I am trying to do something simple: render the tufte options for a book using the basic bookdown example package. I can make the tufte style book fine, but I want it to have the floating TOC and not the TOC at the top
Following the Definitive Guide bookdown book suggests a modification to the toc specifications. I'm using the stock bookdown-demo-master download.
This yaml makes the example in tufte format, but with an unattractive and not usable header with the toc:
title: "A Minimal Book Example"
author: "Yihui Xie"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
tufte::tufte_html: default
citation_package: natbib
latex_engine: xelatex
toc: true
css: toc.css
documentclass: book
bibliography: [book.bib, packages.bib]
biblio-style: apalike
link-citations: yes
github-repo: rstudio/bookdown-demo
description: "This is a minimal example of using the bookdown package to write a book. The output format for this example is bookdown::gitbook."
But adding the float option:
toc: true
toc_float: true
css: toc.css
gives an error:
Error in rmarkdown::html_document(..., extra_dependencies = c(extra_dependencies, :
You must use a theme when specifying the 'toc_float' option
Calls: <Anonymous> ... html_chapters -> base_format -> html_document2 -> <Anonymous>
Execution halted
Exited with status 1.
I don't see that the need to include a theme is written in the "Definitive Guide" book. In any case, addition of a theme in the normal way doesn't help. Surely this is doable and I'm just missing something fundamental.
For the record, this question was also posted to the Github repository of the tufte package.
I have put together a Quarto book by collecting a few articles I wrote previously. I didn't use the Quarto book template. Instead, I wrote a simple yaml for the book. The book compiled fine to html. Three questions:
The Preface in the sidebar is numbered (picture below). It is not supposed to. The first chapter should be "Atlas".
I have tried "# Preface {.unnumbered}" in the Preface. It didn't stop the numbering in the sidebar.
In RStudio, I have only one output option: html. What should I put in the yaml to have the pdf option? Here's the _quarto.yaml of the book:
type: book
output-dir: _book
title: "The World"
reader-mode: true
- index.qmd ## this is the Preface
- Chap1.qmd ## Chapter 1: Atlas
- Chap2.qmd ## Chapter 2: Titan
- Chap3.qmd ## Chapter 3: Goliath
- Chap4.qmd ## Chapter 4: Am Fear Liath Mòr
- darkly
In the book, all the references to chapters/sections/pictures are underscored hyperlinks. How to remove those underscores? Including "code-link: false" in the format section didn't seem working.
I figured out question #2. To turn on the PDF build option, add:
output: pdf_document
in _quarto.yml.
so we use yaml for translations at the moment.
So imagine the following list as an idea (not the real one)
# Employee records
- martin:
name: Martin D'vloper
job: Developer
skills: "Preferred skills"
mostPreferred: python
leastPreferred: perl
notImportant: pascal
- tabitha:
name: Tabitha Bitumen
job: Developer
- lisp
- fortran
- erlang
So what I want to know is, in the case of skills for Martin, I want to define skills, and then it needs to have a subgroup of itself for the other keys.
explaining how it works, site checks for the keys on the translation file, and there is a key that would be employee.martin.skills.mostPreferred for which it retrieves the variable, but for the label of that section it also wants to get the variable saved for the workd employee.martin.skills.
how would this be achieved on yaml?
at the moment I see the code doing this
- martin:
name: Martin D'vloper
job: Developer
skills: "Preferred skills"
mostPreferred: python
leastPreferred: perl
notImportant: pascal
is this correct and necessary?
While building a blog using django I realized that it would be extremely practical to store the text of an article and all the related informations (title, author, etc...) together in a human-readable file format, and then charge those files on the database using a simple script.
Now that said, YAML caught my attention for his readability and ease of use, the only downside of the YAML syntax is the indentation:
title: Title of the article
author: Somebody
# Other stuffs here ...
This is the text of the article. I can write whatever I want
but I need to be careful with the indentation...and this is a
bit boring.
I believe that's not the best solution (especially if the files are going to be written by casual users). A format like this one could be much better
title: Title of the article
author: Somebody
# Other stuffs here ...
Here there is the text of the article, it is not valid YAML but
just plain text. Here I could put **Markdown** or <html>...or whatever
I want...
Is there any solution? Preferably using python.
Other file formats propositions are welcome as well!
Unfortunately this is not possible, what one would think could work is using | for a single scalar in the separate document:
import ruamel.yaml
yaml_str = """\
title: Title of the article
author: Somebody
Here there is the text of the article, it is not valid YAML but
just plain text. Here I could put **Markdown** or <html>...or whatever
I want...
for d in ruamel.yaml.load_all(yaml_str):
but it doesn't because | is the block indentation indicator. And although at the top level an indentation of 0 (zero) would easily work, ruamel.yaml (and PyYAML) don't allow this.
It is however easy to parse this yourself, which has the advantage over using the front matter package that you can use YAML 1.2 and are not restricted to using YAML 1.1 because of frontmaker using the PyYAML. Also note that I used the more appropriate end of document marker ... to separate YAML from the markdown:
import ruamel.yaml
combined_str = """\
title: Title of the article
author: Somebody
Here there is the text of the article, it is not valid YAML but
just plain text. Here I could put **Markdown** or <html>...or whatever
I want...
with open('test.yaml', 'w') as fp:
data = None
lines = []
yaml_str = ""
with open('test.yaml') as fp:
for line in fp:
if data is not None:
if line == '...\n':
data = ruamel.yaml.round_trip_load(yaml_str)
yaml_str += line
which gives:
I want...
(the round_trip_load allows dumping with preservation of comments, anchor names etc).
I found Front Matter does exactly what I want to do.
There is also a python package.
Considering writing/reading files in YAML format (http://yaml.org/)
I'm just surprised by apparent lack of output formatting options in default YAML.dump (Ruby 2.2.3). Without any pretty printing option, the YAML.dump appears really ugly. I explain:
Consider this hand-written YAML configuration file 'config/bots.yml' where I have a list of items (hashes, each one with keys 'token' and 'comment':
input file:
- token: 070743004:yuSJJdB5L354Zq41iGIggSdYGJ1IhVh8XSrA
comment: ROSPOshop.com
- token: 998001334:zAFo4dBdd3ZZtqKiGdPqkkYGJ1ppVW8pUZ
comment: pagoSALDO.com bot
comment: SOLYARISoftware demo bot
comment: Another demo bot
comment: Yet Another demo bot
No elaboration: just a load and a successive dump script as:
config = YAML.load(File.open('config/bots.yml'))
File.open('config/bots.yml', "w") { |f| f.write(YAML.dump(config)) }
output file:
- token: 070743004:yuSJJdB5L354Zq41iGIggSdYGJ1IhVh8XSrA
comment: ROSPOshop.com
- token: 998001334:zAFo4dBdd3ZZtqgKiGdPqkkYGJ1ppVW8pUZ
comment: pagoSALDO.com bot
comment: SOLYARISoftware demo bot
comment: Another demo bot
comment: Yet Another demo bot
I'm unhappy because all array items are now collapsed (the line break is removed). That's very sad if the numbers of items is long and/or data structures for each item isa variable: a messy reading!
Question (1)
There is any YAML option do do some more pretty printing for YAML.dump ?
By example to separate with a blank line each item in an Array ?
Question (2)
I found this very helpfull tutorial ("YAML Cookbook"):
There is any more recent update / official Ruby doc about explaining YAML tips&tricks (data conversions, etc.) ?
Question (3)
Any possible YAML alternative ? I mean maybe an alternative gem to read/write YAML ? BTW, of course I considered JSON, but I prefer the more clear YAML format when reading texts data!
BTW, A lot of info/useful YAML format tips here:
You can write your own pretty-print solution, if that's all you're looking for. For example:
config = YAML.load(File.open('bots.yml'))
puts config.to_yaml.gsub("\n-", "\n\n-")
- token: 070743004:yuSJJdB5L354Zq41iGIggSdYGJ1IhVh8XSrA
comment: ROSPOshop.com
- token: 998001334:zAFo4dBdd3ZZtqKiGdPqkkYGJ1ppVW8pUZ
comment: pagoSALDO.com bot
comment: SOLYARISoftware demo bot
comment: Another demo bot
comment: Yet Another demo bot
I am using Pandoc and want to cite a legal case. I want to enter the necessary data in YAML, similar to this:
- title: One-click science marketing
volume: '11'
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmat3283
DOI: 10.1038/nmat3283
issue: '4'
container-title: Nature Materials
publisher: Nature Publishing Group
- family: Fenner
given: Martin
orcid: 0000-0003-1419-2405
page: 261-263
id: fenner2012a
type: article-journal
- 2012
- 3
(Cited: Blog entry by Martin Fenner)
After lengthy research I still don't know which fields I can use for a legal case. There are several CLS for legal cases, but I don't find any information what fields they expect. How I do find them out without reading through the CLS file, which I hardly understand?
Thanks for any help!
Some of the fields you can use for a legal case are shown in this Zotero entry exported to CSL JSON and then converted to CSL YAML. You will still have to find out which of the CSL files support these fields. https://forums.zotero.org/11/ may provide further assistance.
- id: a
type: legal-case
- family: Author
given: Al
- year: 1999
title: Title
container-title: Reporter
authority: Court
page: 123-456
volume: 9
number: Docket Number
references: History
abstract: Abstract
language: en-US