How to not consider Row delimiter which is present in the column data in Informatica Source - informatica-powercenter

I am having a csv file as source with ; as Column Delimiter,LF as Row Delimiter and my data is enclosed within "". If i get LF(Row delimiter) in data we should not consider it as Row Delimiter.My target is Oracle database.
How to get the required output below while using informatica.
Required Output should be 2 rows only:
Name Address
Ram Hyderabad
Sita Hyderabad, INDIA-500084.
Wrong Output i am getting is 3 rows:
Name Address
Ram Hyderabad
Sita Hyderabad,

Looks to me that you need to do a find & replace on your source before processing to get rid of those LF strings within double quotes.
Unfortunatelly, Informatica probably does a split on LF to rows first, so you need to reprocess the source before Informatica reads it. Try using Command as Source and use sed.

In the 'Config Object' tab of the session put the override for 'Custom Properties' as MatchQuotesPastEndOfLine=Yes;
This will read the lines even after the LF till it sees the end of quotes.


how to use oracle sqlldr to load excel csv file without comma at end

I have csv file as:
control file: fields terminated by ','
however, when I load the data, I got ORA-01722 invalid number.
if I add , at the end of the file like 1,2,3, then all three columns will be loaded, is there any option to load all three columns without ending comma?
Thank you all very much for the help. I did save in windows and loaded into Unix. I checked my file, it has control M, carriage return, once I deleted \r, I was able to load successfully. Thank you all.

HIVE: apply delimiter until a specified column

I am trying to move data from a file into a hive table. The data in the file looks something like this:-
StringA StringB StringC StringD StringE
where each string is separated by a space. The problem is that i want separate columns for StringA, StringB and StringC and one column for StringD onwards i.e. StringD and String E should be part of the same column. If i use
ROW DELIMITED BY FIELDS TERMINATED BY ' ', Hive would produce separate columns for StringD and StringE. (StringD and StringE contain space within themselves whereas other strings do not contain spaces within themselves)
Is there any special syntax in hive to achieve this or do i need to pre-process my data file in some way?
Use regular expresion
you can define when use space as delimiter and when part of data

LINES TERMINATED BY only supports newline '\n' right now

I have files where the column is delimited by char(30) and the lines are delimited by char(31). I'm using these delimiters mainly because the columns may contain newline (\n), so the default line delimiter for hive is not useful for us.
I have tried to change the line delimiter in hive but get the error below:
LINES TERMINATED BY only supports newline '\n' right now.
Any suggestion?
Write custom SerDe may work?
is there any plan to enhance this functionality in hive in new releases?
Not sure if this helps, or is the best answer, but when faced with this issue, what we ended up doing is setting the 'textinputformat.record.delimiter' Map/Reduce java property to the value being used. In our case it was a string "{EOL}", but could be any unique string for all practical purposes.
We set this in our beeline shell which allowed us to pull back the fields correctly. It should be noted that once we did this, we converted the data to Avro as fast as possible so we didn't need to explain to every user, and the user's baby brother, to set the {EOL} line delimiter.
set textinputformat.record.delimiter={EOL};
Here is the full example.
#example CSV data (fields broken by '^' and end of lines broken by the String '{EOL}'
11111^Some THings WIth
New Lines in THem{EOL}11112^Some Other THings..,?{EOL}
111113^Some crazy thin
just crazy{EOL}11114^And Some Normal THings.
#here is the CSV table we laid on top of the data
#here is the Avro table which we'll migrate into below.
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs://nameservice/archive/avro_schemas/CRAZY_DATA.avsc');
#And finally, the magic is here. We set the custom delimiter and import into our Avro table.
set textinputformat.record.delimiter={EOL};
I have worked it out by using the option during the extract --hive-delims-replacement ' ' in sqoop so the characters \n \001 \r are removed from the columns.

Delimeter files issues

I do have a flat file with not a fixed structure like
bob,8888,2nd main,5th floor,avenue road
Here the last column Address has the value 2nd main,5th floor,avenue road but since the same delimeter , is used for seperating columns also i am not getting any clue how to handle the same.
the structure of flat file may change from file to file.
How to handle such kind of flat files while importing using Informatica or SQL * Loader or UTL Files
I will not have any access to flat file just i should read the data from it but i can't edit the data in flat file.
Using SQLLoader
load data
into table schema.table
fields terminated by '~'
trailing nullcols
name "regexp_substr(:line, '^[^,]+')",
phone_num "regexp_substr(:line, '[^,]+', 1, 2)",
Address "regexp_replace(:line, '^.*?,.*?,')"
you need to change your source file to enclose the fields in an escape character eg:
bob,8888,^2nd main,5th floor,avenue road^
then in sql-loader you'd put:
just pick a delimiter that doesn't normally appear in your data.
If you could get the source data enclosed within double quotes ( or any quotes for that matter) you can make use of 'Optional Quotes' option in Informatica while reading from Flat file

Showing only actual column data in SQL*Plus

I'm spooling out delimited text files from SQL*Plus, but every column is printed as the full size per its definition, rather than the data actually in that row.
For instance, a column defined as 10 characters, with a row value of "test", is printing out as "test " instead of "test". I can confirm this by selecting the column along with the value of its LENGTH function. It prints "test |4".
It kind of defeats the purpose of a delimiter if it forces me into fixed-width. Is there a SET option that will fix this, or some other way to make it print only the actual column data.
I don't want to add TRIM to every column, because if a value is actually stored with spaces I want to be able to keep them.
I have seen many SQL*plus script, that create text files like this:
select A || ';' || B || ';' || C || ';' || D
from T
where ...
It's a strong indication to me that you can't just switch to variable length output with a SET command.
Instead of ';' you can of course use any other delimiter. And it's up to your query to properly escape any characters that could be confused with a delimiter or a line feed.
Generally, I'd forget SQL Plus as a method for getting CSV out of Oracle.
Tom Kyte has written a nice little Pro-C unloader
Personally I've written a utility which does similar but in perl
