Xamarin Universal Linking not requesting apple-app-site file - xamarin

I'm trying to implement Universal Linking in my iOS Xamarin app. I've uploaded the apple-app-site-association file to my server, sending it as application/json and tested to ensure it downloads.
I've then added the following to the Entitlements.plist:
I need the linking to work across all subdomains, so my understanding is to include both the root domain and the wildcard entry, hence the two entries above. The apple-app-site-association file is served from the root domain and all subdomains.
I'm testing my app in debug mode through Visual Studio, to an actual device (iPhone XS). My understanding is that when the app is installed it will attempt to download the apple-app-site-association file from the server, however, when I check my server logs, there is no record of that happening.
I've tried deleting the app from the phone, re-building and running again, but no joy.
I've tried accessing the apple-app-site-association file using a browser and it loads, and the server logs show that it was requested.
Clearly the reason my Universal Linking isn't working is that my app never requests this file, but I'm at a loss now to understand why.

Steps to Setup universal links in Xamarin iOS:
Upload the apple-app-site-association file to the root of your website or in the .well-known subdirectory and make sure it’s served via HTTPS
1.1 If it’s served via HTTPS and you don’t need to target iOS8, don’t bother trying to
sign the JSON file. A plain simple JSON file will do.
Enable the “Associated Domains” functionality in the Apple Developer Center for your app and regenerate the provisioning profile
Add the domain(s) you want to add universal linking for to your iOS Entitlements file in the section “Associated Domains”
Make sure to add the applinks: prefix (ex. applinks:ctcode.wordpress.com)
Implement the logic in the AppDelegate class
Refer: universal links and universal-links-in-ios


WebBrowser css not loaded

I have a complex HTML5 based user interface, which I show in my native win32 desktop application using webbrowser (Internet Explorer).
I've decided to open it from local machine instead of web server. But it did not work due to various security restrictions. So I found a workaround: setup asynchronous pluggable protocol for https protocol inside of my process and just provide data from local machine instead of Internet. I had to also implement my custom IInternetSecurityManager for the things to work (for unknown reason it was not enough to just implement IInternetSecurityManager and use file: scheme).
Now all seems to work fine except the one thing: browser completely ignores CSS files. It acts the way as if files are not there. It loads js from files, shows images, but does not "see" CSS files.
If I try to navigate to CSS file, it shows me this error message:
But if I try to access this CSS file using XMLHttpRequest - it "downloads" it fine.
Sorry for not providing a minimal reproducible example - it would be quite hard. Maybe somebody knows the reason, or can suggest me anything that I could try to resolve this issue?

can i send a tiny database from app inventor via whatsapp

I am trying to send a voice note from app inventor via whatsapp can I do that ,the activity starter isn't helping me at all. I tried creating a file text but still cant get through.It says unsupported file format.
Yes you can share via WhatsApp. You need to add element "sharing" for that.
Here's the example of sharing the image file to the whats app through the app created with app inventor.
But first you need to understand that there are two paths for any files while creating apps with app inventor.
Path where files are stored while development (live previews)
Path where files are stored after producing the app
path while development is:
path after production is:
So while using "SHARE" component of app inventor you have to specify both paths to avoid any errors in future.
So here is the app:
Front End Arrangements:
Block Arrangements:
Pay attention to the if then else block.
It says if the image is not in the development path then the app is installed in the phone(produced). It saves our time to change path very often(and saves us from error if we forget to change paths)
Snapshot from the app:
After pressing share button:
After sharing through whats app:

Media Error with Google App Engine Deployment

I have successfully deployed a running website on the app engine - here is the URL:
This website was on a PHP hosting, and we migrated it to Google Apps, and deployed it using the App Engine. I understand that to put up any media, I will have to change my local version, and then re-deploy it. Same goes for plugins. However, when I browse into my local version using the App Engine launcher, login wordpress, and try to add an image in the media section, I get an error, as shown in the image below:
I googled this, and understand it is a permission error from the file system. My folder has a "Read only" checkbox which is marked blue, and no matter how many times I uncheck it, it is checked again.
I also assigned all the users full control, i.e. the following privileges (to folders, and subfolders)
Any help or ideas will be appreciated!
Adding google_app_engine.disable_readonly_filesystem = 1 to your php.ini file should fix the issue.

Onclick for HTML5 Audio with Phonegap and Xcode

I am trying to build an HTML5 soundboard with Phonegap; I want users to tap on an image and hear a short audio clip. I have it working in the browser (Chrome and Safari), but it's not working in Xcode.
Here is a link to a working example:
Thanks for any input!
Have you made sure that any external URLs in your app are listed in the WhiteList? I tried a quick cut and paste project with the code from the JSFiddle and I was able to click Obama and hear the beginning of the podcast.
See the PhoneGap for iOS FAQ: http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/41631150/PhoneGap%20for%20iOS%20FAQ
Q. Links to and imported files from external hosts don't load?
A. The latest code has the new white-list feature. If you are referencing external hosts, you will have to add the host in PhoneGap.plist under the "ExternalHosts" key. Wildcards are ok. So if you are connecting to "http://phonegap.com", you have to add "phonegap.com" to the list (or use the wildcard "*.phonegap.com" which will match subdomains as well).

Allow external hosts in iframe on xcode 4.1 using phonegap

I'm trying to create an iPad/iPhone-app that displays an iFrame that links to an external site. (It's doesn't have to be in the App Store).
The problem is that when I load the app, it's takes me to Safari.
I know there was a setting in an earlier version of XCode, where you could specify which external hosts was allowed in the app. And that worked!
I can't seem to find the setting in 4.1...
Anybody know where I can locate it?
Changes to PhoneGap.plist or Cordova.plist
Change/add the following values in PhoneGap.plist or Cordova.plist file of your app.
MediaPlaybackRequiresUserAction: NO
AllowInlineMediaPlayback: YES
OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView: YES
and set ExternalHosts list as you require
here i do for showing gopoglemap in app
Phonegap reads a setting called 'ExternalHosts' - this one is used to whitelist allowed external domains.
Open phonegap.plist - the key should be there, if not, simply add it.
