enter image description hereIn Jmeter, after login when i clicked on any of the page script records but when i run the scripts and see the result in "View Result Tree" listner, it seems, my request did not reach on the next page after login.
it always shows, username and password field in the HTML view.
Can anyone help here?
Most probably your POST request is failing due to missing or improperly working correlation
My expectation is that you need to execute a HTTP GET request first to load the login page, extract Cookies and other dynamic parameters (if any) and add them to the POST request which does the login.
Simplified Test Plan Structure:
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Request Sampler - GET the login page
PostProcessor(s) to extract dynamic parameters
HTTP Request Sampler - POST (provide credentials and parameters from the previous response)
HTTP Request Sampler - Sale Page
More information: Advanced Load Testing Scenarios with JMeter: Part 1 - Correlations
I am using Jmeter for testng load balance of website.I written a script to test the scenario like to make the user to login into the website and able navigate the user to the dashboard where he can see the recent data by consuming the protected calls.Here i am able to pass the user login scenario but the jmeter showing fail errors regarding the protected calls.When i am searching the url thing whcih is given by jmeter i able to understand that teh protected calls need user credentials to consume data but it fails due to absence of user login things.
Here i am able to pass the user login scenario
are you sure? If JMeter reports the HTTP Request sampler as successful it doesn't necessarily mean that the login will be successful, it might be the case your application responds with status code 200 and some error message explaining why the login has failed and JMeter automatically treats HTTP Status Codes below 400 as successful.
Try inspecting request and response details using View Results Tree listener which has HTML and Browser modes and double check that you're able to login.
If yes - you might need to add HTTP Cookie Manager or perform the correlation of the authorization header in the HTTP Header Manager for the "protected calls" or something like this
If no - you will need to amend your script so login will be successful. In order to avoid such situations in future you might want to add Assertions to your test plan to ensure that JMeter is doing what it's supposed to be doing
I'm trying to record a script in JMeter. I'm getting a 401 error in the login request. I see that the login request is sending a token to the server and I have to correlate this token however I'm not able to find any token in the response body or response header of any previous request. What should I do?
There are 4 sources where the "token" could come from:
Response body
Response headers (including cookies)
URL (as a result of a redirection), if this is the case you might need to play with Redirect Automatically and Follow Redirects checkboxes in the HTTP Request sampler (or HTTP Request Defaults)
The token can be generated by JavaScript. As per JMeter project main page:
JMeter is not a browser, it works at protocol level. As far as web-services and remote services are concerned, JMeter looks like a browser (or rather, multiple browsers); however JMeter does not perform all the actions supported by browsers. In particular, JMeter does not execute the Javascript found in HTML pages. Nor does it render the HTML pages as a browser does (it's possible to view the response as HTML etc., but the timings are not included in any samples, and only one sample in one thread is ever displayed at a time).
so if this is the case - you will have to replicate the logic of the associated JavaScript function(s) using JSR223 PreProcessor
I have a login form that has form method set to POST, form-action set to a servlet, and an OnSubmit function to check the field data.I want to performance test a file download funcitonality that lies behind this login form. To acheive this i am running a parallel sampler to login and then download the file.
The first sampler is for the login and the second one is to dowload the file.
In the first sampler, I want to POST data on this form using JMeter's HTTP Reqest Sampler.
I have inspected the form and created a sampler with three parameters, the username, the password and one more non-discloseable field. I have set the path to the servlet since it is the one handling the requests for the form.
The post request doesn't do anything in this case.
What should i do or check or modify to make sure that the POST request is hitting the correct endpoint and that it actually submits the form data.
You need the samplers to be sequential, I think if you attempt to download the file without prior logging in - the request will fail somewhere somehow.
If it is not sufficient and you would like to add an extra level of checks, i.e. test that the endpoint returns anticipated response code or has certain text you could add Response Assertion as a child of the request and add pass/fail criteria there.
If you don't know how to properly build login and download requests, the easiest way is just recording them using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, JMeter will capture the requests and generate relevant HTTP Request samplers and HTTP Header Managers
I have to use Jmeter to perform load testing for a website.For this I have to record the login page and play back with real loads from CSV file.The website uses CSRF token for login.
While play back the recorded URLS using HTTPs Script recorder,this "/xyz/j_spring_security_check" calls\spawns an URL,/xyz/login.html(This URL is not available in the recorded http requests but could see in the view results tree,that is why I termed this as "calls\spawns",Please correct me with right term ), which generates the CSRF token and session ID.
The /xyz/j_spring_security_check later uses the CSRF token,session token,Username and password to login.
Now the problem is since the URL is called internally,I couldn't postprocess CSRF token from the /xyz/login.html URL.
Please help me to know,how to get the CSRF token which is part of response body of internally called URL and not available in the recorded http requests.
p.s:I know how to extract the CSRF token from the request response.
I had a similar, I had included "HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier" and as well as removed off the Different call made on the Child Window. Just enabled the Save/Submit action of the Child window.
This worked for my scenario where a user had Search for a specific value in a child window.
I had this issue. It was due to view results tree size capacity. Increase the view results tree size in Jmeter properties like this:
view.results.tree.max_size = 0.
All the value you will start to see in view results tree listener. All the tokens and all will be printing.
I was trying to issue a https request through jmeter and observed am getting Error Page response data for login page (Post Method).
login page url redirecting to different url (i.e. Application Home Page) but my login page redirect to the Error page.
And for Post req sampler i got error code 302 - Object moved to here.
Any help in resolving this issue would be a great help.
Probable https server that does not give a certificate or certificate must specify clearly in jmeter
This sounds like you're not handling some dynamic authentication token which is required in the post data or in the HTTP header.
There is probably a dynamically generated auth token on the page of the form itself (or the HTTP header) which you need to use instead of a static value.
You can capture the dynamic value with a post processor regular expression and then pass it in to the next request with the updated value.
There is a JMeter webinar which also covers exactly this scenario and how to solve it:
Sound like you're testing an asp.net application. They can be very finicky with JMeter. Check out these articles and other SO solutions:
asp.net login testing with jmeter
How to use JMeter for load testing ASP.net web applications implementing viewstate