Efficiently finding out which 3D lines intersect which 3D points - data-structures

A set of many points in 3D space
(each represented as 3 floating-point coordinates (x, y, z))
A set of many infinite lines in 3D space
(each represented by an arbitary point on the line, and a 3D direction vector)
Is there a way to find out which of the points lie on which of the lines (with a little tolerance to account for floating-point errors), that is more efficient than the trivial O(n²) approach of testing every point against every line in a nested loop?
I'm thinking along the lines of storing one of the two sets in a special data structure that helps with the intersection tests. But what would such a data structure look like?
(Links to relevant academic literature are also appreciated.)

This is a complement to Pinhead's answer.
Consider the bounding box of the P points, assumed roughly cubic, and subdivide it in C³ cells. If the spreading of the points is uniform, every cell will contain P/C³ points on average.
Now for every line you will find all the cells it intersects by a process similar to drawing a digital line, and you will intersect on average αC cells, where α is a small constant. Hence the total workload for the search is proportional to L P/C³.
Anyway, you have to account for the initialization time of the grid, proportional to C³. Hence the total including initialization is of the form C³+ ß L P/C², and is minimized by C~(L P)^(1/5), giving time and space complexity O((L P)^(3/5)), a significant saving over O(L P).
You can also think of a binary tree that contains a hierarchy of bounding spheres, starting from the tolerance radius around each point. You could create the tree in the same way one creates a kD-tree, by recursive subvisions on some dimension.
It is much harder to make precise estimates of the speedup, but you could expect a time complexity like O((L + P) Log(P)).

Divide 3d space into cubes of side N, so that a cube can contain more than one point. An infinite line will intersect an infinite amount of cubes, but checking if a cube has a point takes O(1). When a line intersects a cube with more than one point, you only check for the points in that cube, which is going to be smaller than the total size of points if 1) they are evenly distributed 2) you are using amortized constants(Constant Amortized Time). From the perspective of average scenario, you would only check all points at once at O(N^2) if all points are packed inside one cube. You can also have cubes inside the cubes, but that is more bookkeeping.
This idea is inspired by a quadtree:


Finding random k points at least d apart in 3D confined space

For my simulation purposes, I want to generate a randomly distributed k number of spheres (having the same radii) in a confined 3D space (inside a rectangle) where k is in order of 1000. Those spheres should not impinge on one another.
So, I want to generate random k points in a 3D space at least d distance away from one another; considering the number of points and the frequency at which I need those points for simulation, I don't want to apply brute force; I'm looking for some efficient algorithms achieving this.
How about just starting with some regular tessellation of the space (i.e. some primitive 3d lattice) and putting a single point somewhere in each tile? You'd then only need to check a small number of neighboring tiles for proximity.
To get a more statistically uniform, i.e. less regular, set of points, you could:
perturb points in space
generate an overly dense lattice and reject some points
"warp" the space so that the lattice was more dense in certain areas
You could perturb the points sequentially, giving you a monte-carlo chain over their coordinates, and potentially saving work elsewhere. Presumably you could tailor this so that the equilibrium distribution was what you wanted.

Optimize bruteforce solution of searching nearest point

I have non empty Set of points scattered on plane, they are given by their coordinates.
Problem is to quickly reply such queries:
Give me the point from your set which is nearest to the point A(x, y)
My current solution pseudocode
query( given_point )
nearest_point = any point from Set
for each point in Set
if dist(point, query_point) < dist(nearest_point, given_point)
nearest_point = point
return nearest_point
But this algorithm is very slow with complexity is O(N).
The question is, is there any data structure or tricky algorithms with precalculations which will dramatically reduce time complexity? I need at least O(log N)
By distance I mean Euclidean distance
You can get O(log N) time using a kd-tree. This is like a binary search tree, except that it splits points first on the x-dimension, then the y-dimension, then the x-dimension again, and so on.
If your points are homogeneously distributed, you can achieve O(1) look-up by binning the points into evenly-sized boxes and then searching the box in which the query point falls and its eight neighbouring boxes.
It would be difficult to make an efficient solution from Voronoi diagrams since this requires that you solve the problem of figuring out which Voronoi cell the query point falls in. Much of the time this involves building an R*-tree to query the bounding boxes of the Voronoi cells (in O(log N) time) and then performing point-in-polygon checks (O(p) in the number of points in the polygon's perimeter).
You can divide your grid in subsections:
Depending on the number of points and grid size, you choose a useful division. Let's assume a screen of 1000x1000 pixels, filled with random points, evenly distributed over the surface.
You may divide the screen into 10x10 sections and make a map (roughX, roughY)->(List ((x, y), ...). For a certain point, you may lookup all points in the same cell and - since the point may be closer to points of the neighbor cell than to an extreme point in the same cell, the surrounding cells, maybe even 2 cells away. This would reduce the searching scope to 16 cells.
If you don't find a point in the same cell/layer, expand the search to next layer.
If you happen to find the next neighbor in one of the next layers, you have to expand the searching scope to an additional layer for each layer. If there are too many points, choose a finer grid. If there are to few points, choose a bigger grid. Note, that the two green circles, connected to the red with a line, have the same distance to the red one, but one is in layer 0 (same cell) but the other layer 2 (next of next cell).
Without preprocessing you definitely need to spend O(N), as you must look at every point before return the closest.
You can look here Nearest neighbor search for how to approach this problem.

Finding a point that is not inside any rotated rectangles

I'm looking for an algorithm that can quickly (I'm heavily constrained by performance) find a point inside of a circle, where this point is outside of all rectangles in a provided set (these rectangles can be rotated).
Or alternatively, to find a circle A with its center inside a circle B, where circle A does not intersect with a set of line segments.
The only solution I can come up with is to just loop through samples of points and then loop through the rectangles for each of them. But since my space is continuous, that's quite a pain. I'm basically satisfied with just a single point that doesn't intersect, but there will be cases where no such points exist. In the latter case I would ideally try to find a point with the least amount of intersections, or be able to find the answer that no such point exists.
Does anyone know of any algorithms that can accomplish this in something less than O(n^2)? Anything that would help identify good candidate points would be awesome too.
A typical example of the situation is this:
Lots of big rectangles, with small circle in which I hope to find a point (here indicated with blue). It's common that many of the rectangles fall completely outside of the circle, and also common that the circle is completely covered. There's only a small set of lengths and widths that tend to be used for the rectangles.
There are probably several interesting ways to do this. The simplest algorithm I can think of that gives a decent runtime is an algorithm as follows:
Treat all rectangles as a set of line segments.
Use an efficient algorithm to find the intersection of all line segments (for example the Bentley-Ottmann algorithm.)
Create a list of points of interest (POIs) that are either a) the corners of a rectangle or b) the intersection points computed in 2.
Create a finer set of line segments such that each line segment terminates at a POI defined in 3.
Using the POIs and the finer set of line segments from 4, compute a constrained triangulation (for example a Constrained Delaunay Triangulation.)
Pick any (unlabeled) triangle to start. Determine if the triangle lies within at least one rectangle (label it as a COVERED triangle) or not (label it as a FREE triangle). To do this you can use any point in polygon algorithm, for example ray-casting.
Run a Depth or Breadth first search starting at this triangle and expanding to neighbors, taking care not to cross between any triangle pair that would require crossing a line segment defined in 4. For every triangle visited, label it as the same label as the starting triangle.
Repeat 6-7 until all triangles are labeled (or all triangles covering the circle of interest are labeled.)
The union of all FREE triangles intersected with the circled of interest yields precisely the points that are not covered by any rectangle and are within the circle.
Note, this algorithm is a bit general and can be improved by focusing only in the area around the circle (for example a bounding box region can only be considered, with the bounding box encompassing all rectangles intersecting the circle.)
To analyze the runtime, consider the runtime of each key step:
has a runtime of O((n+k) log n) where k is the number of intersections, where n is the number of line segments.
has a runtime of O(m log m) where m is the number of POIs, m is O(n+k)
and 7. should be analyzed together. In the worst case, each triangle would need O(n) computations to check for containment in a rectangle. Given that there would be O(m) triangles this would yield a O(nm) bound. However, the purpose of the triangulation is to reuse the point in polygon computation for the seeding triangle to label as many neighboring triangles as possible. In practice the number of triangles that would require a point in polygon computation should be negligible. Therefore the runtime of this step is O(tn) where t is the number of traingles for which point in polygon computations are performed.
The runtime expected is, therefore, O((n+k) log n + t(n+k)) where k is the number of intersections in step 2 and t is the number of triangles for which point in polygon computations are performed. In the worst case this is O(n^2 log n) as you can create a pathological example with n^2 intersections, but this should be unlikely if not possible. Likewise, the number t should be kept to a minimum to make this as efficient as possible. If both t << n and k << n^2, this would be quite efficient.
One approximation that could yield performance improvement:
Consider approximating the circle by a set of r line segments, and including these line segments in steps 1-5. While this is an approximation, it would potentially improve the runtime, as only triangles inside the circle would ever need to be considered.

Find overlapping circles

I have a rectangular area where there are circles with equal radius. I want to find which circles overlap with other circles (the output is a list of 2-element sets of overlapping circles).
I know how to check if two of the circles overlap (the distance between their centers is less than the diameter). I can perform this check for every pair of circles, but I was wondering if there is a better algorithm (faster than O(n^2)).
The number of circles is usually about 100 and overlappings won't happen very often.
Here is some context:
The rectangle is a battlefield in a game. The movement of the units is done on small steps and I'm trying to detect collisions between units.
Given the new explanation of the problem statement, I would recommend a different approach.
Overlay a square grid over the battlefield, with a grid step equal to one circle diameter. Every circle can overlap at most four cells. In each cell, keep a list of the overlapping circles (and update it on every move).
Detecting potential collisions will now take about four cell/circle tests per circle, i.e. close to linear time.
For a simple solution, insert the centers in a 2d-tree and perform circular range queries around every center with a query radius 2R. In good conditions, this can be O(N Log(N)).
Alternatively, just sort the centers on X and try all circles in turn: by dichotomic search, locate the abscissa Xc and scan to Xc-2R and to Xc+2R, then check the 2D distance.
The cost of the dichotomic searches will be O(N Log(N)). If the circles are uniformly spread out in a square of side S, a stripe of width 4R contains 4RN/S circles, hence a total comparison cost of 4RN²/S. This is a good performance if S is large (think that for N tightly packed circles in a square, S~2R√N, hence 2N√N comparisons).
Direct answer: You cannot get better than O(n^2) in general since the circles could potentially all overlap, so you have to generate n^2 answers.
If you get more specific, you might get better answers. For example, if what you are really trying to do is find bounding spheres in a 2D simulation, you can profit from the fact that entities only move so far between frames, if the circles are sparse it's different from when they are tightly packed, etc. So let us know more about what it's all about.
EDIT: You edited your question - you indeed are looking for collision detection in a 2D simulation. If you check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collision_detection , they point to several algorithms for exactly your case.
I like the one detailed right on that page where you keep one list of bounding intervals per axis (2 in "2D") and only need to "work hard" when those bounding intervals (which are themself by definition one-dimensional) change (i.e., there "overlap state"). This removes the O(n²) for well-behaved cases. They don't give an estimate for the complexity of that, but as it basically comes down to sorting, it looks more or less O(n logn) to me, and less when there are only minimal changes between frames.

seeking approximate algorithm to find largest clear circle in an area

Related: Is there a simple algorithm for calculating the maximum inscribed circle into a convex polygon?
I'm writing a graphics program whose goals are artistic rather than mathematical. It composes a picture step by step, using geometric primitives such as line segments or arcs of small angle. As it goes, it looks for open areas to fill in with more detail; as the available open areas get smaller, the detail gets finer, so it's loosely fractal.
At a given step, in order to decide what to do next, we want to find out: where is the largest circular area that's still free of existing geometric primitives?
Some constraints of the problem
It does not need to be exact. A close-enough answer is fine.
Imprecision should err on the conservative side: an almost-maximal circle is acceptable, but a circle that's not quite empty isn't acceptable.
CPU efficiency is a priority, because it will be called often.
The program will run in a browser, so memory efficiency is a priority too.
I'll have to set a limit on level of detail, constrained presumably by memory space.
We can keep track of the primitives already drawn in any way desired, e.g. a spatial index. Exactness of these is not required; e.g. storing bounding boxes instead of arcs would be OK. However the more precision we have, the better, because it will allow the program to draw to a higher level of detail. But, given that the number of primitives can increase exponentially with the level of detail, we'd like storage of past detail not to increase linearly with the number of primitives.
To summarize the order of priorities
Memory efficiency
CPU efficiency
I framed this question in terms of circles, but if it's easier to find the largest clear golden rectangle (or golden ellipse), that would work too.
This image gives some idea of what I'm trying to achieve. Here is the start of a tendril-drawing program, in which decisions about where to sprout a tendril, and how big, are made without regard to remaining open space. But now we want to know, where is there room to draw a tendril next, and how big? And where after that?
One very efficient way would be to recursively divide your area into rectangular sub-areas, splitting them when necessary to divide occupied areas from unoccupied areas. Then you would simply need to keep track of the largest unoccupied area at each time. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quadtree - but you needn't split into squares.
Given any rectangle, you can draw a line inside it, so that at least one of the rectangles to either side of the line is a golden rectangle. Therefore you can recursively erect partitions within a rectangle so that all but one of the rectangles formed by the partitions are golden rectangles, and the add rectangle left over is vanishingly small. You could do this to create a quadtree-like structure, where almost all of the rectangles left over were golden rectangles.
This seems like the kind of situation where a randomized algorithm might be helpful. Choose points at random, reject and choose more if they're inappropriate for some reason, then find the min distance from your choices to each of the figures already included. The random point with the max of the mins would be your choice.
The number of sample points might have to increase as the complexity of the figure increases.
The random algorithm could be improved by checking points nearby good choices. Keep checking neighbors until no more improvement is possible.
Here's a simple way that uses a fixed amount of memory and time per update, regardless of how many drawing primitives you use. How much memory (and time per update) is needed can be controlled according to how high a "resolution" you need:
Divide the space up into a grid of points. We will maintain a 2D array, d[], which records the minimum distance from the grid point (x, y) to any already-drawn primitive in the entry d[x, y]. Initially, set every element in this array to infinity (or some huge number).
Whenever you draw some primitive, iterate over all grid points (x, y) calculating the minimum distance (or some conservative approximation to it) from (x, y) to the just-drawn primitive. E.g., if the primitive just drawn was a circle of radius r centered at (p, q), then this distance would be sqrt((x-p)^2 + (y-q)^2) - r. Then update d[x, y] with this new distance value if it is smaller than its current value.
The grid point at which the largest circle can be drawn without touching any already-drawn primitive is the grid point that is the farthest away from any primitive drawn so far. To find it, simply scan through d[] to find its maximum value, and note the corresponding indices (x, y). d[x, y] will be the maximum radius you could safely use for this circle.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 as necessary.
A couple of points:
For primitives that have area, you can assign 0 or a negative value to all d[x, y] corresponding to grid points inside the primitive.
For any convex primitive, you can often avoid updating most of the d[] array by scanning rows (or columns) "outward" from the just-drawn primitive's border: the distance from the current grid point to the primitive will never decrease, so if this distance becomes larger than the previous maximum value in d[] then we know that we can stop scanning this row, because no further distance value that we would compute on it could possibly be less than an existing distance on it.
