Where can I find com.ibm.websphere.runtime.CustomService Configuration details of existing services? - websphere

I am working on WebSphere migration. I have an application which is deployed on the WebSphere application server
as it Seems. The application needs some of the class files.
These classes are loaded using com.ibm.websphere.runtime.CustomService
As I do not have access to the WebSphere Admin Console. is there any configuration file in which CustomService config settings are stored?

I tried creating one as documented here https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS7JFU_8.5.5/com.ibm.websphere.express.iseries.doc/ae/trun_customservice.html and the configuration seems to be stored in server.xml of the server where the custom service is defined.


Is there bootstrap file in Quarkus application ? I can read external config files using spring cloud config server client

I can read external config files using spring cloud config server client at runtime, but before the application startup I can't not. I can't use external config files for like database connection or kafka topic. Does anyone know something?
Spring has a file like bootstrap is used before starting application and retrieve all of configurations. But Quarkus client does not do that, It retrieve the properties after application status ready
You can use quarkus.config.locations to load external files from any location: classpath, folder, HTTP, etc (just needs to be a valid URI).
Please check: https://quarkus.io/guides/config-reference#quarkus-config-config_quarkus.config.locations

How to configure database connection runtime in Spring Boot?

I made a new Spring Boot project using the Spring Initializr. I'm building an On-premise backend so what I'm trying to achieve is that when the user opens the jar executable and the server starts, he should be able to configure the database connection by going to localhost:8080/ in his web browser. Basically the index.html will have a form with 4 fields for IP Address, Database Name, UserName and Password. When the form is submitted spring will try to connect to the database with the provided information.
I have all my entities, repositories and controllers but currently the only way i can connect to a database is with the application.properties file, but since the user wont have access to the source, there should be a way for him to configure his database.
Thanks for your time!
I would suggest to use the Spring cloud Config server to store database related properties which is capable of picking up configuration at run time. Although it is typically configured with a Git repository, you can store them locally as pointed out in this thread.

Web server to multiple ejb server call using tomee

I am using TomEE server and i want to deploy my ejb application to multiple instances and want to access it using a web application.
I want to add a load balancer between web application and ejb application.
How can i achieve this.
I already have a load balancer for web application multiple instances using mod_jk,but i need this configuration somewhere in INITIALCONTEXT properties file.
Attaching a pic of how i want to build my app architecture.architecture pic
I'm struggling in this from quite some time. Any help will be appreciable.
We can use TOMEE multipoint discovery feature using failover in initial context PROVIDER URL and give multiple URL.
multipoint.properties file we add in conf.

What is the difference between ClientContainer and WSLogin?

I am using WebSphere v8.5 and in the administration console, and the Security Settings in the Data Sources section allow me to set my mapping-configuration alias to either ClientContainer or WSLogin. What is the difference between these two settings?
I am able to connect and my project appears to work regardless of which setting I choose. Can someone please explain when is one setting chosen over the other?
Each one in the list is a Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) configuration, which in turn contains an IBM-implementation of the JAAS Login Module.
According to the reference page, Login configuration for Java Authentication and Authorization Service:
The WSLogin module defines a login configuration and the LoginModule implementation that can be used by applications in general.
The ClientContainer module defines a login configuration and the LoginModule implementation that is similar to the WSLogin module, but enforces the requirements of the WebSphere Application Server client container.
The DefaultPrincipalMapping module defines a special LoginModule that is typically used by Java 2 Connector to map an authenticated WebSphere Application Server user identity to a set of user authentication data (user ID and password) for the specified back-end enterprise information system (EIS).
So for general use, you can use the WSLogin module. When you use a Java EE client, use the ClientContainer module. And when using Java 2 Connectors, use the DefaultPrincipalMapping module.
Check this link for a bit more information Configuration entry settings for Java Authentication and Authorization Service
In general, for any server resources like Datasources, queue connection factories etc, you should use DefaultPrincipalMapping.
ClientContainer alias is more dedicated to external applications running in the client container that will connect to WAS, and WSLogin is more appropriate for apps running on the server that would like to customize authentication process.

Websphere - Using direct JNDI lookup and JAAS Login Module

I have Websphere Application Server version 7.0, running on Windows.
I created a JAAS Login Module that implements the javax.security.auth.spi.LoginModule interface and created a data source that uses this login module (under Mapping-Configuration alias). Since this data source should get the credentials for the connection from the login module, there are no authentication alias configured on the data source.
I want to use this data source on my application, but my application uses direct JNDI lookup for the data source. According to this article, when using direct JNDI lookup, websphere creates a default resource-reference that is configured with res-auth=application. Since the res-auth is application my login module is never invoked, but I get a logon denied error because the "Component-Managed Authentication Alias" is empty.
I tried to create a resource reference manually with res-auth=Container but it didn't help.
Is there any way to change the default res-auth to be Container?
Is there any way to make a login module work when the res-auth is set to Application?
Go to your datasource >> security settings >> select your jaas login module for both Component-managed authentication alias & Container-managed authentication alias
u can change res-auth in web.xml file to container, so it will use container managed authenication alias.
