names" to bx register WELL, ASSIGN ACTUALLY
mov dx, [bx] ; name-pointer array element to dx register
add bx, cx ; Add cx=2 for next name
inc AH ; next possible character input
CMP AH,'9'+1 ; allowed is '1'..'9'
jne loopn ; in allowed range
; input not 1..9
mov dx, offset errormessage
mov ah, 9 ; Try to print it
int 21h
jmp end
Well, I tried to edit your approach with CAPS, but it became too complicated.
Essentially, you are reading a character from the keyboard using function 01. This character arrives in AL. If all goes well, it should be '1'..'9'. Notice these are the ASCII characters '1'..'9', that is hex 31..39
Next step is to set BX to the start of the table, AH to the minimum character you anticipate and CX to 2 because the table contains words, not bytes.
Now we have a loop. Load X from the table, and check whether AL is equal to AH. If the user input 1, these will be equal, so go print the string.
Otherwise, add 2 to BX to point to the next entry in the table (this could have been done by ADD BX,2 or INC BX INC BX which would mean the MOV CX,2 would be unnecessary - just the way I wrote it...) and increment the '1' in AH to '2'.
The end-condition for the loop is when AH gets incremented from '9' to - well, ':' or '9'+1. If it hasn't reached that end-condition, then run around the loop until all of the values '1'..'9' have been tested. If you haven't got to PNAME yet, then there's an error because the character input wasn't allowed, so point to an error message and then print it.
Now jumping to the end - probably you'd want to terminate the program, so you'd execute
