Unable to execute bashrc function using ANSIBLE - ansible

I am trying to execute a bashrc function "enableSsh" using ANSIBLE. I am using below ANSIBLE code to get this done but getting error: enableSsh command not found.
- name: Switch to user root and enable ssh
become: yes
become_user: root
become_method: su
shell: . .bashrc && enableSsh
executable: /bin/bash
Note: I tested it removing enableSsh and reloading bashrc is working fine. enableSsh is a function defined in remote server's bashrc file and works fine if execute directly from command line.

This is not an issue with Ansible, this is a shortcoming of the alias command as explained here.


Error when executing a linux script by ansible

I try to run a linux script with the shell module but I get the following error:
/bin/sh: sh: command not found.
To run this linux script, I need to run it with a different user (oracle) than the one I use to connect
This is the task of the playbook
- name: Execute
become: true
become_user: oracle
become_method: sudo
shell: sh ora_expdp_partition.sh P_05_2021
chdir: /fuentes01/vasmonitor
ORACLE_BASE: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle
LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/lib:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/lib64
ORACLE_HOME: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1
PATH: /usr/sbin:/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/bin:/usr/local/bin
CLASSPATH: /oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/jlib:/oracle/oracle/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/jlib
In the task I need to execute the script with the user oracle
When I execute the script with the user oracle manually, it works
In environment you specify a PATH that does not include /bin (or /usr/bin), so sh is not found in the PATH.

Running terminal command via Ansible playbook

I'm having, what appears to be, a common issue of running shell/terminal commands via an ansible playbook.
If I were to go onto on of my remote machines and type the command on a fresh terminal window, it works, however attempting to do the same via a playbook is having directory issues.
This is essentially the command, but some of it changed a little for privacy, but its essentially an authenticator...
authenticator authenticate user userkeytab
If I try to just run it as shell, I get an error that the authenticator command cant be found in /bin/sh, so I attempted to use chdir to run the command at the default window, (/Users/username).
Here is roughly, the playbook, with one of my failed attempts... I just don’t know what chdir I should be using...
- hosts: all
- name: Reauthenticate login
shell: authenticator authenticate user userkeytab
chdir: ~/
ive also tried usr/local/bin.... any thoughts?
can you try with the 'command' module, example below:
- name: Change the working directory to somedir/ and run the command as db_owner if /path/to/database does not exist.
command: /usr/bin/make_database.sh db_user db_name
become: yes
become_user: db_owner
chdir: somedir/
creates: /path/to/database

Unable to run script despite escalating privilege in Ansible

Im trying to run a shell script on the host machine after copying it over there using ansible. The script has 777 permissions.
Please read the below question as it gives the full scope of the actual issue that we are trying to deal with
Set different ORACLE_HOME and PATH environment variable using Ansible
- name: Run the Script [List]
shell: "/tmp/sqlscript/sql_select.sh {{item}} >> /tmp/sqlscript/output.out"
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: oracle
register: orh
with_items: "{{ factor_dbs.split('\n') }}"
Below is the shell script
source $HOME/bin/gsd_xenv $1 &> /dev/null
sqlplus -s <<EOF
/ as sysdba
set heading off
select d.name||','||i.instance_name||','||i.host_name||';' from v\$database d,v\$instance i;
Despite escalating the privileges, I observed that the task is not executing unless I add environment variables like below
- name: Run the script [List]
shell: "/tmp/sqlscript/oracle_home.sh {{item}} >> /tmp/sqlscript/orahome.out"
become: yes
become_method: sudo
become_user: oracle
PATH: "/home/oracle/bin:/usr/orasys/"
ORACLE_HOME: "/usr/orasys/"
register: orh
with_items: "{{ factor_dbs.split('\n') }}"
However this playbook needs to be run across different hosts which have different path and oracle_home variables.
My question is, why doest the task run despite escalating the permissions. When I try to run the same script manually by logging into the server and after doing "sudo su oracle", it seems to be running fine.
It depends on where you actually set your environment variables. There is a difference in executing a script when you are logged in at a remote machine, and running a script over ssh as Ansible does (see e.g., Differentiate Interactive login and non-interactive non-login shell). Depending on the type of shell and your system, different bash profiles are loaded.

ansible throwing error on script execution

I am trying to run the script (foo) which is present under my home directory (/home/ubuntu) using ansible.
if i manually move to /home/ubuntu and run the script as below
./foo --arg1=aaa --arg2=xxx --arg3=yyy
the script is working fine in command line.
However, when i try to run the same script using ansible as below
- name: Running Config Script
command: chdir=/home/ubuntu ./foo --arg1=aaa --arg2=xxx --arg3=yyy
The script is failing . And i also tried using script tag instead of command. Its not working .
I didn't tested but please try using shell instead of command
- name: Running Config Script
shell: ./foo --arg1=aaa --arg2=xxx --arg3=yyy
chdir: /home/ubuntu

.zshrc is not loaded in Ansible?

I am experimenting whether I can check the version of bundle in localhost using ansible-playbook local.yml as shown in local.yml below.
- hosts: local
remote_user: someuser
- name: Check bundle version
shell: "{{ansible_user_shell}} -l -c 'bundle --version'"
chdir: "/path/to/rails/dir"
Inventory file is as follows:
However I got the error saying,
stderr: zsh:1: command not found: bundle`
I have no idea why I am getting this error because I confirmed bundle is installed on localhost. Also I found that shell module does not use login shell so environmental variables in .zshrc is not loaded so I ran zsh with -l(use login shell) option. But it's not working. Is there anything I am missing?
I figured out the problem by myself. The problem was the configuration of zsh. I thought .zshrc is executed on every login. This is inaccurate because .zshrc is only loaded on login and interactive shell. In the above case, the command is NOT run on interactive shell so .zshrc was not loaded.
To load .zshrc every time I use login shell, I created .zprofile which is loaded on login shell as follows:
# include .zshrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.zshrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.zshrc"
Another solution might be to add -i(interactive shell) option :)
