Set up geoserver configuration via a script - geoserver

There's a lot of options to set on Geoserver (data stores / layers /grid sets etc). Is it possible to do this via a script for moving from development to production?


Best way to create image for different environment

What is the best way to maintain Images for different environments and why?
Option : 1
Create diff images for the specific environment dev, stg, prod. we have to tell Jenkin job for which environment we are building the image and spring boot will load the specific configuration files.
advantages :
Environment specif images.
disadvantages :
Every environment will have diff images so we have to build it everytime.
Option : 2
Build 1 image, externalize the config file. While building the image create a shared/mount path place an appropriate config file. While initialization load the config file.
One image can be used by all the environment.
disadvantages :
Custom Configuration handling.
Need coordination between 2 teams.
Let me know if there are other options and whats the advantages and disadvantages above approach or any other approach are present.
Build once and deploy anywhere is considered as the fundamental principles of the continuous delivery (Google it for its advantages). So I would build the same image for all environments . And when running the image , it needs to have some ways to allow configuring these configurations based on the environment.
In term of docker , it allows to configure the environment variables when running a container (e.g see this in case of docker-compose)
In term of spring-boot, the OS environment variables will override the application properties in the app.
When designing your images, split the filesystem and environment into 3 pieces.
Binaries, runtime, libraries, code needed to run the application. This belongs in your image.
Configurations and secrets that will differ for different users of the image. These belong in configuration files and environment variables that are injected at runtime (either as a bind mount, docker-compose.yml env vars, k8s config map, etc).
Data. This should be mounted as a volume, or in an external database accessed with a configuration/secret.
This keeps with the 12 factor design and enables portability, easier testing, and less risk with deploying something into production that is different from what was tested in CI.
You can build docker image for each environments separatly.
for example: read variable of dev environment from file.
create images that contain specific configurations for every environment

Why do some Jelastic providers block Export Environment option

According to Jelastic documentation it is possible to export the Environment configuration and download it so it can be restored in another provider
However I have tried with 2 Jelastic providers and they both have disabled the option for exporting private data.
So exporting/download/upload/import of environment is not possible.
i.e. I was expecting to have a process similar to CPanel backup/restore tool
In fact, another view for the deployment process gives a possibility to get rid of the model of handling the data or configuration on the platform. Try to think a bit differently and using CI/CD approach. The Jelastic provides a platform where something you created, locate on somewhere you're elaborating(VCS or GIT as an example) and based on or depends on the specific stack, already pre-configured like a layer and can be installed(copied) over Jelastic. Don't need to handle the data somewhere in the cloud because you have it locally(means within any VCS) and doing the changes there. Then just do a 'pull' procedure(manually or automatically) on that deployment(test, production, staging) environment you're expecting.
Moreover, you can expect any environments type like a code and perform it creating before deploying the data.
Please, find the articles being described each case:
Deployment Guide
Jelastic Packaging Standard for CI/CD Automation
In case you would like to handle the databases' backups, check this article:
Scheduling Database Backups
Additional FTP add-on can make the copies more easily for each instance:
FTP/FTPS Support in Jelastic

JBoss-Spring web application development process is so slow

Our team is developing a JBoss-Spring web application. The development follows this flow:
1) make local changes in the project's code (Java classes, HTML, JS code and different configuration values)
2) build the project locally
3) deploy it to a locally set JBoss server
4) the local server makes connections and quires to a remote database, which we are enabled to connect to
by a VPN.
5) quires results come back from the remote database and used by the services and controllers,
ultimately reaching the front-end.
As you can notice, this process takes a lot of time waiting between the build - deployment - database quires every time I want to add a few lines of code.
is this process wrong ?, are there other methods ?
Few addons you can consider if not done already
Changes to HTML, js, css and properties file you can do directly inside deployment folder.
Java file changes need a build and restart. You can configure Automatically publish in your IDE. This will reduce time for manual building and copying file to Jboss.
If you can have local DB request/response time will reduce drastically.

Multitenency in Apache Nifi

I am working on a cloud based application using Apache Nifi, for this we required to support Multitenency. But the current Nifi implementation only supports role based access for users, for a single flow.
I could understand that the flow state is saved as a single compressed XML file for a Nifi instance. So that who ever logins into that instance can view the same flow. Our requirement is to create unique flows for each user login. I tried to replicate state saving gz XML file for each users, but couldn't succeeded as the FlowService/FlowController which loads the XML file, is instantiated at the application startup and they are singleton. Please correct me, if Iam wrong with this approach. Or is there any other solution for adding Multitenant support with Nifi. I also wonder the reason behind the Nifi as a single user application.
Multi-tenant support will be introduced in Apache NiFi 1.0.0. There is a BETA release available [1]. This will support assigning permissions on a per component basis. However, the different tenants still share a canvas. There has been discussions of introducing a workspace concept that could provide visually separate dataflows.

How to Properly Configure Multiple RabbitMQ Instances on a Single Server

I'm trying to do some clustering testing and I am setting up multiple RabbitMQ services on a single Windows machine. I am able to set the environment variables RABBITMQ_NODENAME, RABBITMQ_SERVICENAME, and RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT then run RabbitMQ-Service Install to have a new RabbitMQ service installed under a different name.
My question is regarding the configuration file. Based on what I read on the RabbitMQ site, the configuration file defaults to the %AppData%\RabbitMQ directory.
I'm just having trouble trying to understand how it should be setup so I can have 3 instances of the service running with their own configuration.
Do I run the installation under a different local or domain account so it gets placed under a different %AppData%\RabbitMQ directory or can I add a directive to the service to look in a particular directory for the configuration file for that particular service?
Also, how does RABBITMQ_BASE come into play? Is that only for data and log files or does that also apply to the configuration file? I'm not sure if once I have the service setup with BASE defined as a specific path I can place a new rabbitmq.config under the root of that path.
Please confirm and provide any additional assistance. Thank you in advance!
For now I'm testing on Windows but I plan on converting to linux once I have this all working correctly and understood. Unfortunately, I've inherited the current environment and it's already installed and running using Windows servers. They just wanted me to setup clustering for it so I'm trying to simulate the cluster on my workstation.
Nevermind, I found out what I needed. The environment variable RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE can be used to override the location of the default config file.
You can run multiple RabbitMQ instances on 1 machine without clustering. You just need to change the ports and the node name in rabbitmq-defaults, rabbitmq-env and config files. If you want them as a service you can just create them from the already configured instances.
HERE is a detailed guide on how to do that. It's pretty easy and straightforward.
