How to switch view by locale in Laravel 6? - laravel

I'd like to use different views for different locale in Laravel 6 instead of translate phrase by phrase.
Is there some mechanism or package that allows to do it?
Otherwhise how could I write my views and controllers such that it would be done cleanly and relaiably?
Thanks in advance

Order your views into language maps (e.g. the English view for "test" as en\test.blade.php, the French view fr\test.blade.php)
Then use a locale variable from your route to determine the view that is returned.
For example: Route::get('{locale}/test', 'SomeController#test');
public function test($locale)
return view($locale.'test');


Laravel create related Model view, pass prefilled value

i am implementing a backoffice system with many Models and Relations.
Now im stuck with my UI Stragegy:
Lets assume i have Houses and Rooms. One House has many Rooms.
I have created controllers for both Models the "Laravel" way.(Resource Controllers)
So i have routes for both of them
What i want to implement sounds simple:
I want an Button inside the Detail View of a House ("Create Room for this House") which redirects me to "room/create" but in the create view i want to set the value for "house_id" to the id of the House i am comming from. So i can normaly use the store method in the RoomController and then redirect back to the house.
I want a general way because i must use this function on many Models/Views. I am thinking about a session variable but i think eventually has someone a better way for generally handling such cases? Or a better idea for UI Handling?
Apparently, Laravel removed some of their awesome documentation for version 5.6, being nested resource controllers.
What you could do, is use nested routes.
Let's assume your current controllers are set up the following way:
Route::resource('houses', 'HouseController');
Route::resource('rooms', 'RoomController');
If you change this part to the following:
Route::resource('houses', 'HouseController');
Route::resource('houses.rooms', 'RoomController');
This couples every room to a house and is really easy to manage. It gives you URL's like houses/4/rooms/create, which gives you a house_id in your create method instantly:
public function create($houseId)
return view('houses.rooms.create', ['houseId' => $houseId]);
If you want to edit a room, it is exactly the same:
public function edit($houseId, $roomId)
The Laravel 5.1 documentation still has an example of this technique.
To do this, i would suggest the following way (there might be other ways also)
Change Route:
Add <a> tag in house_view.blade.php file.
Create Room for this House
Room Controller file.
public function formCreate($house_id)
return view('form.room_create', ['house_id' => $house_id]);
Add type hidden <input> tag in room_create.blade.php file
<input type="hidden" id="house_id" name="house_id" value="{{$house_id or ''}}">

Consistency in Laravel localization

I have a laravel appication that I am building. I am building a multi language application which would have french and spanish and its url would be for french for spanish for english which is the main one
But I am very confused as to how I should go about maintaining the consistency from one url to another within the same language i.e. when I click on a link which is under french, what should be returned should still be french. e.g:
from to to which would be maintaing same language path to to for spanish to to for english
Also when I change from e.g. french to english the page must be consistent e.g. to in french to english
What are the steps I should take? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
To maintain this you can follow the below steps :
At change point of language at your website ( eg. Change language from dropdown ) , store selected value in session and then your page should be reload
Then you have to create one middelware to manage the localization.
You just have to simply write few line of code in handle method of the Middleware.
$lang = Session::get("language");
Thats it, this will manage your consistency.
You should add this group for all your route
Route::group(['middlewareGroups' => 'web', 'prefix' => '{local}'], function () {
and then make middleware where you catch the local and then :
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
And apply it by adding it in your $middleware array located in the Http/kernel.php file

codeigniter_i18n multi language

I already read and follow the instruction from this link codeigniter_i18 multilanguage and it's works, but I have a little problem here, I don't know maybe at the routes config or the scripts.
for the example, this is en default language in index of the site, but if I want to change different language for the instance dutch, so how to implement that I can get the url like this
thanks in advance
Using it in the path like actually makes things a lot more complicated, because you ALWAYS need the first segment to be a country code (so you need to use /en for English)
An easier method to consider is to set a session variable when they select a language, and do it "in the background":
In your MY_Controller:
public function __construct()
$lang_code = ($this->session->userdata('lang_code'))? $this->session->userdata('lang_code'):'english';
$this->lang->load('project_launch', $lang_code);
$this->lang->load('project_launch_template', $lang_code);
$this->lang->load('project_launch_uploader', $lang_code);
function lang_select(){
$lang_code = $this->input->post('lang_code');
$this->session->set_userdata('lang_code', $lang_code );
and have your language selector (dropdown, little flags, whatever) call lang_select() to change the language & set the session variable; the construct will check the language each page load and load the appropriate language files

CodeIgniter 2 and usage of $this->

I'm using CodeIgniter 2 and have installed Ion Auth and also the News tutorial that comes with CodeIgniter.
In the News Controller, the element for the page title is written like this...
$data['title'] = 'Page Title';
However, in the Ion Auth Controller, the element for the page title is written like this...
$this->data['title'] = 'Page Title';
They both seem to work equally well, so can anyone explain the difference(s)? Maybe Ion Auth was written for an older version of CodeIgniter? Is there any practical reason why I'd want to use one over the other? Please link to sources as needed.
I guess it's the author's preference. He likes to use a class property to store the view's data. It allows him to share it across methods. If you look at the author's other projects (Source 1, 2, 3), you can see two examples (source 1 & 2 goes together).
On a side note, for your project, this could allow you to extend the Auth controller with more view data.
class MY_Auth extends Auth {
function __construct()
function index()
$this->data['foo'] = 'bar';
That would allow you to use the $foo variable to your authentication view. (/auth/index in this case.)
In my own projects, I like to use a protected property for my view's data. It does give you much more freedom than a local variable. You don't need to pass the view's data as an argument all the time and you can easily extend your controllers afterward.
Hope this helps!
if you are going to use this $this->data it means you can access $this->data through out the class methods. On the other hand if you are using $data it is only available for the current scope or method and if you need data some where else then you will have to pass it as parameters to the other methods.
Adding $this on the data variable, makes it to be accessible through the class.
I believe the $data or $this->data is only used for "View". It will be passed from the "Controller" to the "View", so we can access that variable through the "View".
So, there will be no differences on the "View" side.

SEO-friendly URLs in CodeIgniter without the use of slugs?

Is there a way (via routing) in CodeIgniter to change: to
where Foo Bar is the name of category 4 in the database?
Access from the SEO-friendly URL should be allowed, but access via the integer should cause a 404 error.
This should also work dynamically, where any integer is automatically converted to a URL-safe version of its corresponding category name.
I've seen a few solutions that use 'slugs'... is there a decent alternative?
I've only been working with CodeIgniter for the past couple of months in my spare time, so I'm still learning, but I'll take a shot at this (be gentle):
There is a url_title() function in the URL Helper (which will need loaded, of course) that will change Foo Bar to foo-bar.
$name = 'Foo Bar';
$seo_name = url_title($name, TRUE);
// Produces: foo-bar
The URL helper strips illegal characters and throws in the hyphens by default (underscores, by parameter) and the TRUE parameter will lowercase everything.
To solve your problem, I suppose you could either do a foreach statement in your routes.php file or pass the url_title() value to the URL, rather than the ID, and modify your code to match the url_title() value with its category name in the DB.
Afaik the link between 4 and "foo-bar" has to be stored in the DB, so you'll have to run some queries. This is usually not done via routing in CI. Also routing just points a URL to a controller and function and has little to do with url rewriting.
Why don't you want to use slugs?
You could try storing the search engine friendly route in the database using this method or this one.
I wouldn't recommend throwing a 404. Use the canonical link tag in the instead if your worried about Google indexing both
But if you really want to I guess you could write a function that is called during the pre_controller hook that checks to see if the URL has an integer as the second segment then call the show_404() method. Perhaps a better solution when writing this function would be to redirect to the SEO friendly version.
Is there a way (via routing) in CodeIgniter to change: to
where Foo Bar is the name of category 4 in the database?
Using CI 3,
Use Callbacks, PHP >= 5.3
$route['products/([a-zA-Z]+)/edit/(\d+)'] = function ($product_type, $id)
return 'catalog/product_edit/' . strtolower($product_type) . '/' . $id;
You can route to call a function to extract the name of the category.
Hope I answered your question and can help more people to like codeigniter as I believe it's speedy and light.
Slugs usage is important to make web application more secure which i think is important.
A better recommendation will be to use route to give you a better solution.
$route['(:any)/method/(:num)'] = 'Class/method';
$route['(:any)/method/(:num)'] = 'Class/method/$1';
$route['(:any)/gallery/(:num)'] = 'Class/gallery/$1';
how to modify routes in codeigniter
Have fun :)
