Define alias for blade directory in laravel - laravel

How i can define blade directory in liravel ?
I wanna to use:
return view('panel::post.create');
// e.g : resurces/views/vendor/panel/post/create.blade.php
How i should define vendor/panel as panel:: ?

You may do this using the service provider's loadViewsFrom method. The loadViewsFrom method accepts two arguments: the path to your view templates and your package's name. For example, if your package's name is panel, you would add the following to your service provider's boot method:
public function boot()
$this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__.'/path/to/views', 'panel');
Package views are referenced using the package::view syntax convention. So, once your view path is registered in a service provider, you may load the admin view from the panel package like so:
Route::get('admin', function () {
return view('panel::admin');
Read more at official Laravel documentation.


Laravel with multiple custom paginations

I made a custom Laravel pagination but dashboard isn't with the same styling , So I wanna make another one.
Following the Laravel documentation :
If you would like to designate a different file as the default pagination view, you may invoke the paginator's defaultView and defaultSimpleView methods within the boot method of your App\Providers\AppServiceProvider class:
public function boot()
If you want to use Bootstrap style :
You have all documentation here :

How can I create routes similar to Auth::routes()

I created a laravel package with routes. I want to do something similar to Laravel's authentication scaffolding Auth::routes(), where they are injected into whatever file you want to include them (i.e. api.php or web.php).
I am currently using
public function boot()
But this makes the routes available from anywhere, which I do not want.
I understand I should use a Service Container, but this is my first package and first time creating my own Service Provider, so I am not too sure how to do so, and I couldn't find documentation on how to use these for routes.
Instead, I want to be able to do something along the lines of:
Route::group(['prefix'=>'v1', 'middleware:auth-api'], function(){
Logging::routes(); //<-----
Simple solution, make a class that has a static method that declares your routes.
// your/package/Logging.php
class Logging
public static method routes()
...your routes...
// routes/web.php
use Your/Package/Logging;

Laravel 5 Unable to access currently logged in user id from custom helper

In AppServiceProvider, I called a function from a custom helper as follows:
public function boot()
View::share('tree', customhelper::generateSiteTree(0));
The custom helper file is calling the database function as below:
$children = UserPermission::getLeftNavByUserId($startAt);
In the custom helper function, I want to pass the current logged in user ID however, dd(Auth::user()) is returning null.
How can I pass the Auth::user()->id with the method
getLeftNavByUserId($startAt, Auth::user()->id);
The variable (or Facade) isn't available yet. One way to solve this is by using a view composer.
View::composer('my.view.with.children', function(View $view){
$view->with('children', UserPermission::getLeftNavByUserId($startAt, Auth::id()));
Ofcourse you need to add a check if the user is logged in or not etc.
Custom helper function will be initialized in application instance before the Auth middleware therfore it will always be null, if you want to use the auth user bind it from middlware instead.

laravel syntax '::' at view function meaning

namespace Laravel\Horizon\Http\Controllers;
class HomeController extends Controller
* Single page application catch-all route.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function index()
return view('horizon::app'); // what's the meaning of this 'horizon::app'
I found this syntax in the Laravel-Horizon Controller, can anyone explain this:
What is the meaning of 'horizon::app'?
Like others answers stated, that is known as view namespaces. It not limited to the package's view, but you can use it inside your project as well.
As example you might have admin and customer module and want to differentiate their view by their own folder name, at this point you could use the namespace declaration. As example you might have these folders structures:
|- resources
|- views
|- admin
|- index.blade.php
|- customer
|- index.blade.php
Then you could register your own namespace that point to that particular folder path in AppServiceProvider.php:
app('view')->addNamespace('admin', base_path() . '/resources/views/admin');
// or
app('view')->addNamespace('customer', base_path() . '/resources/views/customer');
And later on, inside controller's method, you can reference it using:
return view("admin::index");
// or
return view("customer::index");
This syntax indicates that the View named app belongs to the horizon package. Think of it as package::view.path.
More info in Laravel's Package Development documentation.
To register your package's views with Laravel, you need to tell Laravel where the views are located.
Package views are referenced using the package::view syntax convention. So, once your view path is registered in a service provider, you may load the admin view from the courier package like so:
Route::get('admin', function () {
return view('courier::admin');
This feature used to be called view namespaces, if you've seen that term or want something else to search for. :)
:: is the scope (namespace) operator. Meaning app is declared within horizon.
Example (from
class MyClass {
    const CONST_VALUE = 'Un valor constante';
$classname = 'MyClass';
echo $classname::CONST_VALUE; // A partir de PHP 5.3.0
echo MyClass::CONST_VALUE;

how to create global function that can be accessed from any controller and blade file

I have two controller file homecontroller and backendcontroller. What is the best way to create global function and access it from both files?
I found here Arian Acosta's answer helpful but I wonder if there is an easiest way. I would appreciate any suggestions.
One way to do this is to create a class and use its instance, this way you can not only access the object of the class within a controller, blade, or any other class as well.
AppHelper file
In you app folder create a folder named Helpers and within it create a file name AppHelper or any of your choice
namespace App\Helpers;
class AppHelper
public function bladeHelper($someValue)
return "increment $someValue";
public function startQueryLog()
public function showQueries()
public static function instance()
return new AppHelper();
In a controller
When in a controller you can call the various functions
public function index()
//some code
//need to debug query
//some code that executes queries
In a blade file
Say you were in a blade file, here is how you can call the app blade helper function
some html code
{{ \App\Helpers\AppHelper::instance()->bladeHelper($value) }}
and then some html code
Reduce the overhead of namespace (Optional)
You can also reduce the overhead of call the complete function namespace \App\Helpers by creating alias for the AppHelper class in config\app.php
'aliases' => [
'AppHelper' => App\Helpers\AppHelper::class
and in your controller or your blade file, you can directly call
Easy Solution:
Create a new Helpers folder in your app directory.
Create a php file named your_helper_function.php in that Helpers directory.
Add your function(s) inside your_helper_function.php
function your_function($parameters){
//function logic
function your_another_function($parameters){
//function logic
Add this file to the Files key of your composer.json like
"autoload": {
"files": [
Finally, regenerate composer autoload files. (Run this in your project directory)
composer dump-autoload
That's it! and now you can access your_function() or your_another_function() in any part of your Laravel project.
If you still have any confusion, check my blog post on how to do this:
How to Add a Global Function in Laravel Using Composer?
Step 1
Add folder inside app folder
Step 2
add php Class inside Helper folder
Eg. Helper.php
Add namespace and class to the Helper.php
namespace App\Helper;
class Helper
Register this Helper.php into config/app.php file
'aliases' => [
'Helper' => App\Helper\Helper::class
Now, write all the functions inside Helper.php and it will be accessible everywhere.
How to access from Controller?
Step 1 - Add a namespace at top of the controller.
use App\Helper\Helper;
Step 2 - Call function - Assume there a getInformation() inside the Helper Class.
$information = Helper::getInformation()
In your Controller.php which extends BaseController, you can create a function like;
public function data($arr = false)
$data['foo'] = 'bar';
return array_merge($data,$arr);
And from any controller when you send a data to a view;
public function example()
$data['smthg'] = 'smthgelse';
return view('myView',$this->data($data));
The data in the the main controller can be accessed from all controllers and blades.
The Laravel Service Provider way
I've been using global function within Laravel for a while and I want to share how I do it. It's kind of a mix between 2 answers in this post : and
This way will load a file within a ServiceProvider and register it within your Laravel app.
Where is the difference, the scope, it's always about the scope.
Composer //Autload whitin composer.json method
|--->Laravel App //My method
|--->Controller //Trait method
|--->Blade //Trait method
|--->Listener //Trait method
This is a really simplist way to explain my point, all three methods will achieve the purpose of the "Global function". The Traits method will need you to declare use App\Helpers\Trait; or App\Helpers\Trait::function().
The composer and service provider are almost about the same. For me, they answer better to the question of what is a global function, because they don't require to declare them on each place you want to use them. You just use them function(). The main difference is how you prefer things.
How to
Create the functions file : App\Functions\GlobalFunctions.php
function first_function()
//function logic
function second_function()
//function logic
Create a ServiceProvider:
//Into the console
php artisan make:provider GlobalFunctionsServiceProvider
Open the new file App\Providers\GlobalFunctionsServiceProvider.php and edit the register method
public function register()
require_once base_path().'/app/Functions/GlobalFunctions.php';
Register your provider into App\Config\App.php wihtin the providers
'providers' => [
* Laravel Framework Service Providers...
App\Providers\GlobalFunctionsServiceProvider::class, //Add your service provider
Run some artisan's commands
//Into the console
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan config:cache
Use your new global functions
//Use your function anywhere within your Laravel app
Laravel uses namespaces by default. So you need to follow the method described in that answer to setup a helper file.
Though in your case you want to access a method in different controllers. For this there's a simpler way. Add a method to you base controller app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php and you can access them in every other controller since they extend it.
// in app/Http/Controllers/Controller.php
protected function dummy()
return 'dummy';
// in homecontroller
There are a few ways, depending on the exact functionality you're trying to add.
1) Create a function inside Controller.php, and make all other controller extend that controller. You could somewhat compair this to the master.blade.php
2) Create a trait, a trait can do a lot for you, and keeping ur controllers clean. I personally love to use traits as it will look clean, keep my Controller.php from being a mess with tons of different lines of code.
Creating a global function
create a Helpers.php file under a folder, let's name it 'core'.
-- Helpers.php
namespace Helpers; // define Helper scope
if(!function_exists('html')) {
function html($string) {
// run some code
return $str;
In your composer.json
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"files": [
in the file that you want to use it
// the " use " statement is not needed, core/Helpers is loaded on every page
if(condition_is_true) {
echo Helpers\html($string);die();
Remove the namespace in Helpers.php if you want to call your function without the need to prefix namespace. However I advise to leave it there.
By using composer.json and put the function containing file(globalhelper.php) to the autoload > files section, then run
composer dump-autoload
You can access the function inside the file(globalhelper.php) without having to calling the class name, just like using default php function.
