what the best way to send verify mail and reset password mail from server? - laravel

im using digitalOcean vps and i upload my laravel projects but i have some problem with postfix all mails come as spam.
i did all things about smtp (spf, dkim ... etc) and test on (https://mail-tester.com) and i got (9/10) score but all mails still come as spam.
whats is the best way to delivery all mails (verify, reset password ...etc) to users without third party like (mailgun ...etc).
thank you

you can use zoho mail to link your domain to zoho mail account
if delivered mails didn't receive into inbox try to install ssl to your domain and send messages over SSL


How to upload copy of sent with smtp email

I use go-mail library to send emails with smtp. But I faced common issue that sent emails won't appear in sent folder. Googling I found that the only way to solve it is to upload sent email though imap.
The question is how do I obtain copy of sent email with smtp email?
The question is how do I obtain copy of sent email with smtp email?
You can't. SMTP is just for delivering mail. There is no concept of users mailboxes and specifically the Sent folder within SMTP.
We've implemented the following approach and it works for us:
Send email with smtp and bcc to own email.
Move/upload email with imap to sent folder.
For polling new messages use UID which is auto increment, so just remember the last processed and download all that is more than that.

Issue when sending an email?

I did a lot of research through internet but I didn't found the solution. I'm trying to send a confirmation email using Mail::send() in laravel 5.1, I don't want to use any third party like mailgun or mandrill because they are not free sometimes limited of usage. The problem with this is all of the confirmation of the users is in their spam folder in gmail, and trash folder in outlook. Sometimes they didn't receive the confirmation. Why is that? Do you have any idea with this? My website is also registered to https so I don't think this is the problem.
Landing of an email into Spam is nothing to do with Laravel.
Either you have to change the TXT record of your domain.
You can check it on mail-tester which values need to be changed.
You might wanna try testing at Mail Tester. This can reveal a lot of information on why your emails are ending up in spam. I also recommend checking SPF and DKIM checking at SPF & DKIM checking at the same site.
Also are you hosting your emails with your hosting provider or some other third-parties like GSuite or Microsoft Exchange? These providers can influence the mail quality and spam checking greatly.
The spam classification of emails is to the discretion of the receiving mail server. There are a couple of best pratices to follow, when trying to avoid being marked as spam:
Make sure the sending server (smtp server) is allowed through
MX records
Further, the recipient server may check for bulk content with decentralized solutions like razor, pyzor or DCC. So, try to personalize the messages and not send bulk content. Its hard to evaluate your situation without specifics. Another problem may be the sending webserver if its in or from a country with "bad reputation" (like Russia, China). Since mail server also check the Original-IP of the email and potentially flag them as well.
To check your settings, it helps to use mail testing solutions visualizing those mentioned factors as mentioned by other answers.
Current email deliverability professional here. If you are willing to share the domain you are sending from, and the IP address initiating the sends I'm happy to check for any obvious problems.
I also heartily recommend mail-tester.com as I use it almost daily. If you want to share the link to the report I'm happy to help interpret.
The other thing to be aware of is, that IP addresses have a sender reputation that is tracked in the Email ecosystem at large. If it's a new sending IP address it has to get warmed up. Just like you cannot get a credit card with no limit as soon as you turn 21, Inbox Providers like Gmail and Hotmail are not just going to deliver everything a new sending IP starts trying to deliver to their recipients. They will essentially do some A/B testing by delivering some to the Inbox and some to the Spam/Promotions folder, and see how their recipients interact with your mailings. Gmail and thus other inbox providers are primarily concerned with how recipients interact with your mailings. Do they open, do they click links, do they add you to safe senders, etc.

Email goes to spam folder Gmail and outlook while having 10 in mail-tester

I put a lot of effort in perfectionizing my emails in Magento, in mail-tester i even have a 10. But stil the emails (also when i send a not transactional mail) go to spam in gmail and outlook.
Any idea why?
Email deliverability involves a lot of factors so more information is needed to help you. What are all the services you use to send email out other than Magento? Do you do email marketing? Do you get good engagement with your email marketing (opens. clicks) with low bounces? What's the nature of your business and the content you send in the Magento emails and other emails you send out (e.g., marketing emails) even if through other services?
What precisely is in your Sender Policy Framework Record (SPF) record (please post exactly what's in your SPF record for sending domain)? Do you have DKIM implemented with services that send mail on your behalf? Have you implemented DMARC?
Do you send email from a dedicated or shared IP address(s)? Check hosts and IP address for blacklists at mxtoolbox and check your senderscore at senderscore.org.
Do you know if the problem is limited to Magento or do other emails sent from that domain go to spam as well? You may want to set up a test account or two with gmail and outlook.com as it will be handy to have some email addresses to send to that you've never sent to before for testing purposes.
Note: I tried to post this as a comment but it was too many characters.

After merging a Mandrill account into Mailchimp, how can I accept a verification email if my sending domain is not setup to receive emails?

We've been using Mandrill for years to deploy our app's signup confirmation and password reset emails. This has worked perfectly as we've had SPF and DKIM records added to the DNS configuration according to Mandrill's documentation for verifying sending domains.
However, after merging the Mandrill account with a new Mailchimp account--which is mandated by April 27th--it's requiring me to send a verification email to an address at that domain. The problem is that we don't have a mail server set up to receive emails. The domain is only used to send the "noreply#domain.com" emails.
Any ideas on how I might resolve this? Mailchimp is not giving an option to undo the merge, so effectively I have an app that users are not able to sign up for at the moment, which is problematic to say the least.
You'll want to configure at least one mailbox on that domain somehow to receive mail. That's the only way to confirm ownership of the domain.

form to mail not getting to exchange server recipient

this is terrible for me now. i used php mail function and also use Contact Form 7 plugins too on my wordpress theme. also smtp plugins too. change many smtp server. but not work. mail function and Contact Form 7 both working fine on other mail account (gmail, yahoo. hotmail or any other pop mail) not just my client pop account. because they use microsoft exchange server.
for test issue i did something like i sent mail to frist to one gmail account and i setup in gmail auto fwd to one them that pop account . it working well but this problem is in mail show where it is from (xxxx#gmail.com) .. i don't want to show that gmail address. or i want direct send to that pop account.
server is godaddy
guys any solution ?
Google doesn't allow you to send from other addresses unless you are hosting your domain with them.
