Receive/Send MultiRow data along with file in SpringBoot Controller - spring

I want to receive multi rows in spring boot controller, tried different approached but unable to do it. i am testing with postman.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> storeFile(#RequestParam("attachmentDto") List<BudgetSceAttachmentDto> attachmentDto) throws IOException {
return ResponseUtil.getResponse(HttpStatus.OK, MsgConstant.BUDGET_MSG_FILE_UPLOADED, null);
private Integer versionId;
private String fileName;
private String pathUploadedFile;
private String uploadedFileName;
private MultipartFile file;

First of all, request's content-type should be multipart/form-data.
Then Let's simplify this problem - check upload multiple file first.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> storeFile(#RequestParam MultipartFile[] files) throws IOException {
Assert.isTrue(files.length == 2, "files length should be 2");
return ResponseUtil.getResponse(HttpStatus.OK, MsgConstant.BUDGET_MSG_FILE_UPLOADED, null);
If it works well, now time to bring the DTO again.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> storeFile(#ModelAttribute List<BudgetSceAttachmentDto> params) throws IOException {
Assert.isTrue(params.length == 2, "files length should be 2");
return ResponseUtil.getResponse(HttpStatus.OK, MsgConstant.BUDGET_MSG_FILE_UPLOADED, null);


Spring controller should not do anything (void, response body)

I have an issue similar to this one, the solution does not work as I wished however:
Spring MVC how to create controller without return (String) view?
I have a form which should pass the file:
And the controller for it:
public #ResponseBody void uploadFile(Model model, #RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws InterruptedException {
//, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) throws InterruptedException {
Reservation reservation=new Reservation( );
fileService.uploadFile( multipartFile );
File file = new File("\\car-rental\\src\\main\\resources\\static\\attachments", multipartFile.getOriginalFilename()); "name and path " + file.getName() + file.getPath() );
Picname picname=new Picname();
picname.setPicnameAsString(file.getName() ); "picname file " + picname.getPicnameAsString() );
I want the controller ONLY to perform the logic without returning anything: it returns however an empty page:
empty page returned
How can I make it not returning anything, just staying on the site with the form? The only idea was to set an delay with the .sleep(), but it would be a workaround and I would like to solve it with a cleaner solution
It is the nature of controllers to return a response since you are developing an MVC application which will receive POST requests to the endpoint you specified.
What you can do is declare the controller to be a #RestController which returns a ResponseEntity indicating that everything went OK or any other appropriate response in case some failure happens.
public class ControllerClassName{
public ResponseEntity<?> uploadFile(Model model, #RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws InterruptedException {
// logic
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
}catch(Exception e){
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
To address your issue you may need to change the return type of your function.
Using a ResponseEntity return type may be more appropriate than using a ResponseBody return type.

How to reject the request and send custom message if extra params present in Spring boot REST Api

public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(
#RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest) throws IOException {
How to reject the API request, if extra params present in the request, by default spring boot ignoring extra parameters.
I believe you can add an HttpServletRequest as a parameter to the controller method (createContact in this case). Then you'll get access to all the parameters that come with the requests (query params, headers, etc.):
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(HttpServletRequest request,
#RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest) throws IOException {
boolean isValid = ...// validate for extra parameters
if(!isValid) {
// "reject the request" as you call it...
First add an additional parameter to the method. This gives you access to information about the request. If Spring sees this parameter then it provides it.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(
#RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest,
WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException {
if (reportUnknownParameters(webRequest) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
I do something like this to get the bad request into the log.
private boolean reportUnknownParameters(WebRequest webRequest) {
LongAdder unknownCount = new LongAdder();
.filter(key -> !knownParameters.contains(key))
.forEach(key -> {
log.trace("unknown request parameter \"{}\"=\"{}\"", key, webRequest.getParameter(key));});
return unknownCount.longValue() > 0;
add #RequestParam annotation in your methods parameter list and add it as a map, then you can access for it's key list and check if it contains anything else other than your required params.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(#RequestParam Map<String,String> requestParams, #RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest) throws IOException {
//Check for requestParams maps keyList and then pass accordingly.

Spring Boot Callback after client receives resource?

I'm creating an endpoint using Spring Boot which executes a combination of system commands (java.lang.Runtime API) to generate a zip file to return to the client upon request, here's the code.
#GetMapping(value = "generateZipFile")
public ResponseEntity<Resource> generateZipFile(#RequestParam("id") Integer id) throws IOException { resource = null;
//generate zip file using commandline
resource = service.generateTmpResource(id);
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/zip")
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"\"")
//somehow delete generated file here after client receives it
I cannot keep stacking up the files on the server for obvious disk limit reasons, so I'm looking for a way to delete the files as soon as the client downloads them. Is there a solution in Spring Boot for this? I basically need to hook a callback that would do the cleanup after the user receives the resource.
I'm using Spring Boot 2.0.6
You can create a new thread but a best solution would be create a ThreadPoolExecutor in order to manage threads or also Scheduled annotation helps us.
new Thread() {
public void run() {
A best answer, it would be using a Stack combine with Thread.
Here is the solution that I've done.
I ended up using a HandlerInterceptorAdapter, afterCompletion was the callback I needed. The only challenge I had to deal with was passing through the id of the resource to cleanup, which I handled by adding a header in my controller method:
#GetMapping(value = "generateZipFile")
public ResponseEntity<Resource> genereateZipFile(#RequestParam("id") Integer id,
RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) throws IOException { resource = myService.generateTmpResource(id);;
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/zip")
.header(MyInterceptor.TMP_RESOURCE_ID_HEADER, id.toString())
.header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"\"")
The interceptor code:
public class MyInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter {
public static final String TMP_RESOURCE_ID_HEADER = "Tmp-ID";
private MyService myService;
public void afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response,
Object handler,
Exception ex) {
if(response == null || !response.containsHeader(TMP_RESOURCE_ID_HEADER)) return;
String tmpFileId = response.getHeader(TMP_RESOURCE_ID_HEADER);
For more information about interceptors see here.

Download A File On click of a link using spring mvc

When I click on any link the content should be downloaded
But this is what I get.
#RequestMapping(value = { ControllerUriConstant.download_file }, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void downloadingAFileById(#RequestParam("id") String id, Model model, HttpServletRequest request)
throws TechnoShineException, IOException {
String filePath = "D:/dev/testFIle.txt";
long download = Long.parseLong(id);
byte[] b = masterCourseFileFormService.getAllDownloadable(download);
OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(filePath);
public byte[] getAllDownloadable(long id) throws TechnoShineException
return masterCourseFormUploadDao.getAllDownloadableFiles(id);
public byte[] getAllDownloadableFiles(long id) throws TechnoShineException
return masterCourseFormUploadMapper.getAllDownloadable(id);
public byte[] getAllDownloadable(long id) throws TechnoShineException;
You are writing the data returned by getAllDownloadable(..) to a hard-coded file. Are you sure that is what you want? I think you want to write the content returned by getAllDownloadable(..) to be written into the response. That can be done by adding a method parameter of the type HttpServletResponse to your mapping and writing into the output stream returned by HttpServletResponse#getOutputStream() and flushing (not closing!) that stream at the end.
Furthermore you have to remove the #ResponseBody annotation as this is meant to be used if the value that is returned by the mapping method returns the data that should directly be sent to the client (i.e. when sending a JSON data object or a string) without passing it to the template engine. As you are not returning anything you can remove this annotation.
Furthermore you have to set the content type of your response by invoking HttpServletResponse#setContentType(contentType: String).
In your case, the invocation would be the following:
You complete method would look like this:
value = ControllerUriConstant.download_file,
method = RequestMethod.GET
public void downloadingAFileById(#RequestParam("id") String id, HttpServletResponse response)
throws TechnoShineException, IOException {
long download = Long.parseLong(id);
byte[] b = masterCourseFileFormService.getAllDownloadable(download);

POST Request to upload multipart file in Spring Boot

I'm using spring boot, I need to upload a multipart file (jpg or png file). I need to send a (POST request to upload the multi part file using "postman"), can anyone provide a screen shot of "postman" of how to set it up to do that or tell me? Thanks.
method :
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/upload")
ResponseEntity<?> writeUserProfilePhoto(#PathVariable Long user, #RequestPart("file") MultipartFile file) throws Throwable {
byte bytesForProfilePhoto[] = FileCopyUtils.copyToByteArray(file.getInputStream()); //Return an InputStream to read the contents of the file from.
this.crmService.writeUserProfilePhoto(user, MediaType.parseMediaType(file.getContentType()),bytesForProfilePhoto);
HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders();
URI uriOfPhoto = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentContextPath()
.pathSegment(("/users" + "/{user}" + "/photo").substring(1))
.buildAndExpand(Collections.singletonMap("user", user)).toUri();
return new ResponseEntity<>(httpHeaders, HttpStatus.CREATED);
and this is how I sent the POST request:
my configuration class:
#ConditionalOnClass({ Servlet.class, StandardServletMultipartResolver.class, MultipartConfigElement.class })
#ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "multipart", name = "enabled", matchIfMissing = true)
public class MultipartAutoConfiguration {
private MultipartProperties multipartProperties = new MultipartProperties();
public MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() {
return this.multipartProperties.createMultipartConfig();
#Bean(name = DispatcherServlet.MULTIPART_RESOLVER_BEAN_NAME)
public StandardServletMultipartResolver multipartResolver() {
return new StandardServletMultipartResolver();
The error in postman says
Required MultipartFile parameter 'file' is not present
The method signature looks fine defining file parameter:
ResponseEntity<?> writeUserProfilePhoto(
#PathVariable Long user, #RequestPart("file") MultipartFile file)
throws Throwable
The issue is that when using postman, you're using dog1 as the name of this parameter. Change it to file to match the expected parameter name for the multipart file.
This approach worked for me.
The error in postman says
Required MultipartFile parameter 'file' is not present
The method signature looks fine defining file parameter:
ResponseEntity<?> writeUserProfilePhoto(
#PathVariable Long user, #RequestPart("file") MultipartFile file)
throws Throwable
The issue is that when using postman, you're using dog1 as the name of this parameter. Change it to file to match the expected parameter name for the multipart file.
public Response uploadImage(String token, MultipartFile file) {
long id=tokenUtil.decodeToken(token);
Optional<User> user=userRepo.findById(id);
if(!user.isPresent()) {
throw new UserException(-5, "User does not exists");
UUID uuid=UUID.randomUUID();
String uniqueUserId=uuid.toString();
try {
Files.copy(file.getInputStream(), fileLocation.resolve(uniqueUserId), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
}catch (IOException e) {
// TODO: handle exception
return ResponseHelper.statusResponse(200, "Profile Pic Uploaded Successfully");
