Error when you run a new spagobi application SBIErrorPage.title - spagobi

If you run the spagobi application on a Turkish operating system, you receive the following error
Error Image

If you run the spagobi application on a Turkish operating system, you receive the following error
{SpagoBI_Home}\bin open file catalina.bat
set JAVA_OPTS= add at the end of the line
set JAVA_OPTS= %JAVA_OPTS% -Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Duser.language=en


Starting Solr 7.2.1 with startup parameters on Windows via Cygwin

I'm upgrading Solr 4.3.1 to Solr 7.2.1
I used to start Solr 4.3.1 like so:
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
bash -c "cd /cygdrive/c/Databases/solr-4.3.1/example/;java -Dsolr.solr.home="./example-DIH/solr/" -jar -Xms200m -Xmx1600m start.jar -OPTIONS=jsp"
However, when I try this:
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
bash -c "cd /cygdrive/c/Databases/solr-7.2.1/example/;java -Dsolr.solr.home="./example-DIH/solr/" -jar -Xms200m -Xmx1600m start.jar -OPTIONS=jsp"
Error: Unable to access jarfile start.jar
I then copy start.jar from C:\Databases\solr-4.3.1\example to C:\Databases\solr-7.2.1\example
And re-run the .bat file, but then I get No XML configuration files specified in
start.config or command line.
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.start(
at org.eclipse.jetty.start.Main.main(
Usage: java -jar start.jar [options] [properties] [configs]
java -jar start.jar --help # for more information
However, in my old Solr environment I don't see a start.config either and I'm passing the same parameters over the command line.
Without Cygwin I can start Solr successfully:
C:\Databases\solr-7.2.1\bin>solr.cmd start -p 8984
Waiting up to 30 to see Solr running on port 8984
Started Solr server on port 8984. Happy searching!
#Holger below pointed out there's a server folder. I have that folder and there's already a start.jar file in there.
So I tried:
bash -c "cd /cygdrive/C/Databases/solr-7.2.1/server/;java -Dsolr.solr.home="solr/" -jar -Xms200m -Xmx1600m start.jar -OPTIONS=jsp"
But then I get:
WARNING: System properties and/or JVM args set. Consider using --dry-run or --exec
WARNING: Nothing to start, exiting ...
How can I start Solr 7.2.1 (on Windows) via Cygwin with additional parameters (like memory allocation)
I had similar problems as I updated from 4.x to 7.x, but on OS X.
Is there a directory ../solr-7.2.1/server? Then try with start.jar not in
but in
The working directory has to be the directory containing start.jar. So be in
when starting solr. You propably have to set
--module=http -Dsolr.log.dir=...
too. This is what worked for me.
Note the release notes for Release 5.2.0 [2015-06-07]
"It is no longer possible to run "java -jar start.jar" from inside the server directory. The bin/solr script is the only supported way to run Solr. This is necessary to support HTTP and HTTPS modules in Jetty which can be selectively enabled by the bin/solr scripts. In case you have a pressing need to run solr the old way, you can run "java -jar start.jar --module=http" to get the same behavior as before."

Could not find JAVA home Elastcisearch

I installed Elasticsearch 6.2,Kibanaandlogstash.
I created a file in bin\elasticsearch\launchELK.cmd, that contain just 2 lines:
set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_161"
I added on a system variable a JAVA_HOME.
When I write java -version:
java version "1.8.0_161"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_161-b12)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.161-b12, mixed mode)
When I write echo %JAVA_HOME%
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_161
And finally when I run elasticsearch by the file launchELK.cmd, this is the rsult:
bin> lancerELK.cmd
bin> set JAVA_HOME="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_161"
bin> elasticsearch.bat
Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable
could not find java; set JAVA_HOME or ensure java is in PATH
Someone can help me please ?
Thank you
Try setting the JAVA_HOME variable in elasticsearch.bat file then try to start elasticsearch.

How can I run wildfly in debug mode, as a service on Windows?

I am running Wildfly as a service on windows. When I need to debug, I am shutting this down and starting Wildfly via standalone.bat -debug. What I want is to have the debug switch on always, when it runs as a service?
Uncomment following JAVA_OPTIONS from $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.conf.bat
rem # Sample JPDA settings for remote socket debugging
start service. Now you can detach a debugger with your favorite IDE. If you are using Eclipse you can switch to "Debug-Configurations" and add a new Remote Java-Application.
I'm using WildFly 11 and uncommenting the following lines in bin\standalone.conf.bat (windows) did the job:
set "DEBUG_MODE=true"
set "DEBUG_PORT=8787"
Open the command line and set java options with the following debug options:
set JAVA_OPTS = -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,suspend=n,server=y
start wildlfy service by running standalone.bat or for windows/linux respectively

Jmeter stops working in NON GUI mode

I am trying to post messages from JMETER into to Weblogic in non-gui mode. As soon as I execute the command
./ -n -t testplan.jmx -l log.jtl
Jmeter is not responding and displays the following info
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using JMS Point-to-Point.jmx
Starting the test # Mon Feb 13 09:51:22 GMT 2017 (1486979482989)
Waiting for possible shutdown message on port 4445.
Since I am trying to post messages to weblogic, I have also added wlfulclient.jar to lib dir of JMETER.
Both jmeter and wls are hosted on Linux servers
I have tried on 2.13 and 3.1 jmeter versions
Any hints on this issue?
The message you display is a regular message and nothing indicates any issue occured.
Could you check the jmeter.log file for errors if any ?
And then provide more details on your test plan .
As others mentioned, what are you seeing in the jmeter.log? If you suspect that it is hanging which I doubt in your case, please launch JMeter using the following options. Launch JVISUALVM and collect thread dumps. From the thread dumps, try to figure out what the threads are doing.
java -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Xms4g -Xmx4g -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -Dgroovy.use.classvalue=true -jar "<Jmeter install directory>\bin\ApacheJMeter.jar"

Installation of elastic search 5.1.1 in windows 7 32bit RAM:4gb pc

when i try to open the bat file of elastic search in command prompt it showing a following errors
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
Please Can anyone help me in sorting out this problem clearly because i am new to this environment ??
It seems like you need the latest version of the jdk.
Check it out here from the requirement matrix. Scroll down to Elasticsearch 5.1.x within the Product and JVM section where it says that you got to have Oracle JVM 1.8u40+.
What if you run your jvm as such, by increasing your heapsize:
or what if you set it from the the Environment Variables:
Go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > advanced(tab) > Environment Variables → System Variables → New and then the following values:
Variable name: _JAVA_OPTIONS
Variable value: -Xmx512M
This SO could be helpful!
Could you alter your 'ELASTICSEARCH DIR'/config/jvm.options?
Try altering this:
or even lower (like 512m)
Follow below steps
Use latest version of java8
Goto config folder and open elasticsearch.yml file then do below changes.
Uncomment the and in elasticsearch.yml like below and give your own cluster and node name. ESCluster ESNode
3.Change heap size in jvm.options
Goto bin folder then run elasticsearch.bat
