Any reason why a model's fields not updating despite an update call? - laravel

In Laravel 5.3 I am, using Model events to take certain actions. For the most part, things are working fine, just one place in the program flow where data is not updating.
Here is the whole story:
I have a database structure with courses and weeks. So Course 1 with Week1, Week2, etc.
Then to repeat a given course I also have courseinstance and weekinstance which contain date info for given instances of courses and weeks.
I am using Angular in the backend to handle CRUD, and when I create a course it automatically creates a courseinstance where a start_date and end_date are null.
The code for that in the course API controller is
$thiscourse= \App\Courses::create(Input::all());
After that the course model executes this:
public static function boot() {
static::created(function($course) {
// add first instance of this course - dates will be null at this point
$instance = new Coursesinstance;
$instance->course_id = $course->id;
That is successful. Then in my backend, I add a week to the course (which is for descriptive data about the week's topic) and that creates a first instance of the week where there are a start and end date. In the API week controller first we have this:
$week = \App\Week::create(Input::all());
Then that triggers create event on the model and we go to:
static::created(function($week) {
// add first instance of this week
$instance = new Weekinstance;
$instance->week_id = $week->id;
$instance->weekstart = $week->weekstart;
$instance->zoomstart = $week->zoomstart;
$coursesinstance_id = DB::table('coursesinstance')
->where('course_id', $week->courses->id)
$instance->coursesinstance_id = $coursesinstance_id->id;
This is a success, things looking fine in the database, all relationships proper, various id's just as they should be.
Now since a new week instance is created, we go to this in the Weekinstance model so that I can look at all weeks in the instance and update the course instance start and end dates.
static::created(function($weekinstance) {
// get all week instances corresponding to this course instance
$weekinstances = DB::table('weekinstance')
->where('coursesinstance_id', $weekinstance->coursesinstance_id)
foreach ($weekinstance as $instance)
$weekstart = $instance->weekstart;
$dates = array_map('strtotime', $weekstarts);
$startdate = min($dates);
$enddate = strtotime("+7 day", max($dates));
// update start and end date for the course instance
$result = \App\Coursesinstance::where('id', $weekinstance->coursesinstance_id)
'start_date' => $startdate,
'end_date' => $enddate
And here is where things break down. The week is successfully created, the weekinstance is created, but the update call above just doesn't set the start_date and end_date of the courseinstance.
I have ran in a debugger, and at the moment of the update, all seems well. A $startdate and $enddate variable are created as timestamps, the where clause is indeed returning the course instance, the return result is a 1, so Laravel is not returning any errors, and in log file no issues. start_date and end_date are fillable on the model. Everything truly looks normal.

The date fields are are stored as TIMESTAMP in MySQL. It does not accept Unix timestamp's as an argument. So you must convert the timestamp's into the correct format, before updating. One way to do this:
'start_date' => Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp($startdate),
'end_date' => Carbon\Carbon::createFromTimestamp($enddate)

Ok, after spending so much time on this I finally realized the problem is that I was passing my timestamp values directly to the query builder. Little did I know that MYSQL expects a timestamp as a date string. I thought the data type datetime was meant for strings and that a timestamp, as name suggests, could be used for an actual timestamp. Crazy thinking, I know.
So here is how I had to create the "timestamps":
$startdate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',min($dates));
$enddate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime("+7 day", max($dates)));
So in other words, 180 degrees away from what I would consider logical based on definition of a timestamp.


Show list of registered users base on current month using laravel

Im new to laravel and im tryin to learn the fundamentals of it. My question is how can I display all the registered users that is registered only on the current month.
$from = now()->startOfMonth(); // first date of the current month
$to = now();
$usersRegisteredThisMonth = User::whereBetween('created_at', [$from, $to])->get();
There is a simple way of doing it.
Just use this code
User::whereMonth('created_at', now()->month) // checking if the month of created_at is current month
->whereYear('created_at', now()->year) // checking if the year of created_at is current year
This line will give you Users from current month.
Nobody explained that these queries might be put in user model with local scope scopeWith magic method. I assume you read docs from top to bottom.
Simple example:
public function scopeRegisteredLastMonth($query){ return $query->whereBetween... }
Laravel Local Scope
You can specyficy additional arguments for this method.
The final call in controller will look like this:
$lastMonthUsers = User::registeredLastMonth()->get();
This function should be set to something like 'public function withRegisteredBetween($query, $date_start, $date_end) and return query based on date range.
PS: Don't use DB:: when you can use Model::method() or Model::query()->method()
PS2: for date management I advise you to install carbon, it's an additional addon - sometimes it's easy, sometimes not, overall not bad.
You could use the users table with a whereBetween clause like this:
$from = date('2022-01-05 00:00:00');
$to = date('2022-31-05 00:00:00');
$usersRegisteredThisMonth = DB::table('users')->
whereBetween('created_at', [$from, $to])->get();

Manual function inside query?

Is there any way to put a manual function inside a query in Laravel.
I've timestamp saved in string in DB. I want to convert timestamp from one timezone to another. All the timestamp is inserted in one time zone, and depending upon my user I fetch the timestamp and convert it into their timezone.
what I want to achieve is something like this..
$query = BlogCategory::select('merchant_id', userTime(added_at))
->where('site_id', $site_id)
userTime() function takes two parameter, the timestamp and the timezone and converts the timsestamp to time of the user.
I want to use userTime() function before fetching the data. I dont want to fetch the data first and then do foreach and so on.
I know I might be absolutely absurd but is there anything of this sort in Laravel?
Well you can achieved that using collection map
$query = BlogCategory::select('merchant_id', 'added_at')
->where('site_id', $site_id)
$dateAdded = $query->map(function ($data) {
// try this if error $data['merchant_id']
return array(
'merchant_id' => $data->merchant_id,
'added_at' => $this->userTime($data->added_at)
Read Collection documentation here:
You should use the selectRaw statement and let your DB do this logic for you if you don't want to loop over the result set.
For example if your underlying database is MySQL you can use the CONVERT_TIMEZONE function and do something like this.
BlogCategory::selectRaw('merchant_id, CONVERT_TZ(added_at, "GMT", "MET") as added_at')
->where('site_id', $site_id)

How to add minutes to to a date in laravel

There are few ways that I can do this using PHP but I could not find a way to do that using laravel specific way.
I have a time that is coming from database in below format: Y:M:s
ex: 05:15:00
This is what I want to do:
add 30 minutes to that date, according to above example result should be: 05:45:00
Below is my current code and I want to add 30min to $endTime:
//get database value according to selected date
$allocatedDateQuery = DB::table('appointments')->where('date', $request->date)->get();
//loop throug every record to get time
foreach ($allocatedDateQuery as $value) {
$time = $value->time;
$endTime = $time;
I just got a perfect solution from here.
Use Carbon extention to simply acheive that.
What you have to do is parse your time to Carbon object and then you can use addMinutes() to do that and then you can format() if you want:
foreach ($allocatedDateQuery as $value) {
$time = Carbon::parse($value->time);
$endTime = $time->addMinutes(30);
$allocateValidateMessage .= Carbon::parse($value->time)->format('H:i') . ' - ' . $endTime->format('H:i') . ' ';
Usually I use php's date, you can give this a try
Date("Y:M:s", strtotime("30 minutes", strtotime($value->time))
That is converting your time into a string, adding 30minutes to it and converting it to the date format of your desire
Since you said you are grabbing the date from the database I am assuming you are also using Eloquent to query from the database.
You can use Eloquent Mutator Method in your Database Modal Class to mutate the data like this:
public function getAppointmentsAttribute($value) {
return Date("Y:M:s", strtotime("30 minutes", strtotime($value->time)));
You can even add another attribute without mutating the original value using Attribute assignments as well. This method caches your query and reduces database calls. Since you do not need to run local loops on the record your code is much cleaner.

Laravel query for showing records starting soonest but not records where date has passed

I'm a little new so I only know the basics. I have a course table where it has the start_date of a course (timestamp) and I would like to show the courses starting closes to the current date but not courses that have passed (e.g yesterdays courses).
I also need to not do this with a scope.
My model is App\Course. My current code is
$course = Course::latest()->take(6)->get());
Could anyone help? Thanks!
Try this:
$course = Course::where('start_date', '>', Carbon::now())->orderBy('start_date', 'desc')->take(6)->get());
It will work if you'll add start_date to a $dates variable.

how to select one month back records from data base in laravel

how select one month back records from current date from database in laravel. I am trying this code.
This is controller code.
class LoginHistoryController extends Controller {
public function index()
$login_history = LoginHistory::where('login_date','BETWEEN', '(CURDATE() -
but i am getting error.
I will have a approach something like this. First I will calculate the date like
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$date = date_create($today);
date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("30 days"));
$beforeOneMonth = date_format($date, "Y-m-d");
You should have the intended value in $beforeOneMonth by now. Now you can compare it in anyway you like whether you use IN operator or >=. For eg.
$login_history = LoginHistory::where('login_date','>=', $beforeOneMonth)->get();
Give it a try. If you are storing date in some other format, you can do your own tricks to format the date and do the thing
Another way to do it would be with whereRaw:
$login_history = LoginHistory::whereRaw(
Note that whereRaw has the side effect of making your code less portable since you're using SQL that might be specific to your database server. But sometimes you just can't do what you would like using the query builder.
