Dealing with other dependencies in your own Maven dependency - maven

I want to reuse and centralize the utils I created for my Spring REST API for my future projects. That's why I thought I'd outsource them to my own project and make them available as a Maven dependency.
These Util files e.g. a basic service, basic controllers also contain Spring annotations, i.e. I need some Spring dependencies in my Util dependency. Now I'm a bit unsure whether I'm making a mistake or not.
First of all, I'm not sure if I should even use spring dependencies in a utility dependency or try to remove everything. Otherwise, I'll have to specify a spring version, but it might differ from the version I want to use later in the project it's included in. How am I supposed to solve this?

It is perfectly reasonable to have dependencies for your dependencies (these are called transitive dependencies). Of course, you should keep the number as low as possible, but on the other hand, you do not want to reinvent the wheel.
When somebody uses your dependency, they will automatically draw the transitive dependency on spring. Now, several cases can occur:
If this is the only reference to spring, the version is just used as you stated it.
If at some other point, a different version of spring is given, Maven dependency mediation kicks in. It decides by a "nearest is best" rule which version to take.
But: You can always set the spring version in <dependencyManagement> and then overwrite all transitively given version numbers.

That is the main concept of Maven. Your utility module must shipped together with Spring dependencies. It's called transitive dependencies.
Try to imagine that situation when all dependencies had excluded. In that case nobody will never know what kind and which version of Spring dependencies are needed.
Maven has a very good dependency conflict resolution. It's based on nearest-newest principle. So you can override those Spring versions easily and your application will use only one of that.
Take a look at these:
[1] Dependency Mechanism
[2] Dependency Mediation and Conflict Resolution


What does it really mean that api configuration exposes depedencies whereas implementation does not, in Gradle?

I have gone through the official doc and many StackOverflow questions about the difference betweenapi and implementation configurations. I think I understand the basic, but I really want to understand what it means by dependencies are exposed or not exposed.
This is what I have got so far. When I publish my Java library (written in Kotlin, but not relevant), the dependency scope in the published pom file is either complie when api is used or runtime when implementation is used, i.e.
dependencies {
api "..."
dependencies {
implementation "..."
So does exposing dependencies in this case really just mean adding them to classpath (compile scope)?
One of the many answers about api vs implementation says it is merely about build optimization, it makes sense that the build time will be reduced if we not adding everything in the classpath maybe?
And a bonus question, the Gradle doc says api configuration comes with java-library plugin, but apparently, I can use it without applying the plugin, how is this possible?
// Gradle 6.1.1
plugins {
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version 'XXX'
dependencies {
api "myLibrary"
So does exposing dependencies in this case really just mean adding them to classpath (compile scope)?
Yes, it's pretty much just a matter of having them on the consumer's compile classpath or not.
One of the many answers about api vs implementation says it is merely about build optimization, it makes sense that the build time will be reduced if we not adding everything in the classpath maybe?
Well, good software design advocates not exposing internal implementation details. This is why you have public and private class members in the code. You could argue that this principal is solid when it comes to dependencies as well. I see the following benefits:
A consumer does not implicitly start relying on "internal" transitive dependencies. If they did, it would mean that you can't remove them from the library without breaking the consumers.
A reduced classpath may make compilation slightly faster. I don't think it matters a whole lot for normal projects though. Maybe it is more impactful if you rely on Java or Kotlin annotation processors or Groovy AST transformations that feels like scanning the entire classpath through each time.
Not having unnecessary modules on the compilation classpath means a library will not have to be recompiled if those modules changes.
The last one is the biggest benefit in my opinion. Let's say you have a big multi-project where a shared sub-project internally relies on Apache Commons Lang. If you have declared Lang as an api dependency and update it, then all other projects relying on this shared project need to be recompiled. If you declare it as an implementation dependency instead, this will not happen. All those projects will still need to be re-tested of cause as the runtime behaviour might have changed (this is handled correctly by default in Gradle).
And a bonus question, the Gradle doc says api configuration comes with java-library plugin, but apparently, I can use it without applying the plugin, how is this possible?
This is because the Kotlin plugin also declares an api configuration. It has the same semantics as configured by the java-library plugin.
If your project is a multi-project, you can still add the java-library plugin even if it is using the Kotlin plugin. An additional change that this will cause is that consumers will see the output directory for the compiled classes instead of the final jar file. This removes the need to construct the jar during normal development, which should reduce build time. On the other hand, there is apparently a potential performance problem on Windows if you have a lot of classes in a single project, so the usual your mileage may vary disclaimer applies here as well (I don't know how many "a lot" is though).

Should I rely on transitive dependencies in Maven if they come from other sub-module of my parent?

Suppose we are working on mortgage sub-module, and we are directly using the Google Guava classes in module code, but the dependcy for the guava is defined in other sub-module under the same parent and we have access to Guava classes only by transitive dependency on "investment" module:
banking-system (parent pom.xml)
|-- investment (pom.xml defines <dependency>guava</dependency>)
|-- mortgage (pom.xml defiens <dependency>investment</dependency>)
Should we still put a <dependency> to Guava in the mortgage pom.xml?
The cons looks like duplication in our pom.xml, the pros are: if someone developing "investment" will drop guava, then it will not stop our mortgage sub-module from being successfuly build.
If yes, then what <version> shoudle we specify? (none + <dependencyManagement> in parent pom?)
If yes, should we use a <provided> scope in some module then?
Note: Keep in mind, that I am asking in specific situation, when modules have common parent pom (e.g. being an application as whole).
Maybe this structure was not the best example, imagine:
banking-core (dep.on: guava, commons, spring)
investment (dep.on: banking-core)
mortgage (dep.on: banking-core)
Should still Investment explicitly declare Spring when it use #Component, and declare Guava if it uses Guava's LoadedCache?
we are directly using the Google Guava classes in module code, but the
dependcy for the guava is defined in other sub-module under the same
parent and we have access to Guava classes only by transitive
dependency on "investment" module [...] Should we still put a to Guava in the mortgage pom.xml?
Yes, you should declare Google Guava dependency in your module and not expect it to be available as transitive-dependency. Even if it works with the current version, it may not be the case anymore in later versions of direct dependencies.
If your code depends on a module, your code should depends only directly on classes of this module, not a transitive-dependency of this module. As you mentioned, there is no guarantee that the investment module will continue to depend on Guava in the future. You need to specify this dependency either in the parent's pom.xml or in the module itself to ensure it will be available without relying on transitive dependencies. It's not duplication as such, how else can you tell Maven your module depends on Guava?
I do not see any situation in which minimal best practices are respected where you would need to do otherwise.
If yes, then what <version> shoudle we specify? (none + <dependencyManagement> in parent pom?)
Yes, using <dependencyManagement> in parent and using a <dependency> in your child module without version is best: you will make sure all your modules uses the same version of your dependency. As your modules are an application as a whole, it is probably better as it will avoid various issues such as having different versions of the same dependency being present on the classpath causing havoc.
Even if for some reason one of your module using the same parent requires a different version of our dependency, it will still be possible to override the version for this specific module using <version>.
If yes, should we use a scope in some module then?
Probably not, having the dependency with a compile scope is the best wat to go with most packaging methods.
However you may have situations where you need or prefer to do this, for example if said modules requires to use a runtime environment specific version, or if your deployment or packaging model is designed in a way that demands it. Given the situation you expose, both are possible, though most of the time it should not be necessary.
Yes, declare the dep. It's not a duplication!!! That compile dependencies are transitive is not intended by the maven developer, it's forced by the java-language. Because features like class-inheritance forces this behavior. Your already mentioned "pro" is the important fact.
See the (*) note in the transitive-scope-table
Yes, always declare needed third party lib-versions in your reactor parent with dependencyManagement. It's a pain to find errors from different lib-versions at runtime. Avoid declaring versions of third-party libs in sub-modules of large reactors, always use a depMngs in parent.
No, i would use "provided" only for dependencies provided from the runtime, in your example tomcat/jboss/wildfly/.. for things like servlet-api/cdi-api/. But not for third party libraries.
Declare the "provided" scope as late as possible (i.e. your deployment(s) module war/ear) not in your business modules. This makes it easier to write tests.
For example:
investment (depends on guava scope:=provided)
mortgage (depends on investment, but don't need guava himself)
--> mortgage classpath doesn't contain guava.
If you write a unit-test for mortgage where classes involved from investment it will not work -> you need to declare at least guava with scope=test/runtime to run these tests...
When a module uses a 3rd party library, the module should explicitly depend on that library in its pom.xml too. Imagine if another project should use the 'mortgage' module, and doesn't depend on Guava already, it will fail e.g. when a unit test comes upon a code path that involves Guava. An explicit dependency also covers you against the scenario where you refactor the 'investment' module so that it doesn't use Guava anymore. Your 'investment' module should be agnostic to such changes in its dependencies.
It's always correct to explicitly list your direct dependencies. When it comes to version, it's best to keep that in the dependencyManagement section of your parent pom so all child projects inherit that (same) version.

Spring boot parent pom with custom parent

I read a lot of posts regarding the ways to use spring-boot-starter-parent in a spring boot project.
Essentially, I read posts (Spring documentation also talks about this) describing two ways to do this
To use spring-boot-starter-parent as the project parent directly. It gives us the benefits of having the dependency management as well as the plugin management.
The other way is to import the spring-boot-starter parent in the project pom (we may need this in case we already have a parent pom for the project).
It allows us to get the benefits of dependency management but not the plugin management)
I am creating a new Maven multi module project. Ideally I would like to have my own custom parent and also get all the benefits of using the Spring-boot-starter-parent.
I was wondering if it made sense to create a custom parent for my maven projects. This parent would in turn be a child of the spring-boot-starter-parent.
If I am not missing anything, this way I could get the benefits of having the dependency management and plugin management from spring-boot-starter-parent and at the
same time have a custom parent for all my projects where I could define some other common dependencies or if needed override the dependencies defined in the
spring-boot-starter-parent which would then be inherited by all my projects.
Does this design make sense or am I missing something.
What are the drawbacks of this approach?
There are no drawbacks -- this is exactly what you're meant to do if you want a multimodule spring-boot project. However, consider this: typically multi-module projects have all modules versioned together, released together, and dependant on each other. This rarely makes sense in a group of spring-boot modules, which are typically of the micro-service style and which require independent evolution. So, you should question your need for a multi-module project at all.

When to use "optional" dependencies and when to use "provided" scope?

Dependencies decorated by <optional>true</optional> or <scope>provided</scope> will be ignored when they are dependent transitively. I have read this, and my understanding is like the difference between #Component and #Service in Spring, they only vary semantically.
Is it right?
In addition to the comment, there is more important semantic difference: "Provided" dependencies are expected to be supplied by the container, so if your container gives you hibernate, you should mark hibernate as provided.
Optional dependencies are mainly used to reduce the transitive burden of some libraries. For example: If you can use a library with 5 different database types, but you usually only require one, you can mark the library-dependent dependencies as optional, so that the user can supply the one they actually use. If you don't do, you might get two types of problems:
The library pulls a huge load of transitive dependencies of which you actually need very few so that you blow up your project without reason.
More dangerously: You might pull two libraries with overlapping classes, so that the class loader cannot load both of them. This might lead to unexpected behaviour of your library.
A minor difference I'd like to point out is the treatment of optional vs. provided by various plugins that create packages.
Apparently war plugin will not package optional dependencies, but there is an open bug about it:
The assembly plugin doesn't seem to provide any way to filter based on optional status, while it allows you to filter based on scope.
It seems the same is true for the shade plugin.
TL;DR if you are not developing a library, but a top-level application provided scope will give you more flexibility.

Should I exclude Spring Framework jars that are not required?

I am developing a simple web application, using Spring Framework.
When I add Spring framework to my class path, I see that it has lot of jars which I never use (for example: spring-aop-3.2.3.RELEASE.jar).
Is it a good idea to keep the entire framework intact or remove unused jars?
If you need to remove unused jars, the best way is to use some dependency management tool like Ivy or Maven, and let the tool decide what the required dependencies are. Otherwise it will not be apparent what is really unused or not until you break something.
For instance, if you are using declarative transactions, then removing the AOP jar will cause breakage, because AOP is used to implement that functionality.
If you would rather not use dependency management, it's better to leave everything intact.
There are some cases where you do want to remove/exclude jars. Replacing commons-logging with slf4j is one example. Another example is excluding the log4j dependencies that get dragged in on account of some appender that's packaged with log4j but that you know you will never use. Dependency management tools allow you to tell them what needs to be excluded.
Doing without dependency management management and removing things because you never use them directly is too dangerous.
