How do I auto capitalize the content of a text-field in Vuetify? - vuetify.js

I need a v-text-field where the user can input the confirmation code they received via SMS. The contents of this field should all be automatically turned into uppercase letters even if the user did not have the intent to write uppercase letters.

You can use keyup event to uppercase like this:
<v-text-field v-model="code" label="Code" #keyup="uppercase" class="code"></v-text-field>
data: function() {
return {
code: ""
methods: {
uppercase() {
this.code = this.code.toUpperCase();
Here is Codepen
Also additional CSS styling used to hide transformation delay from user

Other alternative is use the input event:
check this example:
var vm = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({msg: ''})
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
placeholder="insert some text"
label="convert on Blur"
#input="msg = msg.toUpperCase()"/>
Check the official doc:

It's simply with class="text-capitalize"


Removing ui elements from vimeo player

I want to create a simple player and remove some of the ui elements from the vimeo player, but whatever I try it doesn't work...
I have this code to load the data. At the "videoUrl" I set the params, but with no effect
But according to their documentary it should go
// <img :src="data.thumbnail_url" alt="" #click="startVideo"/>
<div v-html="data.html" />
mounted() {
const videoUrl = `${this.video_id}?
const requestUrl = `${videoUrl}`
this.$axios.get(requestUrl).then((response) => { =
// I also tried to create the iFrame by myself and set the params again in the src but also without any effect.
createIframe () {
const el_iframe = document.createElement('iframe')
el_iframe.setAttribute('src', `${this.video_id}?
I also upgraded to a Pro account in case some of these customizations are only possible within that plan.
What I'm missing?
To set this attributes the video owner have to check this toggle button
and if you like to write the attributes in a list style, the ampersand must be in front of the attribute and the question mark in the same line with the the video-id

Is it possible to use vue-specific directives in localized text?

I just started using vue-i18n and tried to use the v-on-directive (shorthand: #) in my language specific text.
What i tried to do:
// locale definition
let locale = {
en: {
withEventListener: 'Some HTML with <a #click="onClickHandler">event handling</a>'
and the vue template:
<!-- vue template be like -->
<p v-html="$t('withEventListener')" />
This doesn't throw an error but unfortunately it does not get evaluated by vue-js either. This would result to Plain-HTML like:
Some HTML with <a #click="onClickHandler">event handling</a>
So my question is if there is a way to make Vue 'evaluate' the text and thus 'translate' the directives within the text.
You can use Vue.compile to do something like this if you are including the standalone build script. I'm not familiar with vue-i18n, but this might put you on the right path.
Note that I had withEventListener to wrap it in a div because of the rules around templates.
let locale = {
en: {
withEventListener: '<div>Some HTML with <a #click="onClickHandler">event handling</a></div>'
const res = Vue.compile(Vue.t("withEventListener"));
Vue.component("internationalized", {
render: res.render,
staticRenderFns: res.staticRenderFns
new Vue({
With the template
<div id="app">
Working example.

Firefox Addon SDK(jetpack): Passing page-script form data to index.js?

I want to pass the page script form data to index.js in my extension. What is the way to do it? I am trying to send it through content-script.js. To do this I am including my content-script.js file into the page-script. The content-script.js contains these lines of code-
function getInput(){
var url = document.getElementById('addr').value;
Now from the page-script submit button I am calling getInput() function. But self.port.emit does not work here.
I have found out the solution. This can be done by creating DOM events.
In the page-script I have created a custom DOM event like this-
function sendMessage() {
var url = document.getElementById('addr').value;
var event = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');
event.initCustomEvent("msg", true, true, url);
<input type="text" id="addr" name="addr">
<button onclick="sendMessage()">Add</button>
Next the helper.js listens for the new event and retrieves the message.
window.addEventListener("msg", function(event) {
var url = JSON.stringify(event.detail);
}, false);
Finally the index.js "panel" code looks like this-
var panels = require("sdk/panel");
var panel = panels.Panel({
width: 200,
height: 200,
contentURL: "./page.html",
contentScriptFile: "./helper.js",
onHide: handleHide,
onMessage: function(url) {
console.log(url); // displays the user input
Working fine. Is there other way to do this? Is this efficient one?
Also working fine with self.port.emit() and panel.port.on().

Google Places API types functionality..

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src="Scripts/jquery-1.4.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
var input = document.getElementById('location');
var options = {
types: ["locality"]
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
<div>Location: <input type="text" id="location" style="width:400px;" /></div>
There is my code to generate my autocomplete location text input. Google's list of supported types ( shows "locality" as being the type to use when I do not wish for everything to come back in the result(businesses, etc). I am getting no results.
Basically, what I would like to achieve is to search for a city (IE: Toronto) And only see results like: "Toronto, ON, Canada". Perhaps I am confused on how I implement this API.
Thank you very much for your replies!
I think the option you are looking for according to the docs is "geocode" ( ):
var options = {
types: ["geocode"]
you can also use the country restriction
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize()
var input = document.getElementById('searchTextField');
var options = {
types: ['(cities)'],
componentRestrictions: {country: "ca"}
autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(input, options);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
<input id="searchTextField" type="text" size="50" placeholder="Anything you want!">
now you can easily add a dropdown with a selection of cities and re-filter the cities, when onchange of the dropdown occurs :)
Try, check out the jsfiddle:
var options = {
types: ['geocode']
types, which can be either establishment or geocode, representing
businesses or addresses, respectively. If types is not specified, both
types are returned.
If the user types Tor in the input field and the output you want is Toronto, ON, Canada then you should use types=(regions), with the brackets.
I don't know if the option was present when the question was asked, but it is available now.
Sample Request:<YOUR_API_KEY_HERE>&types=(regions)
You can use like this
types: ['geocode' || 'establishment' || 'address']

How do I show multiple recaptchas on a single page?

I have 2 forms on a single page. One of the forms has a Recaptcha displaying all the time. The other should display a Recaptcha only after a certain event such as maxing out login attempts. So there are times when I would need 2 Recaptchas to appear on the same page. Is this possible? I know I could probably use a single one for both, but the way I have the layout, I would much prefer to have 2. Thanks.
Update: well I guess it may not be possible. Can anybody recommend another capture library to use side by side with reCaptcha? I really want to be able to have 2 captchas on the same page.
Update 2: What if I put each form in an iframe? Would this be an acceptable solution?
With the current version of Recaptcha (reCAPTCHA API version 2.0), you can have multiple Recaptchas on one page.
There is no need to clone the Recaptcha nor try to workaround the problem. You just have to put multiple <div> elements for the Recaptchas and render the Recaptchas inside them explicitly.
This is easy with the Google Recaptcha API. Here is the example HTML code:
<h1>Form 1</h1>
<div><input type="text" name="field1" placeholder="field1"></div>
<div><input type="text" name="field2" placeholder="field2"></div>
<div id="RecaptchaField1"></div>
<div><input type="submit"></div>
<h1>Form 2</h1>
<div><input type="text" name="field3" placeholder="field3"></div>
<div><input type="text" name="field4" placeholder="field4"></div>
<div id="RecaptchaField2"></div>
<div><input type="submit"></div>
In your Javascript code, you have to define a callback function for Recaptcha:
<script type="text/javascript">
var CaptchaCallback = function() {
grecaptcha.render('RecaptchaField1', {'sitekey' : '6Lc_your_site_key'});
grecaptcha.render('RecaptchaField2', {'sitekey' : '6Lc_your_site_key'});
After this, your Recaptcha script URL should look like this:
<script src="" async defer></script>
Or instead of giving IDs to your Recaptcha fields, you can give a class name and loop these elements with your class selector and call .render().
Simple and straightforward:
Create your Recaptcha fields normally with this:
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_KEY_HERE"></div>
Load the script with this:
<script src="" async defer></script>
Now call this to iterate over the fields and create the Recaptchas:
<script type="text/javascript">
var CaptchaCallback = function() {
jQuery('.g-recaptcha').each(function(index, el) {
grecaptcha.render(el, {
'sitekey' : jQuery(el).attr('data-sitekey')
,'theme' : jQuery(el).attr('data-theme')
,'size' : jQuery(el).attr('data-size')
,'tabindex' : jQuery(el).attr('data-tabindex')
,'callback' : jQuery(el).attr('data-callback')
,'expired-callback' : jQuery(el).attr('data-expired-callback')
,'error-callback' : jQuery(el).attr('data-error-callback')
This answer is an extension to #raphadko's answer.
If you need to extract manually the captcha code (like in ajax requests) you have to call:
But how can you retrieve the widget id parameter?
I use this definition of CaptchaCallback to store the widget id of each g-recaptcha box (as an HTML data attribute):
var CaptchaCallback = function() {
jQuery('.g-recaptcha').each(function(index, el) {
var widgetId = grecaptcha.render(el, {'sitekey' : 'your code'});
jQuery(this).attr('data-widget-id', widgetId);
Then I can call:
to extract the code.
A similar question was asked about doing this on an ASP page (link) and the consensus over there was that it was not possible to do with recaptcha. It seems that multiple forms on a single page must share the captcha, unless you're willing to use a different captcha. If you are not locked into recaptcha a good library to take a look at is the Zend Frameworks Zend_Captcha component (link). It contains a few
This is easily accomplished with jQuery's clone() function.
So you must create two wrapper divs for the recaptcha. My first form's recaptcha div:
<div id="myrecap">
echo recaptcha_get_html($publickey);
The second form's div is empty (different ID). So mine is just:
<div id="myraterecap"></div>
Then the javascript is quite simple:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Duplicate our reCapcha
Probably don't need the second parameter with a true value in clone(), but doesn't hurt to have it... The only issue with this method is if you are submitting your form via ajax, the problem is that you have two elements that have the same name and you must me a bit more clever with the way you capture that correct element's values (the two ids for reCaptcha elements are #recaptcha_response_field and #recaptcha_challenge_field just in case someone needs them)
I know this question is old but in case if anyone will look for it in the future. It is possible to have two captcha's on one page. Pink to documentation is here:
Example below is just a copy form doc and you dont have to specify different layouts.
<script type="text/javascript">
var verifyCallback = function(response) {
var widgetId1;
var widgetId2;
var onloadCallback = function() {
// Renders the HTML element with id 'example1' as a reCAPTCHA widget.
// The id of the reCAPTCHA widget is assigned to 'widgetId1'.
widgetId1 = grecaptcha.render('example1', {
'sitekey' : 'your_site_key',
'theme' : 'light'
widgetId2 = grecaptcha.render(document.getElementById('example2'), {
'sitekey' : 'your_site_key'
grecaptcha.render('example3', {
'sitekey' : 'your_site_key',
'callback' : verifyCallback,
'theme' : 'dark'
The grecaptcha.getResponse() method accepts an optional "widget_id" parameter, and defaults to the first widget created if unspecified. A widget_id is returned from the grecaptcha.render() method for each widget created, it is not related to the attribute id of the reCAPTCHA container!!
Each reCAPTCHA has its own response data.
You have to give the reCAPTCHA div an ID and pass it to the getResponse method:
<div id="reCaptchaLogin"
class="g-recaptcha required-entry"
data-sitekey="<?php echo $this->helper('recaptcha')->getKey(); ?>"
data-theme="<?php echo($this->helper('recaptcha')->getTheme()); ?>"
style="transform:scale(0.82);-webkit-transform:scale(0.82);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;">
<script type="text/javascript">
var CaptchaCallback = function() {
jQuery('.g-recaptcha').each(function(index, el) {
grecaptcha.render(el, {
'sitekey' : jQuery(el).attr('data-sitekey')
,'theme' : jQuery(el).attr('data-theme')
,'size' : jQuery(el).attr('data-size')
,'tabindex' : jQuery(el).attr('data-tabindex')
,'callback' : jQuery(el).attr('data-callback')
,'expired-callback' : jQuery(el).attr('data-expired-callback')
,'error-callback' : jQuery(el).attr('data-error-callback')
<script src="" async defer></script>
Access response:
var reCaptchaResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse(0);
var reCaptchaResponse = grecaptcha.getResponse(1);
I have contact form in footer that always displays and also some pages, like Create Account, can have captcha too, so it's dynamically and I'm using next way with jQuery:
<div class="g-recaptcha" id="g-recaptcha"></div>
<div class="g-recaptcha" id="g-recaptcha-footer"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var CaptchaCallback = function(){
grecaptcha.render(this,{'sitekey' : 'your_site_key'});
This is a JQuery-free version of the answer provided by raphadko and noun.
1) Create your recaptcha fields normally with this:
<div class="g-recaptcha"></div>
2) Load the script with this:
<script src="" async defer></script>
3) Now call this to iterate over the fields and create the recaptchas:
var CaptchaCallback = function() {
var captchas = document.getElementsByClassName("g-recaptcha");
for(var i = 0; i < captchas.length; i++) {
grecaptcha.render(captchas[i], {'sitekey' : 'YOUR_KEY_HERE'});
Looking at the source code of the page I took the reCaptcha part and changed the code a bit. Here's the code:
<div class="tabs">
<ul class="product-tabs">
<li id="product_tabs_new" class="active">Detailed Description</li>
<li id="product_tabs_what">Request Information</li>
<li id="product_tabs_wha">Make Offer</li>
<div class="tab_content">
<li class="wide">
<div id="product_tabs_new_contents">
<?php $_description = $this->getProduct()->getDescription(); ?>
<?php if ($_description): ?>
<div class="std">
<h2><?php echo $this->__('Details') ?></h2>
<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/output')->productAttribute($this->getProduct(), $_description, 'description') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<li class="wide">
<label for="recaptcha">Captcha</label>
<div id="more_info_recaptcha_box" class="input-box more_info_recaptcha_box"></div>
<li class="wide">
<label for="recaptcha">Captcha</label>
<div id="make_offer_recaptcha_box" class="input-box make_offer_recaptcha_box"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var recapExist = false;
// Create our reCaptcha as needed
jQuery('#product_tabs_what').click(function() {
if(recapExist == false) {
Recaptcha.create("<?php echo $publickey; ?>", "more_info_recaptcha_box");
recapExist = "make_offer_recaptcha_box";
} else if(recapExist == 'more_info_recaptcha_box') {
Recaptcha.destroy(); // Don't really need this, but it's the proper way
Recaptcha.create("<?php echo $publickey; ?>", "more_info_recaptcha_box");
recapExist = "make_offer_recaptcha_box";
jQuery('#product_tabs_wha').click(function() {
if(recapExist == false) {
Recaptcha.create("<?php echo $publickey; ?>", "make_offer_recaptcha_box");
recapExist = "more_info_recaptcha_box";
} else if(recapExist == 'make_offer_recaptcha_box') {
Recaptcha.destroy(); // Don't really need this, but it's the proper way (I think :)
Recaptcha.create("<?php echo $publickey; ?>", "make_offer_recaptcha_box");
recapExist = "more_info_recaptcha_box";
I am using here simple javascript tab functionality. So, didn't included that code.
When user would click on "Request Information" (#product_tabs_what) then JS will check if recapExist is false or has some value. If it has a value then this will call Recaptcha.destroy(); to destroy the old loaded reCaptcha and will recreate it for this tab. Otherwise this will just create a reCaptcha and will place into the #more_info_recaptcha_box div. Same as for "Make Offer" #product_tabs_wha tab.
var ReCaptchaCallback = function() {
var el = $(this);
grecaptcha.render(el.get(0), {'sitekey' :"sitekey")});
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" async defer></script>
ReCaptcha 1
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lc8WQcUAAAAABQKSITdXbc6p9HISCQhZIJwm2Zw"></div>
ReCaptcha 2
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lc8WQcUAAAAABQKSITdXbc6p9HISCQhZIJwm2Zw"></div>
ReCaptcha 3
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6Lc8WQcUAAAAABQKSITdXbc6p9HISCQhZIJwm2Zw"></div>
To add a bit to raphadko's answer: since you have multiple captchas (on one page), you can't use the (universal) g-recaptcha-response POST parameter (because it holds only one captcha's response). Instead, you should use grecaptcha.getResponse(opt_widget_id) call for each captcha. Here's my code (provided each captcha is inside its form):
<form ... />
<div id="RecaptchaField1"></div>
<div class="field">
<input type="hidden" name="grecaptcha" id="grecaptcha" />
<script src="" async defer></script>
var CaptchaCallback = function(){
var widgetId;
$('[id^=RecaptchaField]').each(function(index, el) {
widgetId = grecaptcha.render(, {'sitekey' : 'your_site_key'});
$(el).closest("form").submit(function( event ) {
this.grecaptcha.value = "{\"" + index + "\" => \"" + grecaptcha.getResponse(widgetId) + "\"}"
Notice that I apply the event delegation (see refresh DOM after append element ) to all the dynamically modified elements. This binds every individual captha's response to its form submit event.
A good option is to generate a recaptcha input for each form on the fly (I've done it with two but you could probably do three or more forms). I'm using jQuery, jQuery validation, and jQuery form plugin to post the form via AJAX, along with the Recaptcha AJAX API -
When the user submits one of the forms:
intercept the submission - I used jQuery Form Plugin's beforeSubmit property
destroy any existing recaptcha inputs on the page - I used jQuery's $.empty() method and Recaptcha.destroy()
call Recaptcha.create() to create a recaptcha field for the specific form
return false.
Then, they can fill out the recaptcha and re-submit the form. If they decide to submit a different form instead, well, your code checks for existing recaptchas so you'll only have one recaptcha on the page at a time.
Here's a solution that builds off many of the excellent answers. This option is jQuery free, and dynamic, not requiring you to specifically target elements by id.
1) Add your reCAPTCHA markup as you normally would:
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="YOUR_KEY_HERE"></div>
2) Add the following into the document. It will work in any browser that supports the querySelectorAll API
<script src="" async defer></script>
window.renderRecaptchas = function() {
var recaptchas = document.querySelectorAll('.g-recaptcha');
for (var i = 0; i < recaptchas.length; i++) {
grecaptcha.render(recaptchas[i], {
sitekey: recaptchas[i].getAttribute('data-sitekey')
It is possible, just overwrite the Recaptcha Ajax callbacks. Working jsfiddle:
You don't even need a proxy div because with the overwrites the DOM code won't execute. Call Recaptcha.reload() whenever you want to trigger the callbacks again.
function doSomething(challenge){
$('img.recaptcha').attr('src', '//'+challenge);
//Called on Recaptcha.reload()
Recaptcha.finish_reload = function(challenge,b,c){
//Called on page load
Recaptcha.challenge_callback = function(){
Here is a nice guide for doing exactly that:
Basically you add some parameters to the api call and manually render each recaptcha:
<script src="" async defer></script>
var recaptcha1;
var recaptcha2;
var myCallBack = function() {
//Render the recaptcha1 on the element with ID "recaptcha1"
recaptcha1 = grecaptcha.render('recaptcha1', {
'sitekey' : '6Lc_0f4SAAAAAF9ZA', //Replace this with your Site key
'theme' : 'light'
//Render the recaptcha2 on the element with ID "recaptcha2"
recaptcha2 = grecaptcha.render('recaptcha2', {
'sitekey' : '6Lc_0f4SAAAAAF9ZA', //Replace this with your Site key
'theme' : 'dark'
PS: The "grecaptcha.render" method receives an ID
I would use invisible recaptcha. Then on your button use a tag like " formname='yourformname' " to specify which form is to be submitted and hide a submit form input.
The advantage of this is it allows for you to keep the html5 form validation intact, one recaptcha, but multiple button interfaces. Just capture the "captcha" input value for the token key generated by recaptcha.
<script src="" async defer ></script>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="yours" data-callback="onSubmit" data-size="invisible"></div>
var formanme = ''
$('button').on('click', function () { formname = '#'+$(this).attr('formname');
if ( $(formname)[0].checkValidity() == true) { grecaptcha.execute(); }
else { $(formname).find('input[type="submit"]').click() }
var onSubmit = function(token) {
$(formname).append("<input type='hidden' name='captcha' value='"+token+"' />");
I find this FAR simpler and easier to manage.
