Laravel Nova Notification Feed package is not working - laravel

I am using Laravel Nova for the CMS Admin panel. I am integrating live notification feed feature into my Nova application using this package, But it is not working.
I installed the package running this command,
composer require coreproc/nova-notification-feed
Then I migrated the required database tables
php artisan notifications:table
php artisan migrate
Then I added the required keys in the env file
I uncommented BroadcastServiceProvider line in the config/app.php as well.
Then I added the following lines in the appropriate places as mentioned in the documentation in the resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php file.
#include('nova-echo::meta') <!-- INCLUDE THIS LINE HERE -->
#include('nova_notification_feed::notification_feed') <!-- AND THIS LINE HERE -->
To make sure the Echo and the Push are working, in the resources/views/vendor/nova/layout.blade.php file I added the following code snippet before the closing body tag.
.listen('OrderShipped', (e) => {
alert('Pusher is working')
When I refresh the admin page, I can see that the channel is subscribed in the Pusher dashboard/ console.
But when I push notification from the Pusher console/ dashboard, it says the message has been pushed, but the event in the code is not working.
What is wrong or missing in my code?

You need to add a '.' before OrderShipped e.g.
.listen('.OrderShipped', (e) => {
alert('Pusher is working')


Remove package from laravel-6.2 existing project an error occurred

Remove pragmarx/tracker package from laravel project by the following composer command
composer remove pragmarx/tracker
It's remove successfully but the below error shown. Even though composer update the error not fix.
Target class [PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\Middlewares\Tracker] does not exist.
How can I fix this error ? and which method to follow to completely remove any unused packages from laravel?
From the documentation on the repo:
Require the tracker package by executing the following command in your command line:
composer require pragmarx/tracker
Add the service provider to your app/config/app.php:
Add the alias to the facade on your app/config/app.php:
'Tracker' => 'PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\Facade',
Publish tracker configuration:
Laravel 4
php artisan config:publish pragmarx/tracker
Laravel 5
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\ServiceProvider"
Enable the Middleware (Laravel 5)
Open the newly published config file found at app/config/tracker.php and enable use_middleware:
'use_middleware' => true,
Add the Middleware to Laravel Kernel (Laravel 5)
Open the file app/Http/Kernel.php and add the following to your web middlewares:
If you removed the package, make sure to
delete the config/tracker.php file
remove the line PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\ServiceProvider::class from config/app.php
remove the line 'Tracker' => 'PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\Facade', from config/app.php
remove the line \PragmaRX\Tracker\Vendor\Laravel\Middlewares\Tracker::class, from app/Http/Kernel.php

having issues with laravel 9 breeze , i have hosted it successfully everything working fine ... but breeze login and register wont work on production

this is my error on production level
Vite manifest not found at: /home/codarhqc/codar/public/build/manifest.json (View: /home/codarhqc/codar/resources/views/layouts/guest.blade.php) (View: /home/codarhqc/codar/resources/views/layouts/guest.blade.php)
You can delete the following file bootstrap/cache/config.php or better if you can make a route in your web.php file with a function that runs: php artisan optimize:clear.
This should remove the problem.

Calling passport:client from route, "there are no commands defined in the "passport" namespace"

I have an issue where the passport namespace is not available when I call passport:client. I set up a brand new Laravel project with version 5.6.34 where I installed Laravel passport according to the documentation. I also checked a similar question and followed all steps there with no sucess.
Calling php artisan passport:client --password --name="Test" from the command line works without any issues and I can see the client in the database.
However if I create a route in routes/web.php like so:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
Route::get('/', function () {
Artisan::call('passport:client', [
'--password' => true,
'--name' => "Test client",
'--quiet' => true,
and use the Artisan facade to call the command I get the error below when I navigate to http://homestead.test/.
Symfony \ Component \ Console \ Exception \ CommandNotFoundException
The command "passport:client" does not exist.
I have added Laravel\Passport\PassportServiceProvider::class in the providers array in config/app.php.
How can I call the passport:client command from a web route?
We have a Laravel application that has several hundred database connections which are handled dynamically. In the admin interface you can create a new project and thus a new database where we need to generate a client.
My other option is the instantiate a ClientRepository and call the createPasswordGrantClient() method but I would like to avoid this if possible. I am curious to know why the namespace is available when called on the CLI but not via a request. I can call other commands such as migrate:fresh via a request but passport:client will fail even if it is part of the migration or inside another command.
According to this link, I ran the below commands.
composer update
php artisan config:cache
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:install
This helped me.

Invalid API key: You must be granted a valid key tmdb laravel 5.5

i am trying to install php-tmdb/laravel on my laravel 5.5 but getting error on basic test
Invalid API key: You must be granted a valid key
i try with google and found this link
but its not working or can't understand
help me
auto discovery in this package is not working correctly
just add this on providers
everything is working fine now
According to the github
After you install the package, run this command to publish the configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tmdb\Laravel\TmdbServiceProviderLaravel5"
then edit this file: config/tmdb.php in your application with your api key.
The configuration file should look like this:
Notice 'api_key' => '', fill this in and then re-run your code/test.
Here's where you get your API key from:
After changing the config, for good measure; clear your config cache with this command:
php artisan config:clear
edit /vendor/php-tmdb/laravel/src/config/tmdb.php
find 'api_key' => '', and add your key here.

Laravel 5.4 php artisan route:list showing incorrect data after a route:clear

I have the following issue. I am running laravel 5.4 and have a problem with my routes, when I navigate to my '/about-me' of my predefined routes I get the error:
1/1 NotFoundHttpException in RouteCollection.php line 179:
However the route is defined as shows here:
Route::get('about-me', function () {
return view('about-me');
On my view the link is pointing to that route as shown:
About Me
I have cleared my cached routes in SSH using the command:
php artisan route:clear
When I list my routes using the command:
`php artisan route:list`
I see an old version of my routes file. So this is the problem, however whatever I try they are not updating. I have cleared the cache locally and within laravel and still the old file file is showing when I type the route:list command.
I believe the code is all correct, however the new updated route file which contains the defined route for about-me is not being used. I have attached an image of the updated routes file on the server also.
Here is a link to the screenshot. Screenshot of route file on server
In Laravel 5.4 (or in earlier version, I'm not sure) routes has been moved to the separate folder in app/routes/web.php (as you can see here:
You can find routes registration in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php (
