tfs 2010 with an upgrade visual studio 2012 want to download a Deploy.wdproj that was deteled with the last upgrade - visual-studio-2010

I upgraded a visual studio 2012 web form application to Visual Studio 2012 and added the upgrade to tfs 2010. As part of this upgrade process, I removed a web deploy project from the solution file since I do not need the web deploy 2010 project anything. The application is now being deployed as a publish website.
The problem is When I obtain the updated solution file from TFS, it keeps saying 'projects have been recently added to this solution. Do you want to get them from source control? If I click yes, it wants to open -Deploy.wdproj that is not supported by the application.
If I click yes, nothing else happens. Should I get rid of this message?

According to your description and error message, this seems due to the project that was deleted from source control but still referenced in the .sln. The .sln was not aware of this. Please checkout the .sln file, and update the reference.
Another solution is unbinding and binding again the solution file.
1. Unbinding the solution file from TFS
Unbind the solution file (.sln) from TFS. Go to the menu File =>
Source Control => Change Source Control.
2. Cleaning the solution file by deleting globalsection
Clean the solution file (.sln) by opening it in a text editor. Remove
all occurences of GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) =
preSolution. Including the mentioned starting tag and the ending tag
3. Bind the solution file to TFS again
Finally bind the solution file (.sln) to TFS again. Do this in visual
studio by going to the menu`File => Source Control => Change Source
Take a look at this similar question: Every time I open my VS solution I get “Projects have recently been added to this solution. Do you want to get them from source control?” Hope this helps.


What's the use of binding in TFS

I got the latest version of a Visual Studio solution on TFS. But when I try to open the solution in Visual Studio I get the following message:
Source Control
The solution you have opened is under source control but not currently configured for integrated source control in Visual Studio. Would you like to bind this solution to source control now?
Asking my colleague, I found out that he's been checking in the changes through Visual Studio without any problem.
Here's my question: Considering the fact that I can still check in my changes via IDE, what is the use of binding a Visual Studio solution or project to TFS (or more generally source control)? Except that "lock"/"red tick" icon appearing beside them in Solution Explorer.
Adding Solutions and Projects to Source Control: When you add a solution to source control, the solution becomes part of a dynamic versioning archive created and maintained by the source control provider. Each time someone checks in a new version of the solution, that version becomes part of the archive and is available to other source control users.
According to the warning message, It seems that you are opening from source control a solution that was incorrectly added to source control (it's missing some bindings strings that should have been in the sln or project files). You should click the button yes and Bind the projects correctly to their server location, then OK the dialog. The server file will be checked out and modified locally. You should checkin the changes after that.

Visual Studio 2013 using old Website name

So in Visual Studio 2012 I renamed a website in a solution from "oldname" to "newname". I have opened this solution in Visual Studio 2013 and somehow it is using "oldname" for the website instead of "newname". This is not is NOT an ASP.NET website application just an ASP.NET website.
I have searched the content of all files in the solution directory and cannot find "oldname". I am 100% positive that that "oldname" is not in the .sln file and the website does not have a project file of course.
Check %userprofile%\documents\iisexpress\config\applicationhost.config file. It suspect it should have the old name. Rename the website in the file, close your solution and open it back again.
This is how I managed to do it with my solution in Visual Studio 2015:
Close your solution > navigate to .sln-folder > .vs (hidden) > config
Look for error prone names (possible multiples) in the sites section. I removed every <site></site> where there were naming conflicts. In my case I had this for example:
After removing the <site></site>-sections from the current applicationhost.config-file I was able to re-add website projects with my new and correct name!
It's an old thread but I tried just modifying the applicationhost.config file and closing the solution but it still didn't take.
If this happens to you just remove the site from your solution and then add an existing one from your local IIS instance and you'll see the renamed version there.
You may want to confirm its location before removing the site.

Visual Studio and TortoiseHg: folder not visible in VS

I created a C# project and added it to source control (mercurial). I can edit files in VS, commit it and push it using TortoiseHg. It goes to the server. When some one pulls they get the files.
In my visual studio I added a folder and a file inside that folder. I used TortoiseHg and it saw the new file in the new folder. I committed it and pushed it.
However, now someone pulled the latest code from the server - and they got the new file (it is visible through windows explorer), but when they open the solution in VS, they don't see the file.
Does someone have an idea what is wrong here? or things I should check? Thank you for the help.
P.S. I have visual studio 2010 express (so I can't use the VisualHg plugin).
Visual Studio caches changes to the solution and project until an explicit save or a build. In your comment:
In my visual studio I added a folder and a file inside that folder. I used TortoiseHg and it saw the new file in the new folder. I committed it and pushed it.
I see that an updated .sln or .vcproj file was not mentioned and checked in. Did you see an update to either of these files via TortoiseHg? If not, make sure to build or save your project after a change like this.
Did you make sure that the Visual Studio Project File or Solution file is being updated and committed?
VS solution contains projects and each project select managed files by metadata(***.vcproj file). It's not the way include all files from root directory.
So, your co-workers can see new added files by in following two ways.
1) share project file(***.vcproj)
2) manually add files in each person's VS instance.

Visual Studio Cannot Open File

I'm working on my first project in Visual Studio and I haven't used Windows much since '05, so please bear with me.
I've got my project open in Visual Studio 2008, and I'm trying to open a particular file for editing, but I get an error that says
Cannot open file.
I've verified that the file exists, and I can open it from Windows Explorer, but nothing from inside Visual Studio, any ideas?
I'm not familiar with Visual Studio, so my terminology might be incorrect.
The file appears in the tree in the Visual Studio Explorer pane, so I double clicked it, and got the error. The error said nothing more than the file path: Cannot open file.
How can I check permissions/ACLs in Windows? I assumed that since I could open it in Windows Explorer, I would be able to open it in Visual Studio.
And it's a .cpp file.
You may want to right-click on the file in the tree, and delete it from the project.
Then, add back an existing item.
Hopefully that will fix the problem.
Though I'm not familiar with this specifically, if you just want to move forward, I'd recommend creating a new project type and just adding all the existing files to it. Should be quicker and easier than diagnosing what could be many issues.
Other things to check: encoding type of the project file, permissions/ACLs (can you open that actual file from an unelevated VS prompt, for instance), etc.
Additionnaly to the other answers, I found out that this problem may arrise if the target .Net framework version specified in the project file isn't installed.
This seems to prevent visual studio from opening all the files contained in the project, and showing the "Unable to open file " message.
Correcting the version (in the csproj file or in the settings), saving and reloading the project fixes the problem.
I had same problem, my project were build on (.Net 4.5), which I uninstalled on my PC and replaced by (.Net 4.8), so just replacing project's target framework to the one which is installed "in my case (.Net 4.8)" should fix it.

Why does it say "Project with that name already opened in the solution"?

I recently migrated a VSS database to TFS 2008. Using Source Control Explorer, I got the latest version of a solution with 12 projects.
When I opened the solution in VS 2005, two of the projects were not found. I am not sure why these two projects were not found, but thought it easiest to just delete and re-add them to the solution.
When I do this, VS gives me a "A project with that name is already open in the solution." The project doesn't appear in solution explorer, and is not listed in the .sln file.
Any ideas?
I had this problem and I was able to solve it using the following steps:
Remove the project from the solution.
restart visual studio.
add the project to the solution as an existing project.
I had the same message... Seems like it comes from (.csproj) project file. Under first propertygroup there is a section named
which generally tells Visual Studio to handle that project in some specific way. Some Guids can be found here.
First make a backup copy of that file. Then removing that section can help you open the project as usual project. As it seems that the Visual Studio thinks that the project is not the type that is specified in the ProjectTypeGuids.
This did it for me:
remove the section <ProjectTypeGuids>...</ProjectTypeGuids> in each project
reopen each project, then save to overwrite the existing project file, finally exit
reopen the solution file
pray (optional)
If anyone uses AnkhSVN instead of TFS, it's also possible, that the .sln-file need the following lines:
GlobalSection(SubversionScc) = preSolution
Svn-Managed = True
Manager = AnkhSVN - Subversion Support for Visual Studio
in the "Global" section.
Before anyone tries tempering with their solution- and project files, figure if you may have project dependencies outside the solution, such as IIS - and you forgot to start Visual Studio in Administrator-mode
For me, the project not loaded was because it was configured to use IIS on the local machine and I needed to start Visual Studio as an Administrator.
I have to say that removing the section <ProjectTypeGuids>...</ProjectTypeGuids> could create some problems.
In fact, such a section defines the type of the project and, if removed, could disable some features.
For example, if your project was originally defined as Smart Device (C#), after removing the aforementioned section the on-device debug may not working properly.
Delete .suo file. Build solution. Add Projects.
Unfortunately I don't know the why behind the obtuse error message, I can merely provide what steps I took to get it to go away.
In my case, I had reconfigured my local IIS (<UseIIS> not <UseIISExpress>) and it was no longer hosting the URL that was in the csproj <IISUrl> field.
Editing the .csproj file in another editor and changing that field to the new URL, followed by closing and opening the solution in VS resolved the issue.
I would try hand editing the project/solution files, they are text and pretty easy to read. You can edit the file in notepad. To open up the file as text in visual studio you need to first close the solution. Then do file->open and select the sln file, but instead of hitting the open button, press on the right side where there is an arrow and select open with.. from there you can select source code editor (text).
Somehow VS 2022 doesn't create a virtual directory anymore. I had to manually create the website in IIS
I had the same problem when i migrated a website to a web app project.
Unload the web app.
Add the existing website.
Reload the web app.
The following worked for me when I moved a project running vs2010 to another laptop.
I removed exactly the following and it worked:
<ProjecctType>Guid of sorts</ProjectType>
For those looking for this while dealing with VSTO projects...
Be sure to have the Office Tools for Visual Studio installed in your machine before opening the project.
I solved it by changing Windows' regional settings. Instead of "English (Europe)", I used "English (United States)". Others have reported similar behaviors with changing for example from "Russian (Ukraine)" to "Russian (Russia)", etc.
Work For me.
In my case it was corrupted vbproj file. First line was missing:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
After adding this line I had to close the solution, delete .vs folder and open again.
I got it in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.4.4.
You may also see:
Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM
when you try to reload your project.
One way to load the project (and deal with IIS directories later) is to edit the .csproj file and set UseIISExpress to true.
Then you need to close your solution and open it again and the project should load.
I encountered this issue with web application projects.
When I tried to reload the projects, the VS2022 output said something like :
"The project is configured to use IIS. Unable to find the server
'{site_url}' on the local computer. Ensure that the local IIS is
configured to handle secure communications."
Which is pretty clear. Indeed, in my case, this was caused by my website https binding that just vanished for no reason (it happened to me several times, looks like a bug with Windows 11 & IIS 10). Things got fixed when I got my https binding back (projects could load norammly).
In VS 2022 to open a legacy web project I had to:
Remove from Solution
Change framework version from 4.6.x to <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.7.2</TargetFrameworkVersion> in from csproj
Remove <OutputType>Library</OutputType> from csproj
Close Solution and open it again (!!!)
Add project to the sln again.
