Algorithm for matching people together based on likes and dislikes - algorithm

I have a group of about 75 people. Each user has liked or disliked the other 74 users. These people need to be divided in about 15 groups of various sizes (4 tot 8 people). They need to be grouped together so that the groups consist only of people who all liked eachother, or at least as much as possible.
I'm not sure what the best algorithm is to tackle this problem. Any pointers or pseudo code much appreciated!

This isn't formed quite well enough to suggest a particular algorithm. I suggest clustering and "clique" algorithms, but you'll still need to define your "best grouping" metric. "as much as possible", in the face of trade-offs and undefined desires, is meaningless. Your clustering algorithm will need this metric to form your groups.
Data representation is simple: you need a directed graph. An edge from A to B means that A likes B; lack of an edge means A doesn't like B. That will encode the "likes" information in a form tractable to your algorithm. You have 75 nodes and one edge for every "like".
Start by researching clique algorithms; a "clique" is a set in which every member likes every other member. These will likely form the basis of your clustering.
Note, however, that you have to define your trade-offs. For instance, consider the case of 13 nodes consisting of two distinct cliques of 4 and 8 people, plus one person who likes one member of the 8-clique. There are no other "likes" in the graph.
How do you place that 13th person? Do you split the 8-clique and add them to the group with the person they like? If so, you do split off 3 or 4 people form the 8? Is it fair to break 15 or 16 "likes" to put that person with the one person they like -- who doesn't like them? Is it better to add the 13th person to the mutually antagonistic clique of 4?
Your eval function must return a well-ordered metric for all of these situations. It will need to support adding to a group, splitting a large group, etc.

It sounds like a clustering problem.
Each user is a node. If two users liked each other, there is a path between the nodes.
If users disliked each other, or one like another but not the other way around, then there is no path between those nodes.
Once you process the like information into a graph, you will get a connected graph (maybe some nodes will be isolated if no one likes that user). Now the question becomes how to cut that graph into clusters of 4-8 connected nodes, which is a well studied problem with a lot of possible algorithms:
If you want to differentiate between the cases when two people dislike each other vs one person likes another and that person dislikes the first one, than you can also introduce weight on the path - each like is +1, and dislike is -1. Then the question becomes that of partitioning a weighted graph.


Travelling Salesman with multiple salesmen with a limit on number of cities per salesman?

Problem: I need to drop (n) employees from office to their homes(co-ordinates available). I have (x) 7-seater & (y) 4-seater cabs available.
I have to design an algorithm to drop all the employees to their homes while travelling minimum distance.
Also, the algorithm must tell me how many 7-seater or/and 4-seater vehicles I must choose so as to travel minimum distance.
eg. If I have 15 employees then the algorithm may tell me to use 1 (7-seater) cab & 2 (4-seater) cab & have the employees in each cab as following:
[(E2, E4, E6, E8), (E1, E3, E5, E7, E9, E10, E12), (E11, E13, E14, E15)]
Approach: I'm thinking of this as a Travelling Salesman Problem with multiple salesmen with an upper limit on number of cities each can travel. Also salesmen do not need to come back to the origin. Ant's colony problem came to my mind, but I can't really choose wisely which algorithm to choose
Requirement: I really need the ALGORITHM. Either TSP or Ant's colony, doesn't matter. I'll welcome opinions, but I really need the ALGORITHM.
This is a cost minimization problem, not a travelling salesman problem. It is related to TSP in the sense that TSP is a very specific cost minimization problem.
The solution consists of three steps:
Generate a list of employee drop-off points (nodes)
Create distinct paths that do not intersect, nor branch. These will be your routes and help prevent wasteful route overlaps. Use cost(path) = distance(furthest node and origin) + taxi_cost(nodes) + sum(distance between nodes) to compare paths and/or brute-force all potential networks. Networks are layouts of paths. DO NOT BRANCH THE PATHS!!
Total distance is a line of defense against waste ensuring that routes are not too long.
Sum of distances helps the algorithm converge on neighbourhoods where many employees live (when possible).
Because this variation of the coin problem allows imperfect solutions, it reduces to a variant of the Knapsack Problem. The utility of each taxi is capacity. If you also wish to choose the cheapest way to transport your employees, utility(taxi) = capacity/cost. From this our simplest solution is to be greedy; who cares about empty space? If you really care about filling up taxis perfectly (as opposed to cost efficiently), you'll need a much more complex solution. You only specify the least distance as your metric (with each additional taxi multiplying cost). I assume this is a proxy to say 'I don't want to pay too much'.
Therefore: taxi_cost(nodes) = math.floor(amount(nodes)/max(utility(taxis)+1). This equation selects the cheapest, roomiest taxi, and figures out how many of them are required to fully service the route.
Be sure to calculate the cost of each network you examine as sum(cost(path))
Once you've found the cheapest network to service, for each path in the chosen network:
make a list of employees travelling to the furthest node
fill the preferred taxi with those employees
repeat with the next furthest node until you have a full taxi, then add the filled taxi to the list. If you run out of employees, you've finished assigning taxis to the route. (The benefit of furthest-first selection is that you can ask employees in unfilled taxis to walk if that part of the route is within blocks of the office).
The algorithm above is not perfect, but it will have many desirable tendencies.
routes will be as short as possible and cover the greatest possible area (by not looping or branching)
routes will tend to service neighbourhoods, rather than trying to overlap responsibilities. This part of the algorithm isn't optimal, but is effective. This makes it really easy to remove service routes without needing to recalculate the transportation network.
the taxis chosen will be cost-efficient, helping to avoid paying more than necessary.
routes will use as few taxis as possible, taking into account the relative cost of upgrading to roomier ones with higher capacity
because the taxis travelling furthest will be full, it has less of an impact on your employee's ability to get to work if you decide to cancel service to emptier taxis.
Every step closer to perfection costs you many times more than the previous step, so diminished returns are acceptable if the solution provide desirable features. Although the algorithm makes some potentially sub-optimal tradeoffs, they come with huge value; your network of taxi routes becomes much easier to modify.
If you'd like to make an optimal solution, the Knapsack Problem, Coin Problem, and Change-making Problem help determine the cost of taxis and routes.
Spanning Trees are the most effective way to determine routes. Center the spanning tree at the office and calculate the cost of each branch as the maximum distance from the office. Try to keep each branch servicing areas with high density to make it easier to add and remove taxi routes.
Studying pathfinding can help you learn how to determine good cost functions so that you can numerically compare different potential paths. Remember that your network consists of a set of paths, but will require its own cost function so that you can compare different layouts.
I've written an in-depth guide to pathfinding for this answer. Pathfinding articles are few and just don't go into enough depth for a lot of problem spaces. A good cost function can get you a nearly perfect solution if you have multiple priorities. Unfortunately, good cost functions are domain specific so you will need to identify them yourself. Feel free to message me if you aren't sure how to make a path with certain traits and I'll help you figure out a good cost function.
It's a constraint satisfaction problem, not really a TSP. If you're looking for a project that may be able to help you, you could look into cspdb, which is what I wrote some time ago:
You'd be using a database in the backend that maintains the state and write a couple of scripts in it's own grammar that manipulates that state. A couple of examples are included to solve nqueens and classroom scheduling with multiple constraints.
From a list d destinations you can make the array of pairwise travel costs c. where c[a,b] is the travel cost from a to b...
Now you have a start point p. add to the array c2 values for p to each point in d.
So you now have the concept of groups.
You can look at this as a greedy algorithm. Given the list c2 you can take the cheapest option given your state.
Your state is the vector all you cab vectors (the costs of getting from where ever they are to where ever they could go next) .* the assignment vector where k == 0 for k in the. You find the minimum option given your state (considering adding another onerous to a cab of 4 costs the difference between the 4 person cab and the 7 person cab and adding a person to a zero person cab or adding a new cab also has a cost. Once all your people have been assigned to their cabs you have an answer.
The Idea of a greedy algorithm is most often characterized by the backpack problem but it can also be implemented for statistical methods such as feature selection.
Like #Aaron3468 this approach is not perfect and does not guarantee the best solution.
If you want the best possible solutions you can iterate through all the combinations but this becomes impractical quickly.
From my point of view your algorithm should solve 2 problems: the number of cars of each type and the shortest distance (how you number your employees depends on you or you should give more details). Sorry I'm a using a phone and I don't have have all features of the site.
For the number of cars you can use below algorithm. To solve issues related to distances, you should give more info about the paths and their lengths. A graph algorithm may then be combined with this to do the trick. Here 11=7+4.
Integer temp:= n/11
Integer rem:= n mod 11
If rem=0
Else if rem<=4
Else if rem<=7

Efficient Algorithm for finding closest match in a graph

Edit: to include concrete explanation of my problem (as correctly deduced by Billiska):
"Set A is the set of users. set B is the set of products. each user rates one or more products. the rating is 1 to 10. you want to deduce for each user, who is the other user that has the most similar taste to him."
"The other half is choosing how exactly do you want to rank similarity of A-elements." - this is also part of my problem. I feel that users who have rated similarly across the most products have the closed affinity, but at the same time I want to avoid user1 and user2 with many mediocre matches being matched ahead of user1 and user3 who have just a few very good matches (perhaps I need a non-linear score).
Disclaimer: I have never used a graph database.
I two sets of data A and B. A has a relationship with zero to many Bs. Each relationship has a fixed value.
So my initial thought "Yay, thats a graph, time to learn about graph databases!" but before I get too carried away.... the only reason for doing this so that I can answer the question....
For each A find the set of As that are most similar based on their weights, where I want to take in to consideration
the difference in weights (assuming 1 to 10) so that 10 and 10 is scored higher than 10 and 1; but then I have an issue with how to handle where is is no pairing (or do I - I am just not sure)
the number of vertices (ignoring weights) that two sets have in common. Intention is to rank two As with lots of vertices to the same Bs higher than two As that have just a single matching vertices.
What would the best approach be to doing this?
(Supplementary - as I realise this may count a second question): How would that approach change if the set of A was in the millions and B in the 100 thousands and I needed real-time answers?
Not a complete answer. I don't fully understand the technique either. but I know it's very relevant.
If you view the data as a matrix. e.g. have the rows correspond to set A, have the columns correspond to set B, and the entries are the weight.
Then it's a matrix with some missing values.
One technique used in recommender system (under the category of collaborative filtering) is low-rank approximation.
It's based on the assumption that the said user-product rating matrix usually have low-rank.
In a rough sense, the said matrix have low-rank if the rows of many users could be expressed as linear combination of other users' row.
I hope this would give a start for further reading.
Yes, you could see in low-rank approximation wiki page that the technique can be used to guess the missing entries (the missing rating). I know it's a different problem, but related.

Weighted bipartite matching with constraints on degrees of vertices

I have a problem that I was able to conceptualize as following:
We have a set of n people. And m subsets representing their ethnicity like White, Hispanic, Asian etc.
Given any combination of these people, I want to check if it is a diverse group.
A diverse group is a group that satisfies several requirements, each requirement is of the form "at least Ki persons in the group belong to subset Si". Here is the tricky part, one person can only be used to satisfy one requirement. As in, you can't use him/her for multiple requirements.
An example:
At least two people from Hispanic= {a,b,c}
At least two people from Asian={a,d,e}
Is the group {a,c,d} a diverse group?
The group {a,c,d} is not diverse because you cant count a as Hispanic and Asian. But,
the group {a,c,d,e,f} is diverse because we have two Hispanics a and c and two Asian d and e.
This is an instance of the Assignment problem. The jobs are the ethnicity and we can put as many ethnicity as the requirement dictate. For example, if we need two Hispanic, then we put two Hispanic jobs. However there only some people are able to do a particular job.
This is my attempt so far:
I will construct a bipartite graph with the set of people P on one hand and the set of ethnicity on the other S. We will put an edge between a person p_i and an ethnicity S_i if he/she belongs to the ethnicity.
Now, we will modify the graph, for every ethnicity S_i duplicate it k_i times (S_{i,1}, S_{i,2}, ... , S_{i,k_i}). And add new edges accordingly. Find the maximum matching M of this graph.
Now, merge the S_{i,j} s into one S_i and there you have a diverse group. However, a maximum matching is only a possible solution to to the problem. And my problem is a decision problem, I want to check if a given group is a solution or not.
I think this is an instance of the, usually described in terms of assigning people to jobs, so in your case the job is "sit there and look white" or "sit there and look hispanic". Only some people are qualified to do any particular job, and they can only do one job at a time.
Normally the assignment algorithm minimizes a cost, but you can just use cost 0/cost 1 for "is in the right ethnic group" or not.
One means of solving this is the This is often presented for the case in which there are exactly as many workers as jobs, but you can always invent dummy jobs or dummy workers, with all costs associated with dummies the same cost, so that optimizing the problem with dummies reproduces exactly the relative order of costs you would get if you ignored assignments to dummies, and so the optimum with dummies is the same choice, after ignoring dummies, as the optimum without.

Algorithm for sorting people into rooms based on age and nationality

I’m working on program for the English Language school I work for. I’m not being paid, its just a kind of a hobby to improve / automate my work flow.
It’s a residential school and one aspects I’m looking at automating is the way we allocate room to students, and although I don’t want a full blown solution I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction… Suggestions of the way you might approach this or by suggesting algorithms to look at etc.
Basically at the school we have a whole bunch of different rooms ranging from singles to dormitories for 8 people. We get lots of different nationalities from all over the world, and we always try to maker sure each room has a mix of nationalities. Where there is more than one nationality we try to balance them. Age is also important, we always put students of a similar age together, while still trying to mix nationalities, and its unusual for us to have students sharing with more than two years between them.
I suppose more generically speaking, I am in interested in how to sort a given set of students based on two parameters to an optimal result with a few rules attached.
I hope I’ve explain clearly what I am trying to achieve… in a way it sounds really simple, but I’ve trying to think how to do it in a simple way, i.e. by sorting by nationality and then by age but it just doesn’t cut it and I know there must be a better way of approaching this. When I do it “by hand” on an excel sheet it does feel quite intuitive.
Thank you to anyone who offers help / advice.
This is an interesting question but it's not easy to answer. Somehow it's connected with subdivsion and bin packing or the cutting-stock problem. You may want to look for a topological sort too. You can look for Drools a business logic platform that let you define such rules.
First of all you might find this interesting: Stable Room-mates Problem (wikipedia). Unfortunately it does not answer your question.
Try a genetic algorithm.
There are three main criteria for using a genetic algorithm:
ability to represent a solution as a mutable array. We can have an array of integers such that a[i] is the room for the ith student.
mutation of the state should produce predictable results. In our case this is true. Mutating the array will predictably shuffle students between the rooms.
easy to write a fast fitness function. Shouldn't be too hard to write a O(n) fitness function.
This is an interesting problem. I'll try writing some code with this approach and we'll see what happens.
How about, you think of a room as something that repels students of a nationality it already has, and attracts students of a close age to what it already has. The closer the age to the average age, the more it attracts it, and the more guys of X nationality are in the room, the more if repels guys of X nationality.
Then you would, for every new student to be added, iterate through each room and see which is the one that attracts it more. I guess if the room is empty you can set all forces to 0. Also, you would have a couple of constants that multiply each of both "forces" so you can calibrate it depending on how important is to have the same age against how important is to have different nationalities.
I'd analyze each student and create a 'personality' vector based on his/her age & nationality. Then I'd sort the vectors, and maybe scramble the results a bit after sorting to encourage diversity.
The general theme of "assign x to y with respect to constraints while optimizing some quantity" falls within operations research or more specifically The usual approach is to formally specify the problem and use a generic optimization solver such as one of those listed in
Give it a try, the formal specification languages for using the existing solvers are rather easy to learn and you might get an optimal solution without having to debug a complicated algorithm.
Formulation as a General Optimization Problem
It will be useful to formalize constraints and parameters. Let us assume that for 1 <= i <= 8, we have n_i rooms available of size i. Now let us impose the hard constraint that in a particular room S, every two students a, b \in S, we have that:
|Grade(a) - Grade(b)| <= 2 (1)
Now we are interested in optimizing the "diversity" function which intuitively represents the idea that we want rooms to be as mixed as possible. So we can represent this goal as:
max over all arrangements {{ Sum over all rooms S of DiversityScore(S) }}
where we have DiversityScore(S) = # of Different Nationalities in the Room
Formulation as a Graph Problem
This is the most general setting, but clearly max over all arrangements is not computationally feasible. Now let us pose this as a sort of graph problem with the hard grade constraints. Denote all students as a vertex in a Graph G. Connect two vertices if students satisfy constraint (1). Now a clique in this graph represents a group of students that can all be placed in the same room. Now proceed in a greedy manner. Choose the largest clique of size 4 which has the largest Diversity Score. Then place them in a room and continue until all rooms are filled. This clique search method can also incorporate gender constraints which is useful, however not that Clique finding is NP Hard Problem.
Now before trying to come up with something that may be faster, let us think about how to weaken the hard constraint (1). We can massage our graph formulation by including edge weights into the picture. So if the hard constraint is satisfied denote the edge weight from i to j as 1. If two students i and j deviate by age more than 2 denote the edge weight as 1 / (Age Difference)^2 or something. Then the score of a clique should be a product of the cliques edge weights with some diversity score. However it becomes clear that now the problem is on a complete graph, which is just the general optimization we hoped to avoid, so we need to impose some hard restrictions to reduce the connectivity of our graph.
A Basic Sorting Approximation Algorithm
Sort all students by their age, so we have a sorted array where all students in a[i] have the same age, and all students in a[i] are older than all students in a[j] for all j < i.
Now consider each pair i, j, of which there are O(n^2), where we also have that |Age[i] - Age[j]| <= 2. Find the largest group of students with different nationalities and place them in a room together. We successively iterate over O(n^2) index pairs which satisfy the hard constraint and take any students with nationality difference (which we can find by preprocessing and hashing on the index pairs). Doing this carefully (like looking at indices i j which are spread apart before close together) improves running time further. It feels like it should be polytime, but I think there are certain subtleties to address first before saying so.

Grouping individuals into families

We have a simulation program where we take a very large population of individual people and group them into families. Each family is then run through the simulation.
I am in charge of grouping the individuals into families, and I think it is a really cool problem.
Right now, my technique is pretty naive/simple. Each individual record has some characteristics, including married/single, age, gender, and income level. For married people I select an individual and loop through the population and look for a match based on a match function. For people/couples with children I essentially do the same thing, looking for a random number of children (selected according to an empirical distribution) and then loop through all of the children and pick them out and add them to the family based on a match function. After this, not everybody is matched, so I relax the restrictions in my match function and loop through again. I keep doing this, but I stop before my match function gets too ridiculous (marries 85-year-olds to 20-year-olds for example). Anyone who is leftover is written out as a single person.
This works well enough for our current purposes, and I'll probably never get time or permission to rework it, but I at least want to plan for the occasion or learn some cool stuff - even if I never use it. Also, I'm afraid the algorithm will not work very well for smaller sample sizes. Does anybody know what type of algorithms I can study that might relate to this problem or how I might go about formalizing it?
For reference, I'm comfortable with chapters 1-26 of CLRS, but I haven't really touched NP-Completeness or Approximation Algorithms. Not that you shouldn't bring up those topics, but if you do, maybe go easy on me because I probably won't understand everything you are talking about right away. :) I also don't really know anything about evolutionary algorithms.
Edit: I am specifically looking to improve the following:
Less ridiculous marriages.
Less single people at the end.
Perhaps what you are looking for is cluster analysis?
Lets try to think of your problem like this (starting by solving the spouses matching):
If you were to have a matrix where each row is a male and each column is a female, and every cell in that matrix is the match function's returned value, what you are now looking for is selecting cells so that there won't be a row or a column in which more than one cell is selected, and the total sum of all selected cells should be maximal. This is very similar to the N Queens Problem, with the modification that each allocation of a "queen" has a reward (which we should maximize).
You could solve this problem by using a graph where:
You have a root,
each of the first raw's cells' values is an edge's weight leading to first depth vertices
each of the second raw's cells' values is an edge's weight leading to second depth vertices..
(Notice that when you find a match to the first female, you shouldn't consider her anymore, and so for every other female you find a match to)
Then finding the maximum allocation can be done by BFS, or better still by A* (notice A* typically looks for minimum cost, so you'll have to modify it a bit).
For matching between couples (or singles, more on that later..) and children, I think KNN with some modifications is your best bet, but you'll need to optimize it to your needs. But now I have to relate to your edit..
How do you measure your algorithm's efficiency?
You need a function that receives the expected distribution of all states (single, married with one children, single with two children, etc.), and the distribution of all states in your solution, and grades the solution accordingly. How do you calculate the expected distribution? That's quite a bit of statistics work..
First you need to know the distribution of all states (single, married.. as mentioned above) in the population,
then you need to know the distribution of ages and genders in the population,
and last thing you need to know - the distribution of ages and genders in your population.
Only then, according to those three, can you calculate how many people you expect to be in each state.. And then you can measure the distance between what you expected and what you got... That is a lot of typing.. Sorry for the general parts...
