copying files from subfolders via grep shell script - bash

I want to write a shell script to do the following :
I have a folder with many subfolders. Each of these subfolders has a *.gz file and some other files which I don't need. I want to move all .gz files into a new subfolder called needed_files (I have already created this subfolder). So I did the following :
I went to the parent folder with all the subfolder and cp /.gz > needed_files/., but this did not work. Can you suggest what I should be doing?

grep is irrelevant here. Use find:
find . ! \( -type d -name needed_files -prune \) -type f -name '*.gz' \
-exec echo mv -t needed_files {} +
POSIX equivalent of that -exec is
-exec sh -c 'echo mv "$#" needed_files' _ {} +
If its output looks good, remove echo.
Btw I noticed that the title says copy but you also say I want to move, so decide on what you exactly want to do and let me know so I can edit my answer.


bash script optimization file rename

i am a total noob, but i figured out this script for doing the following:
I have a folder called "unrar" in there are subfolders with unknown foldername with rar file inside.
Now i enter unknownsubfolder, find rar file and unrar it in unknownsubfolder.
After that i find the new file and rename it with the unknownsubfoldername. Now i grab the file and move it to ./unrar.
cd /home/user/unrar/
for dir in /home/user/unrar/*;
do (cd "$dir" && find -name "*.rar" -execdir unrar e -r '{}' \;); done
echo "$(tput setaf 2)-> unrar done!$(tput sgr0)"
for dir in /home/user/unrar/*;
do (cd "$dir" && find -name "*.mkv" -exec mv '{}' "${PWD##*\/}.mkv" \;); done
for dir in /home/user/unrar/*;
do (cd "$dir" && find -name "*.mp4" -exec mv '{}' "${PWD##*\/}.mp4" \;); done
for dir in /home/user/unrar/*;
do (cd "$dir" && find -name "*.avi" -exec mv '{}' "${PWD##*\/}.avi" \;); done
cd /home/user/unrar
find -name "*.mkv" -exec mv '{}' /home/user/unrar \;
find -name "*.mp4" -exec mv '{}' /home/user/unrar \;
find -name "*.avi" -exec mv '{}' /home/user/unrar \;
This works fine with most files, but in some cases it doesn't
I want to find *.rar in DIR and unrar it. the newfile.(.mkv|.avi|.mp4) should be renamed to DIR(.mkv|.avi|.mp4) and moved to ./unrar
This is my filestructure.
- unknownsubfolder/
- unknownsubfolder1/
- s01/
- file.rar
- file.r00
- ....
- s02/
- file.rar
- file.r00
- ....
- ....
If case1, unrar "/unknownsubfolder/file.rar" and get "x.mkv". the file is renamed from "x.mkv" to "unknwonsubfolder.mkv" and moved to "./unrar/unknownsubfolder.mkv"
(same with *.avi + *.mp4) ==perfekt
if case2, in my script unknownsubfolder/s01/file.rar will be unrard, but not renamed to s01.mkv insted to unknwonsubfolder1.mkv.
(if there are more like s02, s03, s04 ...) i always end up with one unknownsubfolder.mkv file in ./unrar) ==wrong output
So i guess i have 3 questions
How do i get the right DIRname for renaming the file? Or how do i enter unknownsubfolder/s01 ....?
Is there a way to exclude a word from the find? sometimes "unknownsubfolder" contains another folder+file called "sample(.mkv|.avi|.mp4)". I would like to exclude that, to prevent the original file to be overwritten with the sample file. happens sometimes.
I am sure i can combine some of the code,to make it even shorter. Could someone explain how? So how i combine the mkv,avi and mp4 in one line.
regards, wombat
(EDIT: for better understanding)
I adjusted the solution to work with unrar. Since I did not had unrar installed previously, I used gunzip to construct the solution and then simply replaced it with unrar. The problem with this approach was that, by default, unrar extracts to the current working directory. Another difference is that the name of the extracted file can be completely different from the archive's name - it is not just a matter of different extensions. The original archive is also not deleted after extraction.
Here is the solution specifically tailored to work with unrar with respect to aforementioned behavior:
while read f;do
unrar e -r "${f}" "${f%/*}" > /dev/null
done < <(find "${path}" -type d -name "${omit}" -prune -o -type f -print)
while read f;do
mv "${f}" "${path}/${new}"
done < <(find "${path}" -type d -name "${omit}" -prune -o -type f -a \! -name '*.rar' -print )
You can save the script, e.g., as rename-script (do not forget to make it executable), and then call it like
./rename-script /path/to/unrar omitfolder
Notice, that inside the script there is no cd. You will have to at least provide the location of the unrar folder as first parameter, otherwise you will get an error. In case of OP this would be /home/user/unrar. The omitfolder is not a path, it is just the name of the folder that you want to omit. So in OP's case this would be sample.
./rename-script /home/user/unrar sample
As requested by OP in the comments, you can read about the bash read-builtin and process substitution in order to understand how the while-loop works and how it assigns the filenames returned by find to the variable f.

shell script to delete Files and sub directories from a directory in linux

I want to delete all files and sub directories created by using the specified files. I am currently using the command to delete files and directories
find . ! -name file.txt -type d -exec rm -r {} + #this is for sub directories
find . ! -name file.txt -type f -exec rm -f {} + #this is for files
It deletes all the files and sub directories when I run these command twice but I want to delete all files and directories created leaving one file at once sort. Any help is highly appreciable.
GNU find can directly delete files and directories:
find ! -name file.txt -delete
It will give error messages, because it cannot delete the directories up to file.txt, but everything else will still be deleted.
If you want to keep the files file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt, chain the conditions like this:
find ! \( -name file1.txt -o -name file2.txt -o -name file3.txt \) -delete

How to copy files recursively, rename them but keep the same extension in Bash?

I have a folder with tens of thousands of different file types. Id like to copy them all to a new folder (Copy1) but also rename them all to $RANDOM but keep the extension intact. I realize I can write a line specifying which extension to find and how to name it, but there is got to be a way to do it dynamically, because there are at least 100 file types and may be more in the future.
I have the following so far:
find ./ -name '*.*' -type f -exec bash -c 'cp "$1" "${1/\/123_//_$RANDOM}"' -- {} \;
but that puts the random number after the extension, and also it puts the all in the same folder. I cant figure out how to do the following 2 things:
1 - Keep all paths intact, but in a new root folder (Copy1)
2 - How to have name be $RANDOM.extension, instead of .extension.$RANDOM
PS - by $RANDOM i mean actual randomly generated number. I am interested in keeping folder structure, so we are dealing with a few hundred files at most per directory, but all directories/files need to be renamed to $RANDOM. Another way to look at what I need to do. Copy all contents or Folder1 with all subdirectories and files to Folder2 (where Fodler2 is a $RANDOM name), then rename all folders and files to random names but keep all extensions.
EDIT: Ok i figured out how to rename and keep extension. But I have a problem where its dumping all of the files into the root directory where script is run from. How do I keep them in their respective folders? Command Im using is:
find ./ -name '*.*' -type f -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" $RANDOM.${1##*.}' -- {} \;
Ok i figured out how to rename and keep extension. But I have a
problem where its dumping all of the files into the root directory
where script is run from. How do I keep them in their respective
folders? Command Im using is:
find ./ -name '*.*' -type f -exec bash -c 'mv "$1" $RANDOM.${1##*.}' -- {} \;
Change your command to:
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin find . -name '*.*' -type f -execdir bash -c 'mv "$1" $RANDOM.${1##*.}' -- {} \;
Or alternatively using uuids instead of random numbers:
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin find . -name '*.*' -type f -execdir bash -c 'mv "$1" $(uuidgen).${1##*.}' -- {} \;
Here's what I came up with :
find . -name "*.*" -type f | while read f
newbase=${f/*./$random$i.} //added counter to filename
cp $f /Path/Name/"$newbase"
I had to add a counter to random (i), otherwise, if the extensions are similar, your files would overwrite themselves when copied.
In your new folder, your files should look like this :
etc etc
I hope this is what you were looking for.
Here is the command that worked for me.
find . -name '*.pdf' -type f -exec bash -c 'echo "{}" && cp "$1" ./$RANDOM.${1##*.}' -- {} \;

Unix: Batch move files from multiple subdirectories up 1 level

How can I move files from several subdirectories up 1 level in one terminal command?
File Structure:
Desired Structure:
There are A LOT of directories and each "letter" directory above includes several images. Also, would like to delete the directory the files were moved from.
I had the same requirement (on a mac) but in my case the subdirectory did not have the same name as in the original question making it a bit more complicated. This is what worked for me:
from the "path/to" folder I ran
find . -mindepth 3 -maxdepth 3 -type f | awk -v sq="'" -F "/" '{print "mv -i " sq $0 sq " " sq "./" $2 sq}' >
and then
There are many ways to do it.
This moves all files to their grand-parent directory:
$ find path/to/files -type f -exec mv {} $(dirname $(dirname {})) \;
You add a -name \*.type or whatever, instead of the -type f option, in order to be more specific.
This removes empty directories:
$ find . -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;
(although it generates benign errors, which I guess is because the directory structure has been altered while find is still working).
I found the solution to my question...
Using the example directories in my original question, I used this command:
for a in $(find path/to/files -maxdepth 1 -type d); do mv $a/remove/* $a/; rmdir $a/remove; done
"remove" is the name of the subdirectory I wanted to move the files out of within each directory.
The answer was actually found here:

Move only files recursively from multiple directories into one directory with mv

I currently have ~40k RAW images that are in a nested directory structure. (Some folders have as many as 100 subfolders filled with files.) I would like to move them all into one master directory, with no subfolders. How could this be accomplished using mv? I know the -r switch will copy recursively, but this copies folders as well, and I do not wish to have subdirectories in the master folder.
If your photos are in /path/to/photos/ and its subdirectories, and you want to move then in /path/to/master/, and you want to select them by extension .jpg, .JPG, .png, .PNG, etc.:
find /path/to/photos \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' \) -type f -exec mv -nv -t '/path/to/master' -- {} +
If you don't want to filter by extension, and just move everything (i.e., all the files):
find /path/to/photos -type f -exec mv -nv -t '/path/to/master' -- {} +
The -n option so as to not overwrite existing files (optional if you don't care) and -v option so that mv shows what it's doing (very optional).
The -t option to mv is to specify the target directory, so that we can stack all the files to be moved at the end of the command (see the + delimiter of -exec). If your mv doesn't support -t:
find /path/to/photos \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' \) -type f -exec mv -nv -- {} '/path/to/master' \;
but this will be less efficient, as one instance of mv will be created for each file.
Btw, this moves the files, it doesn't copy them.
The directory /path/to/master must already exist (it will not be created by this command).
Make sure the directory /path/to/master is not in /path/to/photos. It would make the thing awkward!
Make use of -execdir option of find:
find /path/of/images -type f -execdir mv '{}' /master-dir \;
As per man find:
-execdir utility [argument ...] ;
The -execdir primary is identical to the -exec primary with the exception that
utility will be executed from the directory that holds the current
file. The filename substituted for the string ``{}'' is not qualified.
Since -execdir makes find execute given command from each directory therefore only base filename is moved without any parent path of the file.
find <base location of files> -type -f -name \*\.raw -exec mv {} master \;
If your hierachy is only one level deep, here is another way using the automated tools of StringSolver:
mv -a firstfolder/firstfile.raw firstfile.raw
The -a options immediately applies the similar transformation to all similar files at a nesting level 1 (i.e. for all other subfolders).
If you do not trust the system, you can use other options such as -e to explain the transformation or -t to test it on all files.
DISCLAIMER: I am a co-author of this work for academic purposes, and working on a bash script renderer. But the system is already available for testing purposes.
