Spring "SchedulerFactoryBean" overrides the "jobstore" properties value - spring

If you are using Spring's SchedulerFactoryBean, it overrides the configured value from the properties file.
So if you tried to use JobStoreTx it is always overridden by the LocalDataSourceJobStore from spring
Code snippet below shows the part from the SchedulerFactoryBean. I have overcome it by using a customizer.
if (this.dataSource != null) {
mergedProps.setProperty(StdSchedulerFactory.PROP_JOB_STORE_CLASS, LocalDataSourceJobStore.class.getName());

Using #QuartzDataSource should handle the problem as #nonzaprej mentioned in the comments
Here is also how I have overridden the value using a customizer
public class SchedulerFactoryCustomizer implements SchedulerFactoryBeanCustomizer {
using the customize method
public void customize(SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactoryBean) {


Spring Graphql - How to use a custom DataFetcherExceptionHandler and override the default one?

I'm new to spring graphql and I was trying to implement my own DataFetcherExceptionHandler so I can wrap all exceptions with my custom one.
I've implemented my custom class that implements DataFetcherExceptionHandler but it seems like it still uses the default one, the SimpleDataFetcherExceptionHandler.
How can I make my custom DataFetcherExceptionHandler the default one for the graphql exceptions?
My class:
public class GraphqlExceptionHandler implements DataFetcherExceptionHandler {
public DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult onException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
Throwable exception = handlerParameters.getException();
SourceLocation sourceLocation = handlerParameters.getSourceLocation();
ResultPath path = handlerParameters.getPath();
MyCustomException error = exposedException(exception, sourceLocation, path);
return DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult.newResult().error(error).build();
public CompletableFuture<DataFetcherExceptionHandlerResult> handleException(DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters handlerParameters) {
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(this.onException(handlerParameters));
Note: I'm not sure if I can use my custom exception like that, but I'm not able to test it while I can't make the exception handler the default one.
With Spring for GraphQL you can implement a DataFetcherExceptionResolver or more specifically a DataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter that you can for example annotate with #Component to register it automatically.
The DataFetcherExceptionHandler from graphql-java is used by Spring for GraphQL internally to delegate to your DataFetcherExceptionResolver classes.
Inside your own DataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter, you can get the informations that are available as DataFetcherExceptionHandlerParameters (Path, SourceLocation and so on) in a DataFetcherExceptionHandler from the DataFetchingEnvironment that is passed to DataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter resolveToSingleError and resolveToMultipleErrors methods.
See here for more informations: https://docs.spring.io/spring-graphql/docs/current/reference/html/#execution-exceptions
You can find an example implementation here: https://github.com/nilshartmann/spring-graphql-training/blob/main/app/publy-backend/src/main/java/nh/publy/backend/graphql/runtime/PublyGraphQLExceptionResolver.java

How to test #ConfigurationProperties with ApplicationContextRunner from spring-boot-test?

I need to test my autoconfiguration classes that make use of #ConfigurationProperties beans. I'm making use of ApplicationContextRunner as documented in https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/spring-boot-features.html#boot-features-test-autoconfig to make tests faster and avoid starting the servlet container between each variations. However, beans annotated with #AutoconfigurationProperties are not populated with values injected into ApplicationContextRunner.
I suspect that I'm hitting problem similar to https://stackoverflow.com/a/56023100/1484823
#ConfigurationProperties are not managed by the application context you build in tests, although they will be load when the application launches, because you have #EnableConfigurationProperties on your app main class.
How can I enable support for #ConfigurationProperties with ApplicationContextRunner ?
Here is the corresponding code
void ServiceDefinitionMapperPropertiesAreProperlyLoaded() {
ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()
// .withPropertyValues(DynamicCatalogProperties.OPT_IN_PROPERTY + "=true") //Not sure why this seems ignored
.withSystemProperties(DynamicCatalogConstants.OPT_IN_PROPERTY + "=true",
+ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties.SUFFIX_PROPERTY_KEY+ "=suffix")
contextRunner.run(context -> {
ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties serviceDefinitionMapperProperties
= context.getBean(ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties.class);
which fails with:
to be equal to:
but was not.
Expected :suffix
Actual :
<Click to see difference>
at org.springframework.cloud.appbroker.autoconfigure.DynamicCatalogServiceAutoConfigurationTest
public class DynamicCatalogServiceAutoConfiguration {
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix=ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties.PROPERTY_PREFIX, ignoreUnknownFields = false)
public ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties serviceDefinitionMapperProperties() {
return new ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties();
Full sources available at https://github.com/orange-cloudfoundry/osb-cmdb-spike/blob/0da641e5f2f811f48b0676a25c8cbe97895168d1/spring-cloud-app-broker-autoconfigure/src/test/java/org/springframework/cloud/appbroker/autoconfigure/DynamicCatalogServiceAutoConfigurationTest.java#L89-L107
ps: I was about to submit an issue to https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/issues to suggest documentation enhancement to warn of such limitation in ApplicationContext, and to ask for ways to turn on support for #ConfigurationProperties. Following guidance at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/master/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md, I'm first making sure here I'm not misunderstanding the problem.
If you want to populate a bean annotated with #ConfigurationProperties class as part of your test, and you normally depend on a configuration class annotated with #EnableConfigurationProperties to populate that bean, then you can create a trivial configuration class just for the test:
public class ConfigProps {
private int meaningOfLife;
public int getMeaningOfLife() { return meaningOfLife; }
public void setMeaningOfLife(int meaning) { this.meaningOfLife = meaning; }
class ConfigPropsTest {
private final ApplicationContextRunner runner = new ApplicationContextRunner();
static class TrivialConfiguration {
void test() {
.run(context -> {
assertEquals(42, context.getBean(ConfigProps.class).getMeaningOfLife());
Passing TrivialConfiguration to the ApplicationContextRunner is sufficient to make it create ConfigProps and populate it using the available properties.
As far as I can tell, none of the classes involved in your test enable configuration property binding. As a result, no properties are bound to ServiceDefinitionMapperProperties. You can enable configuration property binding using #EnableConfigurationProperties. A typical place to add it would be on DynamicCatalogServiceAutoConfiguration as its serviceDefinitionMapperProperties bean relies on configuration properties being enabled.

Spring Boot - Detect and terminate if property not set?

Is there any way for a Spring Boot web application to abort at startup if a required property is not set anywhere (neither in the application.properties file nor the other property sources)? Right now, if the property is included in another property, it seem that Spring Boot simply avoids substitution.
For example, in my application.properties file, I have the line:
Right now, if "my.home" is not set elsewhere, Spring Boot is setting the url literally to "jdbc:hsqldb:${my.home}/database/my-jobstore" (no substitution).
I would like to have the application fail to start if the property my.home were not set anywhere else.
To throw a friendly exceptions just put a default null value in property, check and throw a exception in afterProperty method.
public static class ConfigurationGuard implements InitializingBean {
private String myHomeValue;
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.myHomeValue == null or this.myHomeValue.equals("${my.home}") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${my.home} must be configured");
Create a bean with a simple #Value(${my.home}) annotated field. - Then Spring will try to inject that value and will fail and therefore stop when the value is not there.
Just #Value(${my.home}) private String myHomeValue; is enough for normal (not Boot) Spring applications for sure! But I do not know whether Boot has some other configuration to handle missing values: If there is an other failure management than you could check that value in an PostCreation method.
public static class ConfigurationGuard implements InitializingBean {
private String myHomeValue;
* ONLY needed if there is some crude default handling for missing values!!!!
* So try it first without this method (and without implements InitializingBean)
public void afterPropertiesSet() {
if (this.myHomeValue == null or this.myHomeValue.equals("${my.home}") {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("${my.home} must be configured");
The default behaviour in current versions of Spring Boot (1.5.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x) is to throw an exception if a placeholder can not be resolved.
There will a be an exception like this one :
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'app.foo.undefined' in value "${app.foo.undefined}"
It works because a bean of type PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer (from spring-context) is automatically registered in Spring Boot, in this class : PropertyPlaceholderAutoConfiguration. And by default, the property ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders in PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer is set to false, which means an exception must be thrown if a placeholder is unresolved (be it nested or not).
Although they work, I think the approach in the foremost answer is somewhat brittle, as it only works for the predefined name(s), and will silently stop checking the when someone changes quartz.datasource.url in the configs to use a different expansion.
Ideally, I want this value of ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders to be false to get wholesale expansion checking when parsing my configs such as application.properties or its YAML variants, but it's hard-coded to true for these cases. This unfortunately leaves strings such as ${FOO} in its unexpanded form if FOO cannot be found, making troubleshooting extremely painful. This is especially the case for fields that don't readily appear in the logs such as passwords.
While I couldn't find a way of changing ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders short of modifying Spring Boot's classes, I did find an alternative of using a custom PropertySource implementation and defining a new syntax such as "${!FOO}" to indicate FOO must exist as an environment variable or die. (The OP didn't mention whether my.home is an environment variable but the code below is for environment variables.)
First, an EnvironmentPostProcessor implementation is required for registering the custom PropertySource. This StrictSystemEnvironmentProcessor.java does this as well as holds the implementation of the custom PropertySource:
package some.package;
class StrictSystemEnvironmentProcessor implements EnvironmentPostProcessor {
public void postProcessEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment environment, SpringApplication application) {
if (environment.getPropertySources().contains(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME)) {
SystemEnvironmentPropertySource delegate = (SystemEnvironmentPropertySource)environment.getPropertySources()
environment.getPropertySources().addLast(new StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource(delegate));
private static class StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource extends SystemEnvironmentPropertySource {
public StrictSystemEnvironmentPropertySource(SystemEnvironmentPropertySource delegate) {
super(PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME, delegate.getSource());
public Object getProperty(String name) {
if (name.startsWith("!")) {
String variableName = name.substring(1);
Object property = super.getProperty(variableName);
if (property != null) {
return property;
throw new IllegalStateException("Environment variable '" + variableName + "' is not set");
return null;
Instead of returning null, an exception is thrown for names that start with !.
This META-INF/spring.factories is also required so that Spring initializes our EnvironmentPostProcessor:
Then henceforth, I can write all environment variables substitutions in my configs as ${!FOO} to get strict existance checking.
You can also create a #ConfigurationProperties bean, and decorate it with #Validated and #NotNull. This will throw an exception during startup when the value is not present (or null), e.g.
public class MyProperties {
private String home;
// getter/setter, or constructor. See #ConstructorBinding.
For reference: Spring Boot 2.6 - #ConfigurationProperties Validation.
Note that you may need to add spring-boot-starter-validation, or another validator, depending on your project.
Then, you can just supply it as a dependency when needed, e.g.
public class AnotherBean {
private final MyProperties myProps;
public AnotherBean(MyProperties myProps) {
this.myProps = myProps;
// some code that uses myProps.getHome()

spring-security global-method-security protect-pointcut with #EnableGlobalMethodSecurity

How does one port from
<sec:global-method-security secured-annotations="disabled">
<sec:protect-pointcut expression='execution(* x.y.z.end*(..))' access='...' />
to spring java-config
public class MyConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
There is a simmilar question here http://forum.spring.io/forum/spring-projects/security/726615-protect-pointcut-in-java-configuration
There's a workaround for it. The security points information is kept in MethodSecurityMetadataSource implementations (which are then used by MethodInterceptor) so we have to create an additional MethodSecurityMetadataSource. As mentioned in the spring forum post the xml pointcut configuration is kept in MapBasedMethodSecurityMetadataSource and processed by ProtectPointcutPostProcessor. we also need an instance of ProtectPointcutPostProcessor. Unfortunately this class is final and package-private so there are 2 options:
create your own class and copy/paste the whole content of the original one (that's what I did)
change the class modifiers with reflection and create an instance of the original one (haven't done that so no idea if it would work fine)
then create the following beans in your context:
public Map<String, List<ConfigAttribute>> protectPointcutMap() {
Map<String, List<ConfigAttribute>> map = new HashMap<>();
// all the necessary rules go here
map.put("execution(* your.package.service.*Service.*(..))", SecurityConfig.createList("ROLE_A", "ROLE_B"));
return map;
public MethodSecurityMetadataSource mappedMethodSecurityMetadataSource() {
// the key is not to provide the above map here. this class will be populated later by ProtectPointcutPostProcessor
return new MapBasedMethodSecurityMetadataSource();
// it's either the original spring bean created with reflection or your own copy of it
public ProtectPointcutPostProcessor pointcutProcessor() {
ProtectPointcutPostProcessor pointcutProcessor = new ProtectPointcutPostProcessor((MapBasedMethodSecurityMetadataSource) mappedMethodSecurityMetadataSource());
return pointcutProcessor;
we've created the necessary beans, now we have to tell spring to use them. I'm assuming you're extending GlobalMethodSecurityConfiguration. by default it creates DelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource which contains a list of other MethodSecurityMetadataSources. Depending on what you want to achieve you have following options:
if you want to keep all the other MethodSecurityMetadataSources (like the ones for parsing the #Secured annotations) you can extend the list in the delegating metadata source by overriding the following method:
protected MethodSecurityMetadataSource customMethodSecurityMetadataSource() {
return mappedMethodSecurityMetadataSource();
it would inject it on first place in the list though which may cause some problems.
if you want to keep the other sources but want yours to be the last in the list then override the following method:
public MethodSecurityMetadataSource methodSecurityMetadataSource() {
DelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource metadataSource = (DelegatingMethodSecurityMetadataSource) super.methodSecurityMetadataSource();
return metadataSource;
if you want your source to be the only one (you don't want to use #Secured or any other annotations) then you can override the same method, just with different content
public MethodSecurityMetadataSource methodSecurityMetadataSource() {
return mappedMethodSecurityMetadataSource();
that's it! I hope it will help
I followed #marhewa comments and have been able to use the Spring version of class ProtectPointcutPostProcessor by defining the following bean
* Needed to use reflection because I couldn't find a way to instantiate a
* ProtectPointcutPostProcessor via a BeanFactory or ApplicationContext. This bean will process
* the AspectJ pointcut defined in the map; check all beans created by Spring; store the matches
* in the MapBasedMethodSecurityMetadataSource bean so Spring can use it during its checks
* #return
* #throws Exception
#Bean(name = "protectPointcutPostProcessor")
Object protectPointcutPostProcessor() throws Exception {
Class<?> clazz =
Constructor<?> declaredConstructor =
Object instance = declaredConstructor.newInstance(pointcutMethodMetadataSource());
Method setPointcutMap = instance.getClass().getMethod("setPointcutMap", Map.class);
setPointcutMap.invoke(instance, pointcuts());
return instance;
This way I don't need to duplicate the code of this Spring class.

Customize #PropertyResource handling behavior for java annotation based configuration

I wish to customize the handling of the property source, while using java annotation based intializing a spring web application.
public class LdapDao {
public void setEnv(Environment env) throws NamingException {
this.url = env.getProperty("url").trim();
this.user = env.getProperty("user").trim();
this.password = env.getProperty("password).trim();
In this case, spring will look for the property source on classpath. If the property source is declared as:
ldap.properties is searched under the directory specified by the system property "conf.dir".
I need the behavior where the property resource is first searched under the directory specified by the system property "conf.dir". If it is not found there, its location defaults to classpath.
Any suggestion on how to achieve this behavior?
Use this
#PropertySource({"ldap.properties", "file:/${conf.dir}/ldap.properties"})
and you will get last one, just add in yours propConfig code
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propConfig = new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
