Tumblr own page is not loading new pictures from posts - image

My Tumblr page does not load new pictures from photoset on some occasions. I have experienced this issue on Safari browser. The page is supposed to work like a blog of pictures that are on a chaos (different width is set for each picture, so that every picture is shown differently). After first X pictures, the website is supposed to load a new one beneath them (same as facebook post are functioning for example). This works fine on most devices and browsers, but recently it has stopped working on Safari on iPhones (but only at some cases, one time it is working, but other time it is not). It does not even show the symbol of loading on the end of the page and basically nothing happens when user scrolls down to the end of the page.
I have tried to search for any hints or information of similar issues that other have, but cant find anything that would help. I have also tried to write to Tumblr support, but no answer there yet.
If any of you have any idea what might cause the problem, please, try to answer!


Page suddenly scrolls back to top

So I have successfully built this business website, integrated payment gateways and I have things working just as I need them to but there's a little albeit annoying problem, when scrolling down the webpage on a mobile device, the page suddenly scrolls back up. I thought this was a problem without my chrome browser so I used other browsers still the issue persists. I currently don't know how to fix this irksome issue. Here's a link to the webpage. Sorry to bother you with my problem.
I already fixed it, it was a problem from setting the HTML style behavior to smooth. Thank you all for your intended help!

Google reCaptcha - Selected Image keep getting replaced with new Image

When we select a captcha image, it fading away and a fresh new image is getting replaced, as shown in below screenshot. Same for all images in that captcha. For over a year we had no problem, but only since 2 days we are seeing this(no change is done in the page).
Additionally, this problem occurs intermittently irrespective of browsers, OS, or Browser Incognito mode.
We tried changing security level at Google Developer Console to low, medium and full but of no use. If you have any clue or handled this before, please let me know.
Note: I see this problem for my work website, personal website, as well on Quora Signup page also!(may have to keep refreshing for a while to see the problem).
This is expected behaviour, its just a different type of recaptcha challenge. You select all storefronts or whatever it tells you too and then it will fade out and load a new image. You have to repeat and click the matching images until there are no more storefront images left to select, then verify.
This is completely confusing for users. If you do it once and it behaves a certain way and then the next time images fade out it seems like an error. This is not an answer but hopefully if enough people lodge an issue they can make a more sensible solution.
I had the same problem and it was very annoying. At first i thought my captcha is bugged out.
The solution: Keep pressing the images they ask you to click on (for example "select all images with dogs")
As soon as there are no more pictures with "dogs" press the submit button and it should give you a positive response.
hope it helped :)
i faced the same issue.
Its not a bug as many guys claim.
But first of all you have to disable your ad blocker, if you are using any.
When recaptcha i.e. asks for chosing a bus, select a bus until there is no bus anymore.
Then verify... this worked for me. i hope for you as well
I went through many links and research for this behavior but as we all know grecaptcha is one type of service that protects your website from spam and abuse. Every time our CAPTCHAs are solved, that human effort helps digitize text, annotate images, and build machine learning datasets. This in turn helps preserve books, improve maps, and solve hard AI problems.
Google Recaptcha
So this is basic thing which everybody knows who are using grecaptcha.
But your question is appreciable but this behavior is not related to security settings or OS or Browsers or anything else.
(You will get rid of this behavior only when they change their behavior or launch new Captcha. :)

Image not displaying in Firefox only on one computer

I built a fairly simple site, and all seems to be working fine, except one photo is showing up on almost every device/different computer I've looked at it on, except for one computer (in Firefox)!!! Does anyone know why a photo would show up for the majority of people, but wouldn't display on one computer??? There is no "broken path" icon that shows up for this person-- the image simply isn't there. Does this have anything to do with their browser settings maybe? Any help would be much appreciated!

IMG disappearing in firefox only?

I have built the following page a while ago: http://www.cnplumbingandheating.co.uk/#page=about
However, the ID card (images/id-card.png) disappears in Firefox, although behaves as intended in Chrome, Safari and Opera. It was working in Firefox some time ago, and I have not edited the files or code since, yet this bug has appeared...
Can anybody shed any light as to what might be the cause, particularly if you cannot replicate it?
NOTE: The image reappears if you hover over it, but disappears on mouseout. There is no CSS/JS affecting this (as far as I can see).
I can't replicate the problem. I think it's working fine. Maybe a caching issue.
Anyway have a look. This is what i see when the page loads:
and this is when i hover the id card:
It seems it works well. By the way, nice website.

Strange website loading redirect issue in IE9

I run and manage the website http://onedirection.net, and we've spent a lot of time recently trying to improve the loading speed of the site. There's a lot of content on the site which requires load time, but everything else is going smoothly.
In Chrome, we're very happy with the load speed, but things don't seem as good in IE9. In fact when we load the homepage up, it seems to pause for a while, but worse still when I click and hold the Back button, I can see about 6-7 redirects from the initial page load!
What is causing this? There are no redirects on the site, but it looks like the social media links and a couple of adverts are causing strange problems.
I've never seen this before, so I'm a bit stumped!
Also, the chat bar at the bottom of the site doesn't load properly on the homepage, but does on other pages.
Can anyone shed any light into what is causing these issues, and better still how to solve it?
To be honest performance in Chrome isn't that great - from my home connection the page takes 11 seconds to load in Chrome.
Here's a waterfall for the home page in IE9 from a server in Dublin - http://www.webpagetest.org/result/120901_NC_f64ed067693fda62238e67cce432f964/1/details/
The waterfall is pretty horrible to be honest - too many requests, too many domains, no prioritisation of content, javascript in the head loading in a blocking manner
I'd need to look in more depth but essentially due to the number of third party components you've lost control of your page load.
