I want to import a csv file that has comma in the data powershell - powershell-4.0

I am new to Powershell and want to import a csv file that has comma in one of the data field like in address. The comma is coming in single quotes but the Import-csv is considering that comma as a delimiter and splitting the data

Add the parameter –Delimiter to the Import-CSV command
Import-CSV "C:\temp\test.csv" –Delimiter “;”


How do I save a multiline string to a YAML file?

I have several YAML files that store SQL scripts in them (as multiline strings). I have a Python script that takes all of these scripts and aggregates them into a single table.
Whenever I make an update to a YAML file, it converts the SQL text to a regular string (with \n's to indicate line breaks). Is there a way to preserve the multiline formatting when I make updates to the YAML file?
For multi-line scalars, you can use blocks. The pipe symbol character | to denote the start of a block.
For example:
Data: |
Some data, here and a special character like ':'
Another line of data on a separate line
Also you can check the YAML Multiline

How to insert text starting with double quotes in a column delimited with | in a import command in db2

Table contains 3 columns
ID -integer
A file with .FILE extension has data with delimiter as |
Eg: 12|Ramu|"Ramu" is an architect
Command I am using to load data to db2:
db2 "Load CLIENT FROM ABC.FILE of DEL MODIFIED BY coldel0x7x keepblanks REPLACE INTO tablename(ID,Name,Description) nonrecoverable"
Data is loaded as follows:
12 Ramu Ramu
but I want it as:
12 Ramu "Ramu" is an architect
Take a look at how the format of delimited ASCII files is defined. The double quote (") is an optional delimited for character data. You would need to escape it. I have not tested it, but I would assume that you double the quote as you would do in SQL:
|12|Ramu|"""Ramu"" is an architect"
Delimited files (CSV) are defined in RFC 4180. You need to either use quotes for the entire field or none at all. Only in fields beginning and ending with a quote, other quotes can be used. They need to be escaped as shown.
Use the nochardel modifier.
If you use '|' as a column delimiter, you must use 0x7C and not 0x7x:
MODIFIED BY coldel0x7C keepblanks nochardel

Read CSV file with all special characters using Ruby

I have a scenario to import the csv file then validate the content, I have a cell with following special characters
“ !#$%&’()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\]^_`{|}”~
When I read the CSV file with above characters in cell using CSV.read("csv_filepath"), I am getting following
“ !\#$%&’()*+,-./:;<=>?#[\\]^_`{|}”~
backslash(\) is added for # and \, how to read the exact content

Adding/Removing hosts file entry using powershell corrupts the file

I'm trying to add or remove a specific entry in Windows hosts file using powershell, but when I do this, it works for some time, and after a while it gets edited again (when Windows reads it, I guess), and it becomes corrupted (displays chinese characters).
I've tried using parts of a code i found here.
It allows me to edit the file properly and the entry is effective, until it gets corrupted.
I'm doing this to add the entry:
If ((Get-Content "$($env:windir)\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts" ) -notcontains " example.com")
{ac -Encoding UTF8 "$($env:windir)\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts" " example.com" }
Here is what the file looks like after it gets corrupted:
Thanks for your help.
Remove -Encoding UTF8
Because as it states in the comment of the hosts file, "The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one space.", trying to find a string with exactly one space character in between could return false.
I think it would be better to use Regex for this as it allows matching on more than one space character to separate the IP from the host name.
However, this does require the usage of [Regex]::Escape() on both parts of the entry as they contain regex special characters (the dot).
Something like this:
$hostsFile = "$($env:windir)\system32\Drivers\etc\hosts"
$hostsEntry = ' example.com'
# split the entry into separate variables
$ipAddress, $hostName = $hostsEntry -split '\s+',2
# prepare the regex
$re = '(?m)^{0}[ ]+{1}' -f [Regex]::Escape($ipAddress), [Regex]::Escape($hostName)
If ((Get-Content $hostsFile -Raw) -notmatch $re) {
Add-Content -Path $hostsFile -Value $hostsEntry

Exporting delimited Text file to Excel file using Shell Script

my text file is delimited by pipeline '|'
I want to export this in to excel file (xls) using a script in Unix
can anyone please help
My suggestion would be,
Convert the delimiter | to ,
Save the file with csv extension
Open the file in excel.
Note: If you have , in the file contents other than token separator this idea will not work.
If you want to convert your file to .xls format then you will have to use apache POI library. It has perl support.
If you just want to open it in excel then you can directly use open with excel and set the seperator as |.
Or put all the words in " " and use , as the seperator. If it is within "" then comma within the text will not be an issue. But double quotes within the text will be a problem.
To avoid all these you can use some other ascii character as the seperator.
