Get Ansible on windows to print version - windows

I am trying to get an Ansible task to print the version used while running on Windows 10.
I am currently trying something like this:
# Source:
- name: Get version
win_shell: ansible --version
register: ansibleVersion
# How I chose to expose the version collected
- name: Display version
msg: "Ansible Version: {{ ansibleVersion.stdout }}"
display_seconds: 30
However, I am getting this output:
"stderr": "ansible : The term 'ansible' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. \r\nCheck the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.\r\n
Full disclosure, I am new to Ansible. I have tried win_command, win_shell, and am not really sure what all to try next.

The Windows machines can be provisioned using ansible but not installed on Windows.
You can configure the Windows machine from a Linux machine as the controller host.
And you can run the ansible-playbook from this controller host which will run on the windows machine.
- hosts: all
- name: Get Windows version
win_shell: "systeminfo /fo csv | ConvertFrom-Csv | select OS*, System*, Hotfix* | Format-List"
register: windows_version
- name: Print Windows host information
msg: "{{ windows_version }}"
Save this as main.yml
Add the Windows host IP in hosts file
Run the playbook using the following command
ansible-playbook -i hosts main.yml
If you want ansible on Windows, then there are other installation methods to run it on Windows.
Also mentioned in the comments.
I have attached some links to setup ansible on Windows 10 subsytem for Linux,
Ansible - Windows Frequently asked questions
Using Ansible through Windows 10's Subsystem for Linux
Hope it solves your issue.

Thank you to all those who answered and commented. The articles were very informative, and I learned a much more about Ansible. The answers put me on the scent of the actual task I made.
To restate my comment on the original question, I had a misunderstanding. Because on my Windows machine I had to add a user ansible, I thought it was being run locally somehow. However, it turns out, Ansible deploys are being run from a Linux VM.
Once I had this misunderstanding cleared up, I realized I needed to use delegate_to: in my Ansible task. Here is my Check Ansible version task:
# SEE:
- name: Check Ansible version
command: ansible --version
register: ansibleVersion
- name: Print version
msg: "Ansible Version: {{ ansibleVersion.stdout }}"


Is it safe to use Ansible shell module and gather_facts: no?

I was writing an Ansible playbook to update Linux headers and build essentials for Debian operating system. But the playbook hang in gathering facts step. So after lots of search on internet I introduced gather_facts: no and then it ran successfully. But I want to know:
Is is OK to use gather_facts: no. Please give some understanding of gather_facts and what it does internally?
To get the kernel version I used the shell module. Is there any other Ansible command to get the kernel version of host machine?
- hosts: DEV1
become: yes
gather_facts: no
- name: "Getting the debian kernal version"
cmd: uname -r
register: kernal_version_output
- name: "Debug content for kernal version"
msg: "kernal version is => {{ kernal_version_output.stdout }}"
- name: "Update apt-get repo and cache"
- libreadline-gplv2-dev
- libreadline-dev
- linux-headers-{{ kernal_version_output.stdout }}
- build-essential
Regarding your questions
Please give some understanding of gather_facts
you may have a look into Playbook Vars Facts "Discovering variables: facts and magic variables" and the setup_module.
Quote: "With Ansible you can retrieve or discover certain variables containing information about your remote systems or about Ansible itself. Variables related to remote systems are called facts."
... and what it does internally?
For Ansible ad-hoc commands and the setup_module the source code of is a good starting point to research how it works internally. In summary, it is just executing some scripts to collect certain system information.
Is is OK to use gather_facts: no
Yes, of course. If you don't need specific information about the remote system to perform tasks and if commands and playbook do not depend on gathered information, you can leave it switched off.
To get the kernel version I used the shell module. Is there any other Ansible command to get the kernel version of host machine?
Even if that is an anti-pattern with Ansible, without facts there seems to be no other possibilities.

Ansible development modules - where to download

How do I install/download the Ansible development modules?
# rpm -qa |grep ansib
# cat win-list-services.yml
- name: Get info for all installed services
hosts: '{{ host }}'
gather_facts: no
execute: false
- name: Get info for all installed services
register: servicelist
# ansible-playbook -v win-list-services.yml
Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.
The error appears to be in '/root/playbook/win-list-services.yml': line 8, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: Get info for all installed services
^ here
It appears that the windows modules are part of the move to ansible-collections, and thus you may be able to run them using a "normal" ansible 2.9 install after following the collection install instructions
The pragmatic implication is that it is unlikely you can follow Zeitounator's instructions since those windows modules no longer live in the ansible repo, so using pip install -e will not provide them (unless you use a git sha earlier than the current devel)
However, either way, being on ansible 2.6 as shown in your question is quite old, so you will want to get on a modern version anyway
So far, I found out that we can download from Ansible Galaxy.
win_service_info is available from below.
It require Ansible 2.9 as described by mdaniel.

How to make an ansible playbook that works according to user input?

In my ansible playbook i am taking 2 inputs from user and i also wanted to take a third input which should be optional at times and if user provides the value for var3 then playbook must execute a task otherwise it should not, so what is the way to achieve this?
Also i wanted to know that i am using awx open-source UI for ansible so i choose the hosts to run the playbook in ansible awx inventory, after that what should i write in 'hosts' of my playbook or it can be left alone.
- name: Updating "{{ service_name }}" server codebase and starting its service.
hosts: all
- name: Stopping nginx service
command: sudo service nginx stop
- name: Performing git checkout in the specified directory "{{ path }}"
command: git checkout .
chdir: "{{ path }}"
- name: Running npm install in the directory "{{ path }}"
command: npm install
chdir: "{{ path }}/node_modules"
- name: Restarting the "{{ service_name }}" service
command: sudo service "{{ service_name }}" restart
- name: Restarting the nginx service
command: sudo service nginx restart
Who is the user in this instance? you? if you are the user then you can run
ansible-playbook -i hosts <your-playbook> -e "service_name=<yourservice>"
to dynamically change the service_name variable upon playbook excecution.
you can then add the second variable to the command also, but be aware with the 'optional' third variable as i'm sure if you do not reference all variables in your playbook you will get an error.
EDIT: You will need to ref both service_name and path variables when you execute the ansible-playbook command, where is the 3rd variable as it doesnt appear to be in your provided code sample?

Refer to ansible inventory ip address [duplicate]

I'm setting up an Ansible playbook to set up a couple servers. There are a couple of tasks that I only want to run if the current host is my local dev host, named "local" in my hosts file. How can I do this? I can't find it anywhere in the documentation.
I've tried this when statement, but it fails because ansible_hostname resolves to the host name generated when the machine is created, not the one you define in your hosts file.
- name: Install this only for local dev machine
name: pyramid
when: ansible_hostname == "local"
The necessary variable is inventory_hostname.
- name: Install this only for local dev machine
name: pyramid
when: inventory_hostname == "local"
It is somewhat hidden in the documentation at the bottom of this section.
You can limit the scope of a playbook by changing the hosts header in its plays without relying on your special host label ‘local’ in your inventory. Localhost does not need a special line in inventories.
- name: run on all except local
hosts: all:!local
This is an alternative:
- name: Install this only for local dev machine
pip: name=pyramid
delegate_to: localhost

How to get the host name of the current machine as defined in the Ansible hosts file?

I'm setting up an Ansible playbook to set up a couple servers. There are a couple of tasks that I only want to run if the current host is my local dev host, named "local" in my hosts file. How can I do this? I can't find it anywhere in the documentation.
I've tried this when statement, but it fails because ansible_hostname resolves to the host name generated when the machine is created, not the one you define in your hosts file.
- name: Install this only for local dev machine
name: pyramid
when: ansible_hostname == "local"
The necessary variable is inventory_hostname.
- name: Install this only for local dev machine
name: pyramid
when: inventory_hostname == "local"
It is somewhat hidden in the documentation at the bottom of this section.
You can limit the scope of a playbook by changing the hosts header in its plays without relying on your special host label ‘local’ in your inventory. Localhost does not need a special line in inventories.
- name: run on all except local
hosts: all:!local
This is an alternative:
- name: Install this only for local dev machine
pip: name=pyramid
delegate_to: localhost
