How many edges in dense graph - algorithm

I have read that in the dense graph, the number of edges is (n^2) and I don't know-how
If I have a graph and every node connected to other all nodes then the number edges will be ( (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + ..... + 1) so, how the edges in dense graph are (n^2)

It depends on whether your graph is directed. In an undirected dense graph, the number of edges is (n · (n − 1) / 2) (which is equal to your series). In a directed graph, the number is double that, so just (n · (n − 1)).
This is not exactly (n²), but very close to it. You can say that n² is an upper bound, so it is maybe more appropriate to say O(n²) if that makes sense in the context.

It's the Big O notation, maybe what they mean is the complexity when you do a graph traversal.
In Big O notation : O(n²/2) = O(n²)


How do you solve this recurrence relation using the recursion tree?

I am having a difficult time understanding and solving recurrence relations. Can someone please help me with this particular one?
Look at this image:
Which is a recursion tree you can continue.
Also, it's like this one I have found in the URL: Recursion tree T(n) = T(n/3) + T(2n/3) + cn
Which may help you for further help. It's almost like your question, just use c=1 instead of c.
The shortest path to a leaf occurs when we take the heavy branch each time.
Consider k as the height of the tree results: (pow(n*(1/3),k) ≤ 1) meaning k ≥ lg3 n.
The longest path to a leaf occurs when we take the light branch each time.
Consider k as the height of the tree results: (pow(n*(2/3),k) ≤ 1) meaning k ≥ lg3/2 n.
Now look at this image:
This means on any full level, the sum of the additive terms to n.
Now, let's look at what we have.
If you pick height to be
log3 n
The result would be:
T(n) ≥ nlog3 n --> T(n) ≥ Ω (nlogn)
If you pick height to be
log3/2 n
The result would be:
T(n) ≥ nlog3/2 n --> T(n) ≤ O(nlogn)
And this two (1 & 2) will leads us to T(n) = Θ(nlogn)
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Time complexity of BFS and DFS on a BinaryTree: Why O(n)?

The time complexity of BFS, or DFS, on a graph is O(V+E) because we traverse all the nodes and edges of the graph. (I get that) But for a binary tree, the time complexity of BFS and DFS is O(V)... Why is that?
I am assuming is because of the following: O(V+E) = O(V + V-1) = O(2V) = O(V). Is this the correct reasoning? If not, an intuitive explanation would be much appreciated. Thanks
All trees have n - 1 edges, n being the number of nodes. The time complexity is still technically O(V + E), but that equates to O(n + (n-1)) = O(n).
you can actually see it in a different way, without the use of graphs.
n is the number of nodes.
And denote the steps required for traversing through the whole tree f(n) (note, the time complexity will then be O(f(n))).
Consider that for each node we need to:
either visit that, or traverse it through on the left, and traverse it through on the right, and eventually return on it at most one time.
All these 4 operations can happen at most Once for each node. Agree?
From this we deduce that f(n) <= 4n.
Agree? Because for each node we can have at most those 4 operations. Remind we have n nodes.
Obviously, at the same time, n <= f(n)
because we need to visit each node at least once.
n <= f(n) <= 4n
Applying the O notation, we get
O(n) <= O(f(n)) <= O(4n)
Reminding that O(4n) = O(n) by properties of O (invariance due to multiplicative constants different from 0), we get that
O(n) <= O(f(n)) <= O(4n) = O(n),
O(n) <= O(f(n)) <= O(n)
Notice the left side of this chain of inequality is equal to the right side of the chain, meaning that it is not only a chain of inequality, but a chain of equalities, or
O(n) = O(f(n)) = O(n)
meaning that the complexity is O(n)

Complexity of array sum with divide and conquer

Let the following algorithm be:
sum(v, i, j) {
if i == j
return v[i]
else {
k = (i + j) / 2
return sum(v, i, k) + sum(v, k+1, j)
The time complexity of this algorithm is O(n), but how can I prove (in natural language) its complexity? The problem always gets divided in two new problems so that would be O(log n), but where does the rest of the complexity come from?
Applying master theorem yields the expected result, O(n).
From a high level perspective, your algorithm acts as if it is traversing a balanced binary tree, where each node covers a specific interval [i, j]. Their children divide the interval into 2, roughly equal parts, namely [i, (i+j)/2] and [(i+j)/2 + 1, j].
Let's assume that they are, in this case equal. (in other words, for the sake of the proof, the length of the array n is a power of 2)
Think of it in the following way. There are n leaves of this balanced binary tree your algorithm is traversing. Each are responsible from an interval of length 1. There are n/2 nodes of the tree that are the parents of these n leaves. Those n/2 nodes have n/4 parents. This goes all the way until you reach the root node of the tree, which covers the entire interval.
Think of how many nodes there are in this tree. n + (n/2) + (n/4) + (n/8) + ... + 2 + 1. Since we initially assumed that n = 2^k, we can formulate this sum as the sum of exponents, for which the summation formula is well known. It turns out that there are 2^(k+1) - 1 = 2 * (2^k) - 1 = 2n - 1 nodes in that tree. So, obviously traversing all nodes of that tree would take O(n) time.
Dividing the problem in two parts does not necessarly mean that complexity is log(n).
I guess you are referring to binary search algorithm but in that every division each half is skipped as we know search key would be in other side of division.
Just by looking at the sudo code , Recursive call is made for every division and it is not skipping anything. Why would it be log(n)?
O(n) is correct complexity.

Give an asymptotic upper bound on the height of an n-node binary search tree in which the average depth of a node is Θ(lg n)

Recently, I'm trying to solve all the exercises in CLRS. but there are some of them i can't figure out. Here is one of them, from CLRS exercise 12.4-2:
Describe a binary search tree on n nodes such that the average depth of a node in the tree is Θ(lg n) but the height of the tree is ω(lg n). Give an asymptotic upper bound on the height of an n-node binary search tree in which the average depth of a node is Θ(lg n).
Can anyone share some ideas or references to solve this problem? Thanks.
So let's suppose that we build the tree this way: given n nodes, take f(n) nodes and set them aside. Then build a tree by building a perfect binary tree where the root has a left subtree that's a perfect binary tree of n - f(n) - 1 nodes and a right subtree that's a chain of length f(n). We'll pick f(n) later.
So what's the average depth in the tree? Since we just want an asymptotic bound, let's pick n such that n - f(n) - 1 is one less than a perfect power of two, say, 2^k - 1. In that case, the sum of the heights in this part of the tree is 1*2 + 2*3 + 4*4 + 8*5 + ... + 2^(k-1) * k, which is (IIRC) about k 2^k, which is just about (n - f(n)) log (n - f(n)) by our choice of k. In the other part of the tree, the total depth is about f(n)^2. This means that the average path length is about ((n - f(n))log (n - f(n)) + f(n)^2) / n. Also, the height of the tree is f(n). So we want to maximize f(n) while keeping the average depth O(log n).
To do this, we need to find f(n) such that
n - f(n) = Θ(n), or the log term in the numerator disappears and the height isn't logarithmic,
f(n)^2 / n = O(log n), or the second term in the numerator gets too big.
If you pick f(n) = Θ(sqrt(n log n)), I think that 1 and 2 are satisfied maximally. So I'd wager (though I could be totally wrong about this) that this is as good as you can get. You get a tree of height Θ(sqrt(n log n)) that has average depth Θ(Log n).
Hope this helps! If my math is way off, please let me know. It's late now and I haven't done my usual double-checking. :-)
first maximize the height of the tree. (have a tree where each node only has one child node, so you have a long chain going downward).
Check the average depth. (obviously the average depth will be too high).
while the average depth is too high, you must decrease the height of the tree by one.
There are many ways to decrease the height of the tree by one. Choose the way which minimizes the average height. (prove by induction that each time you should select the one that minimizes the average height). Keep going until you fall under the average height requirement. (e.g. calculate using induction a formula for the height and the average depth).
If you are trying to maximize the height of a tree while minimizing the average depth of all the nodes of the tree, the unambiguous best shape would be an "umbrella" shape, e.g. a full binary tree with k nodes and height = lg k, where 0 < k < n, along with a single path, or "tail", of n-k nodes coming out of one of the leaves of the full part. The height of this tree is roughly lg k + n - k.
Now let's compute the total depth of all the nodes. The sum of the depths of the nodes of the full part is sum[ j * 2^j ], where the sum is taken from j=0 to j=lg k. By some algebra, the dominant term of the result is 2k lg k.
Next, the sum of the depths of the tail part is given by sum[i + lg k], where the sum is taken from i=0 to i=n-k. By some algebra, the result is approximately (n-k)lg k + (1/2)(n-k)^2.
Hence, summing the two parts above together and dividing by n, the average depth of all the nodes is (1 + k/n) lg k + (n-k)^2 / (2n). Note that because 0 < k < n, the first term here is O(lg n) no matter what k we choose. Hence, we need only make sure the second term is O(lg n). To do so, we require that (n-k)^2 = O(n lg n), or k = n - O(sqrt(n lg n)). With this choice, the height of the tree is
lg k + n - k = O( sqrt(n lg n) )
this is asymptotically larger than the ordinary O(lg n), and is asymptotically the tallest you can make the tree while keeping the average depth to be O(lg n)

Disjoint sets with forest implementation without path compression

Consider a forest implementation of disjoint sets with only the weighted union heuristics (NO PATH COMPRESSION!) with n distinct elements. Define T(n,m) to be the worst case time complexity of executing a sequence of n-1 unions and m finds in any order, where m is any positive integer greater than n.
I defined T(n,m) to be the sequence of doing n-1 unions and then m finds AFTERWARDS because doing the find operation on the biggest tree possible would take the longest. Accordingly, T(n,m) = m*log(n) + n - 1 because each union takes O(1) so n-1 unions is n-1 steps, and each find takes log(n) steps per as the height of the resultant tree after n-1 unions is bounded by log_2 (n).
My problem now is, does the T(n,m) chosen look fine?
Secondly, is T(n,m) Big Omega (m*log(n)) ? My claim is that it is with c = 1 and n >= 2, given that the smallest possible T(n,m) is m*log(2) + 1, which is obviously greater than m*log(2). Seems rather stupid to ask this but it seemed rather too easy for a solution, so I have my suspicions regarding my correctness.
Thanks in advance.
Yes to T(n, m) looking fine, though I suppose you could give a formal induction proof that the worst-case is unions followed by finds.
As for proving that T(n, m) is Ω(m log(n)), you need to show that there exist n0 and m0 and c such that for all n ≥ n0 and all m ≥ m0, it holds that T(n, m) ≥ c m log(n). What you've written arguably shows this only for n = 2.
