Efficient algorithm for finding the right elements combinations - algorithm

The problem is the following:
1) Total load is given as input
2) Number of steps over which the load is divided is also given as input
3) Each step can have different discrete number of elements, which is multiple of 3 for example (i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 elements ...).
4) Elements are given as input.
5) Acceptable solutions are within a certain range "EPSILON" from the total load (equal to total load or greater but within certain margin, for example up to +2)
Total load: 50
Number of steps: 4
Allowed elements that can be used are: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3, 4
Acceptable margin: +2 (i.e. total load between 50 and 52).
Example of solutions are:
For simplicity here, each step has uniform elements, although we can have different elements in the same step (but should be grouped into 3, i.e. we can have 3 elements of 1, and 3 other elements of 2, in the same step, so total of 9).
Solution 1: total of 51
Step 1: 3 Elements of 4 (So total of 12), (this step can be for example 3 elements of 3, and 3 elements of 1, i.e. 3 x 3 + 3 x 1).
Step 2: 3 Elements of 4 (total of 12),
Step 3: 9 Elements of 1.5 (total of 13.5),
Step 4: 9 Elements of 1.5 (total of 13.5),
Solution 2: total of 51
Step 1: 3 Elements of 4 (total of 12)
Step 2: 3 Elements of 4 (total of 12)
Step 3: 6 Elements of 2 (total of 12)
Step 4: 15 Elements of 1 (total of 15)
The code that I used takes the above input, and writes another code depending on the number of steps.
The second code basically loops over the number of steps (loops inside each other's) and checks for all the possible elements combinations.
Example of loops for 2 steps solution:
For NumberofElementsA = 3 To 18 Step 3
'''''18 here is the maximum number of elements per step, since I cannot let it go to infinity, so I need to define a maximum for elemnt
For NumberofElementsB = 3 To 18 Step 3
For AllowedElementsA = 1 To 6
For AllowedElementsB = AllowedElementsA To 6
''''Allowed elements in this example were 6: [0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3, 4]
LoadDifference = -TotalLoad + NumberofElementsA * ElementsArray(AllowedElementsA) + NumberofElementsB * ElementsArray(AllowedElementsB)
''''basically it just multiplies the number of elements (here 3, 6, 9, ... to 18) to the value of the element (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.5, 3, 4) in each loop and subtracts the total load.
If LoadDifference <= 2 And LoadDifference >= 0
'''Solution OK
End If
Next AllowedElementsB
Next AllowedElementsA
Next NumberofElementsB
Next NumberofElementsA
So basically the code loops over all the possible number of elements and possible elements values, and checks each result.
Is there an algorithm that solves in a more efficient way the above problem ? Other than looping over all possible outcomes.

Since you're restricted to groups of 3, this transforms immediately to a problem with all weights tripled:
1.5, 3, 4.5, 7.5, 9, 12
Your range is a target value +2, or within 1 either way from the midpoint of that range (51 +- 1).
Since you've listed no requirement on balancing step loads, this is now an instance of the target sum problem -- with a little processing before and after the central solution.


Convert the permutation sequence A to B by selecting a set in A then reversing that set and inserting that set at the beginning of A

Given the sequence A and B consisting of N numbers that are permutations of 1,2,3,...,N. At each step, you choose a set S in sequence A in order from left to right (the numbers selected will be removed from A), then reverse S and add all elements in S to the beginning of the sequence A. Find a way to transform A into B in log2(n) steps.
Input: N <= 10^4 (number of elements of sequence A, B) and 2 permutations sequence A, B.
Output: K (Number of steps to convert A to B). The next K lines are the set of numbers S selected at each step.
5 // N
5 4 3 2 1 // A sequence
2 5 1 3 4 // B sequence
4 3 1
5 2
Step 0: S = {}, A = {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
Step 1: S = {4, 3, 1}, A = {5, 2}. Then reverse S => S = {1, 3, 4}. Insert S to beginning of A => A = {1, 3, 4, 5, 2}
Step 2: S = {5, 2}, A = {1, 3, 4}. Then reverse S => S = {2, 5}. Insert S to beginning of A => A = {2, 5, 1, 3, 4}
My solution is to use backtracking to consider all possible choices of S in log2(n) steps. However, N is too large so is there a better approach? Thank you.
For each operation of combined selecting/removing/prepending, you're effectively sorting the elements relative to a "pivot", and preserving order. With this in mind, you can repeatedly "sort" the items in backwards order (by that I mean, you sort on the most significant bit last), to achieve a true sort.
For an explicit example, lets take an example sequence 7 3 1 8. Rewrite the terms with their respective positions in the final sorted list (which would be 1 3 7 8), to get 2 1 0 3.
7 -> 2 // 7 is at index 2 in the sorted array
3 -> 1 // 3 is at index 0 in the sorted array
1 -> 0 // so on
8 -> 3
This new array is equivalent to the original- we are just using indices to refer to the values indirectly (if you squint hard enough, we're kinda rewriting the unsorted list as pointers to the sorted list, rather than values).
Now, lets write these new values in binary:
2 10
1 01
0 00
3 11
If we were to sort this list, we'd first sort by the MSB (most significant bit) and then tiebreak only where necessary on the subsequent bit(s) until we're at the LSB (least significant bit). Equivalently, we can sort by the LSB first, and then sort all values on the next most significant bit, and continuing in this fashion until we're at the MSB. This will work, and correctly sort the list, as long as the sort is stable, that is- it doesn't change the order of elements that are considered equal.
Let's work this out by example: if we sorted these by the LSB, we'd get
2 10
0 00
1 01
3 11
-and then following that up with a sort on the MSB (but no tie-breaking logic this time), we'd get:
0 00
1 01
2 10
3 11
-which is the correct, sorted result.
Remember the "pivot" sorting note at the beginning? This is where we use that insight. We're going to take this transformed list 2 1 0 3, and sort it bit by bit, from the LSB to the MSB, with no tie-breaking. And to do so, we're going to pivot on the criteria <= 0.
This is effectively what we just did in our last example, so in the name of space I won't write it out again, but have a look again at what we did in each step. We took the elements with the bits we were checking that were equal to 0, and moved them to the beginning. First, we moved 2 (10) and 0 (00) to the beginning, and then the next iteration we moved 0 (00) and 1 (01) to the beginning. This is exactly what operation your challenge permits you to do.
Additionally, because our numbers are reduced to their indices, the max value is len(array)-1, and the number of bits is log2() of that, so overall we'll only need to do log2(n) steps, just as your problem statement asks.
Now, what does this look like in actual code?
from itertools import product
from math import log2, ceil
nums = [5, 9, 1, 3, 2, 7]
size = ceil(log2(len(nums)-1))
bit_table = list(product([0, 1], repeat=size))
idx_table = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(sorted(nums))}
for bit_idx in range(size)[::-1]:
subset_vals = [x for x in nums if bit_table[idx_table[x]][bit_idx] == 0]
nums.sort(key=lambda x: bit_table[idx_table[x]][bit_idx])
print(" ".join(map(str, subset_vals)))
You can of course use bitwise operators to accomplish the bit magic ((thing << bit_idx) & 1) if you want, and you could del slices of the list + prepend instead of .sort()ing, this is just a proof-of-concept to show that it actually works. The actual output being:
1 3 7
1 7 9 2
1 2 3 5

Adding numbers with different priorities into a total value that does not exceed the allowable

Suppose we have an array of numbers, each number has its own priority and price, the price is the value of the number, how to calculate the sum of a set of these numbers in decreasing order of priority so that the sum does not exceed the allowable one, please tell me at least the name of the algorithm with which it is can be done. Example: there are numbers 2, 3, 9 with priorities 3, 1, 2, respectively. The constraint is 4, therefore the number 9 is cut off immediately, since 9> 4, 2 and 3 we cannot add together, since 5> 3, therefore the choice of 2 numbers is 2 and 3, but since the number 2 has a higher priority, we add only his, this algorithm should work with any number of numbers.
It seems that you are looking for a greedy algorithm:
Order By priority
Scan this ordered collection from the beginning while
Adding item if total meets the constrait(s), skipping if constraint is broken.
In your case:
2, 3, 9 with priorities 3, 1, 2 and a constraint total <= 4
After ordering we have
2, 9, 3
then we scan:
2 take (total == 2 meets the constraint)
9 skip (total == 2 + 9 == 11 > 4 doesn't meet the constraint)
3 skip (total == 2 + 3 == 5 > 4 doesn't meet the constraint)
So far we should take the only 2 item.
Edit: you've dropped 9 since 9 > 4 and that's why 9 can't be in the solution. This process (when we drop items or, on the contrary, take items which are guaranteed to be in the solution) is called Kernelization
In general case when you can skip high priority item in order to take, say, ten low priority items you have Knapsack problem

Get permutation count

I searching for an algorithm which gives me the permutation count of the elements 1....n. If i define the cycle lengths.
For example n := 4
<Set of cycle lengths> -> permutation count
1,1,1,1 -> 1 read 4 cycles of length 1 leads to 1 permutation: 1,2,3,4
1,1,2 -> 5 read 2 cycles of length 1 and 1 cycle of length 2 leads to 5 permutations: 1,2,4,3, 1,4,3,2, 1,3,2,4, 2,1,3,4, 3,2,1,4,
2,2 -> 3 read 2 cycles of length 2 leads to 3 permutations: 2,1,4,3, 3,4,1,2,4,3,2,1
1,3 -> 9 read 1 cycle of length 1 and 1 cycle of length 3 leads to 9 permutations 1,3,2,4, 1,3,4,2, 1,4,2,3, 2,3,1,4, 2,4,3,1, 3,1,2,4, 3,2,4,1,4,1,3,2, 4,2,1,3,
4 -> 6 read 1 cycle of length 4 leads to 6 permutations:
2,3,4,1, 2,4,1,3, 3,1,4,2, 3,4,2,1, 4,1,2,3, 4,3,1,2
How can i compute the permutation count of a given set consisting cycle lengths? Iterating through all permutations is not an option.
For a given cycle type, we can produce a permutation with that cycle type by writing down a permutation of the list 1, ..., n and then bracketing it appropriately, according to the lengths in the cycle type, to get a permutation written in cycle notation.
For example, if we want cycle type (3, 2, 2), then the permutation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 is bracketed as (1 2 3)(4 5)(6 7), while 5, 1, 6, 2, 4, 3, 7 gives (5 1 6)(2 4)(3 7).
It's clear that we get all permutations of cycle type (3, 2, 2) this way, but it's also clear that we can get each permutation in multiple different ways. There are two causes of overcounting: first, we can make a cyclic shift for any of the cycles: (5 1 6)(2 4)(3 7) is the same permutation as (1 6 5)(2 4)(3 7) or (6 5 1)(2 4)(3 7). Second, cycles of the same length can be permuted arbitrarily: (5 1 6)(2 4)(3 7) is the same permutation as (5 1 6)(3 7)(2 4). A bit of thought should convince you that these are the only possible causes of overcounting.
To account for both causes of overcounting, we divide the total number of permutations by (a) the product of the cycle lengths, and also (b) the factorial of the number of cycles for any given cycle length. In the (3, 2, 2) case: we divide by 3 × 2 × 2 for (a), and 2! for (b), because there are two cycles of length 2.
Since this is Stack Overflow, here's some Python code:
from collections import Counter
from math import factorial
def count_cycle_type(p):
"""Number of permutations with a given cycle type."""
count = factorial(sum(p))
for cycle_length, ncycles in Counter(p).items():
count //= cycle_length ** ncycles * factorial(ncycles)
return count
>>> count_cycle_type((2, 2))
>>> count_cycle_type((3, 2, 2))
To double check correctness, we can add the counts for all cycle types of a given length n, and check that we get n!. The cycle types are the partitions of n. We can compute those fairly simply by a recursive algorithm. Here's some code to do that. partitions is the function we want; bounded_partitions is a helper.
def bounded_partitions(n, k):
"""Generate partitions of n with largest element <= k."""
if k == 0:
if n == 0:
yield ()
if n >= k:
for c in bounded_partitions(n - k, k):
yield (k,) + c
yield from bounded_partitions(n, k - 1)
def partitions(n):
"""Generate partitions of n."""
return bounded_partitions(n, n)
>>> for partition in partitions(5): print(partition)
(4, 1)
(3, 2)
(3, 1, 1)
(2, 2, 1)
(2, 1, 1, 1)
(1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
And here's the double check: the sum of all the cycle type counts, for total lengths 5, 6, 7 and 20. We get the expected results of 5!, 6!, 7! and 20!.
>>> sum(count_cycle_type(p) for p in partitions(5))
>>> sum(count_cycle_type(p) for p in partitions(6))
>>> sum(count_cycle_type(p) for p in partitions(7))
>>> sum(count_cycle_type(p) for p in partitions(20))
>>> factorial(20)
This can be broken down into:
The number of ways to partition elements in to buckets matching the required count of elements with each distinct cycle size;
Multiplied by, for each distinct cycle size, the number of unique ways to partition the elements evenly into the required number of cycles;
Multiplied by, for each cycle, the number of distinct cyclic orderings
1: For bucket sizes s1...sk, that works out to n!/(s1! * ... * sk!)
2: For a bucket containing m elements that must be partitioned into c cycles, there are m!/( (m/c)!c * c! ) ways
3: For a cycle containing m elements, there are (m-1)! distinct cyclic orderings if m > 1, and just 1 ordering otherwise

Random triplet number generator

I would like to create code for a random number generator for predetermined sets of triplets (200 sets in total to randomize). I would like the sets of triplets to form a set of six numbers and the set of triplets to remain unique.
example triplets A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9, 10 11 12, 13 14 15]; etc
I would like resulting triplet to retain their original sequence
1 2 3 + 4 5 6, 1 2 3 + 7 8 9, 1 2 3 + 10 11 12, 1 2 3 + 13 14 15
I am not a coder, so any help would be appreciated
You want to pick three triplets, keeping them in order. So your first triplet cannot be too close to the end -- there have to be at least two more triplets after it. Similarly, the second triplet you pick needs at least one unpicked triplet after it.
I assume that you have your triplets in an array or similar, numbered 0 to 199.
Pick a random number A in the range 0 to 197. That is the index of your first triplet.
Pick a second random number B in the range (A + 1) to 198. That is the index of your second triplet.
Pick a third random number C in the range (B + 1) to 199. That is the index of your third triplet.
The range of random numbers you pick from is affected by the numbers you have previously picked and the number of picks remaining.

Project Euler - 68

I have already read What is an "external node" of a "magic" 3-gon ring? and I have solved problems up until 90 but this n-gon thing totally baffles me as I don't understand the question at all.
So I take this ring and I understand that the external circles are 4, 5, 6 as they are outside the inner circle. Now he says there are eight solutions. And the eight solutions are without much explanation listed below. Let me take
9 4,2,3; 5,3,1; 6,1,2
9 4,3,2; 6,2,1; 5,1,3
So how do we arrive at the 2 solutions? I understand 4, 3, 2, is in straight line and 6,2,1 is in straight line and 5, 1, 3 are in a straight line and they are in clockwise so the second solution makes sense.
Why does the first solution 4,2,3; 5,3,1; 6,1,2 go anti clock wise? Should it not be 423 612 and then 531?
How do we arrive at 8 solutions. Is it just randomly picking three numbers? What exactly does it mean to solve a "N-gon"?
The first doesn't go anti-clockwise. It's what you get from the configuration
/ \
when you go clockwise, starting with the smallest number in the outer ring.
How do we arrive at 8 solutions. Is it just randomly picking three numbers? What exactly does it mean to solve a "N-gon"?
For an N-gon, you have an inner N-gon, and for each side of the N-gon one spike, like
| |
so that the spike together with the side of the inner N-gon connects a group of three places. A "solution" of the N-gon is a configuration where you placed the numbers from 1 to 2*N so that each of the N groups sums to the same value.
The places at the end of the spikes appear in only one group each, the places on the vertices of the inner N-gon in two. So the sum of the sums of all groups is
∑ k + ∑{ numbers on vertices }
The sum of the numbers on the vertices of the inner N-gon is at least 1 + 2 + ... + N = N*(N+1)/2 and at most (N+1) + (N+2) + ... + 2*N = N² + N*(N+1)/2 = N*(3*N+1)/2.
Hence the sum of the sums of all groups is between
N*(2*N+1) + N*(N+1)/2 = N*(5*N+3)/2
N*(2*N+1) + N*(3*N+1)/2 = N*(7*N+3)/2
inclusive, and the sum per group must be between
again inclusive.
For the triangle - N = 3 - the bounds are (5*3+3)/2 = 9 and (7*3+3)/2 = 12. For a square - N = 4 - the bounds are (5*4+3)/2 = 11.5 and (7*4+3)/2 = 15.5 - since the sum must be an integer, the possible sums are 12, 13, 14, 15.
Going back to the triangle, if the sum of each group is 9, the sum of the sums is 27, and the sum of the numbers on the vertices must be 27 - (1+2+3+4+5+6) = 27 - 21 = 6 = 1+2+3, so the numbers on the vertices are 1, 2 and 3.
For the sum to be 9, the value at the end of the spike for the side connecting 1 and 2 must be 6, for the side connecting 1 and 3, the spike value must be 5, and 4 for the side connecting 2 and 3.
If you start with the smallest value on the spikes - 4 - you know you have to place 2 and 3 on the vertices of the side that spike protrudes from. There are two ways to arrange the two numbers there, leading to the two solutions for sum 9.
If the sum of each group is 10, the sum of the sums is 30, and the sum of the numbers on the vertices must be 9. To represent 9 as the sum of three distinct numbers from 1 to 6, you have the possibilities
1 + 2 + 6
1 + 3 + 5
2 + 3 + 4
For the first group, you have one side connecting 1 and 2, so you'd need a 7 on the end of the spike to make 10 - no solution.
For the third group, the minimal sum of two of the numbers is 5, but 5+6 = 11 > 10, so there's no place for the 6 - no solution.
For the second group, the sums of the sides are
1 + 3 = 4 -- 6 on the spike
1 + 5 = 6 -- 4 on the spike
3 + 5 = 8 -- 2 on the spike
and you have two ways to arrange 3 and 5, so that the group is either 2-3-5 or 2-5-3, the rest follows again.
The solutions for the sums 11 and 12 can be obtained similarly, or by replacing k with 7-k in the solutions for the sums 9 resp. 10.
To solve the problem, you must now find out
what it means to obtain a 16-digit string or a 17-digit string
which sum for the groups gives rise to the largest value when the numbers are concatenated in the prescribed way.
(And use pencil and paper for the fastest solution.)
