Trigger ray cast tests consecutively - qt3d

Following this answer, I'm doing consecutive ray casts:
m_rayCaster = new Qt3DRender::QRayCaster(m_scene->rootEntity());
I have these slots to handle whether and when next consecutive ray cast test should be done:
QObject::connect(m_rayCaster, &Qt3DRender::QRayCaster::hitsChanged, this, &RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterHits);
QObject::connect(m_rayCaster, &Qt3DCore::QNode::enabledChanged, this, &RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterEnabledChange);
QObject::connect(this, &RayCastHandler::isPreviousTestDoneChanged, this, &RayCastHandler::handleIsPreviousTestDoneChange);
QObject::connect(this, &RayCastHandler::isNextTestRequiredChanged, this, &RayCastHandler::handleIsNextTestRequiredChange);
The slots set the conditions and check them:
void RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterHits(const Qt3DRender::QAbstractRayCaster::Hits hits)
bool required = isNextTestRequired(/* according to m_testCounter, m_testsTotal, ... */);
emit isNextTestRequiredChanged(required);
emit isPreviousTestDoneChanged(true);
void RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterEnabledChange(const bool enabled)
m_isRayCasterEnabled = enabled;
void RayCastHandler::handleIsPreviousTestDoneChange(const bool done)
m_isPreviousTestDone = done;
void RayCastHandler::handleIsNextTestRequiredChange(const bool required)
m_isNextTestRequired = required;
if (!m_isNextTestRequired)
emit rayCastResultsChanged(m_collisions);
The code which checks if next ray cast test is required:
bool RayCastHandler::isNextTestRequired(int &testCounter, const int &testsTotal)
if (testCounter >= testsTotal) {
return false;
return true;
And finally, the function which checks all the conditions to trigger next ray cast test is:
bool RayCastHandler::triggerNextTestIfAllConditionsAreTrue()
if (m_isPreviousTestDone && m_isNextTestRequired && m_isRayCasterEnabled) {
triggerTest(/* Will trigger next ray cast test */);
m_isPreviousTestDone = false;
m_isNextTestRequired = false;
m_isRayCasterEnabled = false;
The code works fine, but after casting a few consecutive rays, it stops.
By logging to console, I observe that the m_rayCaster looks to be enabled/disabled randomly. I mean sometimes after finishing a ray cast test, it disables itself, and sometimes it enables itself! I wonder if anybody can introduce a reference on Qt3DRender::QRayCaster enabling/disabling logic. I looked at its source code a bit, I wonder which section of source code might help me to figure out.

Just wanted to share my observations:
I simplified the code by keeping only two signal-slot connections:
QObject::connect(m_rayCaster, &Qt3DRender::QRayCaster::hitsChanged, this, &RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterHits);
QObject::connect(m_rayCaster, &Qt3DCore::QNode::enabledChanged, this, &RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterEnabledChange);
One slot analyzes the hits of ray-caster:
void RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterHits(const Qt3DRender::QAbstractRayCaster::Hits hits)
analyzeHits( ... , hits);
The other slot runs the next consecutive ray-cast test, if ray-caster has disabled itself:
void RayCastHandler::handleRayCasterEnabledChange(const bool enabled)
// When the component disables itself, it is ready for the next ray-cast test
if (!enabled) {
bool required = isNextTestRequired( ... );
if (required)
triggerTest( ... );
// Send final ray-cast results by a signal, if next test is NOT needed
emit rayCastResultsChanged( ... );
The above code works as long as I trigger ray-cast tests with a time-delay. Sometimes I have to increase the above delay time to make it work. But at least it works. Although it is painful since it is NOT reliable:
void RayCastHandler::triggerTest( ... )
// 1 millisecond delay time
QTimer::singleShot(1, [rayCaster, origin, direction, length](){rayCaster->trigger(origin, direction, length);});
However, if I use no delay time, at some point, the ray caster stops unexpectedly, without sending any signal containing hit results, and ray caster stays enabled forever. Looks like ray-caster gets stuck:
void RayCastHandler::triggerTest( ... )
// No delay
rayCaster->trigger(origin, direction, length);


Is there a proper way to make a two distincts states program in processing?

For a project, I need to do a processing code able to switch between two completely different states. There is a default state and it switches to the special state when the mouse is pressed. The special state have an initialization phase. It also have an end and when it reaches it, the program switches back to the normal state. The way I would implement this is the following :
boolean isNormal;
void setup(){
//setup things...
isNormal = true;
void draw(){
if (endReached){
isNormal = true;
void mousePressed(){
isNormal = false;
void normal(){
//normal routine...
void special(){
//special routine...
Is there a better way to do it (more efficient, cleaner, ...) ?

Why does only some of my objects get created using std::async

I have a loop that pushes back calls of std::async that are used to create objects in the pointed function and emplace them back to another vector. All the calls are pushed to the futures function and the results are ready when i used the VS debugger. However of the 507 calls, only 30 objects are actually created and i cant seem to pin point why.I have tried setting the launch policy to both async and defered but get the same result.
void load_sec_p(vector<Security>* secs, map<string, map<string, vector<daySec>>> *psa_timeline,security sec) {
Security tmp = Security(psa_timeline, &sec.tsymb, &sec.gicsInd);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(s_SecsMutex);
Above is the function being executed in the async call
below is the loop that pushes back the futures
for (auto& sec : security_list) {
m_SecFutures.emplace_back(std::async(load_sec_p,&async_secs, &psa_timeline, sec));
The following pictures show the watch of both variables after the above loop is completed and the entire future vectors is checked for completion.
I have tried creating the objects by just using a regular for loop and appending them synchronously but it simply just takes too long(2 hours and 11 minutes long). If anyone has any advice on alternatives or how to fix my vector problem it would be greatly appreciated.
The code that checks if all the futures is shown below:
bool done = false;
cout << "Waiting...";
do {
done = futures_ready(m_SecFutures);
} while (!done);
The function is
template<class T>
bool futures_ready(std::vector<std::future<T>>& futures) {
std::chrono::milliseconds span(5);
bool finished = false;
int pends = 0;
while (!finished) {
//allowing thread to sleep so futures can process a bit more and also
//so thread doesnt reach max cpu usage
for (auto& x : futures) {
if (x.wait_for(span) == std::future_status::timeout) {
if (pends == 0) {
finished = true;
else {
pends = 0;
return finished;

why do I get two events from particle.publish?

I am using code like this on a particle electron to report pulse counts from a flow meter on my kegerator to the particle cloud:
void meterInterrupt(void) {
cloudPending = 1;
attachInterrupt(pin, meterInterrupt, FALLING);
void publishStatus() {
if (!cloudPending) {
cloudPending = 0;
// status message contains number of ticks since last publish
bool published = Particle.publish("Ticks", statusMessage, PRIVATE);
if (published) {
lastPublish = millis();
void loop() {
if ((millis() - lastPublish) >= 1000) {
When I curl the event log into my terminal, I see two events for the first publish like so:
event: Ticks
data: {"data":"ticks:1","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.008Z","coreid":"420052000351353337353037"}
event: hook-sent/Ticks
data: {"data":"","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.130Z","coreid":"particle-internal"}
event: Ticks
data: {"data":"ticks:46","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.193Z","coreid":"420052000351353337353037"}
event: hook-sent/Ticks
data: {"data":"","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.303Z","coreid":"particle-internal"}
I don't see how this could happen. Why didn't it just report "ticks:47"? What am I missing?
I did some further testing and noticed that Particle.publish is returning false the first time when it is actually completing successfully. Is this a timeout issue? The time difference between these publishes is only about 200ms.
OK, This is at least a partial answer.
It appears that Particle.publish is asynchronous. It returns the promise of an answer that starts out as false only eventually becomes true when/if the action is actually completed. If I wait an indeterminate amount of time (say delay(10)) after Particle.publish and before checking the return code, the return value will indicate the actual success or failure of the publish. My code cannot work because the ticks that are counted while I wait will be deleted when I reset the meters. WITH_ACK gives me the same behavior.
I will have to modify my code such that no ticks are lost during the long running Particle.publish . I am thinking that each statusMessage should go onto a list until it is ack'ed by the server.
I modified the code to close the window during which I can receive ticks that will then be wiped out when I reset the counters. I do this by capturing the ticks into an array and then resetting the tick counter (meter). I am using a library called PublishQueueAsyncRK (cudos to rickkas7 This library is great!) so I can just fire it and forget it. Check it out on github.
void publishStatus() {
unsigned int counters[NUM_METERS];
unsigned int pending;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_METERS; i++) {
meter_t *meter = &meters[i];
counters[i] = meter->ticks;
pending += counters[i];
if (pending) {
String statusReport;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_METERS; i++) {
statusReport.concat(String::format("%i:%u|", i+1, counters[i]));
lastPublished = millis();
void publishReport(String report) {
if (report != "") {
publishQueue.publish("PourLittleTicks", report, PRIVATE);
void loop() {
if ((millis() - lastPublished) >= PUBLISH_INTERVAL) {

Correct way of synchronization between a method and a stop functionality

I have a function (lets call it function A) that 0 to many threads can access it (at the same time, no shared resources). At any given time, the user can use to stop the process. The stop functionality needs to make sure that there are threads accessing function A, so that a graceful shutdown can be performed. Is there a native procedure to do so?
What I was going to do is have an InterlockedIncrement an integer everytime function A is called (and a corresponding InterlockedDecrement on said integer when function A exists). When an InterlockedDecrement takes place, it checks the value of the integer, if it's set to zero, a event is set to signalled. If the value is not zero, the event is set to nonsignalled.
This makes sense in my mind, but I'm curious whether there is a more native structure / functionality adapted to do so.
I still have to thing about the fact the "stop" function may get starved (in the sense, the said integer may never be set to zero). A sidenote: when the stop event takes place, the InterlockedIncrement process shall be stopped, to reduce said starvation.
what you need and want implement is called Run-Down Protection. unfortunately it supported only in kernel mode, but not hard implement it yourself in user mode too.
the simplest implementation is next:
HANDLE ghStopEvent;
LONG gLockCount = 1;
void unlock()
if (!InterlockedDecrement(&gLockCount)) SetEvent(ghStopEvent);
BOOL lock()
LONG Value = gLockCount, NewValue;
for ( ; !bStop && Value; Value = NewValue)
NewValue = InterlockedCompareExchange(&gLockCount, Value + 1, Value);
if (NewValue == Value) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void funcA();
void UseA()
if (lock())
and when you want begin rundown - once call
bStop = TRUE; unlock();
how you can see lock function is interlocked increment gLockCount on 1 but only if it not 0.
in kernel mode you can call instead
void UseA()
if (ExAcquireRundownProtection(&gRunRef))
and on place final unlock - ExWaitForRundownProtectionRelease
some more complex and scalable implementation of rundown-protection:
#define RUNDOWN_INIT_VALUE 0x80000000
class __declspec(novtable) RUNDOWN_REF
LONG _LockCount;
virtual void RundownCompleted() = 0;
BOOL IsRundownBegin()
return 0 <= _LockCount;
void Reinit()
BOOL AcquireRundownProtection()
LONG Value = _LockCount, NewValue;
for ( ; Value < 0; Value = NewValue)
NewValue = InterlockedCompareExchange(&_LockCount, Value + 1, Value);
if (NewValue == Value) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
void ReleaseRundownProtection()
if (RUNDOWN_COMPLETE_VALUE == InterlockedDecrement(&_LockCount))
void BeginRundown()
if (AcquireRundownProtection())
_interlockedbittestandreset(&_LockCount, 31);
and use it like:
HANDLE _hEvent;
virtual void RundownCompleted()
// ...
} gRunRef;
void UseA()
if (gRunRef.AcquireRundownProtection())
and when you want stop:
gRunRef.BeginRundown();// can be safe called multiple times
// wait on gRunRef._hEvent here
interesting that in kernel exist else one (more old - from win2000, when rundown protection from xp) api Remove Locks. it do almost the same. different only in internal implementation and usage. with remove locks code will be look like this:
void UseA()
if (0 <= IoAcquireRemoveLock(&gLock, 0))
IoReleaseRemoveLock(&gLock, 0);
and when we want stop - call
IoAcquireRemoveLock(&gLock, 0);
IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWait(&gLock, 0);
my first code spinet by implementation near remove locks implementation, when second near rundown-protection implementation. but by sense both do the same

Omnet++ : changing the location of function didn't work as expected

I am actually trying to edit the etherhost2 function to send to several destinations and I reached a point where it is possible only for the first time.
In the original code the function is working properly by just moving the two functions sendBurstPackets() and scheduleNextPacket(simTime()) in if condition with destMACAddress = resolveDestMACAddress() those two functions are only called once.
Does that mean that destMacAddress is set once through the whole simulation?
Original Code
void EtherTrafGen::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (!isNodeUp())
throw cRuntimeError("Application is not running");
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
if (msg->getKind() == START) {
destMACAddress = resolveDestMACAddress();
// if no dest address given, nothing to do
if (destMACAddress.isUnspecified())
receivePacket(check_and_cast<cPacket *>(msg));
My Changes
void EtherTrafGen::handleMessage(cMessage *msg)
if (!isNodeUp())
throw cRuntimeError("Application is not running");
if (msg->isSelfMessage()) {
if (msg->getKind() == START) {
if (!multipacket)
destMACAddress = resolveDestMACAddress();
// if no dest address given, nothing to do
if (destMACAddress.isUnspecified())
receivePacket(check_and_cast<cPacket *>(msg));
The first message is only true for that condition (msg->getKind() == START), which means the the mac is set once for each host through the whole simulation. Removing that condition made it work.
I am worried if there are other self messages that might be mistaken with that function. Would be better to have separate EtherHost app that only works for my simulation.
If there is an idea how to look at all self messages, I would appreciate if some one informed me.
