How do I run tests built using VisualStudio, via CMake/CTest/Catch2 from the CLI? - visual-studio

I'm trying to learn several things at once (arguably my first problem...), namely: unit testing with Catch2 and building with CMake.
In the course of my investigations, CTest appeared on the radar as a pre-baked way of managing tests within CMake, and seems to 'support' Catch2.
While things seem to build okay, I can't run my tests as automatically as I'd hope.
Specifically, I have a source tree, which at some point contains the library I'm testing, and I'd like to be able to sit at the top of the tree and execute some sort of 'run my tests' command (and ideally run them as part of the full build, but that's for another day).
So here's my CMakeLists.txt file (L:\scratch\shared\testeroolib\CMakeLists.txt) for the library of interest:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC src/testeroolib.cpp)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC include)
add_executable(${PROJECT_TEST} test/catch2_main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_TEST} PRIVATE Catch)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_TEST} PRIVATE ${PROJECT_NAME})
add_test(NAME TesterooLibTest COMMAND ${PROJECT_TEST})
If I do the naive thing and run ctest from the same location I run cmake, I get:
No test configuration file found!
L:\scratch>ctest .
Test project L:/scratch
No tests were found!!!
From what I've read elsewhere, make test would do the trick with GCC and friends, but I'm using VS.
So here, the advice seems to be that I should use a build target of ALL_TESTS but that doesn't do the trick for me.
L:\scratch>cmake --build BUILD --target ALL_TESTS
MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist.
Switch: ALL_TESTS.vcxproj
Of course, I can just run the test:
All tests passed (1 assertion in 1 test case)
I'm hoping I've made some tiny snafu, but there is every chance I've got completely the wrong end of the stick here!

I believe I've found the (two-part) answer.
The first part is that it's no good running ctest from the top level, you need to run it from the build folder. With hindsight, that's pretty obvious :(
cmake -S . -B BUILD
cmake --build BUILD
The less obvious part I found in this answer:
Namely, the enable_testing() call needs to be in the top-level CMakeLists.txt, not the one further down that actually builds the library.

I believe the root cause of your problem is the missing Debug/Release configuration info which cmake needs when you configured using Visual Studio. Try:
ctest -C Debug
for example.


how to make `mvn package` aware that it has already built the target

In a makefile, I can easily do something like
${target}: ${sources}
mvn package
Where I have ${target} the generated jar file, and ${sources} all the java files and the pom.xml. With this makefile, the target will not be be rebuilt unless one of the sources is changed since the last build of the target. The result is
$> make target/demo-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
make: 'target/demo-0.8.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar' is up to date.
But just mvn package will always run the maven-assembly-plugin even though none of the source files has changed.
Is there a way to make mvn package be aware of the source files, similar to how make knows this so it'll just say "no need, it's already built."
Whether or not something makes sense is maybe up to the use case and the developer.
In a system where integration is far more complicated than passing unit tests the only way to gain confidence is by deploying into a test Kubernetes environment.
Anyway thanks for answering my question that the maven packaging plugin is unable to handle this dependency tracking.

Xcode 10, sourcery & swiftlint build phases order

After updating to Xcode 10 there are some issues with initial project configurations. The steps look like this:
Generating some files using Sourcery
Linting with SwiftLint
And configuration works like this:
And this was working fine in Xcode 9, but apparently, it's not working under Xcode 10 build system. The issue is if I download repository (.generated files are not a part of the repository). And hit build it will show me results like:
Using configuration file at '.sourcery.yml'
Scanning sources...
Found 239 types.
Loading templates...
Loaded 9 templates.
Generating code...
Processing time 0.491948962211609 seconds
So sourcery works ok, then linting:
Linting 'FromResponse.generated.swift' (1/186)
Works fine as well as a process, but in the end, build will fail with:
error: Build input files cannot be found:
So it's strange since a files are physically there and according to build settings file should be compiled later than generating them. How should I approach sourcery in build process then?
We are able to "fix" this in a similar way as this Github issue:
We have to add each of the generated files by Sourcery to the output folder and it will get picked up by the Xcode correctly.
This relates to changes in the New Xcode Build System that has been enabled by default in Xcode 10. If a build phase creates files which are needed as an input to a later build phase then it needs to specify them explicitly in the Output Files or Output File List.
In your example the Sourcery build phase is generating Swift source file(s) which are needed as input to the Compile Sources phase.
However, the issue at this point is that after you specify the output files for Sourcery, the build phase doesn't re-run every time as it sees the output file is already there. So far I haven't worked out a useable solution to this part, beyond running tools like Sourcery and SwiftGen manually or keeping the generated files in Git so that they are always present.
I was having a similar problem with a buildphase calling mogenerator to build my data model classes. The approach given by #Yuchen should work.
#Andrew: To force always (re-)running this build phase, I add the line
touch .alwaysRun
as the last line in the shell command to run and mark the build phase "Input Files" to have $(SRCROOT)/.alwaysRun. That seems to do the trick.

TeamCity and CTest test results

I have a number of unit tests written for my project, executed with CTest. I would like to integrate the results into my TeamCity build. I've downloaded and set up the plugin for my testing framework (Boost Test).
The problem that I have run into is that the tests run with CTest output to Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log, whereas TeamCity is trying to read the results from standard out. To get around this, my testing step is.
make test
cat Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log
which works, but feels like a hack.
Is there any way to get TeamCity to read from this file in addition to standard out? Alternatively, is there any way to tell ctest to output to standard out in addition to this LastTest.log file?
This question is similar, but I would like it to work for all output rather than just on failure: CMake: setting an environmental variable for ctest (or otherwise getting failed test output from ctest/make test automatically)
Teamcity has additional build features which allow to process CTest reports. I am not sure if it'll work or not but you could try adding an additional build feature in your build step to read CTest report.

CMake: Is it possible to run CONFIGURE_FILE after each make?

I've got the following piece of script in my CMake file:
But it's only run after executing cmake, not make. Is it possible to create the version.hpp file after each make?
Here is the content of version.hpp.cmake:
#ifndef _VERSION_HPP_
#define _VERSION_HPP_
#endif //_VERSION_HPP_
The MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH and RELEASE variables have been defined in the CMakeLists.txt file.
P.S. This post is apparently related to my question, but I can't get a grasp of it.
The problem is that configure_file is supposed to run at configure time, that is when you run cmake, instead of compile time, which is when you run make. There is no easy way around this.
The problem is that the information written by configure_file is dependent on variables from the CMake build environment. Changes to those variables cannot be detected without running CMake again. If you have that information mirrored somewhere else, you can use a custom command to extract it and perform the code generation for you, as Peter's answer suggested.
The approach suggested in the post from the CMake mailing list that you linked in your answer is based on a two-phase CMake run: The outer CMake project (which is run only once) adds a custom build step for building the inner CMake project (which is then run with every make) where the configure_file is performed. The underlying idea is the same as with Peter's answer, only instead of a Python script you use a CMake script for generating the file.
My personal recommendation: For a simple problem as a version header, I would not bother with such a complicated approach. Simply generate the file to your BINARY_DIR (not to your project dir, as you currently do! you want to retain the ability to do several out-of-source builds from the same source) and assume that it will be there for compilation. If a user is brave enough to mess with the generated files there, they can be expected to re-run CMake on their own.
So I accidentally stumbled across this, I know it is probably too late, but calling configure is possible an exactly how I do this with mercurial versions.
The trick requires a lot of different tools, and I don't have time to formulate into a good answer atm, but ask questions and I'll fill it in when I have time.
tool 1: calling exec_program to extract the revision information (this is really easy with mercurial)
I'm probably doing something more complicated than you care about here, but the essential bit is hg which you'll replace with whatever version control you are using, ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} which you'll set to whatever executing directory you want, and fill in the custom args.
I put all of the version extraction into a single macro (ReadProjectRevisionStatus()).
The next step is to make a an entirely different CMake file that calls ReadProjectRevisionStatus() and then CONFIGURE_FILE. This file will assume that all the correct values are set when you come into it. In my case, I store the location of this file into ${CONFIG_FILE_LOC}.
The final step is to add a custom target that will call this script. For example:
One of the beauties of doing it this way is that custom target call can still be called outside of a cmake build system, which I've done on a couple of projects, which a bash call similar to:
cmake -D PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR=$sourcedir -DPROJECT_BINARY_DIR=$sourcedir -DPROJECT_NAME=uControl -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=$sourcedir -DuControl_HG_CONFIG_FILE_IN=$sourcedir/ -DuControl_HG_CONFIG_FILE_OUT=$sourcedir/tsi_software_version.h -P $sourcedir/ConfigureHGVersion.cmake
One possibity is to generate version.hpp from Python and use ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET
... find python ...
... link gen_version to your library/executable ...

Why does xcodebuild give different build results than XCode UI

I have a series of projects within a workspace, and trying to use the following type of command to build them via the command line:
"Xcodebuild -project XXX"
"Xcodebuild -workspace XXX -scheme YYY"
Some of my projects build fine but others give strange errors, like "'XXX' for instance message does not declare a method with selector" or "ld: library not found for -lMyLibrary"
However all these projects build fine from within the XCode UI without issues.
Based on this is seems that the command line and UI builds are using a different toolset, but that seems like a very bad idea so I'm hoping I'm wrong about this. Or possibly there are just a few different build flags being set on the command line build.
I can try to troubleshoot the issues one by one but I'm hoping I can write a script which does the exact same type of build as the UI.
Any ideas?
Without including -configuration, xcodebuild is going to use the default configuration for each project. Generally that's Release. In Xcode, the Configuration you select will be applied to every project regardless of default.
Given your errors, your most likely problem is that you've used the build pane (why I hate the build pane for large projects), and you've made the classic mistake of applying some settings for Debug rather than all configurations.
