Laravel Meaning of Load View function - laravel-5

I want to know what is the function of loadView in Laravel.
Because I have a hard time viewing my view_path.
public function loadView($view_path, $params) {
$view = View::make($view_path, $params);
$contents = $view->render();
return $contents;

The view path is the path to the view starting from the folder resources/views/ and without the .blade.php extension.
For example if you want to load the view /var/www/html/myProject/resources/views/front/welcome.blade.php then the view path is "front/welcome".
You should probably use "view($view_path, $params)" to load your views at the end of your controllers.
As in :
return view("front/welcome", $params);
Where did you find this loadView function ?


Laravel unlink method

can someone tell me how to unlink image from public path when product is deleted.
My current code which does not work:
public function destroy($id)
$product = Product::findOrFail($id);
$image_path = '/uploads/products/' . $product->image;
Also tried:
$product = Product::findOrFail($id);
Also I am using accessor so my $product->image is returning:
Here is accessor code:
public function getImageAttribute($image){
return asset($image);
use model deleted event
//Product Model
protected static function boot()
// getOriginal skip accessor
$image = public_path('uploads/products/' . $product->getOriginal('image'));
if(file_exists($image)) {
unlink($path) is a PHP function. It will delete a file located at a local path. According to your question the value of $product->image is the complete URL to the image. If it is then the following is true:
$product = Product::findOrFail($id);
$image_path = '/uploads/products/' . $product->image;
// $image_path = '/uploads/products/http://myeshop.local/uploads/products/1593902362bluesocksupd.jpg'
// and it needs to point to '/PATH/TO/LARAVEL/uploads/products/1593902362bluesocksupd.jpg'
// the following file_exists() will return false
unlink($image_path); // so you never get here
There are some quick and dirty ways to fix this, but the best thing to do is to have the $product->image property point to just the name of the file. Then in your view apply the file name to the /uploads/products/ directory on the web server.
Doing this will allow you to apply the /uploads/products/ local path and have a better time finding the file you want to delete. I'm assuming the uploads directory is in your Laravel public directory so you'd want to do something like this:
// $product->image must point to the filename only: 1593902362bluesocksupd.jpg
// The file_exists should evaluate to true and unlink() will work.
$image_path = public_path('uploads/products/' . $product->image);
In your Blade template view you'd need to show the product image using something like this:
<img src="{{ url('/uploads/products/' . $product->image) }}" />
Storing a complete URL in your database doesn't scale well if you wanted to develop another website or reuse this code on another project. This way you can let Laravel manage where the URL or local file system is.
You could use PHP's unlink() method.
But if you want to do it the Laravel way, use the Storage::delete method instead :
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Storage;
public function destroy($id)
$product = Product::findOrFail($id);
$image_path = public_path('uploads/products/' . $product->image);

How to call a view in voyager?

Im having issue to return a view in voyager.
This is inside my controller(App/Http/Controllers/TestController.php):
public function showGraph()
$users = DB::select('SELECT * FROM whmcs_clients_invoices');
return view('index', ["users"=>$users]);
From the above code, the index view is actually inside the voyager. (vendor/tcg/voyager/resources/views/index.blade.php)
This is inside my route(routes/web.php).
// WHMCS Client Paths
Route::get('/admin', 'TestController#showGraph');
The issue now is "View [index] not found."
Can i know how to put the path correctly so that the function can work?

how to save pdf inside controller and pass pdf patch

pdf api ->
I create some simple API, everyone who pass some data will recaive link to pdf file.
The thing is, i dont know how to save pdf after conroller make changes inside my blade template.
i already try changing data by request and that was working.
something like :
class pdfGenerator extends Controller
public function show(Request $request)
$data = $request->json()->all();
return view('test2', compact('data'));
that work well, also pdf creator works well from web.php
Route::get('/test', function () {
$pdf = PDF::loadView('test2');
return $pdf->download('test2.pdf');
that one just download my pdf file as expected.
but, now i try to pust some changes from request and save file but... without efford... any idea?
My code after tray to save content
class pdfGenerator extends Controller
public function show(Request $request)
$data = $request->json()->all();
return $pdf = PDF::loadView('test2', compact('data'))->save('/pdf_saved/my_test_file.pdf');
But i get only some errors. Please help :D
How can I save a PDF inside my controller and pass the PDF patch?
$data = $request->json()->all();
$pdf = app('dompdf.wrapper');
$pdf->loadView('test2', $data);
return $pdf->download('test2.pdf');

How to use session_data in codeigniter throughout Website without including in particular view

Is there any other best way to use session_data in website.
How i set session in my project:
$sess_array = array('id' => $row->user_id,'name'=>$row->user_name,'email'=>$row->email,'condition'=>'','balance'=>$row->balance,'did_alloted'=>$row->did_alloted,'create_date'=>$row->create_date);
$this->session->set_userdata('logged_in', $sess_array);
when it comes to controller:
$data['id'] = $session_data['id'];
$data['name'] = $session_data['name'];
$data['email'] = $session_data['email'];
$this->load->view('san-reception', $data);
and in my view. I use <?php echo $name ?> to get session_data.
So is there any method by which i can directly access session_data in view without including as $data.
$this->session->userdata('logged_in'); will be available directly in views and hence you just need to assigned this to a variable and then use that as array like bellow.
now variable $userdata contain all array field that you set in controller and hence you can use it as $userdata['id'], $userdata['name'] etc
public function __construct()
public function some_function(){
public function some_function1(){
public function some_function2(){
If you assign that into the constructor then it will call by automatically whenever a function calls in the controller.
you can view it in you view page by,

How to change the value of a variable inside a controller from a view file (html)?

I followed this tutorial:
The controller that loads the language is this one:
class Example extends Controller {
function Example() {
# Load libraries
# Load language
$this->lang->load('example', 'english');
function index() {
# Load variables into the template parser
$data = $this->lang->language;
# Display view
$this->parser->parse('example', $data);
In order to change the language I have to manually change english to say spanish in the controller.
What's the best way the user can do this from the index.php file (view)?
The best thing to do is have the user select a supported language on some page, set it as a session variable and call it when ever you need to load a language
$language = $this->session->userdata("language");
$this->lang->load("example", $language);
$data = $this->lang->language;
$this->parser->parse("example", $data);
If you're using CodeIgniter and you're new to this, I wouldn't suggest messing with the index.php file.
You want to do it inside your controller by loading a form where they can pick their language and storing it in the session. I'd also suggest autoloading your session library.
The controller:
class Home extends Controller {
function Home()
function index()
$language = $this->session->userdata("language");
$this->lang->load("example", $language);
$data = $this->lang->language;
$this->parser->parse("example", $data);
function set_lang()
if( ! $this->form_validation->run())
$language = $this->input->post('language', TRUE);
$this->session->set_userdata('language', $language);
redirect('home' 'location');
