Ask the developer for Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1 package - xamarin

I am trying to install the .appxbundle file,but it is showing
App Installer failed to install package dependencies. Ask the developer for Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.1 package.
I downgrade Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform to 6.0.1 then it is asking for
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.0 package.
If I updated to latest version 6.2.8 it is asking for
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.2 package.
Please help me for fix this.

Derive from this case reply, your current os miss
Microsoft.NET.Native.Runtime.2.0 package dependency. you could get them in the AppPackages folder where store the sideload package.
In the AppPackages sub folder we could find Dependencies folder then chose you want platform folder. You will find Dependencies package like following screenshot.
You could install them manually.


Package android.content.res does not exist

I am trying to build my ionic project, but I get the following errors:
error: package android.content.res does not exist
error: package org.json does not exist
Does anyone know how to solve it? Thanks.
It may be because some of your plugins are still using an old version of cordova/gradle plugins, or you didn’t updated cordova/gradle plugin of your app.
You may try:
Remove these cordova plugins and switch to their corresponding versions of the capacitor version your are using.
Another way, if you prefer you may upgrade/downgrade your Capacitor
version to be compatible with the plugins your are using..

Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore Causes my Xamarin Forms Android Project to Fail Deployment (Xamarin)

I am using Google Firestore in my Xamarin forms app and after updating the Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore Nuget Package to the latest version, I am no longer able to debug my project on Android.
I made a new Xamarin Forms Project to first to check if the error was because of my code or because of an issue with the Nuget Package itself.
I then installed the Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore Nuget Package and quickly found that the problem wasn't with my code, it was with the Nuget Package.
If you are trying to install the Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore Nuget Package and you dont have the Xamarin.AndroidX.Core and Xamarin.AndroidX.Browser Nuget Packages installed, it will say "Could not add Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore" and show a really long error message. This is very annoying because it gives you a novel to read through instead of simply showing a prompt to install the Nuget Packages as dependencies alongside the parent Nuget Package.
Then in order to install the Xamarin.AndroidX.Browser Nuget Package, you first need to install the Xamarin.AndroidX.Core Nuget Package. If you don't install the Xamarin.AndroidX.Core Nuget Package first you will get another long error message saying that you need to install it.
After I install all three Nuget Packages and try to run my Android Project, I get this error message:
/Users/{UserName}/Desktop/FirebaseTests/FirebaseTests/FirebaseTests.Android: Error JAVA0000: Error in /Users/{UserName}/.nuget/packages/
Type is defined multiple times: /Users/{UserName}/.nuget/packages/, obj/Debug/lp/102/jl/__reference__guava.jar:com/google/common/annotations/Beta.class
Compilation failed
java.lang.RuntimeException: Compilation failed to complete, origin: /Users/{UserName}/.nuget/packages/
Caused by: Compilation failed to complete, origin: /Users/{UserName}/.nuget/packages/
at Version.fakeStackEntry(
... 1 more
Caused by: Type is defined multiple times: /Users/{UserName}/.nuget/packages/, obj/Debug/lp/102/jl/__reference__guava.jar:com/google/common/annotations/Beta.class
at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.merge(
... 5 more
Directory 'obj/Debug/lp/102' is from 'Xamarin.Grpc.Stub.dll'. (JAVA0000) (FirebaseTests.Android) java
The error refers to Xamarin.Google.Guava so I thought installing Xamarin.Google.Guava individually would solve the issue but not at all; I am still getting the same error.
Could someone please help me? There is no way I am the only person this is happening to.
You should file the bug, Xamarin.Firebase.Firestore needs to work when installed:
Aside from that you may try some older version and see if it works, e.g. version seems to work well for me.

Nuget install local package fails when referencing external package has metadata only (no lib)

I am trying to build a local package with Nuget. My library uses several installed packages including "Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OwinSelfHost". The OwinSelfHost package only has a .nupkg file and not a corresponding lib or content folders. Nuget fails trying to find the .lib files that does not exist for that package. Here is the call and the output:
nuget.exe install NCR.AS.MGC.ClientProxies -Source C:\Sandbox\MGC\Mgc.ClientProxies\bin\Debug -OutputDirectory C:\Sandbox\MGC\packages.out -ExcludeVersion -NoCache
Unable to resolve dependency 'Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.OwinSelfHost'. Source(s) used: '', 'NugetServer'.
Feeds used: C:\Sandbox\MGC\Mgc.ClientProxies\bin\Debug Attempting to gather dependencies information for package 'NCR.AS.MGC.ClientProxies.1.0.0' with respect to project 'C:\Sandbox\MGC\packages.out', targeting 'Any,Version=v0.0' Attempting to resolve dependencies for package 'NCR.AS.MGC.ClientProxies.1.0.0' with DependencyBehavior 'Lowest'
Any suggestions on creating the local package?
So I figured it out thanks to the help of a coworker that experienced this issue before. The packages that were installed from the Nuget Package Manager where placed in c:\Sandbox\MGC\packages. I was trying to build a local package that has my code which leverages some of the installed packages and have it write the local package in c:\Sandbox\MGC\packages.out. If I write my output package in the same directory as my installed packages (c:\sandbox\MGC\packages) everything works without issue. As soon as I try to put my stuff in a separate directory, it fails trying to find some of my installed packages. To me, this seems to be a Nuget bug..

Unable to find version '2.0.21' of package 'LinqToFacebook'

I'm working with NopCommerce 2.60, and suddenly I'm getting this error when I run the project
NuGet Package restore failed for project Nop.Plugin.ExternalAuth.Facebook: Unable to find version '2.0.21' of package 'LinqToFacebook'..
I tried to restore the package by NuGet but got the same error and the wired thing is that I cannot find even the reference to LinqToFacebook in project "Reference", also search for the LinqToFacebook.dll in package folder but is not there.
Any help would be great
Best regards.
Find the package.config inside Facebook Plugin and remove or comment the reference to LinqToFacebook
that solved the error thwon by Visual Studio
I'm getting the same error, and I'm trying to upgrade version 2.65 of nopCommerce to version 2.7. We also have version 2.65 deployed on a public server, and I don't have any LinqToFacebook.dll in our bin folder. I can find no evidence of any LinqToFacebook NuGet package either, so I'm thinking that this .dll was once required by older versions of NopCommerce and is no longer available. My solution is to comment out the line in the package.config file and move on. Later versions of nopCommerce do not require this .dll.

how to make SIMBL base plugin Package file?

I have created a SIMBL based plugin which runs on safari but i am not able to make package file of my plugin through package maker,
Following step i am doing.
1: in Package make set the my plugin bundle file path "library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins".
2: Finish the pkg.
Try to install pkg file and it installs success fully and place my plugin in the target location.
But when i open the Safari my plugin does not come.
And when i compile my code and run plugin comes on safari.
Please help how can i make the package file?
Amit Gupta
Take a look at my package installer (a bundle that installs SIMBL and copies a plugin into .../SIMBL/Plugins folder), that might solve you problem. The source is at (Installer.pmdoc in the Installer folder).
