Building clang from source code on Ubuntu and Windows - windows

Its been a While that I tried to build clang from source code.
I tried with 2 platforms
a> Ubuntu
b> Windows
I am following the link
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -GNinja -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ /path/to/source/llvm
After this in build directory files generated along with some more folder
$ ninja after this command inside build directory bin folder can be seen and it contains all the clang executables clang,clang++,clang-check and many more.
I tried every option that is available to build clang from source
I am trying on developer command prompt and also I am having VS Express edition
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang++ path-to-llvm
It throws error
Host compiler appears to require libatomic,but cannot find it.
So I tried in the another way by making DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and DCMAKE_C_COMPILER as clang-cl.exe
> cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra" -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=clang-cl.exe -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=clang-cl.exe path-to-llvm
It didnt show any error at first but later while building
atlbase.h file not found
Why it is that much difficult to build clang from source on windows.?
Is this the correct procedure that I am doing?
Kindly help with any solution.


cmake command issue while compile project of tbb

I tried using a demo to compile tbb in my project.
Link of the demo
IDE for me is VS2013 and get an error about command 'make'
Performing build step for 'tbb44'
2> CMake Error at F:/CPPs/FAsT-Match-master/build/tbb44/src/tbb44-stamp/tbb44-build-Debug.cmake:49 (message):
2> Command failed: 2
2> 'make' 'tbb_build_prefix=tbb44'
The original command is generated via tbb.cmake, for which it looks like
# BUILD_COMMAND ${TBB_MAKE} -j${NCPU} tbb_build_prefix=${TBB_PREFIX}
BUILD_COMMAND ${TBB_MAKE} tbb_build_prefix=${TBB_PREFIX}
The one commented is the original and the one behind is modified.
Is this the problem of MSVC?
That blog post is just completely wrong. TBB comes with its own CMake build now, so there's absolutely no reason to go through ExternalProject like this.
Here's how I built it from source, using Visual Studio 2019 (the instructions should be pretty much the same). From a developer command prompt, using CMake 3.20:
D:\>git clone
D:\>cmake -S oneTBB -B oneTBB-build -DTBB_TEST=OFF
D:\>cmake --build oneTBB-build --config Release
D:\>cmake --build oneTBB-build --config Debug
D:\>cmake --install oneTBB-build --prefix oneTBB-install --config Release
D:\>cmake --install oneTBB-build --prefix oneTBB-install --config Debug
Setting TBB_TEST to OFF saves a lot of time waiting on TBB's tests to build. These commands install the Debug and Release binaries to D:\oneTBB-install. Of course, you can place this folder anywhere you like.
Once this is done, you may use your new TBB build from your project like so:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
find_package(TBB REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE TBB::tbb)
The TBB package also includes libraries TBB::tbbmalloc and TBB::tbbmalloc_proxy.
When you build your project, you may point find_package to your TBB installation by setting the CMake variable TBB_ROOT to D:/oneTBB-install at the command line via:
D:\>cmake -S myProject -B myProject-build -DTBB_ROOT=D:/oneTBB-install

installation and test of GTK-fortran on Windows 10

I tried to follow the steps here :
We first have to build the Fortran interface library gtk-fortran.
Create a directory build/, run CMake to output a Makefile, and then
compile the libraries:
$ git clone
$ cd gtk-fortran/
$ mkdir build && cd build/
$ cmake ..
Here what happened when I tried to run "cmake .." :
My Fortran compilator has been installed by MSYS (pacman) AND by using MINGW. I can compile and execute my Fortran program from the CMD.
If you have an idea what happened... It will be very helpful. I'm not an expert in the use of those tools but I'll try anything...
The Windows gtk-fortran instructions states that you should generate make files with the command $ cmake -G "MSYS Makefiles" .. (default on MSYS or MINGW is "NMake Makefiles"). It works form the MINGW terminal window. From the CMD window, I don't know.

Why Clang and LLVM is giving math.h error in Mac OS/Xcode

I am trying to build clang and LLVM 9.X on MacOS using source files. I am doing following steps on terminal:
git checkout origin/release/9.x
cd llvm-project
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS=clang -G "Xcode" ../llvm
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --build . --target install
However, when I am enabling CC flag in Xcode, and giving path to clang binary inside build folder, and building code, it is giving me following error:
cmath.h not found
could not build simd.h
Please help, i think I am missing some steps.
enter image description here

How to build libgit2 with embedded libssh2 on Windows

First we build libssh2 with the WinCNG backend using msvc:
cmake --build . --target install
libgit2 docs say all we have to do is to set DEMBED_SSH_PATH, although it fails to mentation what to set it to. Maybe it's so obvious that it seems irrelevant. However: I'm not a C guy and have no clue of the cmake build process. From what I understand the folder where the result of the previous built resides with all it's subfolders such as include and bin should be the correct path, so using %LIBSSH2% should be fine.
When finally trying to build libgit2 running
cmake --build . --target install
It'll fail because it's unable to find the links to the header files / binaries. We see things along the line of:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol libssh2_init referenced in function
I already tried replacing the paths backslashes \ with normal slashes /, since this seems to be a common issue. I also tried explicitly setting
both faild with the same result.
Can anyone provide a reproducible way to compile libgit2 with embedded libssh2?
Using EMBED_SSH_PATH means libssh2 sources will be compiled at the same time as libgit2s. This means you don't actually have to compile libssh2 at all.
I managed to get it to compile successfully by downloading the source for libssh2 and libgit2, then running the following commands:
cd libgit2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --target install
Internally, it looks for all files that match ${EMBED_SSH_PATH}/src/*.cif EMBED_SSH_PATH is set.
As for using WinCNG as the backend, using embedded SSH creates this file (libssh2_config.h) in the libssh2 directory:
#include "../win32/libssh2_config.h"
I assume that means it is already the default backend for an embedded install.

Cant build V8 with GYP successfully on Mac OSX

I followed V8 Build Instructions from here
Here are the steps that I'm following to build V8 on Mac OSX.
1. git clone git:// v8-src && cd v8-src
2. make dependencies
3. make x64 -j8 library=shared snapshot=on console=readline
But I do not see out/x64.release/ (or snapshot.a)
The Folder only contains js2c.stamp
Here is the Gist: Build Output
What am I doing wrong ..
Ok, the documentation specifies the location for Linux Machines. For Mac OSX, these files are here :
out/x64.release/libv8_base.x64.a (& snapshot.a)
Finally, compile your C++ Module, by linking V8, as below:
g++ -Iinclude -o test out/x64.release/libv8_{base.x64,snapshot}.a -lpthread
