GCC gprof complaining GLIBC_2.16 is not found - embedded-linux

I have a code running on a PowerPC e500v2 embedded Linux and I want to measure its performance since it is running in an infinite loop. I tried gcc's gprof which was simply by adding -pg option to gcc. When I run the binary on the target device I get this:
./main: /lib/libc.so.6: version GLIBC_2.16 not found (required by ./main)
I am using ELDK 5.6 toolchain with the default CFLAGS and LDFLAGS and these flags: -Wall -lrt -pthread -D_GNU_SOURCE nothing else. Some article suggested defining FORTIFY_SOURCE along with an optimization level but it did not work. I searched for some gcc's feature test macros and tried defining some GLIBC 2.16 specific macros but it did not work.
I faced similar issue with GLIBC 2.17 when I used some structures and functions from <sched.h>, adding _GNU_SOURCE resolved it. Any idea on how to resolve it?

When I run the binary on the target device I get this
Your tool chain targets a version of GLIBC that is newer than what is installed on the target.
This doesn't bite you in non-pg compiles only by accident. An "innocent" change to your source can cause the same problem.
You need to upgrade your target to the version of GLIBC which your toolchain actually builds for.


How to configure clang to use arm-none-eabi linker

I am trying to configure the last version of clang (6.0) to use the arm-none-eabi linker instead of the ld.lld but clang is always ignoring everything and keep asking for the ld.lld one. I am trying to build for cortex-m3 (lpx1769 board). How do I force clang to use the linker I want.
-fuse-ld=ld is also not working, so does clang no longer allow the use of any other linker?
So the answer was to use the flag:
Remember that if you passing this flag to clang it will cause a warning that clang will not use this flag (only the linker stage will do). Thus if you compiling with -Werror, the warning will be turned into an error.
Moreover, because you are cross-compiling probably you will need to let the linker know where to find the target-specific libraries needed using the -L option. See this for more info:

The program cannot find correct version of glibc/libstdc++, although it was statically linked

I am trying to link my program statically with glibc, because version of the glibc on the target machine is pretty much unpredictable. I used linker flags -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ and it worked fine. The executable is big, but I can live with it. Unfortunately, when I run my executable on the target machine (it is named 'mytest' in the example below) I get the following error:
./mytest: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by libboost_log.so.1.53.0)
./mytest: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by libboost_log.so.1.53.0)
./mytest: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by libboost_log.so.1.53.0)
./mytest: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found (required by libboost_date_time.so.1.53.0)
./mytest: /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by libboost_thread.so.1.53.0)
If I do 'strings' on mytest, it gives me
$ strings mytest | grep GLIBC
What means, I think, that the static linking was working ok. Why does the loader still tries to look for my functions in shared glibc and libstdc++? What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to link my program statically with glibc, because version of the glibc on the target machine is pretty much unpredictable. I used linker flags -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ and it worked fine.
That didn't affect the version of glibc (libc), which is different from libgcc and libstdc++. With these flags, you still have produced a dynamically-linked executable, which is expected to not work on an older distribution.
You can link your executable with -static flag, and that should give you a completely static executable.
After re-reading your question; your problem is not with glibc. Your problem is that you are linking with libboost_log.so, which itself depends on libstdc++.so.6.
The answer then is to link with libboost*.a instead of libboost*.so. You can try to achieve it this way:
g++ $(OBJS) -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -Wl,-Bstatic -lboost_log ... \
(It is very important to have the trailing -Wl,-Bdynamic.)
Linking with -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++ will only work for those libraries. It looks like you are also linking against the boost libraries (likely dynamically) which then link against libgcc and libstdc++.
Try running the following:
ldd mytest
It should show "not a dynamic executable". If it shows anything else, it means it is dynamically linked against other libraries. It doesn't always work so easily, but try adding -static to the compilation line as well to take care of remaining libraries.

Clang slow startup (using MinGW)

Using MinGW and CMake I've compiled LLVM, Clang and Compiler-RT both via SVN or using the released source code (3.2).
I've modified InitHeaderSearch.cpp (in tools/clang/lib/frontend) to find GCC 4.7.2 headers.
I've set the compile options to Release and disabled assertions.
Clang seems to work properly, but it takes 4-5 seconds to start: even typing "clang --version" in the console does this. Compiling a projects takes a lot of time.
What am I missing? I've used rubenvb's old MinGW+Clang build (GCC 4.6), and it didn't have this problem. Is there any compilation flag I need to use?
This issue is discussed here http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/cfe-dev/2012-April/020651.html
AFAIK problem is caused by large relocation table and inefficient MinGW implementation (http://sourceforge.net/p/mingw/bugs/1747/).
Adding -static flag to linker flags should resolve this issue. You should invoke cmake with

custom built gcc 4.6.0 on ubuntu 11.04 links wrong libstdc++

my custom built gcc 4.6.0, installed in my home directory, on ubuntu 10.04, links the system libstdc++ instead of the custom built one, most of the time (as evidenced by ldd). to be more puzzling, using this newly built gcc, custom compiled openmpi libraries are linked correctly, and this is the only software i have compiled that behaves ok. does anybody have any explanation for this, or a workaround?
Isn't there an option to statically link the libstdc into the gcc when you configure it? --disable-shared if I understand how it works correctly. Worst case make another compile of gcc with that switch and see if you run into the issue.
I don't know why this isn't detailed more clearly on the GCC website for end-users. The GCC FAQ clearly states this is a common problem wrt libstdc++. Environment variables are troublesome. Wrapping the linker, nobody knows how to do that. Editing /etc/ld.so.conf isn't an option. Adding -Wl,-rpath everywhere, come on. The easiest solution is the specs file. For a typical 64-bit x86 Linux system, go into your custom gcc installation, in dirname `g++ -print-libgcc-file-name`and then run g++ -dumpspecs > specs. Edit that file, find the *link_command: section. After %(link_libgcc) add -rpath /home/user/bin/gcc-9/lib64 (of course use your own path). Or add the same rpath to end of *link: section. Alternatively, configure gcc with --with-specs='%{!static:%x{-rpath=/home/user/bin/gcc9/lib64} %x{-enable-new-dtags}}' . Enjoy your own C++ compiler that generates binaries that just work.
See also:
GCC specs file: how to get the installation path
Linking g++ 4.8 to libstdc++
How to configure libstdc++ with GCC 4.8?

g++ 4.4.x bug?

I have build a g++ v4.4 from source by using the archives provided by gcc.gnu.org.
But the resulting g++ cannot compile some of our projects c++ files. I am receiving a message simply saying: assembler error. It turned out that the assembler chokes on some extremely long symbol names, e.g. symbols names with a length of more then 2k.
Am I missing something to get it to work?
I would very appreciate an advice on how to get this working!
Environment: Debian-Lenny 64bit
EDIT: The mentioned c++ files are compiling fine with g++ versions v4.2 and v4.3. So I don't think it is a bug in the assembler (from binutils v2.18). Just to be sure I have also tried with binutils v2.20 - but I got the identical error message.
EDIT: I need g++ v4.4.x for the purpose of comparing the output of different g++ versions (and there is no g++ v4.4 in the official lenny repositories)
If your analysis is correct, it seems the proper course of action would be to file a bug for binutils. Or gcc, if it turns out the long symbol names are due to a bug in gcc's name mangling.
Of course, a (preferably reduced) testcase will help the developers fix your problem. Heck, it could have helped SO readers to verify your problems.
You're going to have to compile the corresponding gas instead of depending on what lenny has in his refrigerator (/usr/bin).
Why don't a) upgrade or b) use the backports archive or c) rebuild from current Debian sources on your box? I happily run testing with g++ 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.
Worst case, you could install a new Debian release in a virtual environment such as a chroot, a Xen or Kvm instance, or inside VirtualBox.
