How do i use SF Symbol icons on macOS - cocoa

I want to add glyhps from the MacOS Catalina icon font into my NSString.
I use the SF Symbols app and the few icons which show a unicode codepoint are easy to embed like normal characters but how do i use the ones where no codepoint is shown (the overwhelming majority).

Ok i found the website
Just upload your SF Symbol font from /Library/Fonts and then the character name contains the unicode hex codepoint.


Chinese character are in different sizes in some apps (Eclipse, Notepad++, MSSQL)

I'm using Windows 10 pro and for some reason when I'm having Chinese character in any coding related program which not allows setting directly a Chinese font, most of the characters shown in a normal way and some in a different and smaller font, everything I tried, including changing font, change encoding, adding Chinese language pack to windows or changing windows to Chinese did not work, can someone try help me to fix it? Thanks!
Characters in Notepad++:
Characters in Eclipse:
The blurriness of the two too small characters 门 and 别 indicates that they are missing in the chosen font and have been replaced by characters of a bitmap/raster font.
Make sure to have a font installed and chosen that contains all the characters you want to use:
门 (U+95E8) font support
别 (U+522B) font support
For example, the font BabelStone Han (download link at the bottom of the page) supports these characters.
In Eclipse, the text editor font can be changed in Window > Preferences: General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts: Basic > Text Font.

Xcode font not printing letters with accent marks correctly

I'm using the font Apple SD Gothic Neo. The letters print fine except when I have one with an accent mark, like ú:
This is not a custom font, and it happens on all font weights. If it makes a difference, I'm pulling the string from Firebase.
Why is this happening and what can I do?
Use a different font.
When a font lacks a glyph, that glyph is substituted from another font, resulting in a typographical mismatch. That’s what’s happening here. You are using a font that is very Unicode-incomplete for Latin alphabet characters. It is intended for Korean! Use a more appropriate font.

Qt font OS X and FontBook

I noticed this problem using Qt libraries, but, to be honest, than I found that is a global OS X issue. I have a music font, say the classic Petrucci.ttf or Marl.ttf... As I put characters using QPainter::drawText() function, I can see only standard letters.
Also this happens using asian fonts or other symbolic fonts. The same Qt code compiled on Windows can render the fonts in a correct way. So, for instance, the letter "a" is a note or a pause, or a clef...
In Mac, letter "a" remains an "a".
The strange thing is that if I open the font in the Font Book, the font is rendered correctly. So I also tried to use it on OpenOffice, Pages or TextEdit. Always on Mac symbolic fonts are rendered normally, typed letters remain letters.
Do you have any suggestions??
OK, one answer I found is to check the entire font map and grab the unicode value of the range of interest. For example, for the font I'm using is 0xf021-0xf0fb, so, you can draw a non text symbol like this:
char c = 0xf021;
QString str = QString( QChar( c ) );
painter.drawText( 10, 10, str );

install Hebrew Font matlab

I am looking for a way to install hebrew fonts in my matlab (R2009b,windows 7). I am not looking for solution to display or read hebrew charecters, but a way to be able to work with hebrew like in english letters (for strings purpusese). the problem that got me here is that I have sound files that their name is in hebrew and I need to read them from matlab. but when I am trying to read the list of files (using ls) I get question marks where the hebrew letters were.
The command listfonts will list all available system fonts. If no Hebrew font appears in the list, then you'll have to install one at the OS level, such as AdobeHebrew (alternatively, Google "free hebrew fonts").
It's possible that the font you're using in Matlab simply doesn't have the Hebrew font glyphs ("characters"). So the missing characters are substituted with '?'. You can "link" a font to another in the GDI by editing the Registry at HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink.
For example: Let's assume your copy of Matlab is using the font Consolas, and you want it to use the font Miriam for glyphs that don't exist in Consolas. To get that to happen, you need to add a String value to the Registry key above. The name of the string must be Consolas and it should have a value of mriamc.ttf. That tells the Windows GDI to render missing glyphs in the font named "Consolas" using the font in the file "mriamc.ttf".

Problem in displaying yen symbol

I am working on a sample application in this application I am displaying “Yen symbol”. But the displayed yen symbol is different from the standard yen symbol. The standard yen symbol contains: Y with 2 horizontal lines at bottom. In my application the displayed yen symbol contains: Y with only one horizontal line at the bottom.
Please help me to solve this problem.
How a character is shown depends on the used font.
I think Windows used the Tahoma font by default in Windows XP. And indeed, the Yen sign contains a single horizontal line in that font.
In Windows 7, it seems the Segoe UI font is used, which uses two horizontal lines in the Yen sign.
Use the CHARMAP application to check how the Yen sign looks in the different fonts, and change the font to that font in your window.
definitely the problem related to fonts
Check which font you are using , if you are using MS Sans Serif than change it to tohoma or times new roman.
