Using RxJS version 5 with ionic 4 - rxjs

I am migrating my ionic 3 app to ionic 4 . I have read the migration guide in which it is mentioned that with ionic 4 , RxJS 6 has came .
Is it mandatory to use RxJS 6 ? Can I still use RxJS 5 with ionic 4 . If yes , how ??

I don't know if some mad scientist has come up with a way, but the v5 to 6 for rxjs was a big change, so I doubt it.
You can check out the official migration guide:
Seems you will have to upgrade your code for this at the same time.


Cannot generate ApiDoc assets in Laravel 9

I'm new to laravel and I'm having some issues in generating an api documentation (SwaggerAPI, OpenAPI, Postman, whatever it works). I am upgrading a laravel application and got stuck got a few things I need to do solve with the latest version (9.x)
I've followed the steps installing the most popular libraries but I failed getting and error because of lumen is a higher version that is not supported. I also cannot run artistan vendor because it seems not working in Laravel 9 neither.
I've tested the following libraries and they didn't run in Laravel 9:
L5 Swagger
Laravelista and Vendor
Can anyone help me?

I got this error while creating a new Laravel project -> Laravel new projectName

CLICK HERE to look the SCREENSHOT of the Problem
I am creating a new Laravel project by using following command, Laravel new projectName
your php version is lower than what laravel 9 has required.
you need to upgrade your php to version 8 and above .
see the instruction below
hope that would work for you .

How to Build Laravel Production

Currently, I'm using Laravel version 6 and I'm new with Laravel never build production before and I would like to encrypt code also because I don't want to someone understand my code after build

Laravel 6 version using compact

What does Laravel 6 version using a
return view(view: 'index', data: compact(varname: 'string'));
I was following a tutorial, but the one I downloaded it seems it's different codes on the tutorial and always gets me an error. I downloaded a Laravel 6.11.0 version. I'm a beginner on this framework hope there's someone could understand and I want to learn about this laravel framework.
here is the tutorial link
You should just use:
return view('index', compact('string'));
Those view:, data: and varname: are parameter name hints from PHPStorm IDE and not the actual code.

Enable FullTextSearch in Silverstripe 4

In Silverstripe 4 FulltextSearchable::enable(); fails in _config.php
Does anyone know how to get this working again so that $SearchForm works in templates?
in _config.php not
