TFS was offline, going online shows way to many files were changed - visual-studio

TFS 2018 was offline only for a day and I only made a couple of changes to a 7 project solution (most of the various projects are base projects like models, repositories, interfaces, etc.)
I had to overwrite files to continue because apparently they were read only. Anyway, I'm going back online today and I'm afraid to checkin my local changes because it shows I've changed nearly 80 files which is impossible, I only changed like 2 or 3 files.
Should I check them in anyway? I'm afraid I'll mess up something!

According to your description, seems you are using server workspace (files are ready only).
Work offline with difficulty and with poor performance
When you are offline in a server workspace, you cannot work with your
local files because they are read-only until you check them out. You
can check out files only from Solution Explorer, and only after you
switch to offline mode (as explained below). While you're offline, you
can't perform any other operations, such as add, delete, rename, or
Source Link
To edit a workspace, you can specify whether its location is Local or Server. Local Workspaces which could work offline easily. You can quickly begin editing a file when your network connection is unavailable or unreliable. From Solution Explorer you can add, edit, delete, rename, undo, and compare items in your workspace even when you're not connected to your Team Foundation Server.
Edit the workspace and choose advanced, you could see the Location of workspace type.
In your scenario, you could do a diff using Beyond Compare or something to see what changed.
If nothing changed, check if you are using the same workspace. You may select another workspace than you used.
In Source Control Explorer, check if you choosed the workspace the workspace you were work in.
If all above not work, you could also try this workaround, select all the files in "Pending changes" window and activate the context menu. Then click "Undo..." > "Undo Changes" > "No to All".
The files without changes will be rolled back. More details please take a look at this question: how to undo pending changes of files that are unchanged?


Why does TFS show pending changes for all my files when I haven't changed anything?

I am new to using TFS source control.
I have a large project which I have been porting from SVN. I am checked in and up to date with all projects. However, I opened up Visual Studio today and all project items are in the pending changes included window even though there are no changes.
I haven't touched or edited any of the files for my TFS files since last time.
To verify, I used Araxis Merge to do a folder comparison and can see that no actual changes have taken place.
Why are these unchanged files appearing in my check-in window?
Here is an example of a diff in visual studio from the previous version:
I can't see anything!
Hopefully this shows my local workspace
When you create or edit a workspace, you can specify whether its location is Local or Server. Local Workspaces are TFS's attempt at DVCS and actually gives you a much more SVN-Like experience.
Edit the workspace and choose advanced, you could see the Location of workspace type.
Maybe formatting, line endings, encoding. Do a diff using Beyond Compare or something to see what changed.
If nothing changed, check if you are using the same workspace. You may select another workspace than you used.
In Source Control Explorer, check if you choosed the workspace the workspace you were work in.
If all above not work, you could also try this workaround, select all the files in "Pending changes" window and activate the context menu. Then click "Undo..." > "Undo Changes" > "No to All".
The files without changes will be rolled back. More details please take a look at this question: how to undo pending changes of files that are unchanged?

Pending Changes dialog shows files outside solution that shouldn't be there

If I open VS without opening a project/solution, I get a list of files in Pending Changes. The folders marked in red are solutions in my workspace, and those marked in green are branches of the solution.
However, when I open the respective solutions directly, none of those files are there. Somehow there is some overlap of what VS/TFS thinks needs to be checked in, even though in this case it is wrong.
I opened each solution from Pending Changes in turn, and there are no files to be checked in. I don't understand what (or why) it's showing me this list, and am concerned that if I accidentally check-in while showing "All" pending changes instead of solution-specific ones, that I will lose work.
Can anyone please explain why its showing these "phantom" pending check-ins? Even more bizarelly, the same of the solution in the title bar of pending changes is not even remotely related to some of the files shown.
If I delete my workspace, then create a fresh one, and then get recent, the problem goes away for a few weeks, but then randomly files start to appear back here.
This could be a source control binding error or some TFS cache issue.
Try to unbind/ bind this files in source control. File > Source Control > Advanced > Change Source Control
File > Source Control > Add to Source Control
Detail ways please refer: Project not showing as checked-in to TFS in Visual Studio 2013
Also give a try with clear VS and TFS cache

Cannot synchronize my project in VisualStudio

My team and I started a project at Azure and we have a git as the VCS/SCM.
One of my partners had made a few changes, and he had commited them. When I try to get those changes at my local repository, and I press sync at the Visual Studio, the following message appears
Cannot merge because there are uncommitted changes. Commit or undo
your changes before merging again. See the Output window for details.
The output window shows the message below
Cannot complete the operation because of existing changes to the
following file:Project\Project.csproj
I have searched everywhere at google, but I did not find anything similar.
Can anyone help me with this?
We are stack.
Thanks a lot
It probably means VisualStudio automatically added some references to the file ProjectProject.csproj, where it keeps general project settings. In VisualStudio 2013 you may do:
Go to the TeamExplorer
Select "Changes"
Search through Included and Excluded Changes, .csproj file is probably there
Right click on it and select compare with unchanged to see the differences
Now choose to commit it or undo the changes (if, for example, the changes are not necessary) to be able to sync with the current repository.
I had this same dilemma and it turned out that somehow the file that was preventing me from switching branches and was in my solution, was not being tracked like the other files were. I just added it to source control via the explorer window, committed and pushed it, then I was able to switch branches just fine. Hope this helps.

When you make edits to a file within a project using AnkhSVN, can this be reflected at the project level?

When I make edits to file, TortoiseSVN will show an indication on the folder that file belongs to that there are changes pending to child items. AnkhSVN only shows (red tick) changes to a project when files are added/removed (because the actual content of the project file in this case has changed)
Can you make ankh give any indication at the project level that child items have been edited?
Unfortunately, no. Ankh only shows an indication on modified files, whereas TortoiseSVN can traverse folders recursively and mark those with changed files within them.
If you desperately need this feature, you can try out VisualSVN plugin. It tries to mimic TortoiseSVN behaviour as close as possible. In fact, it uses TSVN dialogs for operations such as Commit or Update, for instance. When you modify a file within a project, it highlights the file, the project this file belongs to, as well as the solution node in the Solution Explorer.
Unfortunately, it's not free (US $49 per seat), but IMO it is worth its price.
The recommended way to see what changed globally in AnkhSVN is the 'Pending Changes' toolwindow. This shows you all interesting files in a single view and allows you to operate on them easily.
You can open the toolwindow via View->Pending Changes.
Try this:
Right Click the File -> Subversion -> Lock
This places a lock on the file so that others cannot edit it.
When you commit, it should unlock the file.
If it does not, Follow the same steps and select Unlock.
Edit: I use AnkhSVN for my svn but it's just me that uses it. If a corporate environment I mainly use TFS which does the same thing (lock/unlock) but it does not allow others to check out.

Visual Studio loses bindings to TFS suddenly

Why would my VS solution lose its TFS bindings suddenly? I have been working on a project for six months and this never happened. As soon as I opened a VS project/solution, I could check in/out, view history by right clicking on any given file. But suddenly, I dont see those options to checkin checkout etc any more when I right click on a file in VS studio solution explorer.
The team explorer window still brings up the source folder structure and I can get latest or get specific from there but did any one see this kind of behavior? Please let me know what I can do to avoid these situations in future.
Did you lose connection to the TFS server any time recently? I've had this happen in the past on unreliable network connections when working via TFS remotely. The solution and all projects therein would "go offline" and would appear to lose their bindings. This made it particularly unintuitive when the connection was re-established because changes made while "offline" weren't always found.
If you right-click on the solution or the projects, is there an option to "go online"? You might check the various menus for such an option as well.
Did you move the source files to a different location on your harddrive, or change your workspace mappings?
Try opening the solution/project by double-clicking the .sln file in Source Control Explorer instead of opening it from windows explorer.
You can also try bringing up the Bindings dialog by going File -> Source Control -> Change Source Control
I recently had a very similar experience. I had made several changes which I thought may have influenced my connection resilience. After reversing out of 2 of them and the problem persisted, I finally clocked what it was.
One of the new extensions I am using is NuGet ( Every time I attempt to add a library my TFS connection fails and is unrecoverable till a restart of VS 2010.
There is a work around that has been reported and working which may help you even if this is not your problem.
Happened to me also. I was removing a whole bunch of mappings for old releases under the local workspace. It was taking over 40 minutes so I killed it. The mapping has been removed to the older branches but the branch left behind had been disconnected from TFS.
