What is difference between installed package and GOCACHE - go

I always build with -i flag to install packages and .a files are installed in GOPATH/pkg directory.
GOCACHE directory shown by go env GOCACHE seems to store cache files as well.
What's difference between them?
And what I wanna know is both of them should be saved if I want to make build time faster?

TLDR; The cache folder is internal to the go tool and its working should be opaque to the user, and its purpose is to speed up builds and tests. For example if you use a version control system (such as git), switching between branches or versions, the GOPATH/pkg may only contain package files of one version. The go cache folder may contain (partially) compiled packages of multiple branches and versions, speeding up future builds when you switch between branches and versions.
The cache folder was introduced in Go 1.10:
The go build command now maintains a cache of recently built packages, separate from the installed packages in $GOROOT/pkg or $GOPATH/pkg. The effect of the cache should be to speed builds that do not explicitly install packages or when switching between different copies of source code (for example, when changing back and forth between different branches in a version control system). The old advice to add the -i flag for speed, as in go build -i or go test -i, is no longer necessary: builds run just as fast without -i. For more details, see go help cache.
So you don't need to use -i anymore for fast builds.
Some quotes from the output of go help cache:
The go command caches build outputs for reuse in future builds.
The default location for cache data is a subdirectory named go-build
in the standard user cache directory for the current operating system.
Setting the GOCACHE environment variable overrides this default,
and running 'go env GOCACHE' prints the current cache directory.
The go command periodically deletes cached data that has not been
used recently. Running 'go clean -cache' deletes all cached data.
The build cache correctly accounts for changes to Go source files,
compilers, compiler options, and so on: cleaning the cache explicitly
should not be necessary in typical use. However, the build cache
does not detect changes to C libraries imported with cgo.
If you have made changes to the C libraries on your system, you
will need to clean the cache explicitly or else use the -a build flag
(see 'go help build') to force rebuilding of packages that
depend on the updated C libraries.
The go command also caches successful package test results.
See 'go help test' for details. Running 'go clean -testcache' removes
all cached test results (but not cached build results).
The cache folder is also used to store test results, so in some circumstances, the cached results may be presented without running the tests again.

Your questions is self-answering:
$ ls $(go env GOCACHE)
$ cat $(go env GOCACHE)/README
$ ls $(go env GOPATH)/pkg
As you can see - there is nothing similar between them:
GOPATH/pkg - compiled packages that remains static between builds. Those files are not "cashe" files actually
GOCACHE - collections of build artefacts that constantly changes between builds
More elaborate answer could be done by examining sources of go build


Using "go get" to download binaries without adding them to go.mod

I'm using Go modules in my project and in my build system (e.g. Travis CI) I'm downloading a command-line utility (written in Go) with go get to assist with my build process, e.g.:
go get github.com/mitchellh/gox
However, this go get causes the file to be added to my go.mod file. This is contaminating the build environment, causing it to be "dirty" (since there are changes to some files tracked in git, in this case go.mod and go.sum), and I use git describe --always --dirty --tag to describe my build, which shows up as "dirty".
Is there a way to "go get" a binary just to download it, without adding it to the go.mod/go.sum?
I've tried setting GOPATH to somewhere else, even then, go get updates the go.mod/go.sum to add this as an // indirect dependency.
dir="$(mktemp -d)"; \
env GOPATH="$dir" go get github.com/mitchellh/gox && \
mv "$dir/bin/gox" "$(go env GOPATH)"/bin/gox
Go 1.16 onwards
Go 1.16 (released February 2021) includes a change that makes it possible to install a binary without affecting go.mod.
Issue 40276 tracks the proposal:
cmd/go: 'go install' should install executables in module mode outside a module
This was implemented in CL 254365. As part of this change, you can run e.g.:
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports#latest
to install a binary without affecting go.mod.
To install a specific version, replace #latest with e.g. #v0.1.5.
Hopefully in Go 1.14 there will be a new flag for go get that does exactly what you are asking. This is tracked in issue #30515 "cmd/go: offer a consistent global install command".
Prior to that, you have a few different options.
Go 1.12 and 1.13: change directory
If you are using Go 1.12 or later, the simplest solution is probably to move outside your current module to a directory without a go.mod prior to doing the go get, such as:
$ cd /tmp
$ go get github.com/foo/bar#v1.2.3
$ cd - # return to prior directory
Go 1.11, 1.12, 1.13+: gobin
gobin is a module-aware command to install or run binaries that provides additional flexibility, including the ability to install without altering your current module's go.mod. See the gobin README and FAQ for more details.
Go 1.11: temporary module
If you are using Go 1.11 with modules, the first step is probably to upgrade to Go 1.12 or 1.13 given there are many improvements in modules. If you are required to use Go 1.11 and want to use the #version syntax without updating your current module's go.mod, then one approach is to create a temporary module:
cd $(mktemp -d) && go mod init tempmod && go get github.com/foo/bar#v1.2.3
This is because in Go 1.11, you can't use the #version syntax unless you are in a module, which was relaxed in Go 1.12. This approach has been automated by a simple shell script by #rogpeppe.
Additional Details
In general, the go command in module-module always determines what module it is "in", which is based on the current working directory when you invoke the go command. (You could make an analogy to how make without any args will look for a makefile in the current working directory, or how historically go build without any args will build the current working directory, etc.).
With modules, go get looks for a go.mod file in the current working directory or any of its parents, and go get will use the constraints listed in any go.mod as part of solving for versions, as well as update the go.mod if needed based on doing the go get. That is why your go.mod file is updated if you run go get from within an existing module.
On the other hand, starting with Go 1.12, if you are in a directory that is not part of any module (that is, the directory does not have a go.mod, nor do any of its parents), then there is no go.mod to update, but the go command is still able to operate in module mode and use the #version syntax.
From the Go 1.12 release notes:
When GO111MODULE is set to on, the go command now supports module-aware operations outside of a module directory, provided that those operations do not need to resolve import paths relative to the current directory or explicitly edit the go.mod file. Commands such as go get, go list, and go mod download behave as if in a module with initially-empty requirements. In this mode, go env GOMOD reports the system's null device (/dev/null or NUL).
Per go help build:
The -mod build flag provides additional control over updating and use of go.mod.
If invoked with -mod=readonly, the go command is disallowed from the implicit automatic updating of go.mod

How to build/install cross-compiled nested packages quickly?

I have a repository with a group of nested go packages organized as follows:
- mypackage/common/utils.go
- mypackage/app1/main.go
- mypackage/app2/main.go
It compiles to a handful of binaries. For releasing, I'm cross-compiling for a multitude of platforms/archs (I deploy repeatedly with a different GOOS and GOARCH). I'm trying to write the compilation results to a directory of my choice, but I'm fighting with the toolchain.
I can:
Combine GOBIN and go install when compiling for my own architecture
(i.e. not cross compiling):
# build + output all binaries in /somedir/bin
# this works great when compiling for my local architecture.
GOBIN=/somedir/bin go install mypackage/app1 mypackage/app2 mypackage/app3
But unfortunately, GOBIN conflicts with cross-compilation e.g:
# Throws: "cannot install cross-compiled binaries when GOBIN is set"
GOBIN=/somedir/bin GOARCH=amdm64 GOOS=darwin go install mypackage/app1 mypackage/app2
Use go build with GOOS=X and GOARCH=Y for each subpackage
# cross compile one of the binaries
cd /output/darwin-386-bin/ && \
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 go build mypackage/app1
# but if given multiple binaries, there is no output. (as documented)
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=386 go build mypackage/app1 mypackage/app2
When go build is given multiple packages, it no longer emits binaries -- it just checks that the code compiles. To emit all the binaries, it seems I have to run go build once for each subpackage, so it takes longer, esp when building with -a.
Another possible issue with using go build like this, is that it's potentially mixing binaries and intermediary results across multiple architectures in the same workspace. But maybe that's just a matter of taste. Hopefully the toolchain keeps cached results separate for different architectures.
How is this handled in practice? Should I treat each subpackage as an individual package, despite their shared common code (would it then be safe to build them all in parallel)?
Related articles:
go build vs go install: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/golang-nuts/s8Csz3-7EXA (Little info on cross-compilation, or multipackage setups)
cross compile with go 1.5.: https://dave.cheney.net/2015/08/22/cross-compilation-with-go-1-5 (does not specifically address multipackage / common code compilation. Also, the statement about having to recompile the standard library into /usr/local/go/pkg seems to no longer hold in 1.9.1, as far as I can tell)
Go build multiple nested packages: Go build multiple/nested packages? . ( The accepted answer, go build ./... behaves the same as passing multiple packages in a single build command, and therefore outputs no binaries. The thread also does not cover cross compilation)
What I'm about to suggest feels like a hack at best, but it might work for you if you're cross-compiling stuff in a container or an isolated build environment.
You can drop the GOBIN from the install command:
# I'm not on this platform, so this is a cross compile
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 go install mypackage/app1 mypackage/app2
Assuming your package is in $GOPATH/src/mypackage the above command will install the two binaries to:
$GOPATH/bin/darwin_amd64/{app1, app2}
and the .a compile dependency files in:
If you're running this in a for loop for all the platforms you plan on supporting, one nuisance with this process is that when you pass GOOS=x GOARCH=y matching your local architecture (i.e. not cross compiling), then the executables will be placed directly in $GOPATH/bin/ and not $GOPATH/bin/x_y/.
(packages on the other hand always end up in $GOPATH/pkg/x_y/, cross compilation or not).
To determine your local architecture, you can follow steps in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/35669816/5556676 .
Simulating GOBIN=/foo/bin GOOS=x GOARCH=y go install mypackage/app{1,2,3}
Changing $GOPATH has little effect on where go install writes output. With some go commands, like go get, you tweak where packages are installed by adding a new component at the front of $GOPATH. But in go 1.9, go install will always copy binaries in the bin/ folder that's a sibling of the src/ which contains the packages to install.
Instead of using GOBIN=/foo/bin, you can pretend your source files are in /foo/src/mypackage (you may use a symlink), and then do GOPATH=/foo GOOS=x GOARCH=y go install mypackage/app{1,2,3}. This will put binaries in /foo/bin, because of the behavior I describe in the previous paragraph.
It's probably simpler to just grab the binaries from where you expect them to be though, than mucking with copying source trees around.

How should I use vendor in Go 1.6?

First I have read this answer: Vendoring in Go 1.6, then I use it as my example.
My gopath is GOPATH="/Users/thinkerou/xyz/", and the follow like:
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/ou$ pwd
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/ou$ ls
main.go vendor
Now, I use go get, then becomes this:
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/ou$ ls
main.go vendor
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/ou$ cd vendor/
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/ou/vendor$ ls
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/ou/vendor$ cd ../..
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src$ ls
github.com ou
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src$ cd github.com/
thinkerou#MacBook-Pro-thinkerou:~/xyz/src/github.com$ ls
vendor.json is this:
"comment": "",
"package": [
"path": "github.com/zenazn/goji"
then, I should use what commands? why have no use vendor? My go version is 1.6.2.
With Go1.6, vendoring is built in as you read. What does this mean? Only one thing to keep in mind:
When using the go tools such as go build or go run, they first check to see if the dependencies are located in ./vendor/. If so, use it. If not, revert to the $GOPATH/src/ directory.
The actual "lookup paths" in Go 1.6 are, in order:
With that said, go get will continue to install into you $GOPATH/src; and, go install will install into $GOPATH/bin for binaries or $GOPATH/pkg for package caching.
So, how do I use ./vendor?!?!
Hehe, armed with the knowledge above, it's pretty simple:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/ou/vendor/github.com/zenazn/goji
cp -r $GOPATH/src/github.com/zenazn/goji/ $GOPATH/src/ou/vendor/github.com/zenazn/goji
In short, to use vendoring, you copy the files using the same github.com/zenazn/goji full path, into your vendor director.
Now, the go build/install/run tooling will see and use your vendor folder.
An easier way instead of copying everything manually
Instead of finding and copying all 25+ vendor items, managing their versions, updating other projects etc... It would be better to use a dependency management tool. There are many out there and a little googling will point to you several.
Let me mention two that works with the vendor folder and doesn't fight you:
In short, these tools will inspect your ou code, find the remote dependencies, and copy them from your $GOPATH/src to your $GOPATH/src/ou/vendor directory (actually, whatever current directory you are in when you run them).
For example, say you have all of your dependencies installed and working normally in your $GOPATH/src/ou/ project using the normal GOPATH/src/github installation of your dependencies. Your project runs and your tests validate everything is working with the exact version of the repos you have. With Godep as an example, you'd run this from your project root folder $GOPATH/src/ou/:
godep save ./...
This would copy all dependencies your project uses into your ./vendor folder.
Godep is by far and large the most popular. They have their own Slack channel on the Gopher Slack group. And, it's the one I use on my teams.
Govendor is another alternative I read has a nice sync feature. I haven't used it though.
Over Usage of Dependency Management Tool
This is purely opinion, and I'm sure haters will downvote... But as I need to finish my blog post on the subject, let me mention here that most people worry too much about depdency management in Go.
Yes, there is a need to lock in a repo to a version you depend on so you can ensure your system builds in production. Yes there is a need to ensure no breaking changes to a way a dependency is interrupting something.
Use dependency management for those, absolutely.
But, there is overuse of simple projects that lock in huge amounts of dependencies when in reality...
You may only need to lock in only 1 dependencies; otherwise, you want the latest version of MySQL drivers and test assertion frameworks for bug fixes.
This is where using the ./vendor/ folder apart from dependency managrment tools can really shine: you'd only need to copy that repo that need you lock in.
You selectively pick the one misbehaving repo and put it into your ./vendor/ folder. By doing this, you are telling your consumers:
Hey, this one repo needs to be held back at this revision. All others are fine and use the latest of those and update often with go get -u ./...; but, this one failed with newer versions so don't upgrade this one repo.
But if blanketly saving all your dependencies with a dependency management tool, you are basically telling your consumers:
There may or may not be a problem with one or more repos out of the 20 in the vendor folder. You may or may not be able to update them. You may or may not be able to get the latest MySQL driver. We simply don't know which may or may not be causing problems and just locked in something that worked at the time that I ran godep save. So yeah, upgrade at your own risk.
Personally, I have ran into this several times. A dependency was updated with a breaking change, and we have dozens of repos dependent on it. Vendoring just that one repo in /vendor allows us to use that one version of dependency, while go get ./... continues to run normally for all other repos to get the latest. We run with the latest bug fixes in PSQL and MySQL and others (there are constant fixes for these!) and so on.

`go build` rebuilds unnecessarily

go build and go run are very slow on a tiny program I have (cgo invocations in particular). I'd like go to cache the binary so that it only rebuilds when the source is newer. I would use a simple Makefile with a % rule, but the language designers claim that go's build support doesn't need Makefiles.
Is there another alternative I've overlooked? Does the go community prefer another build system, maybe hash-based instead, for caching and reusing build products?
go build and go install will soon (Go 1.10, Q1 2018) be much faster: see this thread and this draft document.
The go command now maintains a cache of built packages and other small metadata (CL 68116 and CL 75473). The cache defaults to the operating system-defined user cache directory but can be moved by setting $GOCACHE.
Run "go env GOCACHE" to see the current effective setting. Right now the go command never deletes anything from the cache. If the cache gets too big, run "go clean -cache" instead of deleting the directory. That command will preserve the cache's log.txt file. In a few weeks I'll ask people to post their log.txt files to a Github issue so that we can evaluate cache size management approaches.
The main effect of the build cache is that commands like "go test" and "go build" run fast and do incremental builds always, reusing past build steps as aggressively as possible.
You do not have to use "go test -i" or "go build -i" or "go install" just to get fast incremental builds. We will not have to teach new users those workarounds anymore. Everything will just be fast.
Note that go install won't installs dependencies of the named packages: see "What does go build build?".
I wrote a tool that happens to solve this as a side effect. go build alone will not check if the executable it's producing is already up to date. go install does, and if you tweak it to install to a location of your choice, then you'll get the desired result, similar to go build.
You can see the behaviour you describe by doing something like this:
$ go get -d github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop
$ time go run "$GOPATH"/src/github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop/*.go
real 0m0.176s
user 0m0.142s
sys 0m0.048s
That's on a warm run. go run will link on every invocation, just as go build would. Note that github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop is an program that does absolutely nothing.
Here's invoking the same package, using my tool, godo:
$ time godo github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/cmd/nop
real 0m0.073s
user 0m0.029s
sys 0m0.033s
For larger programs, the difference should be more pronounced.
So in summary, your standard tooling option is to use go install, or an alternative like godo.

"go build" became very slow after installing a new version of Go

After upgrading from Go 1.2.1 to 1.3 (Windows 7 64 bit) "go build" execution time has increased from around 4 to over 45 seconds. There were no other changes except the go version update. Switching off the virus scanner seems to have no effect. Any clues?
You probably have dependencies that are being recompiled each time. Try go install -a mypackage to rebuild all dependencies.
Removing $GOPATH/pkg also helps to ensure you don't have old object files around.
Building with the -x flag will show you if the toolchain is finding incompatible versions.
I have the exact same problem, running this command solves it:
go get -u -v github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
Another tip: http://kokizzu.blogspot.co.id/2016/06/solution-for-golang-slow-compile.html
Using go1.6,
Simply run go build -i.
It will compile all the dependencies and store them at $GOPATH/pkg/*/* as .a files.
Later when you run go run main.go, everything is much faster.
What s really great is that if you use vendored dependencies (IE: a vendor folder in your project), deps are built appropriately within $GOPATH/pkg/**/yourproject/vendor/**
So you don t have to go get install/get/whatever and have a mix of vendor / global dependencies.
I suspect you got to re-build .a files after deps update (glide update or smthg like this), but i did not test that yet.
After Go 1.10, you'd just need to type go build. You'd not need to type: go build -i.
From the draft Go 1.10 document, here.
Build & Install
The go build command now detects out-of-date packages purely based on the content of source files, specified build flags, and metadata stored in the compiled packages. Modification times are no longer consulted or relevant. The old advice to add -a to force a rebuild in cases where the modification times were misleading for one reason or another (for example, changes in build flags) is no longer necessary: builds now always detect when packages must be rebuilt. (If you observe otherwise, please file a bug.)
The go build command now maintains a cache of recently built packages, separate from the installed packages in $GOROOT/pkg or $GOPATH/pkg. The effect of the cache should be to speed builds that do not explicitly install packages or when switching between different copies of source code (for example, when changing back and forth between different branches in a version control system). The old advice to add the -i flag for speed, as in go build -i or go test -i, is no longer necessary: builds run just as fast without -i. For more details, see go help cache.
I just experienced the same problem - updating from 1.4 to 1.5. It seems that the olds versions are somehow incompatible or are being rebuild every time as go build -x shows. Executing go get -v invalidates all packages or refetches them, I am not quite sure and go build -x shows quite less output.
You can build sqlite3 like this:
cd ./vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3/
go install
After that your project will b built much faster.
If you try as all other said but still not work, I suggest removing the directory of $GOPATH such as :
sudo rm -rf $GOPATH
cd yourproject
go get -d
go get -u -v github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3
