Send automatical email after save to database - laravel

I am new here.
I have a project in Laravel. I have one textarea and data from it is save in datavase. It works good. Now I would like to send automatical email to one specific email address with this data. It must be sent only one time with save to database.
I have no problem with sending email to customer with data but now I need to send email with data from this textarea to one specific email. It is a textarea what we have to buy for customer. It must be sent to our cooperation company.
Is it possible?

Ofcourse this is possible!
You should take a look at the following resources :
-> specifically :

yes, you can just trigger your function after saving: for example, after saving in controller.
public function store(Request $request){
$var = new Property; //your model
$var->title=$request->title; // the input that being save to database.
$var ->save();
// Send email to that input
Mail::send('email',['email'=>$request->title],function ($mail) use($request){
return redirect()->back()->with('message','Email Successfully Sent!');


laravel using validation request with except method

I am using request validation as
php artisan make:request ClientRequest
As you can see, on client edit form if password field is not empty I am able to use $request->validated() method on database update,
However if password field empty(user dont want to change password),
I am not able to use $request->except('password')->validated() method.
I use $request->except() method due to this situation.
Does this pose a security problem?
public function update(ClientRequest $request, Client $client)
$validated = $request->validated();
if($request->filled('password') )
return redirect('/clients')->with('success', 'success');
That line is does pose a big security problem especially if you are relying on validation to set fields rather than the fillable attribute. $request->except('password') will return all the other fields that the user submitted so if the user had added something like is_admin => true in the request, you'll end up setting it on the db if it exists.
You can use \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except() on the validated data to make sure that you are only getting the data you expect. That would change the that particular line to
Client::whereId($client->id)->update(\Illuminate\Support\Arr::except($request->validated(), 'password'));
PS: You already have the client through route model binding so you don't need to query it you can update that client directly i.e
$client->update(\Illuminate\Support\Arr::except($request->validated(), 'password'));
You are validating all fields sent to update() in both scenarios.
You would have had an issue if you sent the password field in both cases, but only validated it in one of them. That's not the case.
So looks fine to me from that perspective.

Make email authentication case insensitive in Laravel 5.7

I use the default email authentication in Laravel 5.7.3 (just updated from 5.4) with a sqlite DB. At login my email address gets validated case sensitive which is not what I want. It should be allowed to login with "" as well as "".
I've tried to add an accessor at my user model to always lowercase the database value.
public function getEmailAttribute($value) {
return strtolower($value);
But this one doesn't seem to be used by Auth at all. Additionally I don't know where to change the user input in the incomming request to lower case.
Is there a simple config case sensitive switch? Or where do I need to change/add scripts?
Thanks for your support
Your accessor should be fine, but you should make sure that you also lowercase the given value, e.g. In your controller:
Assuming that you're using the default LoginController shipped from Laravel:
I overwrote the credentials method from AuthenticatesUsers in App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController
protected function credentials(Request $request)
$credentials = [
$this->username() => strtolower($request->get($this->username())),
"password" => $request->get("password")
return $credentials;
This works fine, when all emails stored in the database are already stored all-lowercase. If you're starting from scratch you can enforce the emails to be stored lowercase by default. Just implement the following mutator in your App\User:
public function setEmailAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['email'] = strtolower($value);
If you have stored mixed-case email already, you can update all emails to lowercase emails using this query:
UPDATE users SET email = LOWER(email);
But this still feels kind of incomplete and you maybe don't want to manipulate your data this way. I am pretty much sure that there are more possibilities to make this happen but unfortunately I am not able to dig into this further for now. However my next attempt would be to extend/write a custom UserProvider.
You have to call getEmailAttribute(/your email here/)
before login and signup like this
$request->email = getEmailAttribute($request->get('email'));

Insert action after Woocomerce Completed Order Email is sent out

I want to accomplish the following:
With the Woocomerce Completed Order Email a pdf is generated and sent out as attachment. After the Email is sent, the pdf is deleted on the server.
I achieved the first part with the woocommerce_email_attachments Filter like this.
add_filter('woocommerce_email_attachments', 'attach_ticket_pdf_to_email', 10, 3);
Now for security reasons I want to delete the pdf that was generated on the server AFTER the Email is sent out.
I found the Action 'woocommerce_order_status_completed’ that could be hooked into, but this is not called if I resend the Completed Order Email from the admin backend.
Is there some hook or filter or action that is called to send out the Emails in Woocomerce. Or after the emails are sent?
There I would like to call a function that deletes those pdfs again.
Any ideas?
The emails are triggered with a default priority of 10. Therefore, I presume that you could call your function with a higher/later priority and it would be fired after the email was sent.
If you re-send an order email from the admin you can use the woocommerce_after_resend_order_email hook. This gets passed an $order object so you can't quite attach the exact same function to both.
Here's how I would start:
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'delete_pdf', 20 );
function delete_pdf( $order_id ){
// do your thing to delete the file
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_resend_order_email', 'after_resend', 10, 2 );
function after_resend( $order, $action ){
if( $action == 'customer_completed_order' ){
delete_pdf( $order->id );

virtuemart 2 - how to send invoice as email attachment on confirm order

I want to send invoice as email attachment on order confirmation ,how to go about sending the invoice.
searched a lot ,not relevant data found.
The VM Order Confirmation Email work flow is as follows,
Check the function notifyCustomer() inside orders.php in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/
There is a section like shopFunctionsF::renderMail() It calls a function from shopefunctionsf helper file in /components/com_virtuemart/helpers/shopfunctionsf.php
renderMail() calls sendVmMail() in the same file there you can find option for attaching media or anything you want .
if (isset($view->mediaToSend)) {
foreach ((array)$view->mediaToSend as $media) {
//Todo test and such things.
Hope its helps..

sending email to all newsletter members with codeigniter

I want to send an email using codeigniter library to my newsletter members and I want to mention each members' Email address in email's content. For doing that, I used foreach loop to send the email one by one. The problem is that the code sends email to just one member ( the first member ) of my newsletter. I've checked my code which gets members from the database and it printed out all the members.
This is my model:
function send_news()
$subscribers = $this->get_subscriber_data();
foreach($subscribers as $subscriber)
//Format email content using an HTML file
$data['news_Title'] = $this->input->post('news_Title');
$HTML_Message = $this->load->view('admin/includes/newsletter_html_format', $data, true);
$config['mailtype'] = 'html';
$this->email->from('', 'newsletter of');
$this->email->subject('newsletter of');
return $this->email->send();
and this is how I'm getting subscribers list:
function get_subscriber_data($options = array())
$query = $this->db->get('mg_newsletter');
return $query->row(0);
return $query->result();
when I try to echo $subscriber->subscriber_Email it prints all the emails in the database one after another. but it does not send email to all of them. What am I doing wrong?!
As codeignitor says:
Initializes all the email variables to an empty state. This function is intended for use if you run the email sending function in a loop, permitting the data to be reset between cycles.
foreach ($list as $name => $address)
$this->email->subject('Here is your info '.$name);
$this->email->message('Hi '.$name.' Here is the info you requested.');
If you set the parameter to TRUE any attachments will be cleared as well. Then let us know
You are "return" -ing inside your loop, which exits the function.
Just send
You can keep the loading helper file and email configuration outside the loop and then remove the return from for loop, it will send to all subscribers one by one and then after loop finishes you can do the return statement.
