What exactly does Data Locality mean in Hadoop? - hadoop

Data locality as defined by many Hadoop tutorial sites (i.e. https://techvidvan.com/tutorials/data-locality-in-hadoop-mapreduce/) states that: "Data locality in Hadoop is the process of moving the computation close to where the actual data resides instead of moving large data to computation. This minimizes overall network congestion."
I can understand having the node where the data resides process the computation for those data, instead of moving data around, would be efficient. However, what does it mean by "moving the computation close to where the actual data resides"? Does this mean that if the data sits in a server in Germany, it is better to use the server in France to do the computation on those data instead of using the server in Singapore to do the computation since France is closer to Germany than Singapore?

Typically people talk about this on a quite different scale, especially within a Hadoop context.
Suppose you have a cluster of 5 nodes, you store a file there and need to do a calculation on it.
With data locality you try to make the calculation happen on the node(s) where the data is stored (rather than for example the first node that has compute resources available).
This reduces network load.
It is good to realize that in many new infrastructures the network is not the bottleneck, so you will keep hearing more about the decoupling of compute and storage.

I +1 Dennis Jaheruddin's answer, and just wanted to add -- you can actually see different locality levels in MR when you check job counters, in Job History UI for example.
HDFS and YARN are rack-aware so its not just binary same-or-other node: in the above screen, Data-local means the task was running local to the machine that contained actual data; Rack-local -- that the data wasn't local to the node running the task and needed to be copied, but was still on the same rack; and finally the Other local case -- where the data wasn't available local, nor on the same rack, so it had to be copied over two switches to the node that run the computation.


What is the principle of "code moving to data" rather than data to code?

In a recent discussion about distributed processing and streaming I came across the concept of 'code moving to data'. Can someone please help explaining the same. Reference for this phrase is MapReduceWay.
In terms of Hadoop, it's stated in a question but still could not figure out an explanation of the principle in a tech agnostic way.
The basic idea is easy: if code and data are on different machines, one of them must be moved to the other machine before the code can be executed on the data. If the code is smaller than the data, better to send the code to the machine holding the data than the other way around, if all the machines are equally fast and code-compatible. [Arguably you can send the source and JIT compile as needed].
In the world of Big Data, the code is almost always smaller than the data.
On many supercomputers, the data is partitioned across many nodes, and all the code for the entire application is replicated on all nodes, precisely because the entire application is small compared to even the locally stored data. Then any node can run the part of the program that applies to the data it holds. No need to send the code on demand.
I also just came across the sentence “Moving Computation is Cheaper than Moving Data” (from the Apache Hadoop documentation) and after some reading I think this refers to the principle of data locality.
Data locality is a strategy for task scheduling aimed at optimizing performance based on the observation that moving data across a network is costly, so when choosing which task to prioritize whenever a computing/data node is free, preference will be given to the task that's going to operate on the data in the free node or in its proximity.
This (from Delay Scheduling: A Simple Technique for Achieving
Locality and Fairness in Cluster Scheduling, Zaharia et al., 2010) explains it clearly:
Hadoop’s default scheduler runs jobs in FIFO order, with five priority levels. When the scheduler receives a heartbeat indicating that a map
or reduce slot is free, it scans through jobs in order of priority and submit time to find one with a task of the required type. For maps,
Hadoop uses a locality optimization as in Google’s MapReduce [18]: after selecting a job, the scheduler greedily picks the map task in
the job with data closest to the slave (on the same node if possible, otherwise on the same rack, or finally on a remote rack).
Note that the fact Hadoop replicates data across nodes increases fair scheduling of tasks (the higher the replication, the higher the probability of a task to have data on the next free node and hence get picked to run next).

hadoop (HDFS) with diskless compute nodes

I have a small cluster with one node that has RAID storage, and several powerful diskless compute nodes that boot over PXE. All nodes are connected by InfiniBand (and 1G Ethernet for booting).
I need to deploy Hadoop on this cluster.
Please suggest optimal configuration
As I understand default configuration means that all compute nodes has self small storage, but in my situation (if I have NFS share) it will make too many copies by network. I have found resources about using Hadoop with Lustre, but I do not understand how to configure it
What you describe is probably possible but - instead of making use of Hadoop features - you are trying to find a way around them.
Moving computation is cheaper than moving data - data locality is one of the cornerstones of Hadoop and that's why all the worker nodes in the cluster are also storage nodes. Hadoop attempts to do as much computation as possible on the nodes where the processed blocks are located to avoid network congestion.
The Hadoop framework then schedules these processes in proximity to the location of data/records using knowledge from the distributed file system. Since files are spread across the distributed file system as chunks, each compute process running on a node operates on a subset of the data. Which data operated on by a node is chosen based on its locality to the node: most data is read from the local disk straight into the CPU, alleviating strain on network bandwidth and preventing unnecessary network transfers. This strategy of moving computation to the data, instead of moving the data to the computation allows Hadoop to achieve high data locality which in turn results in high performance.
MapReduce tends to generate large volumes of temporary files, so 15 GB per node is simply not enough storage.

Is it good to create virtual machines(nodes) to get better performance on cassandra?

I know Cassandra is good in multiple nodes set up. The more nodes,the better performance. If I have two dedicated servers with same hardware, it would be good I create some virtual machines in both of them to have more nodes, or not?
For example I have two dedicated server with this specifications:
1TB hard drive
8 core CPU
then create 8 virtual machine(nodes) in both of them. each of them has:
~150GB hard drive
share 8 core CPU
So I have 16 nodes. Are these 16 nodes had better performance than 2 nodes with this two dedicated server?
In the other word which side of this trade off is better, more nodes with lower hardware or two stronger nodes?
I know it should be tested, but I want to know basically is it reasonable or not?
Adding new nodes always adds some overhead, they need to communicate within each other and sync their data. Therefore, the more nodes you add, you'd expect the overhead to increase with adding each node. You'd add more nodes only in a situation where the existing number of nodes can't handle the input/output demands. Since in the situation you are describing , you'd be actually writing on the same disk, you'd actually effectively be slowing down your cluster by adding more nodes.
Imagine the situation: you have a server, it receives some data and then writes it on disk. Now imagine the same situation, where the disk is shared between two servers and they both write the same information at the almost same time on the same disk. The two servers also use cpu cycles to communicate between each other that the data has been written so they can sync up. I think this is a sufficient enough information to describe to you why what you are thinking is not a good idea if you can avoid it.
Of course, this is the information only in layman's terms, C* has a very nice architecture in which data is actually spread according to an algorithm to a certain range of nodes (not all of them) and when you are querying for a specific key, the algorithm actually can tell you where to find the data. With that said, when you add and remove nodes, the new nodes have to communicate with the cluster that they want to share 'the burden' and as a result, a recalculation of what is known as a 'token-ring' takes place at the end of which data may be shuffled around so it is accessible in a predictable way.
You can take a look at this:
But in general, there is indeed some overhead when nodes communicate with each other, but the number of the nodes would almost never negatively or positively impact your query speed dramatically if you are querying for a single key.
"I know it should be tested, but I want to know basically is it reasonable or not?"
That will answer most of your assumptions.
The basic advantage of using cassandra is availability. If you are planning to have just two dedicated servers, then there is a question mark on your availability of data. Considering the worst case, you always have just two replicas of data at any point of time.
My take is to go for a nicely split dedicated set up in small chunks. Everything boils down to your use case.
1.If you have a lot of data flowing in and if you consider data as king(in such a case , you need more replicas to handle in case of failures), i would prefer a high end distributed set up.
2.If you are looking for the other way around(data is not your forte and your data is just another part of your set up), you shall just go for the set up what you have mentioned.
3.If you have a cost constraint and if you are a start up with a minimal data that is important to you, set up in two nodes what you have with replication of 2(Simple Strategy ) and replication of 1(Network Topology)

Map Job Performance on cluster

Suppose I have 15 blocks of data and two clusters. The first cluster has 5 nodes and a replication factor is 1, while the second one has a replication factor is 3. If I run my map job, should I expect any change in the performance or the execution time of the map job?
In other words, how does replication affect the performance of the mapper on a cluster?
When the JobTracker assigns a job to a TaskTracker on HDFS, a job is assigned to a particular node based upon locality of data (preference is same node first, then same network switch/frame). By having different replication factors, you limit the ability for the JobTracker to assign a node local to the data (JobTracker will still assign the task nodes, but without the benefits of locality). The effect is to restrict the number of TaskTracker nodes which are both local to the data (either data on task node, or data on same switch frame), thus affecting performance for work on your task (reducing parallelization).
Your smaller cluster likely has a single switch, so data is local to the network/frame, so the only bottleneck you might experience would be data transfer from one TaskTracker to another, as the JobTracker is likely to assign jobs to all available TaskTrackers.
But with a larger hadoop cluster, the replication factor = 1 would limit the number of TaskTracker nodes local to the data and thus able to efficiently operate on your data.
There are several papers which support data locality, http://web.eecs.umich.edu/~michjc/papers/tandon_hpdic_minimizeRemoteAccess.pdf, this paper which you cited also supports data locality, http://assured-cloud-computing.illinois.edu/sites/default/files/PID1974767.pdf, and this one, http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~xqin/pubs/hcw10.pdf (which tested a 5 node cluster, same as the OP).
This paper quotes significant benefits to data locality, http://grids.ucs.indiana.edu/ptliupages/publications/InvestigationDataLocalityInMapReduce_CCGrid12_Submitted.pdf, and observes that an increase in replication factor gives better locality.
Note that this paper claims little difference between network throughput and local disk access (8%), http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ganesha/disk-irrelevant_hotos2011.pdf, but reports orders of magnitude difference in performance between local memory access and either disk or network access. Furhtermore, the paper quotes a large fraction of jobs (64%) find their data cached in memory "in large part due to the heavy-tailed nature of the workload", as most jobs "access only a small fraction of the blocks".
EDIT: This part of my answer is obsolete now that the other answer was edited: "The other answer is not entirely correct." This was meant to address the incorrect implication that less replicas = fewer paralelism. The rest of my answer (below) still applies.
Any node can execute your tasks, regardless of whether the data is located in that node or not. Hadoop will try to achieve data locality (preference order is: node-local, then rack-local, then any node), but if it can't, then it will chose any node that has available compute capacity to run your task.
Performance wise, in a typical multi-rack installation, rack-local performs almost as good as node-local, since the bottleneck occurs when transmitting data across racks. However, with high-end networking equipment (i.e., full-bisection bandwidth), then it wouldn't matter if your computation is rack-local or not. For more details on this, read this paper.
How much performance improvement can you expect from having more replicas (and thus achieving higher data locality)? Not much; 5-20% maximum improvement. But this is an upper limit, when you implement additional popularity-based replication as in this and this projects. NOTE: I did not just make-up those performance improvement numbers; they come from the papers I linked.
Since vanilla Hadoop does not have these mechanisms in place, I would expect your performance to improve at most 1-5%. This is just a ballpark guess, but you can easily run some tests yourself. The reason for this, is that more replicas could improve the performance of some of your map tasks (the ones that are now able to run with a data-local copy of the block), but it would not improve your shuffle and reduce phases. Furthermore, even if just one mapper takes longer than the rest, this one will determine the length of your whole map phase; so for many jobs, it is likely that increasing locality will not improve their running times at all. Finally, I/O bound jobs can be map-input IO bound, shuffle IO bound (map output heavy), or reduce output IO bound. Only the first type (map-input IO bound) would benefit from locality. More details on MapReduce workload characterization in this paper.
If you are further interested in this, you can also read this paper, in which they improve the running times of mappers but having the input data of ALL the mappers in memory.

Remotely retrieve a file from hdfs and store it locally in a node

I want to write a job in which each mapper checks if a file from hdfs is stored in the node that is being executed.If this doesn't happen I want to retrieve it from hdfs and store it locally in this node.Is this possible?
EDIT: I am trying to do this (3) Preprocessing for Repartition Join, as described here: link
DistributedCache feature in Hadoop can be used to distribute the side data or auxiliary data required for the completion of the job. Here (1, 2) are some interesting articles for the same.
Why would you want to do this? The Data Locality principle used by Hadoop does this for you. Well, it does not move the data, it does move the program.
This comes from the Wikipedia page about Hadoop:
The jobtracker schedules map/reduce jobs to tasktrackers with an
awareness of the data location. An example of this would be if node A
contained data (x,y,z) and node B contained data (a,b,c). The
jobtracker will schedule node B to perform map/reduce tasks on (a,b,c)
and node A would be scheduled to perform map/reduce tasks on (x,y,z)
And the reason the computation is moved to the data and not the other way around is explained in the Hadoop documentation itself:
“Moving Computation is Cheaper than Moving Data” A computation requested by an application is much more efficient if it is executed
near the data it operates on. This is especially true when the size of
the data set is huge. This minimizes network congestion and increases
the overall throughput of the system. The assumption is that it is
often better to migrate the computation closer to where the data is
located rather than moving the data to where the application is
running. HDFS provides interfaces for applications to move themselves
closer to where the data is located.
