Call and Chat in MS Teams from Bot Framework - botframework

I would like to know if is possible to run a Call with someone else in Microsoft Teams from the BotFramework. Specifically I have an adaptive card where I want to perform this action. Then MSTeams client should open the call with the person I want. Is there a way for that. Same thing would be great for chatting.


Chatbot with multiselect option

We have a chatbot which interacts with user based on related queries provided as buttons. But the issue here is he can only select one query through button. So I wanted a way through which user can select multiple query from dropdown or checkboxes. Upon searching I cam across this link:
"Allow users to multiselect option in BotFramework"
Now this is something which can help me, but I wanted to confirm that the adaptive card c# bot framework in used in the link can is compatible with Azure bot services or not ?? Can I use this Adaptive Card botframework in Azure bot services ?
I am noob in this and just started with chatbots and all so any suggestion will help or if there is any other better way to implement multi-select options then it will do as well.
Adaptive Cards have little to do with the Azure Bot Service. When it comes to whether or not Adaptive Cards are supported, that is entirely determined by the front end because that's where an Adaptive Card renderer would be. In the case of chat bots the front end would be a chat platform, which the Bot Framework calls a bot "channel." It's important to understand that a lot of bot behavior is channel-specific, and so you need to consider what channel you're using. The two main Bot Framework channels that support Adaptive Cards are Microsoft Teams and Bot Framework Web Chat. You can see an official list of platforms that support Adaptive Cards here:
If you're using a channel that doesn't support Adaptive Cards, there may be some other channel-specific feature that allows users to select multiple options, such as Slack's block kit. If there isn't, then you may have to design the bot to gather information through a dialog. This could be complicated, but the FormFlow library might help. If you build your own dialog then there's no reason it couldn't still use buttons. You could have a submit button that the user clicks after they've clicked the other buttons, though this might require some more advanced bot development skills.
If you'd like to know more about Adaptive Cards, please have a look at my blog post:

Calling an external API from MS Teams chat

Can anyone offer guidance on how to call an external API from within MS Teams chat/posts initiated by an #mention or #hastag? The service I want to build would use the mention/hastag to call an API and return various types of meta data that would then be added to the chat, post, etc. Wondering if Flow or Yo Teams is the best way to go.
The best approach for this would be to create a bot, which gets a name that can be '#' mentioned (e.g. if you bot is called MyBot, you could mention #MyBot in a Teams channel, and it will get notified). Once it receives the notification, the bot can do anything you need it to do.
If you have development skills available (yourself or someone on your team), have a look at the Teams Bot development documentation to get started. If not, Power Virtual Agents could suit your needs (it's like a "drag and drop" bot creator.

Possibility of using specific Teams features in a custom web chat app

Our internal employees are all using Teams. I'm researching how feasible it would be to use certain features of Teams for a custom web chat app. The actual back and forth conversation would not take place in would be something I would build, possibly using SignalR.
The custom web chat application should allow our customers the ability to:
See the Teams status of an employee (Online/Offline)
Click on the employee to enter a chat room. (This chat room would be something I would create, possibly using SignalR)
I was wondering if it is possible to do the following with Teams:
Get the Online/Offline status of a user in Teams and display that in a custom web app.
Send data to a specific Teams user from a web app. (For example: when a customer clicks on an employee in the custom web app to start a chat, send a link to the employee that would send them to the chat room.)
Are these two things possible using Teams?
Wow, this is an unusual scenario, had to think a bit about that! In terms of (1) I'm not sure about anything for that it Teams (it might exist, but not something I'm aware of), but perhaps the Microsoft Graph has a capability for that. This might help.
Regarding item 2, do the customers have Teams? If so, you can deep link directly into a chat with the specific employee. If not, are you wanting the end user to use, say, a bot on the web app, but the employee to be using Teams? If so, who would they be "Chatting" to? Would it be ok for the chat to be with a custom bot inside Teams? If so, you should look more at the concept of "Pro-active chat" in Teams (to initiate the new/latest conversation from the bot to the user). The only drawback is if they are "chatting" to multiple people at once this wouldn't work, because each customer's interaction would come in to the same chat window in the Bot.

Bot-framework bot creating groupchat

I have a bot-framework bot integrated to MS Teams, and I need it to create groupChats of members in it's team, with the bot in the chat as well.
Is there any way to achieve that?
I could not find any mention of creating or in any other way interacting with group chats using bots.
You could use Azure Logic Apps or Power Automate flow. It has Teams actions that I think could help you ("Create a chat"). You could trigger the flow with an HTTP request that would contain necessary data!

How to get Microsoft Graph access token using email id in the skype for business bot to add an event to Calendar

In Skype for Business Bot , User is pre-authenticated, need to get Microsoft graph access token , in order to perform Microsoft Graph operations (such as adding events to calendar) in programmatic way..
Please suggest how Microsoft Graph Apis can be integrated with Azure Bot for Skype for business channel.
We want Skype for Business bot to book the meeting just like described here
But instead of Teams need to use Skype for Business. but basically this code line will ask user to explicitly in this code sample
"await context.Forward(new AzureAuthDialog("
There is another sample that need Adminconsent to update the calendar of specific user
You cannot reuse anything from the pre-authentication. Like any other channel, you have to go through a specific authentication phase.
You have a great sample on the official repository to do this, here:
