Google ad manager try to read revenue per hour fails on ReportError.COLUMNS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_REQUESTED_DIMENSIONS - ruby

I have a simple script that fetch data from google ad manager.
Everything is working pretty fine, Now I am trying to read the same data but instead of date aggregation, I am trying by day and hour.
I get the following error:
AdManagerApi::V201905::ReportService::ApiException: [ReportError.COLUMNS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_REQUESTED_DIMENSIONS # columns; trigger:'TOTAL_LINE_ITEM_LEVEL_CPM_AND_CPC_REVENUE']
My report query in ruby is:
# Create report query.
report_query = {
:date_range_type => 'CUSTOM_DATE',
:start_date =>, start_date).to_h,
:end_date =>, end_date).to_h,
:dimensions => ['DAY', 'HOUR', 'CUSTOM_CRITERIA'],
I took the full example from here
I am pretty new with the google ad manager api, I will appreciate any suggestion.

Try removing CUSTOM_CRITERIA from the :dimensions list


How to retrieve all code reviews in "My Work" using Azure DevOps REST API

I am currently trying to retrieve all of the code reviews that are present in the "My Work" section of the Team Explorer window in Visual Studio. This is where it shows all code reviews you've created but haven't checked in yet as well as code reviews you've been requested to review but haven't yet. Looking through the documentation for the REST API, I am not able to find a method that will achieve this.
Curious if someone more knowledgeable with the API can help me out.
You could use Wiql - Query By Wiql API like below to get the code reviews:
# get all code review that I request
"query": "SELECT [System.Id], [System.Links.LinkType], [System.Title], [System.State], [System.Reason], [System.AssignedTo] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE (Source.[System.TeamProject] = #project and Source.[System.WorkItemType] in group 'Microsoft.CodeReviewRequestCategory' and Source.[System.AssignedTo] = #me and Source.[Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateCode] <> '1') and ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') and (Target.[System.WorkItemType] in group 'Microsoft.CodeReviewResponseCategory') ORDER BY [System.CreatedDate] desc"
# get all code review that I you are a reviewer
"query": "SELECT [System.Id], [System.Links.LinkType], [System.Title], [System.State], [System.Reason], [System.AssignedTo] FROM WorkItemLinks WHERE ([Source].[System.TeamProject] = #project AND [Source].[System.WorkItemType] IN GROUP 'Microsoft.CodeReviewRequestCategory' AND [Source].[Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateCode] <> 1) And ([System.Links.LinkType] = 'System.LinkTypes.Hierarchy-Forward') And ([Target].[System.WorkItemType] IN GROUP 'Microsoft.CodeReviewResponseCategory' AND [Target].[System.AssignedTo] = #me) ORDER BY [System.CreatedDate] desc"

How to access data within variable? Error: undefined method

Printing the contents of a variable gives me a bunch of data.
I want to access part of that data, but get an error.
I'm using Viewpoint::EWS and am successfully accessing the data I need.
calendaritems = folder.find_items({:folder_id => folder.folder_id, :calendar_view => {:start_date => sd.rfc3339(), :end_date => ed.rfc3339()}})
calendaritems.each do |event|
Printing the variable "event", I can see the data I need: "date_time_stamp" (or "appointment_reply_time").
However, trying to access using "event.date_time_stamp" (or "event.appointment_reply_time") leads to the error
undefined method `date_time_stamp' for <Viewpoint::EWS::Types::CalendarItem:0x00005622f83c3d38> (NoMethodError)
Here's the code:
calendaritems = folder.find_items({:folder_id => folder.folder_id, :calendar_view => {:start_date => sd.rfc3339(), :end_date => ed.rfc3339()}})
calendaritems.each do |event|
if event.recurring?
puts "#{event.date_time_stamp} | #{(event.start-event.date_time_stamp).to_i} | #{event.organizer.email_address}"
if (event.start-event.date_time_stamp).to_i == reminderDays
I'm looking through recurring appointments for a resource within a week. Since those will be silently dropped after a year, the plan is to set up a system to remind people that this will happen, so they can rebook the resource.
At first I tried using the creation date of the appointment (event.date_time_created), which works as expected, but then noticed, that people can update their appointments, thus resetting the 1 year timer.
That's why I also need the date of the last update.
The debug output you supplied says that event variable has an attribute "ews_item" and then it has a hash with an attribute "date_time_stamp", so try event.ews_item[:date_time_stamp]

Ruby : SoftLayer API : getPendingEvents fails to show many relational properties

I'm trying to make a softlayer API call using Ruby to see upcoming maintenance and the machines that may be effected by the maintenance. I have a few questions but I'm running into an issue seeing many of the relational properties documented here:
Here is my simple program:
require 'rubygems'
require 'softlayer_api'
require 'pp'
client = => user, :api_key => api_key, :timeout => 99999999)
account = client['Account'].object_mask("mask[pendingEventCount]").getObject()
pending_event_count = account["pendingEventCount"]
current_time =
for i in 0..(pending_event_count/30.0).ceil - 1
list_of_pending_events = client['Account'].result_limit(i*30,30).object_mask("mask[id, startDate, endDate, recoveryTime, subject, summary]").getPendingEvents
for x in 0..list_of_pending_events.length - 1
start_time = DateTime.parse(list_of_pending_events[x]['startDate']).to_time.to_i
if start_time > current_time
pp list_of_pending_events[x]
The above works, but if I try to add a relational property to the mask, such as "impactedResources" it will fail saying that property does not belong to SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event. Can someone help explain why this, and many other, relational properties are not valid in the above call?
Also, two quick other questions on this topic:
1) Why do some of the results in getPendingEvents have start AND end times in the past? And why do some have a missing end time altogether? Notice I'm checking if the start time is greater than the current time as there seems to be old maintenance data in the results.
2) Am I taking the right approach for getting upcoming maintenance and figuring out machines that will be impacted? (Using getPendingEvents and then the 'impactedResources' property)
I used your code and I added the "impactedResources" to the object mask and it worked fine. You may be getting the issue, because your API user does not have enough permissions, I recomend you try with the master user.
regarding to your other questions:
1.- When I ran your code I got only 3 events whose startDate is greater than the current time, so it worked fine for me. If you still are getting that issue you can try using objectFilters.
require 'rubygems'
require 'softlayer_api'
require 'pp'
client = => user, :api_key => apikey, :timeout => 99999999)
object_filter =
object_filter.set_criteria_for_key_path('pendingEvents.startDate', 'operation' => 'greaterThanDate',
'options' => [{
'name' => 'date',
'value' => ['9/8/2016']
list_of_pending_events = client['Account'].object_filter(object_filter).object_mask("mask[id, startDate, endDate, recoveryTime, subject, summary]").getPendingEvents
pp list_of_pending_events
2.- Yes, that approach wil work.

Get all open pull requests from an organisation using the Github API Ruby gem

For our organisation's dashboard, I'd like to keep a count of all the open PRs on all our repositories. At the moment, all I've got is to loop through all the repos, and count through all the open PRs on each repo like so (which often results in a rate limit error):
connection = oauth_token: MY_OAUTH_TOKEN
pulls = 0
connection.repos.list(:org => GITHUB_ORGANISATION).each do |repo|
pulls += connection.pull_requests.list(:user => repo['owner']['login'], :repo => repo['name']).count
I know there must be a nicer way round this. Any ideas? (short of screen scraping!)
OK, so I think I've cracked this now. Pull requests are issues, so I can get all issues, and loop through the issues like so:
pulls = 0
issues = connection.issues.list(:org => GITHUB_ORGANISATION, :filter => 'all', :auto_pagination => true)
issues.each do |issue|
if issue["pull_request"]
pulls += 1
Once you remember that pull requests are issues too, everything just falls into place.

Reporting in Microsoft AdCenter (Sandbox) - RoR

I am using AdCenter API for my RoR application. I searched a lot on Internet to find example of ruby code to fetch account performance report using API, But didn't get.. Now I have written following code but submitGenerateReport returns nil
Here is my code.
report_request =
start_date = 10.days.ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
end_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
scope =
scope.accountIds = [AppConfig.adcenter['accountId']]
# Specify the format of the report.
report_request.format = 'Xml'
report_request.returnOnlyCompleteData = false
report_request.language = 'English'
report_request.reportName = "My Account Report"
report_request.aggregation = 'Daily'
report_request.time =, end_date)
report_request.columns = %w[ AccountName AccountName GregorianDate CurrentMaxCpc Impressions Clicks ]
report_request.scope = scope
report_request.filter = nil
report =
# Returns nil
puts response = svc.submitGenerateReport(report)
I have campaigns, adgroups as well as ads in specified account.
Can anyone please guide me where I am wrong or give some example of reporting adcenter through api using ruby?
Thanks in advance
Got the solution...
The time was not in right format so, start time and end time was unrecognisable in soap request. SOAP debugging helped me a lot..
