Which event(s) to use in place of Google Chat's "DeprecatedEvent" - go

I have several questions related to google.golang.org/api/chat/v1.
It seems the only available Event object is DeprecatedEvent. So, what is the non-deprecated one to use?
If DeprecatedEvent is indeed the intended one to use, inside the DeprecatedEvent object, there's a User *User field. However, it seems that the User object is different from what I actually got from the responses.
For example:
'eventTime': '2019-08-27T06:50:12.391141Z',
'user': {
'name': 'users/112...',
'email': 'iskandar.setiadi#...',
'avatarUrl': 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AAu...',
'displayName': 'Iskandar Setiadi',
'type': 'HUMAN'
'type': 'ADDED_TO_SPACE',
'space': {
'name': 'spaces/7ag...',
'type': 'DM'
In the API, User object only contains displayName, name, and type. It seems that email and avatarUrl are not there. Is v1 outdated or is there any alternatives that I don't know?


What is a good practice to map my Elasticsearch index?

In order to model different types of metrics and audit logs when a search results should include both of them.
What is more encouraged in terms of fast search performance and indexing efficiency from the 3 options below:
Mapping different subfields for each object
Using a generic object that has predefined fields and a dynamic extra metadata field
Using a different index for each object
Examples for each option:
Option 1 - Mapping different subfields under the same index unified_index_00001
'type': 'audit_log',
'audit_log_object': {
'name': 'object_name',
'action': 'edit',
'before': 'field_value',
'after': 'field_value_update'
'type': 'network',
'network': {
'name': 'network_name',
'event': 'access',
'ip': 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
{...} ...
Option 2 - Mapping a generic object under the same index unified_index_00001
'type': 'audit_log',
'name': 'object_name',
'action': 'edit'
'meta': {
'before': 'field_value',
'after': 'field_value_update'
'type': 'network',
'name': 'network_name',
'action': 'access',
'meta': {
'ip': 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
{...} ...
Option 3 - Using a different index for each object
'name': 'object_name',
'action': 'edit',
'before': 'field_value',
'after': 'field_value_update'
'name': 'network_name',
'event': 'event_type',
'ip': 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
{...} ...
Note: There is only need for Term indexing (no need of text searches)
In Elasticsearch, you usually want to start with the queries and then work backwards from there.
If you always query only events of one type, separate indices make sense. If there are mixed queries - you would be happier with a joint index, and usually with extracted common fields ("option 2") otherwise those queries won't really work.
Also, take into account Elasticsearch limitations:
fields per index (1000 by default)
shards and indices per cluster (thousands but still)

Mailchimp API Node - create campaign for list based on tags

I'm making an async api request with a firebase cloud function to create a campaign within mailchimp for a specific set of users from a list. I read in the documentation that this can be done with tags this way I can build my own structure. I'm building a donation system for a nonprofit and would like the tag to represent the name of a client who is currently being donated to.
Below is my firebase function. I'm stuck at the segment_opts object. I want to define a segment based on whether the list member has a tag equivalent my clients name.
The doc says segment_opts is "An object representing all segmentation options. This object should contain a saved_segment_id to use an existing segment, or you can create a new segment by including both match and conditions options.". I don't have any other segments set up so I figured I'd create a new one that specifies the tags to contain the client's name.
This post helped me get to this point. Stackoverflow post
I now see that condition is supposed to be a Segment Type but in the dropdown I don't see an option for Tags. Here is a link to the documentation reference. Reference
const response = await mailchimp.post('/campaigns', {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: functions.config().mailchimp.test,
segment_opts: {
"match": "any",
"conditions": match: 'any',
conditions: [
condition_type: 'StaticSegment',
field: 'static_segment',
op: 'static_is',
value: ??? (Int),
For now I removed segment_opts and will settle on sending campaign to entire list until I figure out how to segment by tags. This version works and creates a campaign within my mailchimp account and from the UI I can see the segment options offered in the documentation but don't see an option to filter by tags
const response = await mailchimp.post('/campaigns', {
type: 'regular',
recipients: {
list_id: functions.config().mailchimp.test,
settings: {
subject_line: `${firstName} has been funded!`,
preview_text: `$${goal} has been raised for ${firstName}.`,
title: `${firstName} has been funded`,
from_name: 'Organization name',
reply_to: 'org_email#gmail.com',
Here is a screenshot of the dropdown options in Mailchimp dashboard.
This is what I have for my campaign segment options. Here I'm checking for two conditions. Is the SITE merge tag = the site variable I pass in, and also does the member belong to the tag/segment called tagName. However, I can't pass a tagName, only a tagId which I lookup beforehand.
'match': 'all',
'conditions': [
'condition_type': 'TextMerge',
'field': 'SITE',
'op': 'is',
'value': site
'condition_type': 'StaticSegment',
'field': 'static_segment',
'op': 'static_is',
'value': tagId
To get the tagId I use this Python function:
tagId, segments = self.getSegmentIdFromTagName(tagName)
This is the Python code to get the tagId from the tagName, which gets all the Segments/Tags from the system and then looks for the name you pass in:
def getSegmentIdFromTagName(self,reqTagName,segments=None):
audienceId = self.audienceId
reqId = None
if not segments:
segments = self.mcClient.lists.segments.all(list_id=audienceId,get_all=True)
for segment in segments['segments']:
segName = segment['name']
segId = segment['id']
if segName == reqTagName:
reqId = segId
return reqId,segments

Style layer depending on multiple feature properties

is there way to paint features depending on its properties? For example, there is a Feature with int properties "level_a" and "level_b" and it is needed to fill Feature depending which property is greater. There is no way to compare them directly since filter supports only [">", feature(key), value] And features suppose to be in the same layer. Thank you.
Needed something like:
'id': 'foo',
'type': 'fill',
'source': 'source',
'filter': ['>', 'level_a', 'level_b'], //cannot insert properties directly an value field
'paint': {
'fill-color': '#blue',
Yes, expressions support this and much more: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/style-spec/expressions/
Using the newer syntax, this would work fine:
'filter': ['>', ['get', 'level_a'], ['get', 'level_b']]

How to get email_ids only (not G+ id) from Events API

I'm using Google APIs to get the user's calendar events and contacts.
While fetching the contacts, I get the response in the following manner:-
'phones': [],
'image_path': '',
'id': 'ID',
'emails': ['email1'],
'name': ABC
'phones': [],
'image_path': '',
'id': 'ID',
'emails': ['email2'],
'name': DEF
While fetching the events, I get the follwoing response:-
'attendees': [{
'organizer': True,
'displayName': 'ABC',
'id': 'Google+ Id',
'responseStatus': 'accepted'
}, {
'self': True,
'displayName': 'DEF',
'id': 'Google+ id',
'responseStatus': 'accepted'
'organizer': {
'displayName': 'ABC',
'id': 'Google+ id'
'creator': {
'displayName': 'ABC',
'id': 'Google+ id'
'organizer': {
'self': True,
'displayName': 'DEF',
'email': 'email2'
'creator': {
'self': True,
'displayName': 'DEF',
'email': 'email2'
As you can see that while fetching events, (in attendees, organizers, creators) I get Google+ id in some cases and email_ids in other cases. This does not maintain a uniformity in my code.
Since I've fetched the user contacts as well, and I search the contacts via their email_ids. If I don't get an email_id in attendees, organizers, or creators, I won't be able to reference the contact object.
How can I make sure that I get only the email_ids in attendees, not the Google+ id.
According to Google Calendar API docs
Optional query parameters
boolean Whether to always include a value in the email field for the
organizer, creator and attendees, even if no real email is available
(i.e. a generated, non-working value will be provided). The use of
this option is discouraged and should only be used by clients which
cannot handle the absence of an email address value in the mentioned
places. Optional. The default is False.
Anyway it is not encouraged to use it , because sometimes no real email is available.
Work around:
You can use G+ API to fetch user Email through providing his/her email.
This scope requests that your app be given access to:
the user's Google account email address. You access the email address by calling people.get, which returns the emails array (or by calling people.getOpenIdConnect, which returns the email property in OIDC-compliant format).
the name of the Google Apps domain, if any, that the user belongs to. The domain name is returned as the domain property from
people.get (or hd property from getOpenIdConnect)
This email scope is equivalent to and replaces the https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email scope.

fetch larger images from Facebook with Koala using the get_connection method

The documentation of the Koala gem gives an example how to fetch posts from Facebook, including a picture.
client = Koala::Facebook::API.new(oauth_token)
client.get_connection('someuser', 'posts',
{limit: #options[:max_items],
fields: ['message', 'id', 'from', 'type',
'picture', 'link', 'created_time', 'updated_time'
Below this example the documentation makes a note:
You can pass a ‘type’ hash key with a value of ‘small’, ‘normal’, ‘large’, or ‘square’ to obtain different picture sizes, with the default being ‘square’. Also, you may need the user_photos permission.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work:
client.get_connection("officialstackoverflow", "posts",
{limit: 5, type: "large", fields: [:picture, :message, :type]})
Unfortunately, I get the same picture as I would get when omitting the type param. How do I have to pass the type hash correctly?
