Clone only specific path - Spring Cloud Config Server - spring-boot

Is there any way by chance to make spring config server to clone only specific path instead of whole git repo? When I'm running it on production I may not want my entire code base repository to be cloned to some location as it is always a risk. I've done my research and couldn't figure out ways to clone only specific paths of git repo.
One solution is to host the configurations in a seperate repo. But that would defeat the purpose of one code many deploys suggestion of
Another possibility is to copy the properties into config server's classpath and then to use native profile to load them. But this would defeat the purpose of Spring ConfigServer.
Also kindly do clarify What would be the best way to run spring config server on a production?

You should be separating your code base from your configuration settings.
Repo 1: Your App Code
Repo 2: Your Spring Cloud Config Server Code
Repo 3: Your configuration settings
When you're deploying, you're deploying the code. Not the configuration. A configuration change should not require a new deployment. A new deployment might require an updated configuration change, but the two are generally decoupled.
Configuration can be dynamically updated while code is running. This is completely separate from updating code and deploying the app. That's the whole point of externalized configuration.
TL;DR: You're looking at "one code many deploys" wrong. Configuration is externalized.

I took this straight from
Apps sometimes store config as constants in the code. This is a violation of twelve-factor, which requires strict separation of config from code. Config varies substantially across deploys, code does not.
Even though you are no longer storing them as constants but still in the same repository is not enough separation from the code. Use a separate repository for configurations.


Spring Cloud Config Server Separate Repository

I am using Spring Cloud Config Server first time and have a basic query.
Spring Config server externalises the configuration to a separate git repository.
Why would I create a separate repository just for the configurations?
Is not it advisable to have mono repository with all application code and configurations in a single repo than creating a separate one just for configurations.
We have multiple micro services all present in the same repository. Should not the config server to be one of the micro service present in the same repository where the other application code is?
So, in my multi-module gradle project, I can make config-server as one of the module and give the same repository name as git backed url in config-server. Is this advisable? If yes, where should I keep the configurations in config-server? Inside resources?
Thank you.
When working with microservices it is advisible to have one repository for each microservice. The config server is a microservice as well, therefore it should be put in a separate repository.
Each microservice should have its own independent code repository and your application configuration should never be in the same repository as your source code.
You can read more about this here: Heroku's The Twelve-Factor App. Here you can find 12 best practices to use when building microservices, but for this question I recommend looking at
1st factor: The codebase
3rd factor: The config

Git : managing the config files on the master/staging

This may be obvious to some and I have been trying to maintain config files for the spring application. I have spring.xml and springpath.xml so the content is different for each production and dev environment.
When I merge master to my dev branch that merges nicely and then commit the code. Create a pull request for GitHub, at this stage both config files get merged and I end up having dev config files into the master branch too, which is bit annoying.
Is there a better to handle this, please?
I have solved similar issue by using the Spring Cloud Config, where i have different configuration is maintained for development, staging and production.
All the config are maintained in git (not Github; but definitely not a killer difference). Spring Cloud Config server and config client can help you to get the configuration from git server based on profile that you supply when running the app.
Since i am using Spring boot, things were really smooth and easy.

spring boot cloud config

I want to use spring cloud config to externalise application properties. I have configured config-server and client, but i don't want to use git(enterprise) as source, this is due to the fact that git may be down for the maintenance. Therefore, i thought about releasing application properties to nexus as and do the following:
1.) When config-server starts, download the release version from nexus and then unpack the tar.gz to a file system on the server where config-server is running.
2.) The config server which will pick the unpacked properties files.
Please note that the nexus url, version and location are all passed as VM options to config server.
Is this a sensible option? if this not best option, please could you suggest any other options?
Unless the Git server is down for maintenance so frequently, I wouldn't go with that option, it seems to be an overkill. Also the Nexus server might go down, so there's no advantage on doing that.
The config server does not read the configuration from the repo once and again, the repository is cloned when configuration is requested. From the docs:
The default strategy for locating property sources is to clone a git
repository (at and use it to
initialize a mini SpringApplication. The mini-application’s
Environment is used to enumerate property sources and publish them via
a JSON endpoint.
With that in mind, you need to check that the git server you use is available before you start the application or before you refresh its context. If you think it might be a problem, you still have two options:
Set up a dedicated Git server for your application (Check out Gogs as a lightweight option).
Go the "native" way and load the files from the file system. This way you don't have a version control of the configuration files, but you could do it separately into your project.

Spring Boot external configuration order when using Cloud Config Server?

I'm starting to use Spring Cloud Config and would like to give a way for clients to override properties that come from cofnig server. However, after reading, it isn't apparent when the Cloud Configuration applies.
I've also read and it talks about overrides. But they seem to be the opposite of what I want (those overrides are for overriding the client provided properties).
So, where does the Cloud Config fit in the ordering? Would I still be able to give a local file on the classpath to override certain Cloud Config properties?
The git commit/push process is part of the process, actually...Spring Cloud Config uses git to handle the config files, changes, auditing, etc., as git is ideally suited for that, & Config leverages those strengths.
If you're just looking for a way to expedite testing of config changes and are willing to accept the tradeoffs, you can use a local (or local network) repo for your config repository for testing. I realize this isn't what you're asking specifically, but it's an option that may help, assuming you're using the Config server app's to point to the underlying git repo. If so, you can override on the command line like so:
java${HOME}/testing/config-repo -jar your_jar_here.jar
This will allow you to tweak the config settings for client apps/services that obtain their settings from the Config server without affecting the production config files (even branches).
I hope this helps. If not, or if I've misunderstood your goals or constraints, please clarify (a use case or two might help me triangulate better, if you can share them) and I'll take another run at it. :)

Revision control , Build and deploy. production code vs test code

Our project is comprised of a single war file (web application)
We have a master branch in our git repository that contains all the source files for it.
We are use a staging (test) environment and a production env.
both should be configured differently.
So our problem is:
When we push new features to the git repository, and building the war file. it consists data that is staging-specific. so we actually cant deploy this war in production.
Any idea on how to solve this issue? (the files that change from prod to test are for example:
spring config files, other config files, some xmls, etc)
one naive solution is to have 2 branches (one for production the other for testing) but that sounds really cumbersome.
For the long run:
Try to extract the specific settings from the spring context files, and make them parameter of your application that are configured in the application server.
For example the database connection settings: Configure a Database Connection in the application server and make them aviable via JNDI. Then your application can obtain the Database Connection from JNDI. So your application is independed of your concrete database connection settings.
You can use the same technique for other configuration. And of course you can use it to enable/disabe Spring Profiles.
