Add translation variable to prestashop 1.7 - prestashop-1.7

I have a question concerning Prestashop 1.7 translation variables.
Actually, "how to add translation variable to Prestashop"?
I need only some translation variables I can modify(content) then in BO (International>Translations>than I can modify the content of variable)
Thanks a lot!

In your theme : {l s='Your trad d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}
"Shop.Theme.Catalog" depends on where you are.
In module PHP : $this->l('Your trad');
In module template : {l s="your trad" mod="yourmodulename"}


Why does Laravel's trans_choice() always show the singular case?

I'm trying to use trans_choice() to simply format a string to either "comment" or "comments" depending on the number of them. It should be fairly straightforward, like this.
In my view:
{{ trans_choice('posts.num comments', $post->comments->count()) }}
In the posts localisation file:
return [
'num comments' => 'comment|comments',
However, every single one returns just "comment". And if I go into tinker:
>>> trans_choice('posts.num comments', 1);
=> "comment"
>>> trans_choice('posts.num comments', 2);
=> "comment"
>>> trans_choice('posts.num comments', 4);
=> "comment"
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but it looks to me as if I've followed the documentation perfectly.
Edit: The problem seems to lie somewhere in Symfony\Component\Translation\MessageSelector, but I haven't yet figured the cause out.
Finally found the answer. Apparently, if the locale isn't available in Symfony's PluralizationRules class, the translator defaults to the first pick - that is, always index zero. By changing the locale name (I didn't even realise it was misspelled...), I got it working.
I know this post is old, but I ran into this issue, so hoping my solution helps someone if Joel's solution doesn't work.
I'm working with Laravel 7.x, and am using localization on a project for differences between US an CA English, (i.e. Center vs. Centre).
I have my localization folders set up with en being the default folder and en_ca as the Canadian English folder, where en is also the fallback language.
When using trans_choice() I found I had to specifically set the the counts in my translation strings, otherwise the translation engine would just spit back the singular when viewing pages in the non-default locale.
Once the changes were made, trans_choice() worked, no matter what locale was set.
For example, wherever I had:
'general.posts' => 'Posts|Posts',
I changed it to:
'general.posts' => '{1} Post|[2,*] Posts',
After that everything worked.
If you're brazilian that's probably your answer!
I just had the same problem and found out it was because of my locale option (and lang folder).
Instead of 'br' we must use 'xbr' in order to Symphony find it in PluralizationRules (vendor/symphony/translation/PluralizationRules).
In that file there's an array with all languages available, so may check it out.
P.S. I'm using Laravel 5.3

Change Magento decimal field format

I need to change Magento's default decimal format. I mean, when I save '1' to a decimal field, it becomes '10000.0000' with this '.0000' in the end.
I need to change it to another format, which uses ',' instead of '.' to separate decimal (and currency) numbers.
This is the Brazilian standard and it's not being used even after changing the store language. This change should be reflected mainly in the admin side.
Thanks a lot!
I haven't solved the problem yet. I'm using PT-BR (Brazilian Portuguese) as default language and it still using the wrong decimal character.
It seems Magento have some not-localized price formatting (I mean, hard-coded) in a few points of code. For example: magento\js\prototype\validation.js at line 426 have:
|| (!isNaN(parseNumber(v)) && /^\s*-?\d*(\,\d*)?\s*$/.test(v));
but instead it needs to be
|| (!isNaN(parseNumber(v)) && /^\s*-?\d*(\,\d*)?\s*$/.test(v));
to fit into PT-BR format (or other locales to).
Am I right? Does anybody could fix this issue?
if you want to check in admin area for this change
you go to in admin left bottom drop down
and select
Português (Portugal) / português (Portugal)
it will show you currency as you want. Also if you doesn't install you package go to
download your package and add it to your
locale folder and select from configuration for front end also
hope this will sure help you.
I've applied the following change to the file magento\js\prototype\validation.js (line 426):
|| (!isNaN(parseNumber(v)) && /^\s*-?\d*(\,\d*)?\s*$/.test(v));
and also, changed the file lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Abstract.php by adding the first if statement:
public function getEscapedValue($index=null)
$value = $this->getValue($index);
$value= number_format($value, 3, ",", ".");
this changes have solved the problem so far. Do you see any side-effect?
Comments are welcome! Thanks!
Newer versions of Magento are based on Zend Framework currency locale format so the best way to do this is to change the language.xml from the Zend directory, more information is on this great article.

smarty concatanate a var from a file and a normal smarty one in the smarty include section

Hi I am trying to evaluate a variable from a file and a normal one but seems to be harder than it looks so :
This works:
{config_load file="archive_page.conf"
section="profile"} {include file="header.tpl" title=#pageTitle# keywords=#keywords# description=#description#}
I would like to also use my var and concatenate the text together so the below doesn't work also I have tried variations with '', "" but leads either an error message or one of the variables to display as text...
{config_load file="archive_page.conf"
section="profile"} {include file="header.tpl" title=#pageTitle#$MYVARHERE keywords=#keywords# description=#description#}
I tried various things but I can't get it to work, any help is much appreciated.
use the cat variable modifier:

Need trick to use cached value in nocache section

I want to iterate thru single array and disable caching only for some elements.
So my idea was to keep key and get element by key in nocache section. Unfortunatelly i haven't found any possibility to:
assign cached $rec#key in nocache section,
or keep variable key definition in cached section.
Is there any way (without smarty code modification) to do it ?
here my test.tpl:
{foreach $array as $rec}
{if $rec.dynamic}
{assign var="key" value=$rec#key}
and test.php:
include_once 'libs/Smarty.class.php';
$smarty=new smarty();
(of course i will use it for much more complicated things than text display:) )
I tried lot of tricks and by myself i think it is not possible, please tell me i am wrong :)
Finally, I have found a solution: Use count in your loop.
{counter start=0 skip=1 assign="count"}
{section name="co" loop=$publication}
What you are trying to accomplish is, as of Smarty 3.1.x, not possible. With 3.2 Smarty will allow you to "export" values into a {nocache} section to ensure they're available when the template is re-executed.
Until 3.2 is released (don't ask for a date, I don't know) you may be able to do this yourself using a compiler function.

Smarty assigned template variables

Looking through the Smarty debug console I discovered the variable {$u}, which contains the array video => "".
{$u} also contains photo, interview, etc. which is taken from the t1 table in the database. The database does have a url in the video column, but it is not being captured in {$u}. The problem right now is that I can't figure out where {$u} is populated.
What is the best way to find out where $u is populated?
If you can't debug your code line by line (with Zend or Xdebug), try to search your PHP code for ->assign('u', ->assign("u" or your Smarty templates for {$u=, {assign name="u", etc...
Unfortunatly there is no way to make Smarty tell you automatically where a varible was declared.
