How to count the nodes in a binary tree without using any extra memory - binary-tree

I recently had an interview for a position dealing with extremely large distributed systems, and one of the questions I was asked was to make a function that could count the nodes in a binary tree entirely in place; meaning no recursion, and no queue or stack for an iterative approach.
I don't think I have ever seen a solution that does not use at least one of the above, either when I was in school or after.
I mentioned that having a "parent" pointer would trivialize the problem somewhat but adding even a single simple field to each node in a tree with a million nodes is not trivial in terms of memory cost.
How can this be done?

If an exact solution is required, then the prerequisite of being a binary tree may be a red herring. Each node in the cluster may simply count allocations in the backing collection. Which may be either constant or linear time, depending on whether it has been tracked or not.
If no exact solution was asked for, but the given tree is balanced, then a simple deep probe to determine tree hight, in combination with the placement rules allows to estimate an upper and lower bound for the total node count. Be wary that the probe may have either hit a node with height log2(n) or log2(n) - 1, so your estimate can be up to factor 2 too low or too high. Constant space, O(log(n)) time.
If the placement rules dictate special properties about the bottom most layer (e.g. filled from left to right, not e.g. a red-black-tree), then you may perform log(n) probes in a binary search pattern to find the exact count, in constant space and O(log(n)^2) time.


Promote a node after already lost 2 or more children

In the decrease-key operation of a Fibonacci Heap, if it is allowed to lose s > 1 children before cutting a node and melding it to the root list (promote the node), does this alter the overall runtime complexity? I think there are no changes in the complexity since the change in potential will be the same. But I am not sure if I am right.
And how can this be proved by the amortized analysis?
Changing the number of children that a node in the Fibonacci heap can lose does affect the runtime, but my suspicion is that if you're careful with how you do it you'll still get the same asymptotic runtime.
You're correct that the potential function will be unchanged if you allow each node to lose multiple children before being promoted back up to the root. However, the potential function isn't the source of the Fibonacci heap's efficiency. The reason that we perform cascading cuts (promoting multiple nodes back up to the root level during a decrease-key) is to ensure that a tree that has order n has a number of nodes in it that is exponential in n. That way, when doing a dequeue-min operation and coalescing trees together such that there is at most one tree of each order, the total number of trees required to store all the nodes is logarithmic in the number of nodes. The standard marking scheme ensures that each tree of order n has at least Θ(φn) nodes, where φ is the Golden Ratio (around 1.618...)
If you allow more nodes to be removed out of each tree before promoting them back to the root, my suspicion is that if you cap the number of missing children at some constant that you should still get the same asymptotic time bounds, but probably with a higher constant factor (because each tree holds fewer nodes and therefore more trees will be required). It might be worth writing out the math to see what recurrence relation you get for the number of nodes in each tree in case you want an exact value.
Hope this helps!

Balanced binary trees versus indexed skiplists

Not sure if the question should be here or on programmers (or some other SE site), but I was curious about the relevant differences between balanced binary trees and indexable skiplists. The issue came up in the context of this question. From the wikipedia:
Skip lists are a probabilistic data structure that seem likely to supplant balanced trees as the implementation method of choice for many applications. Skip list algorithms have the same asymptotic expected time bounds as balanced trees and are simpler, faster and use less space.
Don't the space requirements of a skiplist depend on the depth of the hierarchy? And aren't binary trees easier to use, at least for searching (granted, insertion and deletion in balanced BSTs can be tricky)? Are there other advantages/disadvantages to skiplists?
(Some parts of your question (ease of use, simplicity, etc.) are a bit subjective and I'll answer them at the end of this post.)
Let's look at space usage. First, let's suppose that you have a binary search tree with n nodes. What's the total space usage required? Well, each node stores some data plus two pointers. You might also need some amount of information to maintain balance information. This means that the total space usage is
n * (2 * sizeof(pointer) + sizeof(data) + sizeof(balance information))
So let's think about an equivalent skiplist. You are absolutely right that the real amount of memory used by a skiplist depends on the heights of the nodes, but we can talk about the expected amount of space used by a skiplist. Typically, you pick the height of a node in a skiplist by starting at 1, then repeatedly flipping a fair coin, incrementing the height as long as you flip heads and stopping as soon as you flip tails. Given this setup, what is the expected number of pointers inside a skiplist?
An interesting result from probability theory is that if you have a series of independent events with probability p, you need approximately 1 / p trials (on expectation) before that event will occur. In our coin-flipping example, we're flipping a coin until it comes up tails, and since the coin is a fair coin (comes up heads with probability 50%), the expected number of trials necessary before we flip tails is 2. Since that last flip ends the growth, the expected number of times a node grows in a skiplist is 1. Therefore, on expectation, we would expect an average node to have only two pointers in it - one initial pointer and one added pointer. This means that the expected total space usage is
n * (2 * sizeof(pointer) + sizeof(data))
Compare this to the size of a node in a balanced binary search tree. If there is a nonzero amount of space required to store balance information, the skiplist will indeed use (on expectation) less memory than the balanced BST. Note that many types of balanced BSTs (e.g. treaps) require a lot of balance information, while others (red/black trees, AVL trees) have balance information but can hide that information in the low-order bits of its pointers, while others (splay trees) don't have any balance information at all. Therefore, this isn't a guaranteed win, but in many cases it will use space.
As to your other questions about simplicity, ease, etc: that really depends. I personally find the code to look up an element in a BST far easier than the code to do lookups in a skiplist. However, the rotation logic in balanced BSTs is often substantially more complicated than the insertion/deletion logic in a skiplist; try seeing if you can rattle off all possible rotation cases in a red/black tree without consulting a reference, or see if you can remember all the zig/zag versus zag/zag cases from a splay tree. In that sense, it can be a bit easier to memorize the logic for inserting or deleting from a skiplist.
Hope this helps!
And aren't binary trees easier to use, at least for searching
(granted, insertion and deletion in balanced BSTs can be tricky)?
Trees are "more recursive" (trees and subtrees) and SkipLists are "more iterative" (levels in an array). Of course, it depends on implementation, but SkipLists can also be very useful for practical applications.
It's easier to search in trees because you don't have to iterate levels in an array.
Are there other advantages/disadvantages to skiplists?
SkipLists are "easier" to implement. This is a little relative, but it's easier to implement a full-functional SkipList than deletion and balance operations in a BinaryTree.
Trees can be persistent (better for functional programming).
It's easier to delete items from SkipLists than internal nodes in a binary tree.
It's easier to add items to binary trees (keeping the balance is another issue)
Binary Trees are deterministic, so it's easier to study and analyze them.
My tip: If you have time, you must use a Balanced Binary Tree. If you have little time, use a Skip List. If you have no time, use a Library.
Something not mentioned so far is that skip lists can be advantageous for concurrent operations. If you read the source of ConcurrentSkipListMap, authored by Doug Lea... dig into the comments. It mentions:
there are no known efficient lock-free insertion and deletion algorithms for search trees. The immutability of the "down" links of index nodes (as opposed to mutable "left" fields in true trees) makes this tractable using only CAS operations.
You're right that this isn't the perfect forum.
The comment you quoted was written by the author of the original skip list paper: not exactly an unbiased assertion. It's been 23 years, and red-black trees still seem to be more prevalent than skip lists. An exception is redis key-value pair database, which includes skip lists as one option among its data structures.
Skip lists are very cool. But the only space advantage I've been able to show in the general randomized case is no need to store balance flags: two bits per value. This is assuming the hierarchy is dense enough to replicate binary tree performance. You can chalk this up as the price of determinism (vice. randomization). A nice feature of SL's is you can use less dense hierarchies to trade constant factors of speed for space.
Side note: it's not often discussed that if you don't need to traverse in sorted order, you can randomize unbalanced binary trees by just enciphering the keys (i.e. mapping to a pseudo-random cipher text with something very simple like RC4). Such trees are absolutely trivial to implement.

What are some of the uses of maxDepth for a binary search tree?

I have been thinking about what some of the reasons for finding the maximum depth of a binary search tree are, and also what the best uses of the function would be.
So far, a reason I have thought of for implementing it is to maintain the data structure's efficiency. If the maximum depth path became considerably longer than the other possible paths, especially compared to the minimum depth path, there may be a much more noticeable hit on performance when traversing through that path, especially considering that a recursive call uses a good amount of memory.
What other reasons are there for a maximum depth function? Thanks in advance for reading my question and responding.
This is like asking how addition can be used in real life...
This really depends on the problem that the maxDepth operation is applied to. For instance, the max depth might be worthwhile for estimating the maximum number of elements that can exist inside of the tree. This might be a quick shortcut for allocating memory.
In a prefix tree, finding the maxDepth would give you the length of longest word. If the tree represent your ancestral tree, finding maxDepth would give you the total number of ancestors. This list goes on and on...

Backtracking Algorithm

How weigth order affects the computing cost in a backtracking algorithm? The number of nodes and search trees are the same but when it's non-ordered it tooks a more time, so it's doing something.
Sometimes in backtracking algorithms, when you know a certain branch is not an answer - you can trim it. This is very common with agents for games, and is called Alpha Beta Prunning.
Thus - when you reorder the visited nodes, you can increase your prunning rate and thus decrease the actual number of nodes you visit, without affecting the correctness of your answer.
One more possibility - if there is no prunning is cache performance. Sometimes trees are stored as array [especially complete trees]. Arrays are most efficient when iterating, and not "jumping randomly". The reorder might change this behavior, resulting in better/worse cache behavior.
The essence of backtracking is precisely not looking at all possibilities or nodes (in this case), however, if the nodes are not ordered it is impossible for the algorithm to "prune" a possible branch because it is not known with certainty if the element Is actually on that branch.
Unlike when it is an ordered tree since if the searched element is greater / smaller the root of that subtree, the searched element is to the right or left respectively. That is why if the tree is not ordered the computational order is equal to brute force, however, if the tree is ordered in the worst case order is equivalent to brute force, but the order of execution is smaller.

Fast Algorithm to Quickly Find the Range a Number Belongs to in a Set of Ranges?

The Scenario
I have several number ranges. Those ranges are not overlapping - as they are not overlapping, the logical consequence is that no number can be part of more than one range at any time. Each range is continuously (there are no holes within a single range, so a range 8 to 16 will really contain all numbers between 8 and 16), but there can be holes between two ranges (e.g. range starts at 64 and goes to 128, next range starts at 256 and goes to 384), so some numbers may not belong to any range at all (numbers 129 to 255 would not belong to any range in this example).
The Problem
I'm getting a number and need to know to which range the number belongs to... if it belongs to any range at all. Otherwise I need to know that it does not belong to any range. Of course speed is important; I can not simply check all the ranges which would be O(n), as there might be thousands of ranges.
Simple Solutions
A simple solution was keeping all numbers in a sorted array and run a binary search on it. That would give me at least O(log n). Of course the binary search must be somewhat modified as it must always check against the smallest and biggest number of a range. If the number to look for is in between, we have found the correct range, otherwise we must search ranges below or above the current one. If there is only one range left in the end and the number is not within that range, the number is within no range at all and we can return a "not found" result.
Ranges could also be chained together in some kind of tree structure. This is basically like a sorted list with binary search. The advantage is that it will be faster to modify a tree than a sorted array (adding/removing range), but unlike we waste some extra time on keeping the tree balanced, the tree might get very unbalanced over the time and that will lead to much slower searches than a binary search on a sorted array.
One can argue which solution is better or worse as in practice the number of searches and modification operations will be almost balanced (there will be an equal number of searches and add/remove operations performed per second).
Is there maybe a better data structure than a sorted list or a tree for this kind of problem? Maybe one that could be even better than O(log n) in best case and O(log n) in worst case?
Some additional information that might help here is the following: All ranges always start and end at multiple of a power of two. They always all start and end at the same power of two (e.g. they all start/end at a multiple of 4 or at a multiple of 8 or at a multiple of 16 and so on). The power of two cannot change during run time. Before the first range is added, the power of two must be set and all ranges ever added must start/end at a multiple of this value till the application terminates. I think this can be used for optimization, as if they all start at a multiple of e.g. 8, I can ignore the first 3 bits for all comparison operations, the other bits alone will tell me the range if any.
I read about section and ranges trees. Are these optimal solutions to the problem? Are there possibly better solutions? The problem sounds similar to what a malloc implementation must do (e.g. every free'd memory block belongs to a range of available memory and the malloc implementation must find out to which one), so how do those commonly solve the issue?
After running various benchmarks, I came to the conclusion that only a tree like structure can work here. A sorted list shows of course good lookup performance - O(log n) - but it shows horribly update performance (inserts and removals are slower by more than the factor 10 compared to trees!).
A balanced binary tree also has O(log n) lookup performance, however it is much faster to update, also around O(log n), while a sorted list is more like O(n) for updates (O(log n) to find the position for insert or the element to delete, but then up to n elements must be moved within the list and this is O(n)).
I implemented an AVL tree, a red-black tree, a Treap, an AA-Tree and various variations of B-Trees (B means Bayer Tree here, not Binary). Result: Bayer trees almost never win. Their lookup is good, but their update performance is bad (as within each node of a B-Tree you have a sorted list again!). Bayer trees are only superior in cases where reading/writing a node is a very slow operation (e.g. when the nodes are directly read or written from/to hard disk) - as a B-Tree must read/write much less nodes than any other tree, so in such a case it will win. If we are having the tree in memory though, it stands no chance against other trees, sorry for all the B-Tree fans out there.
A Treap was easiest to implement (less than half the lines of code you need for other balanced trees, only twice the code you need for an unbalanced tree) and shows good average performance for lookups and updates... but we can do better than that.
An AA-Tree shows amazing good lookup performance - I have no idea why. They sometimes beat all other trees (not by far, but still enough to not be coincident)... and the removal performance is okay, however unless I'm too stupid to implement them correctly, the insert performance is really bad (it performs much more tree rotations on every insert than any other tree - even B-Trees have faster insert performance).
This leaves us with two classics, AVL and RB-Tree. They are both pretty similar but after hours of benchmarking, one thing is clear: AVL Trees definitely have better lookup performance than RB-Trees. The difference is not gigantic, but in 2/3 out of all benchmarks they will win the lookup test. Not too surprising, after all AVL Trees are more strictly balanced than RB-Trees, so they are closer to the optimal binary tree in most cases. We are not talking about a huge difference here, it is always a close race.
On the other hand RB Trees beat AVL Trees for inserts in almost all test runs and that is not such a close race. As before, that is expected. Being less strictly balanced RB Trees perform much less tree rotations on inserts compared to AVL Trees.
How about removal of nodes? Here it seems to depend a lot on the number of nodes. For small node numbers (everything less than half a million) RB Trees again own AVL Trees; the difference is even bigger than for inserts. Rather unexpected is that once the node number grows beyond a million nodes AVL Trees seems to catch up and the difference to RB Trees shrinks until they are more or less equally fast. This could be an effect of the system, though. It could have to do with memory usage of the process or CPU caching or the like. Something that has a more negative effect on RB Trees than it has on AVL Trees and thus AVL Trees can catch up. The same effect is not observed for lookups (AVL usually faster, regardless how many nodes) and inserts (RB usually faster, regardless how many nodes).
I think the fastest I can get is when using RB-Trees, since the number of lookups will only be somewhat higher than the number of inserts and deletions and no matter how fast AVL is on lookups, the overall performance will suffer from their worse insert/deletion performance.
That is, unless anyone here may come up with a much better data structure that will own RB Trees big time ;-)
Create a sorted list and sort by the lower margin / start. That's easiest to implement and fast enough unless you have millions of ranges (and maybe even then).
When looking for a range, find the range where start <= position. You can use a binary search here since the list is sorted. The number is in the range if position <= end.
Since the end of any range is guaranteed to be smaller than start of the next range, you don't need to care about the end until you have found a range where the position might be contained.
All other data structures become interesting when you get intersections or you have a whole lot of ranges and when you build the structure one and query often.
A balanced, sorted tree with ranges on each node seems to be the answer.
I can't prove it's optimal, but if I were you I wouldn't look any further.
If the total range of numbers is low, and you have enough memory, you could create a huge table with all the numbers.
For example, if you have one million of numbers, you can create a table that references the range object.
As an alternative to O(log n) balanced binary search trees (BST), you could consider building a bitwise (compressed) trie. I.e. a prefix tree on the bits of the numbers you're storing.
This gives you O(w)-search, insert and delete performance; where w = number of bits (e.g. 32 or 64 minus whatever power of 2 your ranges were based on).
Not saying that it'll perform better or worse, but it seems like a true alternative in the sense it is different from BST but still has good theoretic performance and allows for predecessor queries just like BST.
